Ingraham: Innocent people are paying the price for multicultism

Uh, that's because those are crime totals, and this is still a White majority nation.

Besides, you are aware that Hispanics are usually counted often as White in crime statistics?

You are wrong about Hispanics being counted as Whites in every category. How did you miss that when you looked at the UCR? Homicide rates, for instance, separate Whites from Hispanics.

Show me where I said Hispanics are counted as White in every category?

I said Hispanics are usually counted as White, nothing about an absolute rule.
Let's just say I wanted to make it clear that,especially in regards to homicides, whites and Hispanics are counted separately.

The statistic he used said that close to 70% of crime was White, and 25% Black.
Obviously that statistic lumped Hispanics mostly as White.

Nope. The UCR has whites arrested at 70 percent in America. Whites. The excuse if hispanics being put in the white category is weak.

If there's no category for "Hispanics" even many "Dark brown Amigos" end up as "White" by crime.

BTW, it seems someone still doesn't understand proportions.
You are wrong about Hispanics being counted as Whites in every category. How did you miss that when you looked at the UCR? Homicide rates, for instance, separate Whites from Hispanics.

Show me where I said Hispanics are counted as White in every category?

I said Hispanics are usually counted as White, nothing about an absolute rule.
Let's just say I wanted to make it clear that,especially in regards to homicides, whites and Hispanics are counted separately.

The statistic he used said that close to 70% of crime was White, and 25% Black.
Obviously that statistic lumped Hispanics mostly as White.

Nope. The UCR has whites arrested at 70 percent in America. Whites. The excuse if hispanics being put in the white category is weak.

If there's no category for "Hispanics" even many "Dark brown Amigos" end up as "White" by crime.

BTW, it seems someone still doesn't understand proportions.

I understand that using proportion is invalid as an argument.

Show me where I said Hispanics are counted as White in every category?

I said Hispanics are usually counted as White, nothing about an absolute rule.
Let's just say I wanted to make it clear that,especially in regards to homicides, whites and Hispanics are counted separately.

The statistic he used said that close to 70% of crime was White, and 25% Black.
Obviously that statistic lumped Hispanics mostly as White.

Nope. The UCR has whites arrested at 70 percent in America. Whites. The excuse if hispanics being put in the white category is weak.

If there's no category for "Hispanics" even many "Dark brown Amigos" end up as "White" by crime.

BTW, it seems someone still doesn't understand proportions.

I understand that using proportion is invalid as an argument.

According to your data, a Black person was 2X more likely to commit a crime than the general population.
Let's just say I wanted to make it clear that,especially in regards to homicides, whites and Hispanics are counted separately.

The statistic he used said that close to 70% of crime was White, and 25% Black.
Obviously that statistic lumped Hispanics mostly as White.

Nope. The UCR has whites arrested at 70 percent in America. Whites. The excuse if hispanics being put in the white category is weak.

If there's no category for "Hispanics" even many "Dark brown Amigos" end up as "White" by crime.

BTW, it seems someone still doesn't understand proportions.

I understand that using proportion is invalid as an argument.

According to your data, a Black person was 2X more likely to commit a crime than the general population.

No it doesn't.
The statistic he used said that close to 70% of crime was White, and 25% Black.
Obviously that statistic lumped Hispanics mostly as White.

Nope. The UCR has whites arrested at 70 percent in America. Whites. The excuse if hispanics being put in the white category is weak.

If there's no category for "Hispanics" even many "Dark brown Amigos" end up as "White" by crime.

BTW, it seems someone still doesn't understand proportions.

I understand that using proportion is invalid as an argument.

According to your data, a Black person was 2X more likely to commit a crime than the general population.

No it doesn't.

Yes it really does, Blacks made up roughly 13% of the U.S.A, but committed roughly 25% of the crime in the U.S.A.
Sorry, my little Hitler youth, but we are not one nation - one race. You can find that (just not here).

Your Godwin in noted. YOu lose.
Sorry, he is a Hitler youth. I'm exempt.

And yet, you are unable to actually attack the point of the OP, ie that innocent people are paying the price for multiculturalism, on substance.

Regardless of whether he is an Nazi, if the entirety of your argument is to attack the messenger with a Godwin, you still lose.

Is it because you CAN'T defend multiculturalism on it's own merits? THat you know that his op is actually correct?
Multi-Culti only makes sense if you're a Cultural Suicide -type who refuses to defend his own...


You know... pussies... in far too many cases, a.k.a. LibTard World-Without-Borders types...

The Brits are finally beginning to figure this out, after admitting a nest of vipers into their home...

The goddamned fools...
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The statistic he used said that close to 70% of crime was White, and 25% Black.
Obviously that statistic lumped Hispanics mostly as White.

Nope. The UCR has whites arrested at 70 percent in America. Whites. The excuse if hispanics being put in the white category is weak.

If there's no category for "Hispanics" even many "Dark brown Amigos" end up as "White" by crime.

BTW, it seems someone still doesn't understand proportions.

I understand that using proportion is invalid as an argument.

According to your data, a Black person was 2X more likely to commit a crime than the general population.

No it doesn't.
DO you think that black & low income inner-cities have the same job & school opportunity's as the white suburbs ?

No they don't, but in our country, each community supports the type of education they want. But money isn't necessarily the main component to better education.

I live in a black suburb. A few years ago, the neighbor kid brought home one of those portable basketball hoops. Before you know it, every kid from five blocks were here playing basketball night and day. They would come here right after school and play into the night where a few times I've had to call the cops.

The question is what were those kids doing here? They were of all ages from seven years old to seventeen.

It seems their black mothers really didn't care. They obviously didn't care where their kids were. They obviously didn't care about their homework. They obviously didn't care about their kids getting to school the next day. So what is a good school system supposed to do about that?

As a white person who grew up in a white suburb, this never happened. We were home before the street lights came on whether they came on at 6:00 at night or 9:00. Homework better be completed by the end of the night.
n 2014 whites made up 72.3 percent of all arrests in METROPOLITAN counties nationwide. Blacks, 25.4. In Metropolitan counties throughout this nation whites were arrested 2.84 times. Or 3 times as much as blacks in this nation. They were arrested for 57.6 percent of all murders in METROPOLTIAN areas of the United States. Blacks 39.9.

Being arrested and being convicted and imprisoned are two different things. In the US, you are six times more likely to be killed by a black than a white.
Indians, Pakistanis and other 'brown' people haven't lived in Great Britain for decades and decades. Your claim is patently false.

If you look at any place on the planet where there is chronic violence and civil unrest you will find a "multicultural society."

List of Islamic Terror Attacks

Jihad Report
May, 2017

Attacks 214
Killed 1612
Injured 1725
Suicide Blasts 44
Countries 26
List of Attacks

Funny how you say that when the mayor of London is of Pasistani. descent.


Saddiq Khan was born at St George's Hospital in Tooting, South London to a working-class Sunni Muslim family of Pakistani immigrants.His grandparents migrated from Bombay Presidency, British India to Pakistan following the partition of India in 1947.His father Amanullah and mother Sehrun had arrived in London from Pakistan in the second half of the 1960s. Khan was the fifth of eight children, all but one of whom was a boy. In the city, Amanullah worked as a bus driver and Sehrun as a seamstress.
Yeah. there's a lot of peace and love in Britain right now, isn't there?

Since the influx of Muslims into Britain they have had a hug increase in murders, assaults and especially rapes. That's your "peaceful multicultural society." The term is an oxymoron.

It's a statistical fact.

No, it's not a statistical fact.

Yes it is.
Homicide is the subject we were discussing... obviously you are not well versed in criminal statistics nor are you adept in reading comprehension. Run along now... go find some alt right news to play with.
you raggedy ass whites talking about blacks and murder when you commit nearly as many and that you also commit the majority of all crime.

Uh, that's because those are crime totals, and this is still a White majority nation.

Besides, you are aware that Hispanics are usually counted often as White in crime statistics?

Irrelevant. Just because you have more whites doesn't mean whites get to use that as an excuse for high crime rates. Don't blame the high rate of white crime on Hispanics.

Those crime stats are not proportionate, but rather total numbers.

Do you grasp proportions, or no?

I grasp that proportions are irrelevant.
You're an imbecile. Of course they are relevant.
Those crime stats are not proportionate, but rather total numbers.

Do you grasp proportions, or no?

I grasp that proportions are irrelevant.

Sure they do, as the concentrations of Blacks increase, so will crime in all categories except drunk driving.

Which would explain East Saint Louis....

The argument of proportion and crime by race is full of holes and is based upon a hypothetical that ignores positive increases that would dramatically decrease crime if proportions were equal.. No this doesn't explain Eat St. Louis.

Do you think that the White suburbs, have the same crime rates as Black inner-cities?

In 2014 whites made up 72.3 percent of all arrests in METROPOLITAN counties nationwide. Blacks, 25.4. In Metropolitan counties throughout this nation whites were arrested 2.84 times. Or 3 times as much as blacks in this nation. They were arrested for 57.6 percent of all murders in METROPOLTIAN areas of the United States. Blacks 39.9.
Your problem: blacks are only 13% of the population.
Uh, that's because those are crime totals, and this is still a White majority nation.

Besides, you are aware that Hispanics are usually counted often as White in crime statistics?

Irrelevant. Just because you have more whites doesn't mean whites get to use that as an excuse for high crime rates. Don't blame the high rate of white crime on Hispanics.

Those crime stats are not proportionate, but rather total numbers.

Do you grasp proportions, or no?

I grasp that proportions are irrelevant.
Sure they do, as the concentrations of Blacks increase, so will crime in all categories except drunk driving.

Which would explain East Saint Louis....
Depends... Educated employed Christian or Muslim blacks are arguably the most conservative group of Americans.

Calling Muslims "conservatives" makes a mockery of the term.
Irrelevant. Just because you have more whites doesn't mean whites get to use that as an excuse for high crime rates. Don't blame the high rate of white crime on Hispanics.

Those crime stats are not proportionate, but rather total numbers.

Do you grasp proportions, or no?

I grasp that proportions are irrelevant.
Sure they do, as the concentrations of Blacks increase, so will crime in all categories except drunk driving.

Which would explain East Saint Louis....
Depends... Educated employed Christian or Muslim blacks are arguably the most conservative group of Americans.

Calling Muslims "conservatives" makes a mockery of the term.
No, that is the right wing alleging to be for the "gospel Truth" of any given issue, but having nothing but fallacy induced fantasy and Red Herrings to show for, "learning how to fish", as a "work ethic from the Age of Iron".
Multiculturalism has never worked. The strength of the US has always been to incorporate other cultures into the overall culture. What we are seeing in Europe is more like parallel cultures, not a good thing. More likely to end up resembling the Balkans.

The US culture is created from multiculturalism .

Not true! The US was created as a Christian American culture

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I don't see anything in the Constitution or the Declaration of independence referencing Christianity or Jesus. I do see references to God...the same God of the Jews, the Christians and of the Muslims. I think the wisdom of those who gave us those precious documents used the word GOD by design to embrace all faiths that worship a supreme diety.
They actually referred to "the creator." They weren't including Islam in anything they said.
Multiculturalism has never worked. The strength of the US has always been to incorporate other cultures into the overall culture. What we are seeing in Europe is more like parallel cultures, not a good thing. More likely to end up resembling the Balkans.

The US culture is created from multiculturalism .

Not true! The US was created as a Christian American culture

Sent from my iPhone using
I don't see anything in the Constitution or the Declaration of independence referencing Christianity or Jesus. I do see references to God...the same God of the Jews, the Christians and of the Muslims. I think the wisdom of those who gave us those precious documents used the word GOD by design to embrace all faiths that worship a supreme diety.
They actually referred to "the creator." They weren't including Islam in anything they said.
did you know, our Constitution was Intelligently Designed to be both, gender and race neutral, from Inception?
Experts can tell race by a DNA sample, or by skeletal remains.
So, how do you figure that?

I Guess people like Obama drives experts crazy. But here is something even more enlightening.
The proportion of human genetic variation due to differences between populations is modest, and individuals from different populations can be genetically more similar than individuals from the same population.
Genetic Similarities Within and Between Human Populations
Note that my link substitutes the word "populations" in place of "races." I agree because the differences between humans aren't great enough to classify those differences as races.

There's also sweep disparities between races in genetic characteristics
Impossible. All humans belong to the same race. Supremacists have tried hard to create a racial hierarchy with white people at the top and blacks at the bottom but scientific evidence isn't on their side. All living humans are Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

In fact, sometimes a gene can be limited to a single ethnic group even, such as the Chinese genetic allele for DAB1 causing larger, and more developed brains, or the Finnish genetic allele HTR2B Q20 causing impulsivity.
That Chinese gene can be passed on to any other human group on the planet via sex. No group of humans have genes that can't be
shared with other humans.and believe me...they will find a way.

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