Internet and the Rise of Incivility and Hate Crimes

Pro-Trump rally in Berkeley turns violent as protesters clash with the ...
1 hour ago - Supporters of the president and anti-Trump protesters clashed violently Saturday in Berkeley, Calif., on a day that numerous pro-Trump rallies ...
In day of pro-Trump rallies, California march turns violent | Reuters
3 hours ago - Supporters of Donald Trump clashed with counter-protesters at a rally in ... smaller turn-outs than the huge crowds of anti-Trump protesters that ...
'March 4 Trump' rallies turn violent as protesters clash with supporters › World
52 mins ago - Anti-Trump protesters try to take a large piece of wood away from a Trump supporter at a rally for President Donald Trump at Martin Luther King ...
Anti-Trump protests turn violent, 2 cops hospitalized, more than 200 ...
News, Sports, Weather, Entertainment, Local & Lifestyle - AOL
Jan 20, 2017 - Protesters and law enforcement clashed on Inauguration Day Friday shortly after DonaldTrump was sworn in as the 45th president of the ...
Ten arrested after pro-Trump rally turns violent in California › News
19 hours ago - Ten arrested after pro-Trump rally turns violent in California ... smaller turn-outs than the huge crowds of anti-Trump protesters that clogged the ...
Anti-Trump protests, some violent, erupt for 3rd night nationwide
Nov 11, 2016 - Anti-Trump protests, some violent, erupt for 3rd night nationwide ... ordered protesters to disperse after the demonstration turned into what they ...
Protests against Donald Trump - Wikipedia
Protests against Donald Trump - Wikipedia
Protests against Donald Trump, or anti-Trump protests, have occurred both in the United States ... At times, anti-Trump protesters have turned violent and attacked Trump supporters and vice versa; thisviolence has received bipartisan ...
Violence erupts as hundreds of Donald Trump supporters clash with ...
Violence erupts as hundreds of Donald Trump supporters clash with rivals at US rallies
11 hours ago - An elderly Trump supporter yells at an anti-Trump protester at a dual ... and counter-protesters clashed during a rally that turned violent and left ...
Pro-Trump rallies turn violent when anti-Trump protesters arrive
14 hours ago - Some of the rallies turned into violent clashes when groups of anti-Trump protesters gathered nearby. Dozens were injured and some 15 ...
Mostly by Bernie's Bolsheviks.
ALL of it by leftists who do not believe people have the right to free speech or thought.

You believe as they do, or you burn. It isn't just Trump rallies either. People are being attacked on University Campuses for having differing opinions from the left.

This is NOT a symptom of the Internet, but a symptom of close minded hatred and a "I want it my way all the time" mentality we have raised our children with.

It has very little to do with conseratives or the Internet.

I disagree....I think the internet, and by extension chat mediums, twitter etc has a lot to do with it. When people aren't face to face, a lot of social barriers break down - not seeing people's reaction removes an important check and balance to social interactions. It's easier to be mean, cruel, to not see the other as a person. I think that is slowly changing the way we interact.
People are face-to-face in these protests and the violence found on our University campuses. The left have been taught to hate anything and anyone not in lock-step with their world-view.

Protests are age old and, quite frankly - engaged in by both the left and the right. You seem intent on laying all the blame on just one ideology.

Peaceful protests are one thing. The violence and riots eminating from the far left is another matter entirely.
I think it is people as a whole. I don't think it is left or right, but the person. One chooses to hate, or not to hate. No political ideology forces anyone one way or another.
This is all where personal responsibility comes into play.
Without question the election of Donald Trump has brought a coarseness to American life.

It was there long before Trump....
Indeed but the coarseness of hate radio has now reached the White House and its poison contaminates political discussion like never before in living memory.

Agreed. But it started, and was bad during Obama. Can't tell what is what now. Nothing but a bunch of squabbling, and we don't even know what is or isn't true.
I have noticed in the past that American newspapers and TV can be, and often are, slow on the pick-up of a story but once they get scent of something big, they can go to town.
Perhaps Donald Trump's biggest mistake was his assault on the media (except FOX) and I could see that the reporters were taking it and liking it. But eventually the penny dropped and they could see that a small-brained bully had taken-up residence in the White House and now they will be like a dog with a bone. They now know that the fault of a dysfunctional Executive lies with Donald Trump whose vulgar, polarizing and divisive manner is doomed to fail.
Do you not read? I've clearly said it comes from both sides. The majority of this hatred comes from the left? That's your opinion.

Cute try but the riots, beatings, and assaults have come from the far left, Progressives, Black Lives Matter and before that, Occupy Wall Street.
I think it is people as a whole. I don't think it is left or right, but the person. One chooses to hate, or not to hate. No political ideology forces anyone one way or another.
This is all where personal responsibility comes into play.
Without question the election of Donald Trump has brought a coarseness to American life.

It was there long before Trump....
Indeed but the coarseness of hate radio has now reached the White House and its poison contaminates political discussion like never before in living memory.

Agreed. But it started, and was bad during Obama. Can't tell what is what now. Nothing but a bunch of squabbling, and we don't even know what is or isn't true.
I have noticed in the past that American newspapers and TV can be, and often are, slow on the pick-up of a story but once they get scent of something big, they can go to town.
Perhaps Donald Trump's biggest mistake was his assault on the media (except FOX) and I could see that the reporters were taking it and liking it. But eventually the penny dropped and they could see that a small-brained bully had taken-up residence in the White House and now they will be like a dog with a bone. They now know that the fault of a dysfunctional Executive lies with Donald Trump whose vulgar, polarizing and divisive manner is doomed to fail.

I doubt Trump is too worried about the stinking media.
There were a lot of riots and protests surrounding desegregation.
Integrating Ole Miss: A Transformative, Deadly Riot

Without question the election of Donald Trump has brought a coarseness to American life.

It was there long before Trump....
Indeed but the coarseness of hate radio has now reached the White House and its poison contaminates political discussion like never before in living memory.

Agreed. But it started, and was bad during Obama. Can't tell what is what now. Nothing but a bunch of squabbling, and we don't even know what is or isn't true.
I have noticed in the past that American newspapers and TV can be, and often are, slow on the pick-up of a story but once they get scent of something big, they can go to town.
Perhaps Donald Trump's biggest mistake was his assault on the media (except FOX) and I could see that the reporters were taking it and liking it. But eventually the penny dropped and they could see that a small-brained bully had taken-up residence in the White House and now they will be like a dog with a bone. They now know that the fault of a dysfunctional Executive lies with Donald Trump whose vulgar, polarizing and divisive manner is doomed to fail.

I doubt Trump is too worried about the stinking media.
Donald Trump certainly talks and tweets a lot about the media for someone who does not give a care about reporters.
I hate W and Cheney for their yellowcake lies.

You do yourself justice by boasting of your ignorance. Your desperation is duly noted!

updated 6:10 p.m. EDT, Mon July 7, 2008

500 tons of uranium shipped from Iraq, Pentagon says
  • Pentagon: U.S. secretly shipped Iraq's low-grade uranium dating back to Hussein era
  • Officials: U.S. military spent $70 million for the transport of materials to Canada
  • "Yellowcake" uranium transfer was requested by the Iraqi government
  • Next Article in U.S. »



From Brianna Keilar and Larry Shaughnessy

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The United States secretly shipped out of Iraq more than 500 tons of low-grade uranium dating back to the Saddam Hussein era, the Pentagon said Monday.

In this 2003 photo, UN inspectors work at the nuclear facility in Iraq.


The U.S. military spent $70 million ensuring the safe transportation of 550 metric tons of the uranium from Iraq to Canada, said Pentagon spokesman Brian Whitman.

The shipment, which until recently was kept secret, involved a U.S. truck convoy, 37 cargo flights out of Baghdad to a transitional location, and then a transoceanic voyage on board a U.S.-government-owned ship designed to carry troops to a war zone, he said.

The "yellowcake" uranium transfer was requested by the Iraqi government at the encouragement of the U.S. government, Whitman said.


500 tons of uranium shipped from Iraq, Pentagon says -
Trump says that you can't believe the media, because it is all fake news. He must be correct, since the media told us that Trump was going to repeal ACA on the first day of his presidency, and it hasn't happened. Then again, the media told us that Trump says that he has not been in bed with Putin. Based on the fact that the media lies, I am convinced that Trump is guilty as hell.
Here we go again, in Professor Peabody's Way back machine, revisiting the history of the democratic party before 96% of present day Americans were born...specifically before the Dixiecrats left the Democratic Party in 1948.

I hear that each and every time the fact of the Democrats being the ones promoting racism and blocking integration. Progressives whine that the horrid Dixiecrats left the Democrat Party and switched to Republicans. But strangely, no one has been able to provide the list of all those who switched parties. Al Gore's father filibustered against the passage of the Civil Rights act so it couldn't have been him.

Then we have....
It was there long before Trump....
Indeed but the coarseness of hate radio has now reached the White House and its poison contaminates political discussion like never before in living memory.

Agreed. But it started, and was bad during Obama. Can't tell what is what now. Nothing but a bunch of squabbling, and we don't even know what is or isn't true.
I have noticed in the past that American newspapers and TV can be, and often are, slow on the pick-up of a story but once they get scent of something big, they can go to town.
Perhaps Donald Trump's biggest mistake was his assault on the media (except FOX) and I could see that the reporters were taking it and liking it. But eventually the penny dropped and they could see that a small-brained bully had taken-up residence in the White House and now they will be like a dog with a bone. They now know that the fault of a dysfunctional Executive lies with Donald Trump whose vulgar, polarizing and divisive manner is doomed to fail.

I doubt Trump is too worried about the stinking media.
Donald Trump certainly talks and tweets a lot about the media for someone who does not give a care about reporters.

He may be tweeting for the people. Would suit me fine if he didn't.

The media is just that. A bunch of reporters, supposedly reporting the news. Yet now days that is not what they want to do. They want to MAKE the news. And that they are. And they were doing it before Trump came along. Just seems to be getting worse.
They do not run this country. They should report news. And that should be it.
My far left Progressive friends are now so desperate to deny their responsibility for all the riots, beatings and damage that now they trying to "SHARE" responsibility. Malarkey.

They also are desperate to distract from the FACT that petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama is the most divisive president in modern history.
Here we go again, in Professor Peabody's Way back machine, revisiting the history of the democratic party before 96% of present day Americans were born...specifically before the Dixiecrats left the Democratic Party in 1948.

I hear that each and every time the fact of the Democrats being the ones promoting racism and blocking integration. Progressives whine that the horrid Dixiecrats left the Democrat Party and switched to Republicans. But strangely, no one has been able to provide the list of all those who switched parties. Al Gore's father filibustered against the passage of the Civil Rights act so it couldn't have been him.

Then we have....

You have me cold! All history, which is on the internet, is fake news, including Strom Thurmond, and his fellow assholes, walking out of the democratic convention of 1948, as a direct result of Truman desegregating the army. Damned you are clever to discover this dastardly plot!!
Political correctness was the pendulum of culture swinging to far to the left. But now, we're seeing the opposite. The anti-political correctness crowd, culminating in Trump's electoral victory is encouraging a far more open and socially accepted form of hate. Where it used to be socially condemned, it's now applauded, as free speech and part of the mainstream, set against the backdrop of rabid anti-immigrant and anti-other fears.

How The Internet Fueled The Rise In Hate Crimes In California | Fast Company | The Future Of Business

Messages about the “otherness” of immigrants have gained an expansive audience. “Bigots have become especially nuanced and skillful at hanging onto the coattails of important public policy debates that are going on in the mainstream,” Levin says. “There’s an online cottage industry that attaches bigotry to real policy issues from national security to free speech on campus to the economy.”

“Some groups continue to promote overt racism and bigotry,” Levin continues, “but some are changing their branding, or toning down the swastikas. And their arguments are no longer that Latinos and immigrants are genetically inferior. It’s that they’re culturally or religiously inapposite to American ideals. Or sometimes the message is shrouded in the idea that we’re under attack from terrorists.”

Scrubbed of the eugenics ideology or race war rhetoric that may have helped spawn them, and freed from the stigma that comes from being the clear intellectual property of Nazi skinheads or the Ku Klux Klan, many of these messages about the otherness of immigrants have gained an expansive audience among Americans who might not embrace them in their raw form. While these views haven’t been given much credence on NBC’s Meet the Press or in the op-ed pages of the Washington Post, they’re regularly part of the conversation on Fox News, and they constitute the bread and butter of—which now enjoys a monthly readership greater than the entire populations of Great Britain, Germany, or France.

You're just upset because the right is starting to use the same tactics of the left.

The left uses "racial fear" to whip up their base. Get the blacks to riot over lies about white cops executing them for example.

So the "white nationalists" are doing some of the same. They're whipping up anger about blacks and Latinos victimizing them. The difference is the facts on their side.

Anger about an injustice is quite normal and there is nothing wrong with it. People should be outraged by injustice. Most Americans are tired of Mexicans and others disrespecting our laws by invading our country. They're also just as upset about a government that has done nothing about it for decades, and in effect encouraging it.

If you want the anger to go away, you have to fix the injustice that is happening. That's what Trump is trying to do. But the left isn't willing to, they want the injustice to happen, they want the social discord.
It is no more correct to blame the left for anarchists among the crowd, than to blame conservatives for white supremacists. What the left seems to be doing is calling others haters, clearly attacking others with hate and violence.
Being a leftie, I need to inform you that the folks on the right are doing the same. If you take away the anarchists and the supremacists/nationalists, which is as it should be, there is no more hate and violence on the left than on the right. Lots of silliness, still, but I think it's really about equal.

Then the left's violence is being reported more. In general you are saying what I said earlier, so we more or less agree. You may now be very scared. :lol:
Never scared to agree with you. :)
It is no more correct to blame the left for anarchists among the crowd, than to blame conservatives for white supremacists. What the left seems to be doing is calling others haters, clearly attacking others with hate and violence.
Being a leftie, I need to inform you that the folks on the right are doing the same. If you take away the anarchists and the supremacists/nationalists, which is as it should be, there is no more hate and violence on the left than on the right. Lots of silliness, still, but I think it's really about equal.

The targets are different, but the sentiments are the same. In the meantime each side will now take to the streets in order to "prove" the other is worse.

IMO - the problem isn't the rhetoric, it's been with us for ages - it's the normalizing of it in society. Legitimizing it, justifying it, excusing it. I don't agree with laws against it - it needs to be in the open in order to be confronted, but these people are feeling emboldened by the lack of condemnation around them and in some cases, silence or tacit approval by polticial figures rather than marginalizing.
You're a liberal so you are not looking at it objectively. One ideology is about change, making "progress" reshaping society to their liking. The other side wants to mind their own business, work, raise families and have as little government involvement as possible.

When the right loses we are unhappy but we don't take to the streets and show our asses. We don't pretend we have the right to have everything our way and if it isn't it's some kind of theft. Lefties these days are off the charts arrogant. They are power mad and beyond reason.

The fact that a few nutbags on the right are holed up in bunkers doesn't make the millions of leftists throwing temper tantrums somehow look better. It's going to get worse, not better. Europe has been where we are headed, our riots pale in comparison. I fully expect this is the year that water canons will be used in force. And of course it will be Trump's fault.
Political correctness was the pendulum of culture swinging to far to the left. But now, we're seeing the opposite. The anti-political correctness crowd, culminating in Trump's electoral victory is encouraging a far more open and socially accepted form of hate. Where it used to be socially condemned, it's now applauded, as free speech and part of the mainstream, set against the backdrop of rabid anti-immigrant and anti-other fears.

How The Internet Fueled The Rise In Hate Crimes In California | Fast Company | The Future Of Business

Messages about the “otherness” of immigrants have gained an expansive audience. “Bigots have become especially nuanced and skillful at hanging onto the coattails of important public policy debates that are going on in the mainstream,” Levin says. “There’s an online cottage industry that attaches bigotry to real policy issues from national security to free speech on campus to the economy.”

“Some groups continue to promote overt racism and bigotry,” Levin continues, “but some are changing their branding, or toning down the swastikas. And their arguments are no longer that Latinos and immigrants are genetically inferior. It’s that they’re culturally or religiously inapposite to American ideals. Or sometimes the message is shrouded in the idea that we’re under attack from terrorists.”

Scrubbed of the eugenics ideology or race war rhetoric that may have helped spawn them, and freed from the stigma that comes from being the clear intellectual property of Nazi skinheads or the Ku Klux Klan, many of these messages about the otherness of immigrants have gained an expansive audience among Americans who might not embrace them in their raw form. While these views haven’t been given much credence on NBC’s Meet the Press or in the op-ed pages of the Washington Post, they’re regularly part of the conversation on Fox News, and they constitute the bread and butter of—which now enjoys a monthly readership greater than the entire populations of Great Britain, Germany, or France.
As virulently anti-PC as I am, I agree. Our culture just loves to completely knee-jerk at every possible opportunity, and this is no exception. The pent-up frustration felt by many people over the destructive nature of PC and Identity Politics has resulted in many going too far in the opposite direction.

Add to that the anonymity afforded by the internet and the echo chamber effect, and you have a recipe for disaster.

As long as the crazies on the ends of the spectrum are in control, this is going to continue in both directions.
Political correctness was the pendulum of culture swinging to far to the left. But now, we're seeing the opposite. The anti-political correctness crowd, culminating in Trump's electoral victory is encouraging a far more open and socially accepted form of hate. Where it used to be socially condemned, it's now applauded, as free speech and part of the mainstream, set against the backdrop of rabid anti-immigrant and anti-other fears.

How The Internet Fueled The Rise In Hate Crimes In California | Fast Company | The Future Of Business

Messages about the “otherness” of immigrants have gained an expansive audience. “Bigots have become especially nuanced and skillful at hanging onto the coattails of important public policy debates that are going on in the mainstream,” Levin says. “There’s an online cottage industry that attaches bigotry to real policy issues from national security to free speech on campus to the economy.”

“Some groups continue to promote overt racism and bigotry,” Levin continues, “but some are changing their branding, or toning down the swastikas. And their arguments are no longer that Latinos and immigrants are genetically inferior. It’s that they’re culturally or religiously inapposite to American ideals. Or sometimes the message is shrouded in the idea that we’re under attack from terrorists.”

Scrubbed of the eugenics ideology or race war rhetoric that may have helped spawn them, and freed from the stigma that comes from being the clear intellectual property of Nazi skinheads or the Ku Klux Klan, many of these messages about the otherness of immigrants have gained an expansive audience among Americans who might not embrace them in their raw form. While these views haven’t been given much credence on NBC’s Meet the Press or in the op-ed pages of the Washington Post, they’re regularly part of the conversation on Fox News, and they constitute the bread and butter of—which now enjoys a monthly readership greater than the entire populations of Great Britain, Germany, or France.
Coyote , I heard at our monthly Masonic meeting tonight that the grand lodges of Freemasons in the USA have launched a program to attempt to restore civility across the USA.

I don't know if your father or brothers or hubby is an F&AM but I thought with your keen observance of the current trend towards incivility that maybe you/they are affiliated.

The Freemasons (under Patrick Henry, Benjamin Franklin, and George Washington) are you may recall the people who created the USA in the first place.

Anyway just wanted to mention it. I thought of you Coyote tonight when it came up in our meeting.

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