Is America Turning Into a Nation of Dunces?

"Even the most rudimentary knowledge of [the Constitution] eludes far too many Americans. Barely half (53%), for example, know that the first 10 amendments are called the Bill of Rights. A third cannot name a single right protected by the First Amendment. And what many do “know” is wrong. For example, more than 1 in 10 Americans say that the Bill of Rights protects the right to own a pet.....What’s truly frightening is how this stunning unfamiliarity with the Constitution has bred contempt."

Is America Turning Into a Nation of Dunces?

Education system has done its job of dumbing down of each generation more effectively. I have read and studied to some degree the American Revolution, and it is self evident that farmers living in the rural wild frontier in 1775 were much more knowledgeable of not just history, but current events of the time than millennials are today. And better educated in all studies as well.

For decades our education system has been hijacked by regressives, and they have used it to dumb down and indoctrinate the population.
They no longer teach useful skills to be productive citizens, they mainly just want to push social justice concepts and turn all the youth into useless idiots that do nothing but protest and live on welfare or minimum wage at best.
Is America Turning Into a Nation of Dunces?

Yup, and you science denying conservitards are the cause of it.
There’s good reason young people vote Democrat. They’re dumber than bricks.

Telling the difference between feeling correct and moral and actually BEING correct and moral requires maturity.

Which tells you a lot about not only young Democrat voters, but also adult leftists in general.
Is America Turning Into a Nation of Dunces?

Yup, and you science denying conservitards are the cause of it.
arent you the guys that think girls can become guys and that there are dozens of genders???,,,and you call us science deniers,,,,
And I'm right, too.

Well, there's a first time for everything, but I don't think this is that time for you being right.
Judging from what I have read on USMB, we already are a nation of dunces. There seems to be no understanding of the U.S. Constitution, it's amendments, and the precedents of rulings under it. For example: people who scream about their rights to "freedom of speech," when the First Amendment specifically prohibits only government from interference with the right of free speech, not private entities. These dunces don't even acknowledge that procedures have been set out that are decades old as to how to get things done, like those set out in the Administrative Procedure Act (APA).
Judging from what I have read on USMB, we already are a nation of dunces. There seems to be no understanding of the U.S. Constitution, it's amendments, and the precedents of rulings under it. For example: people who scream about their rights to "freedom of speech," when the First Amendment specifically prohibits only government from interference with the right of free speech, not private entities. These dunces don't even acknowledge that procedures have been set out that are decades old as to how to get things done, like those set out in the Administrative Procedure Act (APA).

Look, the Head Dunce is here to tell us how OTHER people are dunces for not agreeing with her ignorant positions. Only leftists can manage to be massive imbeciles AND pride themselves on their "intelligence" for it.
Is America Turning Into a Nation of Dunces?

Yup, and you science denying conservitards are the cause of it.

"Science-denying" = Refusing to agree with political opinions leftists label as "Science!" for no apparent reason.

Call me when you "science champions" figure out the whole boy/girl conundrum, Sparky.
Lol, no. Science denying = claiming published, peer reviewer, well documented facts as "leftist political opinions".
Is America Turning Into a Nation of Dunces?

Yup, and you science denying conservitards are the cause of it.

"Science-denying" = Refusing to agree with political opinions leftists label as "Science!" for no apparent reason.

Call me when you "science champions" figure out the whole boy/girl conundrum, Sparky.
Lol, no. Science denying = claiming published, peer reviewer, well documented facts as "leftist political opinions".

LOL And this is why you "science champions" are actually uneducated hive drones congratulating yourselves on how brilliant your ignorance is.

See, the word "facts" does NOT actually mean "published" OR "peer-reviewed". This is because science - REAL science, as opposed to that political twaddle you keep telling yourself is "science" - is not determined by popular acclaim, nor by how famous the person you are slavishly following, or how many letters he has after his name.

So yeah, the "published, peer-reviewed" bullshit you spew in here, mistakenly believing it's fact because your masters told you it was, is actually leftist political opinion.

I get it. In the absence of a functioning brain with which you can think and reason independently, you have no choice but to find someone to imitate in the hopes that THEY are smart, and will allow you to pretend to be. And God knows you're too piss-stupid yourself to EVER contemplate the possibility that those you worship are human and fallible.

Thanks for proving my point, dumbass.
Is America Turning Into a Nation of Dunces?

Yup, and you science denying conservitards are the cause of it.

"Science-denying" = Refusing to agree with political opinions leftists label as "Science!" for no apparent reason.

Call me when you "science champions" figure out the whole boy/girl conundrum, Sparky.
Lol, no. Science denying = claiming published, peer reviewer, well documented facts as "leftist political opinions".

LOL And this is why you "science champions" are actually uneducated hive drones congratulating yourselves on how brilliant your ignorance is.

See, the word "facts" does NOT actually mean "published" OR "peer-reviewed". This is because science - REAL science, as opposed to that political twaddle you keep telling yourself is "science" - is not determined by popular acclaim, nor by how famous the person you are slavishly following, or how many letters he has after his name.

So yeah, the "published, peer-reviewed" bullshit you spew in here, mistakenly believing it's fact because your masters told you it was, is actually leftist political opinion.

I get it. In the absence of a functioning brain with which you can think and reason independently, you have no choice but to find someone to imitate in the hopes that THEY are smart, and will allow you to pretend to be. And God knows you're too piss-stupid yourself to EVER contemplate the possibility that those you worship are human and fallible.

Thanks for proving my point, dumbass.
Lol, you really think I proved your point?

You proved mine you idiot!

tenor (4).gif
"Even the most rudimentary knowledge of [the Constitution] eludes far too many Americans. Barely half (53%), for example, know that the first 10 amendments are called the Bill of Rights. A third cannot name a single right protected by the First Amendment. And what many do “know” is wrong. For example, more than 1 in 10 Americans say that the Bill of Rights protects the right to own a pet.....What’s truly frightening is how this stunning unfamiliarity with the Constitution has bred contempt."

Is America Turning Into a Nation of Dunces?

Education system has done its job of dumbing down of each generation more effectively. I have read and studied to some degree the American Revolution, and it is self evident that farmers living in the rural wild frontier in 1775 were much more knowledgeable of not just history, but current events of the time than millennials are today. And better educated in all studies as well.

Is America Turning Into a Nation of Dunces?

Yup, and you science denying conservitards are the cause of it.

"Science-denying" = Refusing to agree with political opinions leftists label as "Science!" for no apparent reason.

Call me when you "science champions" figure out the whole boy/girl conundrum, Sparky.
Lol, no. Science denying = claiming published, peer reviewer, well documented facts as "leftist political opinions".

LOL And this is why you "science champions" are actually uneducated hive drones congratulating yourselves on how brilliant your ignorance is.

See, the word "facts" does NOT actually mean "published" OR "peer-reviewed". This is because science - REAL science, as opposed to that political twaddle you keep telling yourself is "science" - is not determined by popular acclaim, nor by how famous the person you are slavishly following, or how many letters he has after his name.

So yeah, the "published, peer-reviewed" bullshit you spew in here, mistakenly believing it's fact because your masters told you it was, is actually leftist political opinion.

I get it. In the absence of a functioning brain with which you can think and reason independently, you have no choice but to find someone to imitate in the hopes that THEY are smart, and will allow you to pretend to be. And God knows you're too piss-stupid yourself to EVER contemplate the possibility that those you worship are human and fallible.

Thanks for proving my point, dumbass.
Lol, you really think I proved your point?

You proved mine you idiot!

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Nope. You proved that you have no fucking clue what science actually is, let alone what facts are. You think reality is determined by consensus votes, and science is whatever someone with a degree decides to say.

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