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Is another Civil War brewing?

Granted, Republicans love using his quotes...cause he's black.....
Aside from all the left wing bullshit, back to the topic at hand. Yes, another civil war is brewing. The left is pushing for it, led by their fake messiah in the W.H. Everything he does and says moves us closer and closer.to it. Increased incidents of violence against whites, primarily by blacks and hispanics (no surprise there). Attacks on the first amendment, second amendment, our right to privacy, anything that conflicts with his agenda. Of course the liberal cock suckers at USMB will defend the gay president and his tranny wife. That's all they know how to do.
Your "proof" was a link to someone defending Hitler (the way you are now). And Hitler wasn't "right wing".
No it was not, you moron. It was a site pointing out that you right wing assholes continually lie and make things up to support your views. And yes, he was a fascist; an extreme right winger.
Try reading your links before you post them, moron. And the tactics of the left are almost identical to the tactics of every tyrant throughout history, including Hitler, Stalin, and Mao, as are your goals. I don't think you qualify as "right wing".
I did read it you silly twat. Find anything on there that defended Hitler or go fuck yourself. There are some rather apt observations, though. Largely on point with morons like you.
"Do you have a cause you really hate? Want to discredit it? Well, fortunately for you, there’s History’s Worst Dictators™. Whether it’s banking, corporations, evolution, abortion, gun control, gun rights, atheism, or vegetarianism, these villains can be dredged up whenever you need cast the specter of mass murder on your opponents’ intentions. Just make up a quote, make up a date, attach one of their names to it, and post it anywhereonline. Your particular community’s echo chamber of self-confirmation, self-reinforcement, and self-congratulation will take it from there.

Although the internet has spawned epidemics of this kind of egregious dishonesty, telling bold-faced lies to score cheap political points has a long and storied past. Here we critically examine two famous quotes attributed to Adolf Hitler about gun registration and confiscation: one almost true and one totally bogus."

Bernard Harcout, political science chair at the University of Chicago, writes of it that, “[This] infamous quote is probably a fraud and was likely never uttered. The citation reference is a jumbled and incomprehensible mess that has never been properly identified or authenticated, and no one has been able to produce a document corresponding to the quote. It has been the subject of much research, all of it fruitless, and has now entered the annals of urban legend.”

That alone should be enough to bury this quote, but, as the promoters of things for which there is absolutely no evidence continuously remind us, “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” Although I don’t buy this burden-shifting maneuver, there are a few other reasons to think this quote is probably fake.

First, there was no Nazi gun registration measure enacted in 1935: major reforms were passed in 1919, 1920, 1928, 1931, and 1938. Second, Hitler wouldn’t even have needed such a measure because of strict licensing laws that had already been passed under the Weimar Republic–ironically, designed to disarm the Nazis and Communists who were shooting each other in the streets, and prevent an armed coup d’état such as Hitler’s 1923 “Beer Hall Putsch.”


Always with that mustache–we get it, it’s sinister.
In fact, private gun ownership was almost completely banned by the Weimar regime following the end of World War I and the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. In January 1919 and August 1920, measures were passed requiring citizens to surrender all firearms to the government, in compliance with rules imposed by the Allies in Versailles. It wasn’t until 1928 that the prohibition was lifted and a strict registration program imposed–all prior to the Nazi takeover.

The 1938 law, which did take place under the Nazi government, prohibited Jews from owning guns, but simultaneously liberalized gun restrictions for most everyone else. The law totally deregulated the sale of rifles, shotguns, and ammunition, as well as expanded the number of people exempt from permit requirements. It also lowered the age requirement for purchase and carry permits from 20 to 18, and extended the period permits were valid from 1 to 3 years.
It’s utterly implausible that Hitler would have been praising laws passed by the previous administration to disarm his Brown Shirts and counter his revolutionary ambitions. The equally implausible narrative of Germany as a free gun-owning paradise until “liberal fascists” took over and imposed gun registration in 1935 is complete fantasy. This quote has Hitler claiming that “for the first time ever” a civilized country had gun registration–are we to suppose that he forgot the previous 15 years of his own country’s gun laws?

The Moral of the Story Is…

There’s plenty of good arguments against gun control, but invoking the Nazis every time you need a trump card is lazy and dishonest. The Hitler card is worn out. If you’re worried about a fascist dictator arising in America, you should be looking for hawkish, ultra right-wing, hyper-nationalist, xenophobic, racist, authoritarian, war-mongering populists with major public support. Those kinds of people don’t need to seize everyone’s firearms to create a totalitarian regime, and they didn’t. If the Third Reich had been so unstable it had to worry about disarming every German, it never would have been in a position to carry out its wars and atrocities with such ruthless efficiency. It relied upon wide public support for both.

The reality is that Adolf Hitler was not a poster child for gun control, and making up quotes to suggest otherwise does nothing but discredit the Second Amendment activists who recite them. The moral of the story is quite simple: don’t lie.

Now, tell me how that is a defense of Hitler and not simply an accurate description of what you keep doing using those fake quotes?
Thank you for posting the content of your site. I urge everyone to read it, especially the last section "The Moral of the Story is...". It shows the bias of your site. And they will also notice that your hate site doesn't disprove anything except what you're claiming. All it does is accuse people of misquoting Hitler. It's defense of Hitler is to point to conservatives and call THEM the tyrants, while glossing over the fact that Hitler murdered millions of unarmed citizens, thanks to gun control which he believed in and advocated (just like you).
Unless they are fucking morons like you, they will understand that the site simply attacks pricks like you who falsely use Hitler to attack others.
You really miss your bong, don't you?
Opie, there is no civil war brewing unless it is the ongoing cultural and social one the far right has lost. If there is any violence, LEO will take care of it immediately.
And yes, he was a fascist; an extreme right winger.
The term "National Socialism" arose out of attempts to create a nationalist redefinition of "socialism", as an alternative to both internationalist Marxist socialism and free market capitalism. [/quote]
There were 3 paths taken by the worlds people during WWII. There was conservatism -the capitalist way for life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Then there were 2 branches of "SOCIALISM". Far left socialism - Communism - everyone was treated equally, equally poor and equally miserable, except for the ruling class of liberal elites who thought they were better than everyone else. Far right socialism - Fascism - See definition.

You non intelligent lefties, wont LEARN what socialism really is, because then it would prove your whole life was nothing but a lie. Those who have been misguided by liberalism are victims of the left, those who arent misguided are EVIL, as they know who is behind them. Saul Alinsky s Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to
the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom —
andaronjim cannot define socialism, fascism, communism, or capitalism in traditional terms.

The fascists were far right wing, nationalist, racist, totalitarian, anti-democratic, and sexist ~ which define andaronjim and his buddies well.

As far as guns and Hitler, the DMN said it best: "They assert that the first thing Hitler did upon taking power as German chancellor in 1933 was to ban private gun ownership and to launch a nationwide arms-seizure effort. Then come the Hitler quotes, such as this one: “The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to permit the conquered Eastern peoples to have arms. History teaches that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so.”

Hitler made that statement in 1942, not anytime even remotely close to his assumption of power. And he made the statement in reference to the people of countries he had conquered. I’m not defending Hitler, but the fact is, this is what conquerors do when they occupy a foreign land."

Hitler was alleged to have said it, supposedly heard by a person in a conversation. There is no corroboration.

Hitler would have been proud of Andaronjim. “The great mass of people… will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one.”(Adolf Hitler)
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Also note that it was the conservative whites in the South that disarmed the blacks, and the far right conservatives today who would disarm them again
Opie, there is no civil war brewing unless it is the ongoing cultural and social one the far right has lost. If there is any violence, LEO will take care of it immediately.
Yeah there is, you ignorant little leftist propaganda pimp. You have no clue what so ever how fed up true Americans in middle America are, and you never will. You're ignorant and talk out your ass 99.99% of the time.

National debt around the world is on the brink of implosion, especially China, who holds much of our own debt. If they even attempt to call in their loans, we're fucked immediately. But no matter, we're fucked regardless, because soon we won't be able to even pay the interest on our debt, and then we become Greece, and that's only the beginning. The amount of ire in this country has never been this bad. It wasn't this bad before the first civil war. When small pockets of anarchy break out, it'll spread like a wild fire. It'll happen so fast some won't even realize it, that will be ignorant little zipper heads like you. You will be in the first wave to perish because you live in a world of make believe and denial. It will be a good thing for America to be rid of people like you.

Can't wait.
007, the man behind the curtain, also believes the pres is kenyan muslim marxist homo socialist communist marxist who roots for the Minnesota Twin. What a humbug.

You represent thirteen other people. Maybe.

Put your comments in Conspiracy, because there is no Civil War brewing.
007, the man behind the curtain, also believes the pres is kenyan muslim marxist homo socialist communist marxist who roots for the Minnesota Twin. What a humbug.

You represent thirteen other people. Maybe.

Put your comments in Conspiracy, because there is no Civil War brewing.

... go pound your pud somewhere else, moron. Your sleasy, creepy shtick is old and nasty here.
... or is that alarmist?
Even the "gay marriage" is aligning South vs. North...or no?

Nope. You have secessionists trying to start one. But nobody is willing to fight. And there is no war without combatants. The US military has their army. And the secessionists have....jack shit.

Take....Justice Moore in Alabama. He's an elected judge. His primary campaign funders are secessionists. And surprise, they're suggesting secession is the response to gay marriage. With Moore vaguely apeing their rhetoric.

If the South was going to secede over a Supreme Court rulings it would have done so over Brown v. the Board of Education or Loving V. Virginia. The former which involved US troops enforcing the ruling in the south. And the latter being wildly unpopular.

Instead, nothing happened. And we can expect less today.
This generalized vision of party lines is sickening, and, is part of the problem with this country.

Conservatives are not all redecks from the south trying to repress people different from them.
007, the man behind the curtain, also believes the pres is kenyan muslim marxist homo socialist communist marxist who roots for the Minnesota Twin. What a humbug.

You represent thirteen other people. Maybe.

Put your comments in Conspiracy, because there is no Civil War brewing.

Only because people are too lazy and complacent. There is a widening divide. I can't believe people think that is a good thing............ or that there is no issue with the growing power of the Government and Media ....

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