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Is another Civil War brewing?

The Ideological Left is working day and night to ignite a civil war in this nation... and at this point they're incapable of doing a dam' thing but continue to do so.

The only ones with their panties in a wad over two SCOTUS decisions and South Carolina finally agreeing that the Confederate flag needed to come down and brought it down along with the flag post, are the right-wing nuts....so why would Liberals, who have just received three things they are happy about.....Same Sex Marriage, Obamacare and taking that loser flag down.....why would we want to start a war?

You and the two other morons are addled and confused.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

Or one man and one man. Or one woman and one woman. In 50 of 50 States.

Including your State, county and town, Keyes. Exactly as I told you it as going to be. But you thought you knew better.

So, um....how'd that work out for you?

But with that self evident truth aired... it's worth noting how silly you are in pointing out the two votes by the newly established Supreme Legislature and assigning BLAME for the rejection of everything ABOUT THAT to those who reject it.

And by 'self evident' you mean you offering us your subjective opinion? Remember, we invented marriage. It is whatever we say it is. Not whatever *you* say it is.

Which is why same sex marriage is legal in 50 of 50 States. And why you remain gloriously irrelevant to anyone else's marriage. As it should be.
Ok - have we had enough of this childish nonsense?

Either close the thread, or grow the hell up.
What did Trump say that wasnt true?

Seriously? Wow! You're just as dumb as Trump.....too bad you're not as rich as he is, then you wouldn't have to waste your time on here trying to defend your clowns.

I notice you avoided the question.

I see......you are seriously thinking that what Trump said is true! OMG! I guess I was right, you are just as dumb as Trump, if you believe what he said, and have been watching Faux News way too often.

Let's see if you are able to counter, after I give you the information that you could have Googled yourself instead of asking your stupid question which the answer is obvious to the most casual observer.

I expect links or will surmise that you had no proof to back your stupid belief that what Trump said was true.

"the worst elements in Mexico are being pushed into the United States by the Mexican government." "TheMexican Government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States."

There is no proof that Mexico is pushing let alone "forcing" anyone into the United States...As a matter of fact....Mexico has been trying to restrict its people from coming to the US, so that's a lie.

If you still think that what Trump said is true, please post a link proving it. And the majority that come are not the worst element, just poor, and poor doesn't translate to "worse", we have plenty of criminals in the US that are rich.


the Mexican government attempted to restrict its citizens leaving for work in the United States.


"Likewise, tremendous infectious disease is pouring across the border. The United States has become a dumping ground for Mexico and, in fact, for many other parts of the world."

Tremendous infectious disease pouring across the border? This is laughable, considering some of the countries where these immigrants are coming from have better vaccination rates than the US states they're coming to. I wonder why Trump would hire these infected people to work at his luxury hotel? Hmm, I guess that's a lie, too.

The infectious disease is pouring across the border bit is pure xenophobic drivel; as we already discussed, many of these migrants are coming from countries with better vaccination rates than the American states they're fleeing to. It's a myth perpetrated in racist circles that, funny how these things work, Donald Trump just happened to stumble upon too. Perhaps because he's been on Fox News so often.
Donald Trump Infectious disease is pouring across the border

Meanwhile, the Washington Post has some nice interviews with the undocumented and documented immigrants who are currently working on Trump's new luxury hotel. They are, needless to say, unimpressed with their overlord.
Donald Trump Infectious disease is pouring across the border

"What can be simpler or more accurately stated? The Mexican Government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States. They are, in many cases, criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc."

Please post a link showing that many immigrants have turned out to be criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc.,
Hmmm, that's another lie. As a matter of fact, these Mexican workers are willing to do jobs that Americans aren't willing to do for the money the employers are willing to pay.

There is one place and one category of work in which the "jobs Americans will not do" mantra appears to be close to true —the salad bowl of California. Tim Chelling, the communications director for the Western Growers Association, a cooperative of big farm operators, said that last winter growers in California's Imperial Valley needed 300 workers to harvest lettuce and broccoli.

They went to the local unemployment office, he said, and posted a notice seeking workers, who would be paid about $9 an hour and receive bare-bones health insurance. "Apparently one guy showed up, and he didn't last through the first morning," Mr. Chelling said. All the jobs went to Mexican laborers, most of them probably illegal, he said.


I'll wait.

Donald Trump s epic statement on Mexico - Business Insider
Obamacare Voters are you stupid - CNN.com
Washington (CNN) -- Years-old but newly scrutinized videos of MIT economics professor Jonathan Gruber ignited a political firestorm this week because the self-described architect of Obamacare thanks "the stupidity of the LIBERAL American voter" for leading to passage of the president's signature piece of legislation. [/quote} I inserted LIBERAL because We conservatives saw what Obamacare was going to do to America. Raise Costs, give less coverage, and give the government more CONTROL over US, where We the People are supposed to be free. The only stupid ones are those who think SOCIALISM is the best for everyone. Go look at the old USSR where everyone was equal, equally poor and equally miserable, except the liberal elites who thought all the other people were just plain stupid. Stupid is as stupid votes, who vote Dumbocrat. Even your own liberals call you stupid.
What did Trump say that wasnt true?

Seriously? Wow! You're just as dumb as Trump.....too bad you're not as rich as he is, then you wouldn't have to waste your time on here trying to defend your clowns.

I notice you avoided the question.

I see......you are seriously thinking that what Trump said is true! OMG! I guess I was right, you are just as dumb as Trump, if you believe what he said, and have been watching Faux News way too often.

Let's see if you are able to counter, after I give you the information that you could have Googled yourself instead of asking your stupid question which the answer is obvious to the most casual observer.

I expect links or will surmise that you had no proof to back your stupid belief that what Trump said was true.

"the worst elements in Mexico are being pushed into the United States by the Mexican government." "TheMexican Government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States."

There is no proof that Mexico is pushing let alone "forcing" anyone into the United States...As a matter of fact....Mexico has been trying to restrict its people from coming to the US, so that's a lie.

If you still think that what Trump said is true, please post a link proving it. And the majority that come are not the worst element, just poor, and poor doesn't translate to "worse", we have plenty of criminals in the US that are rich.


the Mexican government attempted to restrict its citizens leaving for work in the United States.


"Likewise, tremendous infectious disease is pouring across the border. The United States has become a dumping ground for Mexico and, in fact, for many other parts of the world."

Tremendous infectious disease pouring across the border? This is laughable, considering some of the countries where these immigrants are coming from have better vaccination rates than the US states they're coming to. I wonder why Trump would hire these infected people to work at his luxury hotel? Hmm, I guess that's a lie, too.

The infectious disease is pouring across the border bit is pure xenophobic drivel; as we already discussed, many of these migrants are coming from countries with better vaccination rates than the American states they're fleeing to. It's a myth perpetrated in racist circles that, funny how these things work, Donald Trump just happened to stumble upon too. Perhaps because he's been on Fox News so often.
Donald Trump Infectious disease is pouring across the border

Meanwhile, the Washington Post has some nice interviews with the undocumented and documented immigrants who are currently working on Trump's new luxury hotel. They are, needless to say, unimpressed with their overlord.
Donald Trump Infectious disease is pouring across the border

"What can be simpler or more accurately stated? The Mexican Government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States. They are, in many cases, criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc."

Please post a link showing that many immigrants have turned out to be criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc.,
Hmmm, that's another lie. As a matter of fact, these Mexican workers are willing to do jobs that Americans aren't willing to do for the money the employers are willing to pay.

There is one place and one category of work in which the "jobs Americans will not do" mantra appears to be close to true —the salad bowl of California. Tim Chelling, the communications director for the Western Growers Association, a cooperative of big farm operators, said that last winter growers in California's Imperial Valley needed 300 workers to harvest lettuce and broccoli.

They went to the local unemployment office, he said, and posted a notice seeking workers, who would be paid about $9 an hour and receive bare-bones health insurance. "Apparently one guy showed up, and he didn't last through the first morning," Mr. Chelling said. All the jobs went to Mexican laborers, most of them probably illegal, he said.


I'll wait.

Donald Trump s epic statement on Mexico - Business Insider
Obamacare Voters are you stupid - CNN.com
Washington (CNN) -- Years-old but newly scrutinized videos of MIT economics professor Jonathan Gruber ignited a political firestorm this week because the self-described architect of Obamacare thanks "the stupidity of the LIBERAL American voter" for leading to passage of the president's signature piece of legislation. [/quote} I inserted LIBERAL because We conservatives saw what Obamacare was going to do to America. Raise Costs, give less coverage, and give the government more CONTROL over US, where We the People are supposed to be free. The only stupid ones are those who think SOCIALISM is the best for everyone. Go look at the old USSR where everyone was equal, equally poor and equally miserable, except the liberal elites who thought all the other people were just plain stupid. Stupid is as stupid votes, who vote Dumbocrat. Even your own liberals call you stupid.

You should have read the whole article.

Here's the gist: Gruber called voters stupid, Republicans are calling him the Obamacare architect,

Was Gruber the "architect" of Obamacare?

Not exactly. This is a law that was passed by both houses of Congress and written in different forms by several Congressional committees. It's many thousands of pages long and has a myriad of different provisions. But Gruber clearly played an important role in crafting the idea behind the series of exchanges, subsidies and taxes that form the law's centerpiece. He continues to argue the country is better for Obamacare -- but we'll get to that.
At that time, Both houses of congress(held by DUMBOCRATS) behind closed doors signed by just a simple majority(not 2/3rds vote) FORCED upon US this albatros of a bill. You are one reason why America is in the toilet , and yes, you are a Grubertard, for you were fooled not once but twice into voting for the empty chair.
At that time, Both houses of congress(held by DUMBOCRATS) behind closed doors signed by just a simple majority(not 2/3rds vote) FORCED upon US this albatros of a bill. You are one reason why America is in the toilet , and yes, you are a Grubertard, for you were fooled not once but twice into voting for the empty chair.
who did you vote for n00b?
Little known about suspect in fatal shooting of marines
The man who authorities say killed four Marines in an attack on a military recruiting center and another U.S. military site was a 24-year-old, Kuwait-born engineer who had not been on the radar of federal authorities until the bloodshed.
So , the Dictator in Chief once again tells US that we need not jump to conclusions, because the religion of peace, has once again, reared its ugly face attacking US citizens who volunteered to sacrifice their lives to serve this once great country. But once again, for you libs, as long as it doenst affect your or your family, who dont care, as typical of sociopathic behavior.
Little known about suspect in fatal shooting of marines
The man who authorities say killed four Marines in an attack on a military recruiting center and another U.S. military site was a 24-year-old, Kuwait-born engineer who had not been on the radar of federal authorities until the bloodshed.
So , the Dictator in Chief once again tells US that we need not jump to conclusions, because the religion of peace, has once again, reared its ugly face attacking US citizens who volunteered to sacrifice their lives to serve this once great country. But once again, for you libs, as long as it doenst affect your or your family, who dont care, as typical of sociopathic behavior.
Think about it as you would another mass shooting by a white American. Maybe that will help you out.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
How many mass shootings have happened by a white America, vs lets say mass shootings from black Americans or Muslims? Hmmm, i bet there is a very large disparity per capita on that stat. I said before that ISIS has sleeper cells in all 50 states, we are just beginning to see the effects of our FECKLESS president and his lacky administration.
Leave S.J. alone. He does not have the balls to be in on a Civil War. That is just all talk from him. No civil war is brewing except in silly heads.

Religion is motive in this case in Chattanooga, but only for the shooter.

To use it as an excuse to go after Islam is silly.
4 people shot in 3 Maine communities gunman sought
4 people shot in 3 Maine communities; gunman sought
I guess Obama will be out telling US that we need to give up our guns again, because of the rise of Violent Crimes under his Messionic 7 years of ECONOMIC Prosperity. I mean he did tell all the fools who voted for him not once but twice, that he was going to lower the oceans and heal the planet, he is healing it real well.
So, where did I say I would initiate it, dickwad?

You're too ignorant to try and educate any further.......if you don't even understand the English language.....but I bet you're one of those who want only English spoken here.....maybe you need to learn it.

When you replied to rightwinger's question:
So taking up arms against a local government is justified?

Against a corrupt government, yes.

You admitted that you would take up arms........that's initiating it, idiot. Rightwinger didn't say the government had already started it, just asked you if taking up arms against a local government is justified....and like an idiot you said.....yes, against a corrupt government....which you have claimed that we have a corrupt government, so idiot, in your own words you have admitted that you would start a war.

Now deal with it and quit denying it......everyone can read it and see what you said....that you don't understand what you said is your own problem, moron.
So, where did I say I would initiate it, dickwad?

You're too ignorant to try and educate any further.......if you don't even understand the English language.....but I bet you're one of those who want only English spoken here.....maybe you need to learn it.

When you replied to rightwinger's question:
So taking up arms against a local government is justified?

Against a corrupt government, yes.

You admitted that you would take up arms........that's initiating it, idiot. Rightwinger didn't say the government had already started it, just asked you if taking up arms against a local government is justified....and like an idiot you said.....yes, against a corrupt government....which you have claimed that we have a corrupt government, so idiot, in your own words you have admitted that you would start a war.

Now deal with it and quit denying it......everyone can read it and see what you said....that you don't understand what you said is your own problem, moron.
Be careful, you're gonna hurt your back with all that reaching. I said that taking up arms against a corrupt government would be justified, I didn't say I was going to do it, you fucking moron. Twisting words to fit your twisted logic is all you have. If awards were given out for stupidity, you would be the first one selected.
So, where did I say I would initiate it, dickwad?

You're too ignorant to try and educate any further.......if you don't even understand the English language.....but I bet you're one of those who want only English spoken here.....maybe you need to learn it.

When you replied to rightwinger's question:
So taking up arms against a local government is justified?

Against a corrupt government, yes.

You admitted that you would take up arms........that's initiating it, idiot. Rightwinger didn't say the government had already started it, just asked you if taking up arms against a local government is justified....and like an idiot you said.....yes, against a corrupt government....which you have claimed that we have a corrupt government, so idiot, in your own words you have admitted that you would start a war.

Now deal with it and quit denying it......everyone can read it and see what you said....that you don't understand what you said is your own problem, moron.
Be careful, you're gonna hurt your back with all that reaching. I said that taking up arms against a corrupt government would be justified, I didn't say I was going to do it, you fucking moron. Twisting words to fit your twisted logic is all you have. If awards were given out for stupidity, you would be the first one selected.

Bwahahaha....lazy ass teabagger.....of course you aren't going to do it.....you like your lame leaders are going to send someone else's son and daughter to do it. Grow a pair, wooz.
So, where did I say I would initiate it, dickwad?

You're too ignorant to try and educate any further.......if you don't even understand the English language.....but I bet you're one of those who want only English spoken here.....maybe you need to learn it.

When you replied to rightwinger's question:
So taking up arms against a local government is justified?

Against a corrupt government, yes.

You admitted that you would take up arms........that's initiating it, idiot. Rightwinger didn't say the government had already started it, just asked you if taking up arms against a local government is justified....and like an idiot you said.....yes, against a corrupt government....which you have claimed that we have a corrupt government, so idiot, in your own words you have admitted that you would start a war.

Now deal with it and quit denying it......everyone can read it and see what you said....that you don't understand what you said is your own problem, moron.
Be careful, you're gonna hurt your back with all that reaching. I said that taking up arms against a corrupt government would be justified, I didn't say I was going to do it, you fucking moron. Twisting words to fit your twisted logic is all you have. If awards were given out for stupidity, you would be the first one selected.

Bwahahaha....lazy ass teabagger.....of course you aren't going to do it.....you like your lame leaders are going to send someone else's son and daughter to do it. Grow a pair, wooz.
Hey idiot, citizens don't have authority to send someone else's son and daughter into war. That would be the government, and cowards like you will cheer them on as they send brainwashed sycophants out to kill fellow Americans.
Hey idiot, citizens don't have authority to send someone else's son and daughter into war. That would be the government, and cowards like you will cheer them on as they send brainwashed sycophants out to kill fellow Americans.

Playtex thinks that the enemies of the party will march into the ovens because ThinkProgress tells them too.

Of course Playtex has an IQ of DD...
Uncensored, you're scheduled for admission to the Beech Grove, Indiana internment camp at the old Amtrak yard.

Show up on 8/26/2015 at 10AM. You'll have to arrange your own transportation. Reference case number B66510. Don't allow them to turn you away. You need to insist on being interned, so you can show everyone what those awful liberals did to you.

Yes, there is internet access[1] in the camps, so you can post about your experiences after you get there.

[1] Dial-up only. Hey, it's supposed to be torture.

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