Is Braggs stretching it with a felony?

Yes the FEC said there was no crime. Both FEC commissioners Trainor & Smith explained it this way.
Campaign finance laws are VERY subjective and specific.
Looking at specific "campaign" items:
1. Buying a new very expensive suit to look good? NO
2. Teeth whitening? NO
3. Paying hush money? NO
4. Buying TV commercials? YES
5. Hiring a campaign manager? YES
6. Buying newspaper ads? YES

The FEC said there was no crime for the Stormy payment since Trump did NOT use campaign money.

That's not the FEC.

That is two commissioners out of 6. For the FEC to have taken a position it requires a majority vote (that would be 4 of 6 to make a finding. What you are saying is "the FEC" is actually the two commissioners who blocked further action. The FEC vote on the matter was 2 for pursuing charges, 2 against pursuing charges and 2 that woudn't vote. That means 2 of 6 commissioners, not a majority.

The Office of the General Counsel, after investigating recommended pursuing charges, but the two GOP commissioners blocked it not on the law and recommendation of the investigation but for political reasons.

Link of his actual words, please...and context?

I hear a bunch of you repeating that as if it was his sole platform of what he "ran" on, with no examples given??
It doesn’t matter if it was the sole platform or not: his job is to prosecute criminals, NOT target a individual and then develop so,e far-fetched charge against him - while simultaneously working hard to put dangerous criminals back on the street by reducing their felonies to misdemeanors.

Any DA is has as even part of his platform to target an individual for political purposes should be disbarred and charged with election interference.
That's not the FEC.
That is two commissioners out of 6. For the FEC to have taken a position it requires a majority vote (that would be 4 of 6 to make a finding. What you are saying is "the FEC" is actually the two commissioners who blocked further action. The FEC vote on the matter was 2 for pursuing charges, 2 against pursuing charges and 2 that woudn't vote. That means 2 of 6 commissioners, not a majority. The Office of the General Counsel, after investigating recommended pursuing charges, but the two GOP commissioners blocked it not on the law and recommendation of the investigation but for political reasons.
1. Those two FEC commissioners know election laws better than anyone. Stop grasping at straws that are not there. What part of "there is no crime" don't you understand? If Trump committed ANY campaign finance violation the FEC would have prosecuted him.

2. You point to two partisan commission members instead of the actual Election Law. If the case went to the USSC we both know how it would end.

3. If those two "GOP" members voted not to indict, that still leaves a four member majority that could have indicted. Why did two abstain? Two commissioners couldn't block it, as you claim. Why didn't the DOJ indict? They're all democrats.
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Yes the FEC said there was no crime. Both FEC commissioners Trainor & Smith explained it this way.
Campaign finance laws are VERY subjective and specific.
Looking at specific "campaign" items:
1. Buying a new very expensive suit to look good? NO
2. Teeth whitening? NO
3. Paying hush money? NO
4. Buying TV commercials? YES
5. Hiring a campaign manager? YES
6. Buying newspaper ads? YES

The FEC said there was no crime for the Stormy payment since Trump did NOT use campaign money.
And Hillary DID use campaign money - not her own - to pay a law firm to develop a false Russia Hoax against her opponent. Just saying.
It was never revealed to the voter or used by her campaign before the election to interfere or influence the voter.
No, it was used to try to oust a legitimate sitting president with a false, concocted story of treason because she lost the election. That’s more acceptable?
No, it was used to try to oust a legitimate sitting president with a false, concocted story of treason because she lost the election. That’s more acceptable?
there is no proof of that what so ever!

the information was given to the FBI when she was winning....
there is no proof of that what so ever!

the information was given to the FBI when she was winning....
Wow! And yet you are in favor of a local DA going after Trump for an expired misdemeanor that he is trying to elevate into a felony for a non-crime?
Braggs didn't have enough for misdemeanors b/c the statute ran out so he's saying it's a felony to commit a crime for covering up another crime. You can't possibly prove that.
Some might say once or twice, maybe three times, are misdemeanors, but 34 times?!?!
there is no proof of that what so ever!

the information was given to the FBI when she was winning....

Hillary and the DNC paid Steele to get dirt on Trump while she was running. She couldn't use it because even she knew what he found had no verification, but she tried.
No, it was used to try to oust a legitimate sitting president with a false, concocted story of treason because she lost the election. That’s more acceptable?
She didn't know Trump would win the election when it was given to the fbi... She was creaming Trump in all polling, so your theory, falls FLAT!
Hillary and the DNC paid Steele to get dirt on Trump while she was running. She couldn't use it because even she knew what he found had no verification, but she tried.
of course she had opposition research done on Trump! It is what candidates do....they even run it on themselves, to see what bad stuff may be showing up on themselves... Trump did oppo on Clinton as well....and USED IT

She didn't use it, because it had not been verified...
it was raw intelligence, thus giving what Fusion GPS had to the Fbi.

The FBI had already started an investigation of their own in to Russian election interference from other sources.
She didn't know Trump would win the election when it was given to the fbi... She was creaming Trump in all polling, so your theory, falls FLAT!
You can’t read, can you? She unleashed her fake treason fabrication to try to oust a legitimately elected sitting president.
of course she had opposition research done on Trump! It is what candidates do....they even run it on themselves, to see what bad stuff may be showing up on themselves... Trump did oppo on Clinton as well....and USED IT

She didn't use it, because it had not been verified...
it was raw intelligence, thus giving what Fusion GPS had to the Fbi.

The FBI had already started an investigation of their own in to Russian election interference from other sources.

Russian interference that had nothing to do with Trump. After he won, that's when they used the dossier knowing it wasn't verified. They even got surveillance warrants based on it.

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