Is Comey guilty of misfeasance?

conclude that no reasonable prosecutor would bring charges...that's was what he did wrong first...and you morons applauded him for it.

Perhaps some did......BUT, either way it was NOT the FBI's director's role to make that statement (although Comey mistakes his role because he was a former prosecutor).....The statement that there would be no charges against Clinton should have come from the DOJ.....not the FBI.
Do we really want a director of the FBI engaged in a partisan political matter? His initial comments went way beyond the scope of the investigation; after finding no crime had been done, he then engaged in character assassination of HRC. In fact, it is my opinion that Comey went far beyone misfeasance and is guilty of a crime, the abuse of power, i.e. malfeasance.
The first time he was grilled by congress, or when he sent a letter to congress the second time?

You really don't know what the hell you are talking about, do you?
Wow, this thread is on fire! Trump supporters have shown that hypocrisy is one of their common characteristics, that along with support for neo fascism, racism, misogyny and all around bigotry.
Do we really want a director of the FBI engaged in a partisan political matter? His initial comments went way beyond the scope of the investigation; after finding no crime had been done, he then engaged in character assassination of HRC. In fact, it is my opinion that Comey went far beyone misfeasance and is guilty of a crime, the abuse of power, i.e. malfeasance.

There were two other factors causing Comey to re-open the investigation.
1) The gross embarrassment and possible criminal behavior of Andrew McCabe, deputy director of the FBI who's wife received from McAuliffe’s political action committee gave McCabe nearly $500,000 during the course of her campaign, beginning before the investigation started and continuing after it was underway. Some of the largest donations came closer to Election Day and were around the same time as other donations he made to other Democrats in tight races.
AP 'Fact Check' Defends Terry McAuliffe $$$ to FBI Agent's Wife - Breitbart

2) Probably the MOST important factor:
Veteran FBI agents say FBI Director James Comey has permanently damaged the bureau’s reputation for uncompromising investigations with his “cowardly” whitewash of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information using an unauthorized private email server.
Feeling the heat from congressional critics, Comey last week argued that the case was investigated by career FBI agents, “So if I blew it, they blew it, too.”
But agents say Comey tied investigators’ hands by agreeing to unheard-of ground rules and other demands by the lawyers for Clinton and her aides that limited their investigation.
“In my 25 years with the bureau, I never had any ground rules in my interviews,” said retired agent Dennis V. Hughes, the first chief of the FBI’s computer investigations unit.
FBI agents are ready to revolt over the cozy Clinton probe | New York Post
Today Ezra Klein stated that when Comey walked the halls of the FBI, agents that reported to him turned their backs and that Comey had a stack of resignations on his desk by totally disgruntled and disgusted FBI employees/agents!

In regards to your second point, that is my contention to where I believe the Wikileaks have originated.

After those resignations were tendered, the revelations started to flow out of Wikileaks.

Wry Catcher is so in the bloody dark, and he still is so delusional as to be under the impression that those emails and leaks might not be genuine. Anyone that watched the debates saw Hillary herself respond to those leaks, tacitly acknowledging that, yes, they are indeed genuine.

This is the imaginary loopy reality the OP lives in. It is almost pointless to reason with him.

The FBI only wants to regain a bit of credibility and non-partisanship in the eyes of the American public.
Has Comey been given the Medal of honor for this yet?

Has Hillary been cuffed and perp walked down Pennsylvania Ave yet?


Do we really want a director of the FBI engaged in a partisan political matter? His initial comments went way beyond the scope of the investigation; after finding no crime had been done, he then engaged in character assassination of HRC. In fact, it is my opinion that Comey went far beyone misfeasance and is guilty of a crime, the abuse of power, i.e. malfeasance.
The first time he was grilled by congress, or when he sent a letter to congress the second time?

You really don't know what the hell you are talking about, do you?

FU. My comment was based on Comey's initial press conference. What he said to Congress or what was in a subsequent letter is not relevant to my post.
Do we really want a director of the FBI engaged in a partisan political matter? His initial comments went way beyond the scope of the investigation; after finding no crime had been done, he then engaged in character assassination of HRC. In fact, it is my opinion that Comey went far beyone misfeasance and is guilty of a crime, the abuse of power, i.e. malfeasance.
We clearly don't want a director of the FBI who is a partisan hack, and who would engage in such reckless, irresponsible behavior because he's trying to influence the election to the disadvantage of Clinton.

But. . . it's just fine if he's a partisan hack who would engage in such reckless irresponsible behavior because he's trying to influence the election to the disadvantage of Trump.

Back then, oh, then it was just fine.

Do we really want a director of the FBI engaged in a partisan political matter? His initial comments went way beyond the scope of the investigation; after finding no crime had been done, he then engaged in character assassination of HRC. In fact, it is my opinion that Comey went far beyone misfeasance and is guilty of a crime, the abuse of power, i.e. malfeasance.

There were two other factors causing Comey to re-open the investigation.
1) The gross embarrassment and possible criminal behavior of Andrew McCabe, deputy director of the FBI who's wife received from McAuliffe’s political action committee gave McCabe nearly $500,000 during the course of her campaign, beginning before the investigation started and continuing after it was underway. Some of the largest donations came closer to Election Day and were around the same time as other donations he made to other Democrats in tight races.
AP 'Fact Check' Defends Terry McAuliffe $$$ to FBI Agent's Wife - Breitbart

2) Probably the MOST important factor:
Veteran FBI agents say FBI Director James Comey has permanently damaged the bureau’s reputation for uncompromising investigations with his “cowardly” whitewash of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information using an unauthorized private email server.
Feeling the heat from congressional critics, Comey last week argued that the case was investigated by career FBI agents, “So if I blew it, they blew it, too.”
But agents say Comey tied investigators’ hands by agreeing to unheard-of ground rules and other demands by the lawyers for Clinton and her aides that limited their investigation.
“In my 25 years with the bureau, I never had any ground rules in my interviews,” said retired agent Dennis V. Hughes, the first chief of the FBI’s computer investigations unit.
FBI agents are ready to revolt over the cozy Clinton probe | New York Post
Today Ezra Klein stated that when Comey walked the halls of the FBI, agents that reported to him turned their backs and that Comey had a stack of resignations on his desk by totally disgruntled and disgusted FBI employees/agents!

In regards to your second point, that is my contention to where I believe the Wikileaks have originated.

After those resignations were tendered, the revelations started to flow out of Wikileaks.

Wry Catcher is so in the bloody dark, and he still is so delusional as to be under the impression that those emails and leaks might not be genuine. Anyone that watched the debates saw Hillary herself respond to those leaks, tacitly acknowledging that, yes, they are indeed genuine.

This is the imaginary loopy reality the OP lives in. It is almost pointless to reason with him.

The FBI only wants to regain a bit of credibility and non-partisanship in the eyes of the American public.

Do we really want a director of the FBI engaged in a partisan political matter? His initial comments went way beyond the scope of the investigation; after finding no crime had been done, he then engaged in character assassination of HRC. In fact, it is my opinion that Comey went far beyone misfeasance and is guilty of a crime, the abuse of power, i.e. malfeasance.

There were two other factors causing Comey to re-open the investigation.
1) The gross embarrassment and possible criminal behavior of Andrew McCabe, deputy director of the FBI who's wife received from McAuliffe’s political action committee gave McCabe nearly $500,000 during the course of her campaign, beginning before the investigation started and continuing after it was underway. Some of the largest donations came closer to Election Day and were around the same time as other donations he made to other Democrats in tight races.
AP 'Fact Check' Defends Terry McAuliffe $$$ to FBI Agent's Wife - Breitbart

2) Probably the MOST important factor:
Veteran FBI agents say FBI Director James Comey has permanently damaged the bureau’s reputation for uncompromising investigations with his “cowardly” whitewash of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information using an unauthorized private email server.
Feeling the heat from congressional critics, Comey last week argued that the case was investigated by career FBI agents, “So if I blew it, they blew it, too.”
But agents say Comey tied investigators’ hands by agreeing to unheard-of ground rules and other demands by the lawyers for Clinton and her aides that limited their investigation.
“In my 25 years with the bureau, I never had any ground rules in my interviews,” said retired agent Dennis V. Hughes, the first chief of the FBI’s computer investigations unit.
FBI agents are ready to revolt over the cozy Clinton probe | New York Post
Today Ezra Klein stated that when Comey walked the halls of the FBI, agents that reported to him turned their backs and that Comey had a stack of resignations on his desk by totally disgruntled and disgusted FBI employees/agents!
Spot on!
"It is not the function of the FBI director to be making public pronouncements about an investigation, never mind about an investigation based on evidence that he acknowledges may not be significant," [former assistant U.S. attorney] Akerman stated. "

The job of the FBI is simply to investigate and to provide the results of its investigation to the prosecutorial arm of the U.S. Department of Justice. His job is not to give a running commentary about any investigation or his opinion about any investigation. This is particularly egregious since Secretary Clinton has no way to respond to what amounts to nebulous and speculative innuendo.

Why FBI Director James Comey did the wrong thing ... again

Comey ended his career on this. You choose which hills in battle to die on, this was his.

Comey is protecting the integrity of the FBI. Needed to find out what ELSE might be in WikiLeaked docs BEFORE they hit the fan next week. Probably discovered that the FBI is SITTING on the evidence of "intent" that Comey claimed was MISSING when he took a pass on recommending indictment or jury.

And if the "intent" part of this arrogant, careless, dangerous unapproved communications link that Hillary demanded is on the Weiner devices or her wife's laptop --- then the FBI was gonna lose ALL CREDIBILITY in "settling" the matter. Patriots looking at the potential carnage and leadership carnage that would occur between the election and her inauguration decided to act. Because 90% of America doesn't realize how seriously this leadership crisis would affect US National Security and our relationship with the world. They are doing the right thing to air it now.

Comey wouldn't be screwing with an election if it was NOT an urgent matter of National Security. People need to wake the fuck up -- sober up, put down the tabloid shit you've been fed and watch carefully. And if things unfold the way I think they will -- Hillary (and some of her staff) will have her courtesy security clearances YANKED before the end of next week. Probably will end Hillary's courtesy intel briefings as well. Until this gets resolved.

It's between him and CONGRESS right now -- no ex US attorney's opinion gets in the way of that.
"It is not the function of the FBI director to be making public pronouncements about an investigation, never mind about an investigation based on evidence that he acknowledges may not be significant," [former assistant U.S. attorney] Akerman stated. "

The job of the FBI is simply to investigate and to provide the results of its investigation to the prosecutorial arm of the U.S. Department of Justice. His job is not to give a running commentary about any investigation or his opinion about any investigation. This is particularly egregious since Secretary Clinton has no way to respond to what amounts to nebulous and speculative innuendo.

Why FBI Director James Comey did the wrong thing ... again
Theres already 3 USMB paid- DNC posters running interference for hiLIARy and now YOU also create a thread doing the same?
Do we really want a director of the FBI engaged in a partisan political matter? His initial comments went way beyond the scope of the investigation; after finding no crime had been done, he then engaged in character assassination of HRC. In fact, it is my opinion that Comey went far beyone misfeasance and is guilty of a crime, the abuse of power, i.e. malfeasance.
The first time he was grilled by congress, or when he sent a letter to congress the second time?

You really don't know what the hell you are talking about, do you?

FU. My comment was based on Comey's initial press conference. What he said to Congress or what was in a subsequent letter is not relevant to my post.
Well then, you live in an absolute bubble.

After his disgraceful testimony, and the disgraceful handling of the investigation, it is clear you haven't been paying attention.

Any imagined "character assassination" was more than warranted.

What other criminal gets an opportunity to destroy all the evidence of a crime before they are investigated?

And now you have the audacity to come on to this forum and whine to the membership how you think the head of the FBI might be bad mouthing your candidate a little bit, after he gives all her staff immunity from prosecution on the condition that they hand over everything they have that is pertinent to the case, (only after they have had a chance to delete any and all files that might show conduct unbecoming of a civil servant or future presidential candidate.)

Everyone knows what she did was wrong, it isn't a question of intent.

The fact that you are sitting here telling everyone that what she did was not wrong makes you look like an ignorant fool. Comey did not engage in character assassination, he was just telling it like it is. In fact, he made himself look complicit in the whole deal by agreeing to offer immunity to Clinton's staffers, allowing them time to destroy evidence, and then not charging her, and everyone under her with obstruction of justice makes the entire FBI look corrupt. The very fact that the Clinton staff destroyed evidence that was under subpoena PROVES criminal intent. He made himself look like a giant douche by claiming that there was no criminal intent.


You have the intellectual heft of a Tasmanian gnat.

You can't come in here and tell us, "no, you can't consider anything else, just this one press conference." Go blow yourself. Who the hell do you think you are? If it went to an investigation or court, all evidence would be considered. We need to know how the investigation was conducted.

She is guilty. The FBI and DOJ covered for her. They used different rules for prosecuting the investigation, giving her time to cover up what she needed to cover up.

Now it comes out that her play-girl didn't cover up everything, and the FBI accidentally came across something that should have been covered up, and FBI agents that AREN'T friendly to Comey or Clinton found it.

And now you are all butt hurt.

Well, that just sucks, don't it? Get used to it, that's government corruption. I'm sure no matter who is elected, there is more of that where this came from.
Comey is protecting the integrity of the FBI. Needed to find out what ELSE might be in WikiLeaked docs BEFORE they hit the fan next week. Probably discovered that the FBI is SITTING on the evidence of "intent" that Comey claimed was MISSING when he took a pass on recommending indictment or jury.

And if the "intent" part of this arrogant, careless, dangerous unapproved communications link that Hillary demanded is on the Weiner devices or her wife's laptop --- then the FBI was gonna lose ALL CREDIBILITY in "settling" the matter. Patriots looking at the potential carnage and leadership carnage that would occur between the election and her inauguration decided to act. Because 90% of America doesn't realize how seriously this leadership crisis would affect US National Security and our relationship with the world. They are doing the right thing to air it now.

Comey wouldn't be screwing with an election if it was NOT an urgent matter of National Security. People need to wake the fuck up -- sober up, put down the tabloid shit you've been fed and watch carefully. And if things unfold the way I think they will -- Hillary (and some of her staff) will have her courtesy security clearances YANKED before the end of next week. Probably will end Hillary's courtesy intel briefings as well. Until this gets resolved.

It's between him and CONGRESS right now -- no ex US attorney's opinion gets in the way of that.

Bullshit stories of outrage and conspiracy from those bastions of truth and integrity, Breitbart and the New York Post.

Breitbart is functionally, the public relations wing of the Trump Campaign, and only slightly less truthful than Trump himself.

I realize that it is in your best interests to whip up hysteria for Trump in the last days of the campaign, but it is time to let the voters decide this.

Trump statistically cannot win at this point, and this is the deperate Hail Mary pass attempt of a floundering campaign.
Comey wouldn't be screwing with an election if it was NOT an urgent matter of National Security.

Good thought.....and perhaps Comey IS screwing with an election cycle.

Regardless of how you may feel about Hillary, you'd have to at least admit that she is a clever person......and as a clever person, if she thought that there were substantive threats in those emails that would lead to a charge of tampering with national security, she would NOT be clamoring so loudly for the emails exposure.

Just a thought.....if she's guilty, she deserves all the repercussions, but if she is NOT guilty, she should be pissed at the late stage treachery.
Comey is protecting the integrity of the FBI. Needed to find out what ELSE might be in WikiLeaked docs BEFORE they hit the fan next week. Probably discovered that the FBI is SITTING on the evidence of "intent" that Comey claimed was MISSING when he took a pass on recommending indictment or jury.

And if the "intent" part of this arrogant, careless, dangerous unapproved communications link that Hillary demanded is on the Weiner devices or her wife's laptop --- then the FBI was gonna lose ALL CREDIBILITY in "settling" the matter. Patriots looking at the potential carnage and leadership carnage that would occur between the election and her inauguration decided to act. Because 90% of America doesn't realize how seriously this leadership crisis would affect US National Security and our relationship with the world. They are doing the right thing to air it now.

Comey wouldn't be screwing with an election if it was NOT an urgent matter of National Security. People need to wake the fuck up -- sober up, put down the tabloid shit you've been fed and watch carefully. And if things unfold the way I think they will -- Hillary (and some of her staff) will have her courtesy security clearances YANKED before the end of next week. Probably will end Hillary's courtesy intel briefings as well. Until this gets resolved.

It's between him and CONGRESS right now -- no ex US attorney's opinion gets in the way of that.

Bullshit stories of outrage and conspiracy from those bastions of truth and integrity, Breitbart and the New York Post.

Breitbart is functionally, the public relations wing of the Trump Campaign, and only slightly less truthful than Trump himself.

I realize that it is in your best interests to whip up hysteria for Trump in the last days of the campaign, but it is time to let the voters decide this.

Trump statistically cannot win at this point, and this is the deperate Hail Mary pass attempt of a floundering campaign.

I have no freaking idea what you're babbling about here. I see a leadership crisis of monstrous proportions coming straight at America and you're accusing ME of being a Trump supporter or right-winger? :haha:

Go read my 20 threads in the Johnson/Weld candidates' corner forum.. I'm not part of the problem here. The problem is -- you demented party shills that want to win at any cost. And are too arrogant to ADMIT these are both fatally flawed candidates that got there by HIJACKING their respective parties with money and influence.

You have fucking NO IDEA how refreshing it is to support HUMBLE candidates that ASK for your vote and just want to serve their country. No dynasties involved. You blow off the atrocious action of YOUR CANDIDATE in setting up a dangerous unauthorized unsecure communications link for her freaking convenience. And is SHOCKED when all this information comes out.

See --- you party shills. The ones that like YOUR liars and cheaters, but hate the OTHER liars and cheaters are about to become the MINORITY in this country. 43% of voters are unaffiliated and rising RAPIDLY and after this fiasco (if there IS an after) WE will be bigger than both your sorry tired corrupt duopolies.

YOU are blowing it big time. And taking down the country with you. You need to sober up. And think for yourself. Because from THAT POST -- it truely sounds as if you've been brainwashed and propagandized into retardation..
Comey wouldn't be screwing with an election if it was NOT an urgent matter of National Security.

Good thought.....and perhaps Comey IS screwing with an election cycle.

Regardless of how you may feel about Hillary, you'd have to at least admit that she is a clever person......and as a clever person, if she thought that there were substantive threats in those emails that would lead to a charge of tampering with national security, she would NOT be clamoring so loudly for the emails exposure.

Just a thought.....if she's guilty, she deserves all the repercussions, but if she is NOT guilty, she should be pissed at the late stage treachery.

He's not screwing with an election. He's bravely trying to save YOUR sorry party dick-sucking asses from a massive leadership crisis during a transition... He's a patriot and has principles. You remember when that shit was in fashion???
He's not screwing with an election. He's bravely trying to save YOUR sorry party dick-sucking asses from a massive leadership crisis during a transition... He's a patriot and has principles. You remember when that shit was in fashion???

Yes, I'm old enough to remember the "Saturday Night massacre" during the Watergate era....Those prosecutors had principles.....
Comey just simply peed in the pool and walked out leaving everyone wondering why there's a yellow cloud in the water..

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