Is Comey guilty of misfeasance?

The forum left loons today.....ahahahahaha


Well, no. I realize that facts don't matter to the right, but facts show that the latest Comey crap is nothing more than immaterial crap.

The facts are not out yet, clown. AHAHAHAHAHA This is delicious

Very few facts are out, but he stated clearly that there is no reason to believe anything potentially found will even be relevant to Clinton.

Yeah and last time he said there is no reason to believe she had "intent". There is something there, the stakes are too high for there not to be

Sure, there is something there. Your vivid right wing imagination.
She destroyed 30,000 emails...many after they were subpoenaed...the FBI offered to help...the FBI never checked the personal PC of Hillary's closest aide...and when an FBI agent investigating the pedophile Weiner looked at the PC shared by Huma and the Pedophile they found...close to 30,000 emails....

And this is Comey's 'fiasco'?

Hillary is a f*ing criminal...a victim of a scandal of her own making.
Why is it notable that the two women emailed each other from home?

Is the FBI guilty of doing a warrantless search on Huma?
Been drinking tonight Frank, "Comes original presser" ..."Riight" - are those keys a little hard to find tonight, huh Frank?

Fredo, Comey laid out Hillary's criminal activity, he was very clear that she broke the law in mishandling classified information then excused it by saying her criminal activity lacked intent

Mens rea Frank, it is the philosophy of the law of our land. All things considered, a vote for Trump is a vote for bigotry, hate and fascism and will drive the final nail into the coffin for democracy in America, if enough voters cast their vote in his favor.

Nothing in the released e-mails suggest anything evil in the mind of HRC; Trump's spoken record suggests the camps the right wing always claimed were created by FEMA - under President Obama's orders - would become a reality; Trump cannot tolerate dissent or criticism, he attacks Journalists, women and those who competed against him for the nomination. He is unstable and dangerous in the opinion of many life long Republicans, many Independents and most Democrats.

One source, Wikileaks, with an obvious effort to harm HRC and influence our elections, has released e-mails which may or may not be accurate, a source run by a man hiding from the law considered a person of interest in a rape:

"WikiLeaks founder Assange has been holed up at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London for the last four years to avoid extradition to Sweden, where prosecutors want to question him about 2010 allegations that he raped a female WikiLeaks volunteer.

Lust does not cause a man to rape, rape is a means of exercising power and control over the victim. Since it is unlikely Assange can terrorize women while in a self imposed exile, what better way for him to take care of his needs than to attempt to prevent HRC from having the power of the presidency, of the most powerful nation in the world?

Hillary has demonstrated mens rea (the intention or knowledge of wrongdoing that constitutes part of a crime) in no less than the following ways:
  1. maintained her private email server so the emails would not be available to the entity that employed her,
  2. Failed to comply with an order to turn order files sought in conjunction with an investigation
  3. physically destroyed 4 servers and her cell phones
  4. used software to wipe the servers clean and the emails unreadable
That's a consciousness of guilt and fully demonstrates she knew exactly what she was doing in hiding her criminal activity
In your opinion, yes.

In facts, no.


I laid out the facts Mr Fritz
Do we really want a director of the FBI engaged in a partisan political matter? His initial comments went way beyond the scope of the investigation; after finding no crime had been done, he then engaged in character assassination of HRC. In fact, it is my opinion that Comey went far beyone misfeasance and is guilty of a crime, the abuse of power, i.e. malfeasance.
He certainly is trying to please Trump.

Why is it even remarkable that the two women communicated via email from home?
Is the FBI now guilty of a warrantless search of Huma's emails?

Good question.
What if Comey had held the (whatever this is) until after the election?

He'd be accused of misfeasance then, as well.

Theoretically, there's time for her to get back on track if things move quickly.

Wrong. The fact of an election would not, nor should not rush an investigation. Pressure put upon an investigator to do so can become a criminal offense, and if it includes money or promises for the future it is a felony. Comey fucked up, if I were Lynch (and during some of my career I ran IA) I would open an internal investigation, putting him on the record. FYI any sworn officer who lies during an internal investigation is fired, on any level at every agency of which I am familiar.
Been drinking tonight Frank, "Comes original presser" ..."Riight" - are those keys a little hard to find tonight, huh Frank?

Fredo, Comey laid out Hillary's criminal activity, he was very clear that she broke the law in mishandling classified information then excused it by saying her criminal activity lacked intent

Mens rea Frank, it is the philosophy of the law of our land. All things considered, a vote for Trump is a vote for bigotry, hate and fascism and will drive the final nail into the coffin for democracy in America, if enough voters cast their vote in his favor.

Nothing in the released e-mails suggest anything evil in the mind of HRC; Trump's spoken record suggests the camps the right wing always claimed were created by FEMA - under President Obama's orders - would become a reality; Trump cannot tolerate dissent or criticism, he attacks Journalists, women and those who competed against him for the nomination. He is unstable and dangerous in the opinion of many life long Republicans, many Independents and most Democrats.

One source, Wikileaks, with an obvious effort to harm HRC and influence our elections, has released e-mails which may or may not be accurate, a source run by a man hiding from the law considered a person of interest in a rape:

"WikiLeaks founder Assange has been holed up at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London for the last four years to avoid extradition to Sweden, where prosecutors want to question him about 2010 allegations that he raped a female WikiLeaks volunteer.

Lust does not cause a man to rape, rape is a means of exercising power and control over the victim. Since it is unlikely Assange can terrorize women while in a self imposed exile, what better way for him to take care of his needs than to attempt to prevent HRC from having the power of the presidency, of the most powerful nation in the world?

Hillary has demonstrated mens rea (the intention or knowledge of wrongdoing that constitutes part of a crime) in no less than the following ways:
  1. maintained her private email server so the emails would not be available to the entity that employed her,
  2. Failed to comply with an order to turn order files sought in conjunction with an investigation
  3. physically destroyed 4 servers and her cell phones
  4. used software to wipe the servers clean and the emails unreadable
That's a consciousness of guilt and fully demonstrates she knew exactly what she was doing in hiding her criminal activity
In your opinion, yes.

In facts, no.


I laid out the facts Mr Fritz

No you didn't Frank. You've made allegations. A LE affidavit which alleges a crime is submitted to the proper authority as true and correct under penalty of perjury (a felony, which would cause Comey to lose his law license). Since your license to troll has no such requirement, you are free to lie and make shit up all day.
Latest?????? I thought clearing her was just good solid investigative police work nothing to see.........according to libs.........
"It is not the function of the FBI director to be making public pronouncements about an investigation, never mind about an investigation based on evidence that he acknowledges may not be significant," [former assistant U.S. attorney] Akerman stated. "

The job of the FBI is simply to investigate and to provide the results of its investigation to the prosecutorial arm of the U.S. Department of Justice. His job is not to give a running commentary about any investigation or his opinion about any investigation. This is particularly egregious since Secretary Clinton has no way to respond to what amounts to nebulous and speculative innuendo.

Why FBI Director James Comey did the wrong thing ... again

Jesus many of these threads are you going to do? Even an infant only wets itself 7 or 8 times a day. :lol:
"It is not the function of the FBI director to be making public pronouncements about an investigation, never mind about an investigation based on evidence that he acknowledges may not be significant," [former assistant U.S. attorney] Akerman stated. "

The job of the FBI is simply to investigate and to provide the results of its investigation to the prosecutorial arm of the U.S. Department of Justice. His job is not to give a running commentary about any investigation or his opinion about any investigation. This is particularly egregious since Secretary Clinton has no way to respond to what amounts to nebulous and speculative innuendo.

Why FBI Director James Comey did the wrong thing ... again
What was the first thing he did wrong?
What was the first thing he did wrong?

What Comey FIRST did wrong, is to hold a press conference exonerating Clinton instead of simply submitting his findings and recommendations to the DOJ for THEM to review and then announce that no wrong doings were found.
What was the first thing he did wrong?

What Comey FIRST did wrong, is to hold a press conference exonerating Clinton instead of simply submitting his findings and recommendations to the DOJ for THEM to review and then announce that no wrong doings were found.
What Comey did was list all the things Clinton DID wrong...only to conclude that no reasonable prosecutor would bring charges...that's was what he did wrong first...and you morons applauded him for it.
For 30 years and at the waste of $50 million + the Republicans have tried every dirty scam in and off the books to give HRC the APPEARANCE of impropriety because they have nothing of substance on her. And all along the way at every turn they have failed miserably.

This failure handed her the presidency which she was likely to win anyway. It is an epic miscalculation on their part...AGAIN.

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