Is Education taking a back seat to Political Correctness in our colleges?

Not sure if you were born yet to see the Riots of the 1960's
Berkeley's protests which did get violent
Protests with buses of kids on the D.C mall

You can't make people change how they feel, but the schools can demand respect for the students attending, along with safety . This is not a political need, it is a priority for our children that go off to college.

BTW this comment is stupid!
Can we stop the pendulum from moving so far to the left that a college degree is meaningless?

Respect starts at home. And if anyone has a teenager, you know the challenge of parenting a defiant teen who progresses to an insolent young adult who wants to be given a $80,000 job for meaningless work.

What are you talking about?
Teenagers. Tough subject for most parents. They want the respect but refuse to give parents the same. I know of others who the well meaning parents bought their 16 year old a Lexus, another a suburban and they are now trying to ground their kids for misdemeanors but having trouble following through. This is the essence of the liberal thinker. We owe them everything without them working for it.

So, they make it through high school and go to college, making it barely through. Refuse to take a job for a meager $40,000 because of the idiocy of the 1%. So they end in the parents basement rather than taking a job and working up the ladder.

That's what is happening arpund the nation,. Liberalism at its finest. I don't expect you to understand.
Sweeping generalities mean nothing, Jackson.
Okay with that. Aren't we all guilty of making sweeping generalities on this board? The lefts this and the rights think that. Maybe we all need to qualify our statements.
Yup. And when TN and the others do clearly and accurately, I will do so. But while they do not, I will continue to show where they are wrong.
And you know the illusive truth. How did you come across the "truth" that seemed to avoid the rest of the world?

First of all, I was actually present at some of the riots last year - and I know how police riot control tactics work, due to family friends in the NYPD command structure.

Not to mention, this "truth" didn't "avoid the rest of the world" - it was avoided by Movement Conservative Media Machine.
So how did the police control the riots in Ferguson?

Tear gas, rubber bullets, riot shields. The same way they do it everywhere else.
Then they failed. Didn't Ferguson protesters make the police sign a statement that they would not use tear gas or rubber bullets any longer when they rioted?

Um, no. That never happened.
And you know the illusive truth. How did you come across the "truth" that seemed to avoid the rest of the world?

First of all, I was actually present at some of the riots last year - and I know how police riot control tactics work, due to family friends in the NYPD command structure.

Not to mention, this "truth" didn't "avoid the rest of the world" - it was avoided by Movement Conservative Media Machine.
So how did the police control the riots in Ferguson?

Tear gas, rubber bullets, riot shields. The same way they do it everywhere else.
Then they failed. Didn't Ferguson protesters make the police sign a statement that they would not use tear gas or rubber bullets any longer when they rioted?

Um, no. That never happened.
Here are stories and lists of their demands. Ignore the bottle throwing sat police and other misdemeanors and no more "militarilized actions", calling for death of police officers

FERGUSON RIOTS: Protesters Target ‘Wealthy’ Whites; Vandalize Home, Burn US Flags, Assault Reporter, Call for Officer’s Death

FERGUSON RIOTS: Protesters Target ‘Wealthy’ Whites; Vandalize Home, Burn US Flags, Assault Reporter, Call for Officer’s Death

Ferguson Protesters Have Some Demands (VIDEO)

WATCH: Ferguson Protesters Have Some Demands

A Group Of Ferguson Protesters Releases List Of Demands, Calls For National ‘Walk Out’

A Group Of Ferguson Protesters Releases List Of Demands, Calls For National ‘Walk Out’

Ferguson Protesters Demand Police Be ‘Tolerant’ Of ‘Minor Lawbreaking’

Read more:

Ferguson Protesters Give Police Ridiculous List of Pre-Riot DemandsFerguson Rioters Give Police Ridiculous List of Pre-Riot Demands
Not sure if you were born yet to see the Riots of the 1960's
Berkeley's protests which did get violent
Protests with buses of kids on the D.C mall

You can't make people change how they feel, but the schools can demand respect for the students attending, along with safety . This is not a political need, it is a priority for our children that go off to college.

BTW this comment is stupid!
Can we stop the pendulum from moving so far to the left that a college degree is meaningless?

Respect starts at home. And if anyone has a teenager, you know the challenge of parenting a defiant teen who progresses to an insolent young adult who wants to be given a $80,000 job for meaningless work.

What are you talking about?
Teenagers. Tough subject for most parents. They want the respect but refuse to give parents the same. I know of others who the well meaning parents bought their 16 year old a Lexus, another a suburban and they are now trying to ground their kids for misdemeanors but having trouble following through. This is the essence of the liberal thinker. We owe them everything without them working for it.

So, they make it through high school and go to college, making it barely through. Refuse to take a job for a meager $40,000 because of the idiocy of the 1%. So they end in the parents basement rather than taking a job and working up the ladder.

That's what is happening arpund the nation,. Liberalism at its finest. I don't expect you to understand.
Sweeping generalities mean nothing, Jackson.
Okay with that. Aren't we all guilty of making sweeping generalities on this board? The lefts this and the rights think that. Maybe we all need to qualify our statements.
Jake, I think you are guilty of painting with a broad brush as well.
And you know the illusive truth. How did you come across the "truth" that seemed to avoid the rest of the world?

First of all, I was actually present at some of the riots last year - and I know how police riot control tactics work, due to family friends in the NYPD command structure.

Not to mention, this "truth" didn't "avoid the rest of the world" - it was avoided by Movement Conservative Media Machine.
So how did the police control the riots in Ferguson?

Tear gas, rubber bullets, riot shields. The same way they do it everywhere else.
Then they failed. Didn't Ferguson protesters make the police sign a statement that they would not use tear gas or rubber bullets any longer when they rioted?

What did they "fail" at?
They failed to contain the vigilante actions and crime sprees going on. How many looters made it home with tv's and liquor while the police watched. Missouri is now a mess.
First of all, I was actually present at some of the riots last year - and I know how police riot control tactics work, due to family friends in the NYPD command structure.

Not to mention, this "truth" didn't "avoid the rest of the world" - it was avoided by Movement Conservative Media Machine.
So how did the police control the riots in Ferguson?

Tear gas, rubber bullets, riot shields. The same way they do it everywhere else.
Then they failed. Didn't Ferguson protesters make the police sign a statement that they would not use tear gas or rubber bullets any longer when they rioted?

Um, no. That never happened.
First of all, I was actually present at some of the riots last year - and I know how police riot control tactics work, due to family friends in the NYPD command structure.

Not to mention, this "truth" didn't "avoid the rest of the world" - it was avoided by Movement Conservative Media Machine.
So how did the police control the riots in Ferguson?

Tear gas, rubber bullets, riot shields. The same way they do it everywhere else.
Then they failed. Didn't Ferguson protesters make the police sign a statement that they would not use tear gas or rubber bullets any longer when they rioted?

Um, no. That never happened.
Here are stories and lists of their demands. Ignore the bottle throwing sat police and other misdemeanors and no more "militarilized actions", calling for death of police officers

FERGUSON RIOTS: Protesters Target ‘Wealthy’ Whites; Vandalize Home, Burn US Flags, Assault Reporter, Call for Officer’s Death

FERGUSON RIOTS: Protesters Target ‘Wealthy’ Whites; Vandalize Home, Burn US Flags, Assault Reporter, Call for Officer’s Death

Ferguson Protesters Have Some Demands (VIDEO)

WATCH: Ferguson Protesters Have Some Demands

A Group Of Ferguson Protesters Releases List Of Demands, Calls For National ‘Walk Out’

A Group Of Ferguson Protesters Releases List Of Demands, Calls For National ‘Walk Out’

Ferguson Protesters Demand Police Be ‘Tolerant’ Of ‘Minor Lawbreaking’

Read more: Ferguson Protesters Demand Police Be ‘Tolerant’ Of ‘Minor Lawbreaking’

Ferguson Protesters Give Police Ridiculous List of Pre-Riot DemandsFerguson Rioters Give Police Ridiculous List of Pre-Riot Demands

Yeah, we know the people leading the protests were morons.

Guess what? The Ferguson police didn't follow their "demands".
Respect starts at home. And if anyone has a teenager, you know the challenge of parenting a defiant teen who progresses to an insolent young adult who wants to be given a $80,000 job for meaningless work.

What are you talking about?
Teenagers. Tough subject for most parents. They want the respect but refuse to give parents the same. I know of others who the well meaning parents bought their 16 year old a Lexus, another a suburban and they are now trying to ground their kids for misdemeanors but having trouble following through. This is the essence of the liberal thinker. We owe them everything without them working for it.

So, they make it through high school and go to college, making it barely through. Refuse to take a job for a meager $40,000 because of the idiocy of the 1%. So they end in the parents basement rather than taking a job and working up the ladder.

That's what is happening arpund the nation,. Liberalism at its finest. I don't expect you to understand.
Sweeping generalities mean nothing, Jackson.
Okay with that. Aren't we all guilty of making sweeping generalities on this board? The lefts this and the rights think that. Maybe we all need to qualify our statements.
Jake, I think you are guilty of painting with a broad brush as well.
When people give context, I can deal with that. But the far right often (and the far left as well) have trouble with that it seems.

So give context.
First of all, I was actually present at some of the riots last year - and I know how police riot control tactics work, due to family friends in the NYPD command structure.

Not to mention, this "truth" didn't "avoid the rest of the world" - it was avoided by Movement Conservative Media Machine.
So how did the police control the riots in Ferguson?

Tear gas, rubber bullets, riot shields. The same way they do it everywhere else.
Then they failed. Didn't Ferguson protesters make the police sign a statement that they would not use tear gas or rubber bullets any longer when they rioted?

What did they "fail" at?
They failed to contain the vigilante actions and crime sprees going on. How many looters made it home with tv's and liquor while the police watched. Missouri is now a mess.

I'm going to stress that I think armchair quarterbacking is dumb and meaningless, but what exactly do you think should have been done?
So how did the police control the riots in Ferguson?

Tear gas, rubber bullets, riot shields. The same way they do it everywhere else.
Then they failed. Didn't Ferguson protesters make the police sign a statement that they would not use tear gas or rubber bullets any longer when they rioted?

Um, no. That never happened.
So how did the police control the riots in Ferguson?

Tear gas, rubber bullets, riot shields. The same way they do it everywhere else.
Then they failed. Didn't Ferguson protesters make the police sign a statement that they would not use tear gas or rubber bullets any longer when they rioted?

Um, no. That never happened.
Here are stories and lists of their demands. Ignore the bottle throwing sat police and other misdemeanors and no more "militarilized actions", calling for death of police officers

FERGUSON RIOTS: Protesters Target ‘Wealthy’ Whites; Vandalize Home, Burn US Flags, Assault Reporter, Call for Officer’s Death

FERGUSON RIOTS: Protesters Target ‘Wealthy’ Whites; Vandalize Home, Burn US Flags, Assault Reporter, Call for Officer’s Death

Ferguson Protesters Have Some Demands (VIDEO)

WATCH: Ferguson Protesters Have Some Demands

A Group Of Ferguson Protesters Releases List Of Demands, Calls For National ‘Walk Out’

A Group Of Ferguson Protesters Releases List Of Demands, Calls For National ‘Walk Out’

Ferguson Protesters Demand Police Be ‘Tolerant’ Of ‘Minor Lawbreaking’

Read more: Ferguson Protesters Demand Police Be ‘Tolerant’ Of ‘Minor Lawbreaking’

Ferguson Protesters Give Police Ridiculous List of Pre-Riot DemandsFerguson Rioters Give Police Ridiculous List of Pre-Riot Demands

Yeah, we know the people leading the protests were morons.

Guess what? The Ferguson police didn't follow their "demands".
For many, they did. There was actual tv footage, remember?
What are you talking about?
Teenagers. Tough subject for most parents. They want the respect but refuse to give parents the same. I know of others who the well meaning parents bought their 16 year old a Lexus, another a suburban and they are now trying to ground their kids for misdemeanors but having trouble following through. This is the essence of the liberal thinker. We owe them everything without them working for it.

So, they make it through high school and go to college, making it barely through. Refuse to take a job for a meager $40,000 because of the idiocy of the 1%. So they end in the parents basement rather than taking a job and working up the ladder.

That's what is happening arpund the nation,. Liberalism at its finest. I don't expect you to understand.
Sweeping generalities mean nothing, Jackson.
Okay with that. Aren't we all guilty of making sweeping generalities on this board? The lefts this and the rights think that. Maybe we all need to qualify our statements.
Jake, I think you are guilty of painting with a broad brush as well.
When people give context, I can deal with that. But the far right often (and the far left as well) have trouble with that it seems.

So give context.
Okay... you do the same. We're together on this.
So how did the police control the riots in Ferguson?

Tear gas, rubber bullets, riot shields. The same way they do it everywhere else.
Then they failed. Didn't Ferguson protesters make the police sign a statement that they would not use tear gas or rubber bullets any longer when they rioted?

What did they "fail" at?
They failed to contain the vigilante actions and crime sprees going on. How many looters made it home with tv's and liquor while the police watched. Missouri is now a mess.

I'm going to stress that I think armchair quarterbacking is dumb and meaningless, but what exactly do you think should have been done?
They should have brought out the National Guard and arrested as many as they could possibly catch. NG could help with detaining. Violence MUST have consequences.
First of all, I was actually present at some of the riots last year - and I know how police riot control tactics work, due to family friends in the NYPD command structure.

Not to mention, this "truth" didn't "avoid the rest of the world" - it was avoided by Movement Conservative Media Machine.
So how did the police control the riots in Ferguson?

Tear gas, rubber bullets, riot shields. The same way they do it everywhere else.
Then they failed. Didn't Ferguson protesters make the police sign a statement that they would not use tear gas or rubber bullets any longer when they rioted?

What did they "fail" at?
They failed to contain the vigilante actions and crime sprees going on. How many looters made it home with tv's and liquor while the police watched. Missouri is now a mess.
"Missouri is now a mess" is broad brush and meaningless.
Tear gas, rubber bullets, riot shields. The same way they do it everywhere else.
Then they failed. Didn't Ferguson protesters make the police sign a statement that they would not use tear gas or rubber bullets any longer when they rioted?

Um, no. That never happened.
Tear gas, rubber bullets, riot shields. The same way they do it everywhere else.
Then they failed. Didn't Ferguson protesters make the police sign a statement that they would not use tear gas or rubber bullets any longer when they rioted?

Um, no. That never happened.
Here are stories and lists of their demands. Ignore the bottle throwing sat police and other misdemeanors and no more "militarilized actions", calling for death of police officers

FERGUSON RIOTS: Protesters Target ‘Wealthy’ Whites; Vandalize Home, Burn US Flags, Assault Reporter, Call for Officer’s Death

FERGUSON RIOTS: Protesters Target ‘Wealthy’ Whites; Vandalize Home, Burn US Flags, Assault Reporter, Call for Officer’s Death

Ferguson Protesters Have Some Demands (VIDEO)

WATCH: Ferguson Protesters Have Some Demands

A Group Of Ferguson Protesters Releases List Of Demands, Calls For National ‘Walk Out’

A Group Of Ferguson Protesters Releases List Of Demands, Calls For National ‘Walk Out’

Ferguson Protesters Demand Police Be ‘Tolerant’ Of ‘Minor Lawbreaking’

Read more: Ferguson Protesters Demand Police Be ‘Tolerant’ Of ‘Minor Lawbreaking’

Ferguson Protesters Give Police Ridiculous List of Pre-Riot DemandsFerguson Rioters Give Police Ridiculous List of Pre-Riot Demands

Yeah, we know the people leading the protests were morons.

Guess what? The Ferguson police didn't follow their "demands".
For msany, they did. There was actual tv footage, remember?

Yeah, I know. In every shot, there were clouds of tear gas, and riot police marching in lines. Every morning show was filled with photos of beanbags and tear gas canisters on the ground.

None of the TV footage showed the cops "standing down".
Tear gas, rubber bullets, riot shields. The same way they do it everywhere else.
Then they failed. Didn't Ferguson protesters make the police sign a statement that they would not use tear gas or rubber bullets any longer when they rioted?

What did they "fail" at?
They failed to contain the vigilante actions and crime sprees going on. How many looters made it home with tv's and liquor while the police watched. Missouri is now a mess.

I'm going to stress that I think armchair quarterbacking is dumb and meaningless, but what exactly do you think should have been done?
They should have brought out the National Guard and arrested as many as they could possibly catch. NG could help with detaining. Violence MUST have consequences.

So you think bringing in the Army would have been the best solution. That's interesting.

What do you think that would have done in terms of racial unrest? General civil unrest?

It only takes one photograph of a National Guardsman standing over a dead kid and it's Kent State all over again.
So how did the police control the riots in Ferguson?

Tear gas, rubber bullets, riot shields. The same way they do it everywhere else.
Then they failed. Didn't Ferguson protesters make the police sign a statement that they would not use tear gas or rubber bullets any longer when they rioted?

What did they "fail" at?
They failed to contain the vigilante actions and crime sprees going on. How many looters made it home with tv's and liquor while the police watched. Missouri is now a mess.
"Missouri is now a mess" is broad brush and meaningless.
I should have been more exact. After experiencing the riots in Ferguson, they flap at Mizzou occurred. How many people want to live in Ferguson and I cannot help but think people will think twice about their kids attending Missouri U.
Then they failed. Didn't Ferguson protesters make the police sign a statement that they would not use tear gas or rubber bullets any longer when they rioted?

What did they "fail" at?
They failed to contain the vigilante actions and crime sprees going on. How many looters made it home with tv's and liquor while the police watched. Missouri is now a mess.

I'm going to stress that I think armchair quarterbacking is dumb and meaningless, but what exactly do you think should have been done?
They should have brought out the National Guard and arrested as many as they could possibly catch. NG could help with detaining. Violence MUST have consequences.

So you think bringing in the Army would have been the best solution. That's interesting.

What do you think that would have done in terms of racial unrest? General civil unrest?

It only takes one photograph of a National Guardsman standing over a dead kid and it's Kent State all over again.
It could have helped the civil unrest. They people could protest legally without the looting and destroying property.
Then they failed. Didn't Ferguson protesters make the police sign a statement that they would not use tear gas or rubber bullets any longer when they rioted?

Um, no. That never happened.
Then they failed. Didn't Ferguson protesters make the police sign a statement that they would not use tear gas or rubber bullets any longer when they rioted?

Um, no. That never happened.
Here are stories and lists of their demands. Ignore the bottle throwing sat police and other misdemeanors and no more "militarilized actions", calling for death of police officers

FERGUSON RIOTS: Protesters Target ‘Wealthy’ Whites; Vandalize Home, Burn US Flags, Assault Reporter, Call for Officer’s Death

FERGUSON RIOTS: Protesters Target ‘Wealthy’ Whites; Vandalize Home, Burn US Flags, Assault Reporter, Call for Officer’s Death

Ferguson Protesters Have Some Demands (VIDEO)

WATCH: Ferguson Protesters Have Some Demands

A Group Of Ferguson Protesters Releases List Of Demands, Calls For National ‘Walk Out’

A Group Of Ferguson Protesters Releases List Of Demands, Calls For National ‘Walk Out’

Ferguson Protesters Demand Police Be ‘Tolerant’ Of ‘Minor Lawbreaking’

Read more: Ferguson Protesters Demand Police Be ‘Tolerant’ Of ‘Minor Lawbreaking’

Ferguson Protesters Give Police Ridiculous List of Pre-Riot DemandsFerguson Rioters Give Police Ridiculous List of Pre-Riot Demands

Yeah, we know the people leading the protests were morons.

Guess what? The Ferguson police didn't follow their "demands".
For msany, they did. There was actual tv footage, remember?

Yeah, I know. In every shot, there were clouds of tear gas, and riot police marching in lines. Every morning show was filled with photos of beanbags and tear gas canisters on the ground.

None of the TV footage showed the cops "standing down".
Some were standing outside the police station "guarding!"
Teenagers. Tough subject for most parents. They want the respect but refuse to give parents the same. I know of others who the well meaning parents bought their 16 year old a Lexus, another a suburban and they are now trying to ground their kids for misdemeanors but having trouble following through. This is the essence of the liberal thinker. We owe them everything without them working for it.

So, they make it through high school and go to college, making it barely through. Refuse to take a job for a meager $40,000 because of the idiocy of the 1%. So they end in the parents basement rather than taking a job and working up the ladder.

That's what is happening arpund the nation,. Liberalism at its finest. I don't expect you to understand.

This last Sept. I took my son to college and was surprised to see off campus housing jam packed with students drinking and whatever else.
The college has 0 say with anything off campus, so I am sure their are future alcoholics brewing and are not there to learn.

On the other hand there are hard working students who are there to learn, who deserve our support and provide safety..They can go on and be our future leaders.

Just wondering, what does politics have to do with parenting? There are awesome parents , and loser parents from all parties.

BTW you said the racial supremacy is being called out. Who are they?
What did they "fail" at?
They failed to contain the vigilante actions and crime sprees going on. How many looters made it home with tv's and liquor while the police watched. Missouri is now a mess.

I'm going to stress that I think armchair quarterbacking is dumb and meaningless, but what exactly do you think should have been done?
They should have brought out the National Guard and arrested as many as they could possibly catch. NG could help with detaining. Violence MUST have consequences.

So you think bringing in the Army would have been the best solution. That's interesting.

What do you think that would have done in terms of racial unrest? General civil unrest?

It only takes one photograph of a National Guardsman standing over a dead kid and it's Kent State all over again.
It could have helped the civil unrest. They people could protest legally without the looting and destroying property.

You're absolutely deluded if you think armed military violently attacking "protesters" on American soil would "help" in terms of civil unrest.

There aren't enough National Guardsmen in the country to "quell" the riots that would happen after that.
Um, no. That never happened.
Um, no. That never happened.
Here are stories and lists of their demands. Ignore the bottle throwing sat police and other misdemeanors and no more "militarilized actions", calling for death of police officers

FERGUSON RIOTS: Protesters Target ‘Wealthy’ Whites; Vandalize Home, Burn US Flags, Assault Reporter, Call for Officer’s Death

FERGUSON RIOTS: Protesters Target ‘Wealthy’ Whites; Vandalize Home, Burn US Flags, Assault Reporter, Call for Officer’s Death

Ferguson Protesters Have Some Demands (VIDEO)

WATCH: Ferguson Protesters Have Some Demands

A Group Of Ferguson Protesters Releases List Of Demands, Calls For National ‘Walk Out’

A Group Of Ferguson Protesters Releases List Of Demands, Calls For National ‘Walk Out’

Ferguson Protesters Demand Police Be ‘Tolerant’ Of ‘Minor Lawbreaking’

Read more: Ferguson Protesters Demand Police Be ‘Tolerant’ Of ‘Minor Lawbreaking’

Ferguson Protesters Give Police Ridiculous List of Pre-Riot DemandsFerguson Rioters Give Police Ridiculous List of Pre-Riot Demands

Yeah, we know the people leading the protests were morons.

Guess what? The Ferguson police didn't follow their "demands".
For msany, they did. There was actual tv footage, remember?

Yeah, I know. In every shot, there were clouds of tear gas, and riot police marching in lines. Every morning show was filled with photos of beanbags and tear gas canisters on the ground.

None of the TV footage showed the cops "standing down".
Some were standing outside the police station "guarding!"

Yeah, some of them were guarding the Police Station. I'd think that would be on the list of things to do during an anti-Police riot, don't you?

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