Is Fox News Brainwashing People?

Surveys have routinely found that Fox News viewers had the least amount of knowledge of new and current events of any segment of the population. People who don't read newspapers or watch TV news had a better grasp of recent current events than regular Fox viewers.

STUDY Watching Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All - Business Insider

Absolute bullshit. What's more - you know that it is.
Free free to take a crack at debunking it.

Cassino concluded that "the most popular of the national media sources—Fox, CNN, MSNBC—seem to be the least informative."

It's easy as hell to debunk:

So go ahead and take a crack at it. Your video had nothing to do with a study which said Fox Viewers were less informed than people who don't watch the news.

Actually, it did a great job of backing up my frequent complaints on this board about brainless parrots. I would say it supports the assertion that people who watch Fox News are less informed parrots.

Your video turns out to be an anti-vaxxer video. It does not get more hilariously ironic than that.

You aren't debunking anything. You are proving it to be correct! :badgrin:
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I gotta say, when someone is too intellectually challenged when asked to debunk a study, and instead decides to copy and paste an anti-vaxxer video, I am almost literally ROFL.
Fox talks horsecrap, FRAGILE listeners buy it.

the end

Then why do so many moderates and lefty's watch it more than MSNBC?
You don't have to watch Fox for more than 30 seconds to catch them in a lie.

Watch The Daily Show s Vine 50 Fox News lies in 6 seconds. Tap the screen to pause

Almost all of those are opinions and not news, like all other news outlets that have opinion commentaries.
Ah, the old "they aren't the news, just commentators" defense when caught in a lie. It's the same weaseling bullshit Jon Stewart does when criticized. "I'm just a comedian."

Fox News is purporting to tell their viewers the truth. They don't. There are a lot of parrots who drink their piss and then regurgitate it right here on this forum.

What did Bill O'Reilly say about the weight we should give to information media figures who lie?
Then why do so many moderates and lefty's watch it more than MSNBC?
You don't have to watch Fox for more than 30 seconds to catch them in a lie.

Watch The Daily Show s Vine 50 Fox News lies in 6 seconds. Tap the screen to pause

Almost all of those are opinions and not news, like all other news outlets that have opinion commentaries.

Indeed. But we "won't count" those...... They ALWAYS bring up Bill O'Reilly - and all the guy does is a commentator - just like Stewart and the rest - but OH MY GOD!!! Look, when the jerks come on here and try to defend their "positions" (which, by the way, are read from some liberal website) they typically forget the Al Sharpton's of the world - tens of millions of dollars owed to the IRS and simply ignored by their side. But let O'Reilly say something they don't like and it's WWIII.


Yes they seem to think that Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, Ed Schulz, and Al Sharpton are news and not commentator shows just like O'Reilly and then turn around and call Fox viewers brainwashed. Priceless!!
ALL NEWS is trying to control us everybody. Wake up and do your own research on things.

Almost all of those are opinions and not news, like all other news outlets that have opinion commentaries.

Indeed. But we "won't count" those...... They ALWAYS bring up Bill O'Reilly - and all the guy does is a commentator - just like Stewart and the rest - but OH MY GOD!!! Look, when the jerks come on here and try to defend their "positions" (which, by the way, are read from some liberal website) they typically forget the Al Sharpton's of the world - tens of millions of dollars owed to the IRS and simply ignored by their side. But let O'Reilly say something they don't like and it's WWIII.


Yes they seem to think that Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, Ed Schulz, and Al Sharpton are news and not commentator shows just like O'Reilly and then turn around and call Fox viewers brainwashed. Priceless!!
ALL NEWS is trying to control us everybody. Wake up and do your own research on things.
You dolts should read the link I provided again. And the quotes I provided. The study showed that CNN and MSNBC were also the least informative.

I quoted that quite plainly, willfully blind monkey. And I am still waiting for it to be debunked.
It should be fun watching a faux right wing tard try to debunk a study which proves Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC are the least informative news outlets and fixing it so the part which says Fox News sucks is wrong while the part which says CNN and MSNBC suck is right.

As I said, Alexis de Tocqueville nailed it. Media outlets in America are numerous, and are allied for or against the Administration, and partisans flock to the one which has the flavor they like. Journalists are stupid and coarse, and provide base material to the masses who lap it up.
"Is Fox News Brainwashing People?"

No, Fox entertainment is a cult, its members predisposed to the lies and idiocy propagated by Fox.

Is that what George Soros programmed you to say, Saul?

Here, try some salve:

Ha ha, Progressives are so fucking idiotic. Oh oh oh! FOX are such liars! Meanwhile MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC are all worse but that's ok because they agree with them.

Progressives are the worst people on the planet.

Unfortunately, in this case, I have to disagree. WE ARE ALL being used. The media doesn't give a hoot in hell be you a republican, democrat, independent, left wing, right wing, progressive - whatever - THEY DON'T CARE. They have a message from their OWNERS. THEY are the ones who actually dictate "policy". And, like the lemmings the people in this country are - they blindly follow.

The only "original" thought in this whole damn country comes from media conglomerates. Wake up America!

Oh I agree with you. I'm just pointing out how lefties look at it and only see the lies from FOX. There isn't any unbiased news anymore, anywhere.

You know what they say about idiot democrats - "There is none so blind as he who will not see". They are the personification of that.

From the Department of Redundancy Department: "idiot Democrat". Lol
Ah, the old "they aren't the news, just commentators" defense when caught in a lie. It's the same weaseling bullshit Jon Stewart does when criticized. "I'm just a comedian."

Fox News is purporting to tell their viewers the truth. They don't. There are a lot of parrots who drink their piss and then regurgitate it right here on this forum.

What did Bill O'Reilly say about the weight we should give to information media figures who lie?

Jake, you're a mindless partisan hack - you promote your filthy party - it's all you do.

But as a brainless drone - DO you grasp the distinction between commentary and news? Fox is VERY clear in what is a news broadcast and what is commentary. Also Jake, do you grasp the distinction between fact and opinion?

Bill O'Reilly says "Obama is not god," and you come unglued "LAIR" you shriek (TM tip of that hat to fellow traveler Jake5000). But the opinion that Obama isn't god doesn't really make Bill a liar - he just has a differing opinion than George Soros (ergo you.)

Look, the party is the only truth to you, I get it - so anything that is at odds with party dogma is a "lie" in your alleged mind. Truth is that which serves the party, all else is lies, Da Jake?
You've got CBS simply making stuff up with Dan Rather.

This is nearly impossible to know. The documents were Xerox copies, which in forensics is a dead end—nothing can be proved, or disproved, without an original. Since the report, Rather has hired lawyers and private investigators to get to the bottom of the mystery, to no avail. Strangely, he has made only one attempt to contact the man who initially gave the documents to CBS, the former Guardsman and West Texas rancher Bill Burkett, who, after initially lying about where he got them, told a dubious tale of receiving them from shadowy characters at a cattle show in Houston—and then went stone silent. Burkett refused to talk to Rather.

But the CBS documents that seem destined to haunt Rather are, and have always been, a red herring. The real story, assembled here for the first time in a single narrative, featuring new witnesses and never-reported details, is far more complex than what

Truth or Consequences Texas Monthly

I know that you're "blind" Boo...but you'd also have to deaf, dumb and stupid not to know that Rather and his gang at CBS knew all along that they were going with an unproven narrative and bogus "proof" in the Bush National Guard story. What "haunts" Dan Rather is that he got caught lying his ass off.
In my experience, only liberals watch Fox News.


I've known many, MANY, Right Wingers that know Fox News is idiotic and entertainment. You had better believe there are MANY, that actually believe in Fox News. You had better wake up. There are massive amounts of Americans that think Fox News is actually substantial. Even after fact checkers came in and noted they only tell the truth something like 16% of the time.

I must agree with whoever said it was a cult. It only touches on news when there is some political angle or the item is so big it cannot be ignored. But don't be fooled. There are people who will watch no other news show. They are helpless without FOX to tell them what to think.

I didn't know that. You must watch a lot of Fox News to be so versed.

It might be more popular with liberals than 'Survivor'.


Pretty easy to recognize a cult......five minutes watching their indoctrination should be enough.
You've got CBS simply making stuff up with Dan Rather.

This is nearly impossible to know. The documents were Xerox copies, which in forensics is a dead end—nothing can be proved, or disproved, without an original. Since the report, Rather has hired lawyers and private investigators to get to the bottom of the mystery, to no avail. Strangely, he has made only one attempt to contact the man who initially gave the documents to CBS, the former Guardsman and West Texas rancher Bill Burkett, who, after initially lying about where he got them, told a dubious tale of receiving them from shadowy characters at a cattle show in Houston—and then went stone silent. Burkett refused to talk to Rather.

But the CBS documents that seem destined to haunt Rather are, and have always been, a red herring. The real story, assembled here for the first time in a single narrative, featuring new witnesses and never-reported details, is far more complex than what

Truth or Consequences Texas Monthly

I know that you're "blind" Boo...but you'd also have to deaf, dumb and stupid not to know that Rather and his gang at CBS knew all along that they were going with an unproven narrative and bogus "proof" in the Bush National Guard story. What "haunts" Dan Rather is that he got caught lying his ass off.

Granted it is a long complicated story so there is no wonder you didn't read it.

She was a rescued Lethal White Aussie. Deaf at birth, bad eyes and went mostly blind. Dumb? Nope. Her favorite game was finding her pull toy and whacking me in the leg with the wet end of it. Being nearly blind it was so easy to misdirect her of course, but her nose worked overtime and she could sniff out the truth in where I really tossed it. (Except when we washed it o_O). Like the TM story, they eventually got it right, but nobody cared. However unlike Dan, I miss my dog.
Surveys have routinely found that Fox News viewers had the least amount of knowledge of new and current events of any segment of the population. People who don't read newspapers or watch TV news had a better grasp of recent current events than regular Fox viewers.


Well, considering that the lefties/dims always seem to know what Fox News is talking about, they must be watching it. The statement may just be true.
Liberals wanted to ban water. Yes. They really are that stupid.
Say what you want about fox news. If it wasn't for them, there would be a lot of important stories that never would have seen national coverage. You could find hundreds of stories that the liberal media never reported because they make liberals look bad. Like it, or not. We need them.
Fox News focuses on coverage which manufactures phoney scandals to distract viewers from real issues, like the loss of manufacturing jobs to the Third World, the widening income gap between rich and poor, reforming the tax code, corruption in Washington, the dangers of Unrestricted funding for PAC's.

Instead it's Benghazi, Fast and Furious, and IRS. And the constant denigration of the working poor. The right's favourite target are the working poor. All to deflect attention from the ongoing transfer of wealth to the top individuals and corporations, which is facilitated by the current tax codes.

If you keep people agitated and angry, they don't think as clearly.

You clearly do not watch Fox. Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS etc....were the main topics for months.

Umm.... that was the point she was making.
Those were important topics and people should've been jailed, or at least fired over them, including Hillary Clinton.

Yes they were important topics and I agree people should be held accountable, but the mainstream news doesn't think it's even important to report on at all, but Fox also reported on the topics that Dragonlady seems to think that they did not cover when they have.

My point was that Fox still hasn't let up on these so-called scandals. I guess they really had nothing they could use to discredit Obama sufficiently, so they started making stuff up. Until "If you like your health insurance, you can keep your health insurance", they really didn't have much on Obama, so they started making stuff up. That the conservatives here think there really is something to these things shows how successful Fox has been in its scandal-mongering. The mainstream media gave these stories the level of coverage they deserved and moved on.

There have been numerous investigations of Benghazi, 7 in total, plus 13 hearings. The cost of just the House Intelligence Committee hearing was $3 million. There was one done only by Republicans because the Democrats refusing to participate, and they all said the same thing:

1. There was no cover-up.

2. There was no "stand down" order.

3. Yes, mistakes were made, but there was no conspiracy, and the information given the American public was reflective of the confusing intelligence reports at the time.

No one should be fired or arrested. But Fox news continues to be absolutely deranged on the topic. It has barely mentioned the findings in the reports because none of them agree with the official Fox position which is that is the biggest scandal of Obama's Presidency.
Fox News focuses on coverage which manufactures phoney scandals to distract viewers from real issues, like the loss of manufacturing jobs to the Third World, the widening income gap between rich and poor, reforming the tax code, corruption in Washington, the dangers of Unrestricted funding for PAC's.

Instead it's Benghazi, Fast and Furious, and IRS. And the constant denigration of the working poor. The right's favourite target are the working poor. All to deflect attention from the ongoing transfer of wealth to the top individuals and corporations, which is facilitated by the current tax codes.

If you keep people agitated and angry, they don't think as clearly.

You clearly do not watch Fox. Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS etc....were the main topics for months.

Umm.... that was the point she was making.
Those were important topics and people should've been jailed, or at least fired over them, including Hillary Clinton.

Yes they were important topics and I agree people should be held accountable, but the mainstream news doesn't think it's even important to report on at all, but Fox also reported on the topics that Dragonlady seems to think that they did not cover when they have.

My point was that Fox still hasn't let up on these so-called scandals. I guess they really had nothing they could use to discredit Obama sufficiently, so they started making stuff up. Until "If you like your health insurance, you can keep your health insurance", they really didn't have much on Obama, so they started making stuff up. That the conservatives here think there really is something to these things shows how successful Fox has been in its scandal-mongering. The mainstream media gave these stories the level of coverage they deserved and moved on.

There have been numerous investigations of Benghazi, 7 in total, plus 13 hearings. The cost of just the House Intelligence Committee hearing was $3 million. There was one done only by Republicans because the Democrats refusing to participate, and they all said the same thing:

1. There was no cover-up.

2. There was no "stand down" order.

3. Yes, mistakes were made, but there was no conspiracy, and the information given the American public was reflective of the confusing intelligence reports at the time.

No one should be fired or arrested. But Fox news continues to be absolutely deranged on the topic. It has barely mentioned the findings in the reports because none of them agree with the official Fox position which is that is the biggest scandal of Obama's Presidency.
Have you heard the latest on the IRS SCANDAL? Looks like we were right on that one. Heads are gonna roll. This is shaping up to be the Democrats watergate. And just think. Without Fox News and other conservative organizations, they would have got away with it. What would you do without us. Every administration needs a watch dog. You can bet that the liberal media is not up to the task, as they have proven time after time. That's why Fox is needed.

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