Is Fox News Brainwashing People?

Surveys have routinely found that Fox News viewers had the least amount of knowledge of new and current events of any segment of the population. People who don't read newspapers or watch TV news had a better grasp of recent current events than regular Fox viewers.[/QUSTUDY Watching Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All - Business InsiderOTE]


STUDY Watching Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All - Business Insider
Have you heard the latest on the IRS SCANDAL? Looks like we were right on that one. Heads are gonna roll. This is shaping up to be the Democrats watergate. And just think. Without Fox News and other conservative organizations, they would have got away with it. What would you do without us. Every administration needs a watch dog. You can bet that the liberal media is not up to the task, as they have proven time after time. That's why Fox is needed.

There was no scandal. The only groups who were denied charitable status were two Democrat groups. Fox seized on the IRS thing hoping they could tie it to Obama, in the same way that Richard Nixon's "Enemies List" and "dirty tricks" are part of the history of his Presidency. It was and is weak. It's the job of the IRS to question whether those who apply for charitable status genuinely are charities, and political organizations are specifically barred from receiving charitable status.
hahahahaha!!!! 99.9% of the country had only the far left msm and cnn for 30 years BEFORE Fox News you idiot.
Oh please. You act like Fox is the beacon of fair politics. It puts us in the Stone Age intellectually. It is garbage. Absolute fucking garbage.

Fox has more diversity on their shows than all the msm channels/shows put together.
What the fuck? Look say what you want about MSNBC. I don't care. But for you to say Fox is anything close to diversity is complete horseshit. On a daily basis that shit scum network peddles the rotten propaganda of the Republican Party. The fact that you buy into it makes you a pawn and I feel sorry for you.

there are more libs on Fox than there are cons on cnn, period.

Um none of those libs have their own show. Anytime they have air time they are overshadowed by an overbearing nutbar like Hannity and other conservatives on the panel. It's all a farce.

Do you know what MSNBC manages to have? A conservative with his own show. Morning Joe.

lol. You think Joe is a conservative? There you go guys.
Fox News focuses on coverage which manufactures phoney scandals to distract viewers from real issues, like the loss of manufacturing jobs to the Third World, the widening income gap between rich and poor, reforming the tax code, corruption in Washington, the dangers of Unrestricted funding for PAC's.

Instead it's Benghazi, Fast and Furious, and IRS. And the constant denigration of the working poor. The right's favourite target are the working poor. All to deflect attention from the ongoing transfer of wealth to the top individuals and corporations, which is facilitated by the current tax codes.

If you keep people agitated and angry, they don't think as clearly.

Dan Rather says hello.
I know back when I first started noticing Fox News Right Wingers weren't there at all mentally, I wondered about the brainwash. They would hate anyone that didn't believe in their way of thinking. On numerous occations I saw them get extremely mad at anyone who said basic things like, "Doesn't it sound a little stupid to you?" I also know someone that got deep in Fox News media and said he, "Needs to either run for president or kill someone".

After watching dozens of people act like this I simply researched "fox news brainwash" and it looks like someone beat me to it. I noticed it before I knew someone wrote about it. Crazy, it isn't a Right Winger link. But it entirely encaptured their actions.
Fourteen Propaganda Techniques Fox News Uses to Brainwash Americans#

What an arrogant son of a bitch you must, claiming people name call when you did it yourself in the first paragraph of the OP and continue to do so. Sounds to me that you may just be the weak minded brainwashed one. Enjoy the view from the ivory tower you've apparently set yourself in.
I know back when I first started noticing Fox News Right Wingers weren't there at all mentally, I wondered about the brainwash. They would hate anyone that didn't believe in their way of thinking. On numerous occations I saw them get extremely mad at anyone who said basic things like, "Doesn't it sound a little stupid to you?" I also know someone that got deep in Fox News media and said he, "Needs to either run for president or kill someone".

After watching dozens of people act like this I simply researched "fox news brainwash" and it looks like someone beat me to it. I noticed it before I knew someone wrote about it. Crazy, it isn't a Right Winger link. But it entirely encaptured their actions.
Fourteen Propaganda Techniques Fox News Uses to Brainwash Americans#

What an arrogant son of a bitch you must, claiming people name call when you did it yourself in the first paragraph of the OP and continue to do so. Sounds to me that you may just be the weak minded brainwashed one. Enjoy the view from the ivory tower you've apparently set yourself in.

Texas is mad.
Fox isn't brainwashing anyone, but it sure has liberals hanging on their every word. What an irony!

I love that you posted opinion but you never took 1 second to research "brainwashing". It's kind of the topic here. It's been turned into "You are brainwashed, I am not"

The instant you research brainwashing outside of political lines you learn a lot. But let's be real. Not many venture outside of political parties.
I love that you posted opinion but you never took 1 second to research "brainwashing". It's kind of the topic here. It's been turned into "You are brainwashed, I am not"

I know what brainwashing is. I know for a fact being a regular viewer of Fox News that I still maintain my ability to think freely.

The instant you research brainwashing outside of political lines you learn a lot. But let's be real. Not many venture outside of political parties.

You're nothing but a kook. And I remember the time you told me you weren't a liberal. Hey, it looks like Media Matters got a hold of you.
Fox isn't brainwashing anyone, but it sure has liberals hanging on their every word. What an irony!

You calling out "Liberals" is what is funny. Liberal what? Do you know the definition of the term? It's lot's of. Is lot's of a party? All parties have lot's of corruption. Are all parties Liberal?
I love that you posted opinion but you never took 1 second to research "brainwashing". It's kind of the topic here. It's been turned into "You are brainwashed, I am not"

I know what brainwashing is. I know for a fact being a regular viewer of Fox News that I still maintain my ability to think freely.

The instant you research brainwashing outside of political lines you learn a lot. But let's be real. Not many venture outside of political parties.

You're nothing but a kook. And I remember the time you told me you weren't a liberal. Hey, it looks like Media Matters got a hold of you.

I've always stated I'm a Liberal when it comes to information. BUSTED.
You are stupid if you think I will only hear one side of a story.
You calling out "Liberals" is what is funny. Liberal what? Do you know the definition of the term? It's lot's of. Is lot's of a party? All parties have lot's of corruption. Are all parties Liberal?

What? That made no sense!

Are all people who are brainwashed watch Fox News? Shut the fuck up.

I know you didn't understand it. "Fox news isn't a Liberal amount of anything" lol. (It's a liberal amount of stupidity)

Liberal means more of Conservative means less of. Sorry to break that news to you. Maybe if Fox News broke that news to you, you would take it seriously. Sadly, it's a very old Definition. The Dictionary is Obsolete when it comes to bias politics.
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Have you heard the latest on the IRS SCANDAL? Looks like we were right on that one. Heads are gonna roll. This is shaping up to be the Democrats watergate. And just think. Without Fox News and other conservative organizations, they would have got away with it. What would you do without us. Every administration needs a watch dog. You can bet that the liberal media is not up to the task, as they have proven time after time. That's why Fox is needed.

There was no scandal. The only groups who were denied charitable status were two Democrat groups. Fox seized on the IRS thing hoping they could tie it to Obama, in the same way that Richard Nixon's "Enemies List" and "dirty tricks" are part of the history of his Presidency. It was and is weak. It's the job of the IRS to question whether those who apply for charitable status genuinely are charities, and political organizations are specifically barred from receiving charitable status.

They did it to keep the groups from getting out there and active in the 2012 election.
Some of them still do not have their tax exempt status so that they can't raise money or get out there and get more voters.
Talk about news brainwashing. Well not so much that, as not covering the IRS story so that the people are not well informed from watching only the mainstream news.
Leaner gave Tax information that Federal law prohibits the IRS from sharing confidential taxpayer information (that includes sharing with other government agencies), under U.S.C. Section 6013.
Yet here she walks free from it with no charges while American tax payers is paying for her retirement pension.
She should have been fired, jailed and lost her pension.
There seems to be a separation between Fox News Right Wingers and Right Wingers. Brainwashing weak minds isn't that hard, just ask the Easter Bunny.

How in 2015 is Fox News still taken seriously?

Their entire structure is based on ONE MAN, Rupert Murdoch, who isn't even American. He holds morning meetings to tell his "anchors" what to say and they say it. Then the people convinced Fox News is legit repeat it like parrots. Isn't THAT what the Right Wing fears most? One man with too much CONTROL?!

The Fox News political followers are the easiest to debate with but they always think they win. All they do is insult and they think they won a political debate. How and why is that? The brainwash.

One of the very basic steps of making a cult is not to allow outside information. Because if the people learn outside of that structure, they might leave. I've openly heard Fox News discuss the topic "How long have you went without listening to Obama talk". Not that Obama is Leftist, but how is that informing yourself at all? Why was it praised for the person who went 6 months without hearing something Obama said? How does that make you smart? It doesn't, it's just patting the cult brainwashed on the back.

I prefer to be brainwashed by cnn or msnbc. I only support proper brainwashing by those in power. Brainwas me appropriately! As long as I am being brainwashed....
You calling out "Liberals" is what is funny. Liberal what? Do you know the definition of the term? It's lot's of. Is lot's of a party? All parties have lot's of corruption. Are all parties Liberal?

What? That made no sense!

Are all people who are brainwashed watch Fox News? Shut the fuck up.

I know you didn't understand it. "Fox news isn't a Liberal amount of anything" lol. (It's a liberal amount of stupidity)

Liberal means more of Conservative means less of. Sorry to break that news to you. Maybe if Fox News broke that news to you, you would take it seriously. Sadly, it's a very old Definition. The Dictionary is Obsolete when it comes to bias politics.

Liberal - force
Conservative- free :biggrin:
I know back when I first started noticing Fox News Right Wingers weren't there at all mentally, I wondered about the brainwash. They would hate anyone that didn't believe in their way of thinking. On numerous occations I saw them get extremely mad at anyone who said basic things like, "Doesn't it sound a little stupid to you?" I also know someone that got deep in Fox News media and said he, "Needs to either run for president or kill someone".

After watching dozens of people act like this I simply researched "fox news brainwash" and it looks like someone beat me to it. I noticed it before I knew someone wrote about it. Crazy, it isn't a Right Winger link. But it entirely encaptured their actions.
Fourteen Propaganda Techniques Fox News Uses to Brainwash Americans#

What an arrogant son of a bitch you must, claiming people name call when you did it yourself in the first paragraph of the OP and continue to do so. Sounds to me that you may just be the weak minded brainwashed one. Enjoy the view from the ivory tower you've apparently set yourself in.

Texas is mad.

Nope, just a low tolerance for hypocritical assholes.
Surveys have routinely found that Fox News viewers had the least amount of knowledge of new and current events of any segment of the population. People who don't read newspapers or watch TV news had a better grasp of recent current events than regular Fox viewers.[/QUSTUDY Watching Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All - Business InsiderOTE]


STUDY Watching Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All - Business Insider

You know, you people make me laugh. Your study "claims" that "watching FOX makes you less informed than watching no news at all". Do you understand the absurdity of that claim!?!?!

I rarely watch anything but the local news (as if that makes a difference - the same stories are repeated nationwide) but I realize that it pisses you clowns to no end to find out that you haven't been able to shame folks into NOT watching FOX. There ratings are through the roof and have been for the last 15-20 years. You despise that. I get it. But have no fear - the viewers of FOX despise YOU - so it all evens out in the end.....

What a fool.

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