Is Fox News Brainwashing People?

Of course not... I don't think any of the news outlets are brainwashing people... now, with that said, I think some of the MSM outlets are basically mouthpieces for the DNC... Fox is defiantly right leaning, but its news division is pretty balanced. Excluding Hannity and other media personalities with non-news shows on Fox of course.
There seems to be a separation between Fox News Right Wingers and Right Wingers. Brainwashing weak minds isn't that hard, just ask the Easter Bunny.

How in 2015 is Fox News still taken seriously?

Their entire structure is based on ONE MAN, Rupert Murdoch, who isn't even American. He holds morning meetings to tell his "anchors" what to say and they say it. Then the people convinced Fox News is legit repeat it like parrots. Isn't THAT what the Right Wing fears most? One man with too much CONTROL?!

The Fox News political followers are the easiest to debate with but they always think they win. All they do is insult and they think they won a political debate. How and why is that? The brainwash.

One of the very basic steps of making a cult is not to allow outside information. Because if the people learn outside of that structure, they might leave. I've openly heard Fox News discuss the topic "How long have you went without listening to Obama talk". Not that Obama is Leftist, but how is that informing yourself at all? Why was it praised for the person who went 6 months without hearing something Obama said? How does that make you smart? It doesn't, it's just patting the cult brainwashed on the back.
Fox News is so popular because it tells their viewers exactly what they want to hear. They don't bother much with facts and context because that would actually challenge viewers to think critically. They aren't smart enough for that. All they want to hear is anti-government, no taxes propaganda because it taps into their passionate emotions. It makes them feel validated about bullshit they already believe. Republicans are heros and Obama is a communist - there is no inbetween. That's how simple minded this network is.

Why do you watch it?
All these idiot liberals talking shit about Fox and everyone of them must be watching it.
"Is Fox News Brainwashing People?"

Well, the viewers would need brains for that to be accomplished..

Let's just split the difference and say that Fox News is washing people.
If all you folks would just, for once, put your bullshit aside, watch the video I posted, you would understand.

But I guess that arguing and cursing at each other accomplishes the same thing that the media is expecting from you.

Jesus, wake up!
All these idiot liberals talking shit about Fox and everyone of them must be watching it.

Yup. These liberal idiots say FOX is brainwashing folks just like ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC and PBS aren't.

Gotta laugh. Idiots one and all.
There seems to be a separation between Fox News Right Wingers and Right Wingers. Brainwashing weak minds isn't that hard, just ask the Easter Bunny.

How in 2015 is Fox News still taken seriously?

Their entire structure is based on ONE MAN, Rupert Murdoch, who isn't even American. He holds morning meetings to tell his "anchors" what to say and they say it. Then the people convinced Fox News is legit repeat it like parrots. Isn't THAT what the Right Wing fears most? One man with too much CONTROL?!

The Fox News political followers are the easiest to debate with but they always think they win. All they do is insult and they think they won a political debate. How and why is that? The brainwash.

One of the very basic steps of making a cult is not to allow outside information. Because if the people learn outside of that structure, they might leave. I've openly heard Fox News discuss the topic "How long have you went without listening to Obama talk". Not that Obama is Leftist, but how is that informing yourself at all? Why was it praised for the person who went 6 months without hearing something Obama said? How does that make you smart? It doesn't, it's just patting the cult brainwashed on the back.

FOX NEWS is one of the few main stream media outlets that doesn't have a liberal bias which of course is why progressives like yourself HATE it so much! Ask yourself why that is, NoTea? Why is a competing viewpoint such a "dangerous" thing for so many of you on the left?
There seems to be a separation between Fox News Right Wingers and Right Wingers. Brainwashing weak minds isn't that hard, just ask the Easter Bunny.

How in 2015 is Fox News still taken seriously?

Their entire structure is based on ONE MAN, Rupert Murdoch, who isn't even American. He holds morning meetings to tell his "anchors" what to say and they say it. Then the people convinced Fox News is legit repeat it like parrots. Isn't THAT what the Right Wing fears most? One man with too much CONTROL?!

The Fox News political followers are the easiest to debate with but they always think they win. All they do is insult and they think they won a political debate. How and why is that? The brainwash.

One of the very basic steps of making a cult is not to allow outside information. Because if the people learn outside of that structure, they might leave. I've openly heard Fox News discuss the topic "How long have you went without listening to Obama talk". Not that Obama is Leftist, but how is that informing yourself at all? Why was it praised for the person who went 6 months without hearing something Obama said? How does that make you smart? It doesn't, it's just patting the cult brainwashed on the back.

FOX NEWS is one of the few main stream media outlets that doesn't have a liberal bias which of course is why progressives like yourself HATE it so much! Ask yourself why that is, NoTea? Why is a competing viewpoint such a "dangerous" thing for so many of you on the left?

Why do you think Dictators and Communists don't allow competing viewpoints?
Is Fox News Brainwashing People?

Well duh! Yes they are. They are an openly partisan hack media outlet. Let freedom ring.

Brainwashing consists of repeating bullshit over and over and over until it becomes truth in the mind of the target audience, and Fox News has this down to a high art. It helps that their idiotic fake journalists believe their own bullshit.

Alexis de Tocqueville called it more than 180 years ago:

All the political journals of the United States are, indeed, arrayed on the side of the administration or against it; but they attack and defend it in a thousand different ways.

Sound familiar? "Objective journalism" is not the norm in a free press.

The facility with which newspapers can be established produces a multitude of them; but as the competition prevents any considerable profit, persons of much capacity are rarely led to engage in these undertakings.

Just as true today with blogs and online media outlets. Any retard can start one, and they do.

Such is the number of the public prints that even if they were a source of wealth, writers of ability could not be found to direct them all.

This is why we see so many bimbos and retards in the media, particularly on Fox News.

The journalists of the United States are generally in a very humble position, with a scanty education and a vulgar turn of mind.

Heheheheheh. Nailed it.

The characteristics of the American journalist consist in an open and coarse appeal to the passions of his readers; he abandons principles to assail the characters of individuals, to track them into private life and disclose all their weaknesses and vices.

Tabloid journalism to a T.
I remember it as an awful lot of fun, and that I made an awful lot of mistakes, and I wish I could go back and be more uniting in my language. Because I think I played a role unfortunately in helping tear the country apart. And it's not who we are. I didn't realize how really fragile the people were. I thought we were kind of a little more in it together. And now I look back and I realize if we could have talked about the uniting principles a little bit more, instead of just the problems, I think I would look back on it a little more fondly. But that's only my role.

Glen Beck taking about his role at Fox apologizing to Megan Kelly ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

key word "role"
Parisian Hack Media?

They have more center and left view points more than MSNBC or CNN.
MSNBC has one right view point, Morning Joe and he is more left than right of center.
Here's a clue for the OP: you don't like Fox, then don't watch Fox.

Easy peasy.

But that's not enough for loons such as you. You want to prevent anyone else from watching it. Why so threatened, bub?
Fox talks horsecrap, FRAGILE listeners buy it.

the end
Fox News is banned in no-go zones and at the Friends of Hamas community center...


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