Is it appropriate for a man and woman to be platonic friends with each other? Mike Pence said he won’t go to dinner with a woman who is not his wife.

Obviously Mr. Pence is aware that his little devil - between his legs and HQ administrated in his brain - ain't interested in keeping a relationship to a woman, platonic.

BTW - the only true platonic relationships that I am personally aware of, are those of Gay man towards women - especially towards married women.

The term or invention of a platonic relationship started to come up in England in the early 17th century - the rise of the Puritans and their puritan believes in contrast to a Tudor Dynasty Society or it's equivalents throughout Europe, that were screwing around all over the place, aka a philosophical/religious concept, that sexual desire needs to be suppressed. As such it constitutes a religious philosophy and a propagated act against human nature.
There’s a really critical point to be made here there’s plenty of folks around the fine with “friends with benefits”, but if you’re talking about a man or a woman who are relatively younger, just being “friends” with each other. No, that’s rejected by masses of people around the world bc That’s what being a Simp is
Obviously Mr. Pence is aware that his little devil - between his legs and HQ administrated in his brain - ain't interested in keeping a relationship to a woman, platonic.

BTW - the only true platonic relationships that I am personally aware of, are those of Gay man towards women - especially towards married women.

The term or invention of a platonic relationship started to come up in England in the early 17th century - the rise of the Puritans and their puritan believes in contrast to a Tudor Dynasty Society or it's equivalents throughout Europe, that were screwing around all over the place, aka a philosophical/religious concept, that sexual desire needs to be suppressed. As such it constitutes a religious philosophy and a propagated act against human nature.
That makes sense of course, brother there are tons of gay guys who have platonic relationships with women that’s generally how those relationships go ….when it’s a relationship between a man and a woman just friends no sex is exchanged…. that means the man is gay and the woman is interested in having a gay friend.

Again, we’re not talking about coworkers or relatives here. The specific example was made in the original post like a man and a woman go on a date with each other and one says let’s just be friends OK that type of situation is rejected by billions of people in the world
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The specific example was made in the original post like a man and a woman go on a date with each other and one says let’s just be friends OK that type of situation is rejected by billions of people in the world
I would disagree - since billions of people do just that - in order to get a sexual-relationship started in the first place - independent of being married, committed to someone or not. Also many women are actually/initially - even at a later stage not aware about the platonic male friend being a Gay. - until they want or expect more.
Aside from movies - I myself have never come across a couple stating towards each other - let's go and have a coffee, talk about interesting things - so that later we can have sex.

But Western Morals factually dictate - that you need to have a platonic coffee or a platonic dinner first.
I would disagree - since billions of people do just that - in order to get a sexual-relationship started in the first place - independent of being married, committed to someone or not. Also many women are actually/initially - even at a later stage not aware about the platonic male friend being a Gay. - until they want or expect more.
Aside from movies - I myself have never come across a couple stating towards each other - let's go and have a coffee, talk about interesting things - so that later we can have sex.

But Western Morals factually dictate - that you need to have a platonic coffee or a platonic dinner first.
To be specific here. And you bring up the good points by the way. But let me be more specific and explain better.

I agree 100% with you that first a man and a woman meet each other on a date and they’re friendly with each other. Sex doesn’t have to occur until a few dates later.

I’m talking about a man or woman who says after the first date hey I’m not sexually interested in at all there’s going to be no chance for a romantic relationship but “let’s remain friends”. And so I would submit that there are billions of people in this world from different cultures and religions including atheists…who would say no that type of relationship is not for me.
I agree with Mike Pence on that I disagree with him on a lot of things. I agree with him on that and the fact that he wants to hold the BLM rioters accountable

This is a new thing that we never saw in American history. I’m not talking about coworkers or relatives by the way folks I’m not talking about your female coworker something like that. No for example I’m talking about say a man and a woman go out on a date with each other, and the woman or man says oh, I’m not romantically interested but let’s remain friends. I think that’s bad for society. It doesn’t make any sense. It’s something that Democrats are pushing and it’s weakening society.
I've done it many times in my adult life. Difference is I'm not a politician so I couldn't give a rat's ass about appearances.
It is not new. Billy Graham was famous for this, he would not even ride in an elevator with a woman who was not a family member.
Because men in high profile positions are the most likely to be lied about. John McCain once let a female reporter on his plane. It was instantly turned into an adulterous affair that neither of them could successfully stop the lies.
But he would make excuses and go every time if it was a Dood , Dave Chappelle was Right about FMP ( Mike Pence)
I was married. I went to lunch with work colleagues pretty often. Sometimes in groups. Sometimes just me and one other. Sometimes it was just us boys. Occasionally, it was with women.

I never once felt unfaithful. Of course, we did both go back to the office and not to a hotel. So, you know. There’s that.
I agree with Mike Pence on that I disagree with him on a lot of things. I agree with him on that and the fact that he wants to hold the BLM rioters accountable

This is a new thing that we never saw in American history. I’m not talking about coworkers or relatives by the way folks I’m not talking about your female coworker something like that. No for example I’m talking about say a man and a woman go out on a date with each other, and the woman or man says oh, I’m not romantically interested but let’s remain friends. I think that’s bad for society. It doesn’t make any sense. It’s something that Democrats are pushing and it’s weakening society.
Pence is absolutely right and his wife is a blessed person that she never has to wonder, never has to see or hear speculation of whether an innocent business lunch is more than just a lunch.
I’m talking about a man or woman who says after the first date hey I’m not sexually interested in at all there’s going to be no chance for a romantic relationship but “let’s remain friends”. And so I would submit that there are billions of people in this world from different cultures and religions including atheists…who would say no that type of relationship is not for me.
There is IMO a huge difference between a normal couple going for a platonic coffee - and the so called powerful and beautiful. If we talk about a platonic coffee it would also only refer to two people and not as some people forward, me and some women or me and some men.

As for the powerful and beautiful - they thrive upon and therefore need public attention. Their platonic coffee, will be judged and interpreted by the Media, and the media isn't interested in a platonic coffee story. As such even if there would be one - the media will make a rumor or scandal out of it, or at least the respective adversaries/competitors of those two platonic's. Therefore anyone with brains (certainly not many politicians to be found amongst those) will make a platonic coffee to be an unknown event. And unknown events can't be bragged about - therefore can't even be proven.

The latter also applies to normal people, they most certainly wouldn't want to be seen by other acquaintances or their respective spouses or partners. So if I would be seen by e.g. my wife - to have a coffee with a fat and ugly women, due to both of us sharing a huge interest and common spirit towards collecting, Malayan Kris daggers, I might get away with it. However if this female seems "fuckable" to my wife's interpretation or perception - it will spell big trouble for me. So me knowing this, why in the first place would I want to have coffee alone with a totally obese and horrible looking female? at least I will try to involve others sharing the same "hobby" just to not having to look at that single person all the time.

This platonic coffee, is to me an artificially created "bullshit event" - designed by hip, woke and philosophical extroverted people - who find pleasure and self-esteem telling and trying to convince people - "we are just friends". And they obviously get a personal, mentally satisfying kick out of it.

The same extroverted group - that gets the same mental kick are those who state - we allow each other separate holidays, knowing that we will treasure each other even more after reuniting, and off course I have absolute trust in my so fantastic & so unique partner. (which you - don't have, but I do).

Then the main group - taking their partners for a ride, due to estimating, judging their partners to be naive or stupid - and then if caught, propagate "no, no, we are just friends".

Just my 2 cents.
I agree with Mike Pence on that I disagree with him on a lot of things. I agree with him on that and the fact that he wants to hold the BLM rioters accountable

This is a new thing that we never saw in American history. I’m not talking about coworkers or relatives by the way folks I’m not talking about your female coworker something like that. No for example I’m talking about say a man and a woman go out on a date with each other, and the woman or man says oh, I’m not romantically interested but let’s remain friends. I think that’s bad for society. It doesn’t make any sense. It’s something that Democrats are pushing and it’s weakening society.

Yes a man and woman can be friends. My best friend for 25 years has been a woman. She lives 500 miles away but I went to visit her for a week and nothing happened. We send each other birthday and Christmas presents every year. She has since gotten married and had a kid and I am friends with them also and now we all send presents to each other, text, and so on.

It started out we were romantically interested but once we met it was like we were brother and sister, been that way ever since.

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