Is it appropriate for a man and woman to be platonic friends with each other? Mike Pence said he won’t go to dinner with a woman who is not his wife.

There’s a really critical point to be made here there’s plenty of folks around the fine with “friends with benefits”, but if you’re talking about a man or a woman who are relatively younger, just being “friends” with each other. No, that’s rejected by masses of people around the world bc That’s what being a Simp is
Do you think the only reason to be friends with women is because you're trying to fuck? 😄 If that's the case a better question is what woman would even want to be friends with you?
It is not new. Billy Graham was famous for this, he would not even ride in an elevator with a woman who was not a family member.
He had good reason to do that. He was a world-famous evangelist and refused to give any excuse to those who would have loved to take him out.
I agree with Mike Pence on that I disagree with him on a lot of things. I agree with him on that and the fact that he wants to hold the BLM rioters accountable

This is a new thing that we never saw in American history. I’m not talking about coworkers or relatives by the way folks I’m not talking about your female coworker something like that. No for example I’m talking about say a man and a woman go out on a date with each other, and the woman or man says oh, I’m not romantically interested but let’s remain friends. I think that’s bad for society. It doesn’t make any sense. It’s something that Democrats are pushing and it’s weakening society.
I agree with the general concept but there are a couple of things running through my mind.

1) If you truly love your wife, then you will be strong enough to overcome any urge to step out on her, regardless of the circumstances.
2) Pence has revealed himself to be somewhat of a pretender. He pretended to stand with Trump until the final day of their administration, then he revealed his real self. And now we're seeing that he's just another RINO warmonger. So his words have lost much value and credibility (IMO).
If you truly love your wife, then you will be strong enough to overcome any urge to step out on her, regardless of the circumstances.
In most cases I would agree but there are some men that can't resist a side piece.
I agree with the general concept but there are a couple of things running through my mind.

1) If you truly love your wife, then you will be strong enough to overcome any urge to step out on her, regardless of the circumstances.
2) Pence has revealed himself to be somewhat of a pretender. He pretended to stand with Trump until the final day of their administration, then he revealed his real self. And now we're seeing that he's just another RINO warmonger. So his words have lost much value and credibility (IMO).
He doesn't have the stance to protect women from him, he has the stance to do several things:

1. Prevent his wife from having any questions about him being alone in social settings with another woman.
2. Prevent manufactured scandals.
3. Keep everything totally professional in the office so there's no misunderstanding of any kind among the women he works with.

IOW, go the extra mile to avoid the kind of problems that plague powerful men.
He doesn't have the stance to protect women from him, he has the stance to do several things:

1. Prevent his wife from having any questions about him being alone in social settings with another woman.
2. Prevent manufactured scandals.
3. Keep everything totally professional in the office so there's no misunderstanding of any kind among the women he works with.

IOW, go the extra mile to avoid the kind of problems that plague powerful men.
Again, I generally agree with the concept. I'm just not entirely sure what Pence's motivation is in announcing it to the world. Political? Christian beliefs? Some sort of preemptive self-defense? Overall, I think it's a good idea in this day and age to avoid giving those gold digging whores a chance to accuse you of something you're innocent of. Similar to the recent false accusation against Trump.
Again, I generally agree with the concept. I'm just not entirely sure what Pence's motivation is in announcing it to the world. Political? Christian beliefs? Some sort of preemptive self-defense? Overall, I think it's a good idea in this day and age to avoid giving those gold digging whores a chance to accuse you of something you're innocent of. Similar to the recent false accusation against Trump.
Women are drawn to men in positions of power.
As adults... "Friends", not acquaintances, or people you get on with when you happen to be around; but "friends" of the opposite sex... Aren't "Friends" at all. They're back up plans. Consciously, or otherwise...
I agree with the general concept but there are a couple of things running through my mind.

1) If you truly love your wife, then you will be strong enough to overcome any urge to step out on her, regardless of the circumstances.
2) Pence has revealed himself to be somewhat of a pretender. He pretended to stand with Trump until the final day of their administration, then he revealed his real self. And now we're seeing that he's just another RINO warmonger. So his words have lost much value and credibility (IMO).
I wouldn’t vote for Mike Pence. I disagree with him on Ukraine.

My original post might be more meant for younger Americans that are not married. I think at nursing homes for example plenty of friendships happen between men and women.

But what I’m saying here is not just about men it’s about women too. And I’m confident that there are huge numbers of men and women around the world who share the same beliefs.

It seems to be a straightforward topic. Most men and women are going to meet each other at the workplace or if they’re relatives with each other.

But now we’re talking about a random relationship which is what my original post talked about. Many would say that it would be weird for example of a man and woman met each other at a mall, and they wanted to only be friends with each other instead of pursuing a romantic relationship whether it is friends with benefits, or being a boyfriend or girlfriend to the other person ….so this idea of a platonic relationship with a random person of the opposite sex... for many people it’s not the way forward.
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I agree with Mike Pence on that I disagree with him on a lot of things. I agree with him on that and the fact that he wants to hold the BLM rioters accountable

This is a new thing that we never saw in American history. I’m not talking about coworkers or relatives by the way folks I’m not talking about your female coworker something like that. No for example I’m talking about say a man and a woman go out on a date with each other, and the woman or man says oh, I’m not romantically interested but let’s remain friends. I think that’s bad for society. It doesn’t make any sense. It’s something that Democrats are pushing and it’s weakening society.
true, but off topic. Pence is an idiot.
Yes a man and woman can be friends. My best friend for 25 years has been a woman. She lives 500 miles away but I went to visit her for a week and nothing happened. We send each other birthday and Christmas presents every year. She has since gotten married and had a kid and I am friends with them also and now we all send presents to each other, text, and so on.

It started out we were romantically interested but once we met it was like we were brother and sister, been that way ever since.
To me that sounds like something different. Compared to what I described in the original post, which was very specific. It’s young single people who randomly meet somebody of the opposite sex…. And they are romantically interested in that person but the other person eventually tells them know I’m not romantically interested. Like for example if somebody goes for a kiss and the other person rejects the kiss and says oh let’s just be friends.
I agree with Mike Pence on that I disagree with him on a lot of things. I agree with him on that and the fact that he wants to hold the BLM rioters accountable

This is a new thing that we never saw in American history. I’m not talking about coworkers or relatives by the way folks I’m not talking about your female coworker something like that. No for example I’m talking about say a man and a woman go out on a date with each other, and the woman or man says oh, I’m not romantically interested but let’s remain friends. I think that’s bad for society. It doesn’t make any sense. It’s something that Democrats are pushing and it’s weakening society.
He's right

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