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Is it really "illegal?"

Well considering GOPers basically say that the fact that illegals commit less crimes is irrelevant because the are illegal and that means they committed a crime yes i can support it

There is no logical connection between those two claims. I guess you can't back up that idiotic claim.

Well duh considering that you don't have a brain you cant know anythign about logical connections

I know more about them (and, apparently, spelling) than you ever will. The two claims above are NOT logically connected. Are you trying to be stupid?
Immigrants expand the economy and provide more benefits then they cost so they only reason to oppose immigration is because you hate brown people or you are a stupid idiot

Another illogical conclusion. Grow up and get your head out of your ass, kid.

Yes you hating people because of their skin collor[SIC] means I am illoical[SIC]

Your own comments prove that you are illogical, and the above statement proves that you are a dishonest piece of shit. Show me where I have anywhere suggested I hate anyone based on their skin color, or apologize at once. Hurry it up, fool.
There is no logical connection between those two claims. I guess you can't back up that idiotic claim.

Well duh considering that you don't have a brain you cant know anythign about logical connections

I know more about them (and, apparently, spelling) than you ever will. The two claims above are NOT logically connected. Are you trying to be stupid?

Yes stating that you think being stupid is good menas youi are stupid means i am trying to be stupid
Another illogical conclusion. Grow up and get your head out of your ass, kid.

Yes you hating people because of their skin collor[SIC] means I am illoical[SIC]

Your own comments prove that you are illogical, and the above statement proves that you are a dishonest piece of shit. Show me where I have anywhere suggested I hate anyone based on their skin color, or apologize at once. Hurry it up, fool.

Yes you hating people becaue they are brown menas i am illogical. So plz come back when you are not a retarded racists
Well duh considering that you don't have a brain you cant know anythign about logical connections

I know more about them (and, apparently, spelling) than you ever will. The two claims above are NOT logically connected. Are you trying to be stupid?

Yes stating that you think being stupid is good menas youi are stupid means i am trying to be stupid

Are you just drunk, or is this nonsense the product of something harder?
Yes you hating people because of their skin collor[SIC] means I am illoical[SIC]

Your own comments prove that you are illogical, and the above statement proves that you are a dishonest piece of shit. Show me where I have anywhere suggested I hate anyone based on their skin color, or apologize at once. Hurry it up, fool.

Yes you hating people becaue[SIC] they are brown menas[SIC] i[SIC] am illogical. So plz[SIC] come back when you are not a retarded racists[SIC]

You are about two minutes from passing out, aren't you?
Yes you hating people becaue they are brown menas i am illogical. So plz come back when you are not a retarded racists

Accidentally look over this post, StarCrazy?

Illegal Immigration is a Crime

Under Title 8 Section 1325 of the U.S. Code, "Improper Entry by Alien," any citizen of any country other than the United States who:

Enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers; or

Eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers; or

Attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact; has committed a federal crime.

Violations are punishable by criminal fines and imprisonment for up to six months. Repeat offenses can bring up to two years in prison. Additional civil fines may be imposed at the discretion of immigration judges, but civil fines do not negate the criminal sanctions or nature of the offense.
See: Unlawful entry a crime since '29 - Rocky Mountain News -- June 11, 2006
Illegal Immigration IS A CRIME!

Ilegal immigraiton is a crime and illegal aiens are criminals.......

Your own comments prove that you are illogical, and the above statement proves that you are a dishonest piece of shit. Show me where I have anywhere suggested I hate anyone based on their skin color, or apologize at once. Hurry it up, fool.

Yes you hating people becaue[SIC] they are brown menas[SIC] i[SIC] am illogical. So plz[SIC] come back when you are not a retarded racists[SIC]

You are about two minutes from passing out, aren't you?
Well if you being a retard means i am 2 minutes frorm passing out then yes
Undocumented Immigration is not a Federal a Crime

4. _Resolved_, That alien friends are under the jurisdiction and protection of the laws of the State wherein they are: that no power over them has been delegated to the United States, nor prohibited to the individual States, distinct from their power over citizens. And it being true as a general principle, and one of the amendments to the Constitution having also declared, that "the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people," the act of the Congress of the United States, passed on the -- day of July, 1798, intituled "An Act concerning aliens," which assumes powers over alien friends, not delegated by the Constitution, is not law, but is altogether void, and of no force.

Thomas Jefferson
Founding Father
3rd US President

In the fourth posting on this thread, I wrote:

They {speaking about anti immigrant / National Socialists} have lied to you and they have misrepresented themselves to you. For ten years they have dodged and ducked me when I’ve challenged them to a public debate – one on one. When they feel threatened, like on these discussion boards, they turn the topic into a freaking joke; they continue to try and prove disproven myths just to baffle you. The rest of what I have to say regarding them is at this link:

Here we are, more than a hundred posts later and we've not progressed beyond the one misrepresentation regarding immigration. So, here is the truth:

It is not a crime to enter the United States nor is it a crime to be in the United States without papers.

No amount of political jockeying has altered that fact.

The xenophobes keep contending that a civil violation of the law is a crime. It isn't. The xenophobes will try and argue that the word improper means illegal. It doesn't. Improper is not a synonym for illegal in English or in legal literature. The xenophobes have tried to pawn cases off involving eluding authorities as immigration crimes, eluding authorities is a separate issue from entering improperly.

These people aren't smart enough to read; not intelligent enough to realize when they are getting their butts kicked. Yet they continue to send their own supporters to jails and prisons because they have no concept of nor respect for the due process of law.

In over a hundred postings, the xenophobes have not read and clicked on the links of the first four postings. Everything on this thread has been a rehash of those first four posts. The xenophobes have failed to read them. They're trying to answer an issue before they even know what in the hell it's about.

Nobody CARES what you say or when you previously said it.

They care about whether what you say is right or wrong.

And when you CLAIM that improper entry is not a crime, you are wrong and willfully dishonest.

You can talk shit all day long on the Internet. It's stuff you would not say to a man's face. If anybody is lying, it is you. I've accurately quoted the top people in the field of immigration. If I misquoted them, go back to the first four posts on this thread and produce them.

The only thing you've accomplished is to use irrelevant cases, over-turned cases and cases where the issue was NOT improper entry.

You sell your shit to the LEO community - they provided some of the information I have. If you were right, you could make a bundle. It would beat the shit out of arguing with me and competing with uneducated Hispanics for jobs at Mickey Ds.

Apparently nobody cares about what you say. You have a cheering section that is so small, they could fit into the back seat of a Volkswagen and they sport a collective IQ of maybe your shoe size. I came here with something others had not heard before.

The real issue is, with all your fake bravado; with all your supposed superior intelligence; with your infallible understanding of the immigration laws, how come it is you are on the losing end? How come all those who are making the decisions are ruling against you? How do you explain the many different views I produced from the TOP IMMIGRATION OFFICIALS in the United States that refute all you've claimed?

How come people are on here, calling me a liberal, when all my life the position I'm presenting was a CONSERVATIVE one? How come, in order to bolster your case, you have to ask the ACLU?

Let's face it: you're getting your ass kicked and you can't walk away. I've looked at your posts and commented on them. You've failed to answer the questions I've produced, over and over. We both know why. You're full of shit and you realize it. So, instead of answering honest questions, you throw up a smoke screen.

You're a ball-less little shit that probably got kicked out of the K.K.K. and now you don't know where it is you belong. Stay safe. Stay on this board and don't wander off where you might have to defend the crap you sling. You wouldn't talk so big if you had to do it man to man... or in your case boy, man to boy.

A. You post a wall of words. Not inclined to wade through your fields of manure.

B. As between the two of us, you alone are the one talking shit.

C. Quoting alleged authorities is merely a fallacy of an appeal to authority the invalidity of which is evident when you stop to think (if you ever do) that your quoted "authorities" are incorrect.

D. You flop around and flail around in your endless pursuit of your fail. But you cannot evade the law itself, you idiot. 8 U.S.C. Section 1325 CLEARLY and unambiguously criminalizes the behavior of entering the country outside the terms and conditions which the law provides. It is a criminal law. YOUR petty quibble has been that the law talks about "improper" entry and does not use the term "illegal entry." You hang on the pettiest of irrelevant quibbles. It's still a crime.

E. You are gutless pussy and a dishonest fuckwit hack. Fact.

F. Of all the points listed here, the most significant one is the one you try so haplessly and ineffectually to avoid: the law makes it a crime. And none of your dishonest pussy arguments has any impact on that.

Your fail is public and complete.
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Friends Of Liberty:

Points to Ponder

Did the Jews have a right to live in nazi Germany

yes, of course.

But was the nazi hierarchy convinced? Fuck No.

Any argument presented that the Jews were humans beings who had a right to life was summarily dismissed because the regimen was convinced that it had the right to criminalize Jewishness and execute its practitioners.

So bear that in mind while discussing the alien issue with neonazis, members of the Aryan Brotherhood and the Know-Nothings.


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Friends Of Liberty:

Points to Ponder

Did the Jews have a right to live in nazi Germany

yes, of course.

But was the nazi hierarchy convinced? Fuck No.

Any argument presented that the Jews were humans beings who had a right to life was summarily dismissed because the regimen was convinced that it had the right to criminalize Jewishness and execute its practitioners.


If you walked into a court room and presented this the judge would just whip his dick out and shove it down your throat to shut you up.:lol:

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