Is it Time to Turn Out the Lights.....?

I've seriously been pondering leaving the country. Maybe use my retirement savings to buy a beach home in Mexico, just over the border. I can live a comfortable life down there. The cost of living is a fraction of what it is here. America as it once was is dead, our liberties are eroding constantly, and our government is milking us for everything we have.

Mexico isn’t my thing but it sounds like you’ve got a plan. If the hurricane hadn’t hit, I’d be thinking Puerto Rico but that’s not an option any more. Not sure what to do. Definitely not working to fund other people’s lifestyle from here on out.

Yeah. I've been thinking about it for a long time. There are American neighborhoods down there just over the border in gated communities. To stay in the United States is lunacy. My two cents. I'll likely renounce citizenship through the consulate in Mexico. The only downside is I'll need a visa if I want to enter the gestapo's territory on a day trip for shopping for things I can't get in Mexico.

I wish I knew what to tell you. The reality is that if you live in the United States, you're at the mercy of a government in trillions of dollars of debt. A serf to inflationism and a welfare state. And a police state.

The Founders are likely rolling over in their graves. To listen to the talking heads on television, Republican and Democrat alike, and those in politics, you now live in 'our Democracy'.
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I've seriously been pondering leaving the country. Maybe use my retirement savings to buy a beach home in Mexico, just over the border. I can live a comfortable life down there. The cost of living is a fraction of what it is here. America as it once was is dead, our liberties are eroding constantly, and our government is milking us for everything we have.

Mexico isn’t my thing but it sounds like you’ve got a plan. If the hurricane hadn’t hit, I’d be thinking Puerto Rico but that’s not an option any more. Not sure what to do. Definitely not working to fund other people’s lifestyle from here on out.

Go to Greenland.

No hurricanes, no immigrants, not much of anyone really.

Soon it will be an oasis once Al Gores global warming kicks in. Then real estate will go through the roof!
You know in Mexico, you can buy a house but never the land....they could take it at any time.

They can take it here, too.

I know how it works down there, though. My better half's mom and dad have owned a beautiful seaside home down there for years in a gated community with an ocean view to die for.
Not as good as I had hoped, that's for sure.

Not as good as you hoped but almost the worst of my fears realized. Not just with the loss of the House and the Governors races to Progressives wastes of flesh and oxygen, but with the absolutely minuscule margins of victory where Conservatives did win.

I am truly a man out of time and place. Perhaps it is time I moved on, permanently.
A Dying Dinosaur Can Still Squash Those Who Try to Run and Hide

Obviously now, it will take time for even Trump to clean out the cobwebs from monopolistic cradle-to-grave brainwashing by the vicious Liberal elite. This sickening result is not permanent; it is merely the Battle of the Bulge and is doomed to slow down, sputter, and run out of gas.
Can somebody check on him or something?

I ended up in eastern NY. A friend in the area offered me his cabin to stay in for a couple days. My boss refused to accept my resignation and has put me on short-term disability. I still intend to quit. No reason to keep working with the rape our paychecks are going to take with Dems in control of the House.

Told my wife to contact the realtor about putting the house on the market. Will have to get rid of the dogs when we move into public housing. Gonna be a whole new life as a slacker; or I could just finish what I started last night. Still not sure which is the better option.

I've seriously been pondering leaving the country. Maybe use my retirement savings to buy a beach home in Mexico, just over the border. I can live a comfortable life down there. The cost of living is a fraction of what it is here. America as it once was is dead, our liberties are eroding constantly, and our government is milking us for everything we have.
You know in Mexico, you can buy a house but never the land....they could take it at any time.
Just like here.
I sit here tonight watching these results come in with horror; I have to wonder if there is an America left for me.

Maybe The America I believe in truly is dead... and if so, as there is no place for me in this new America, maybe I should join the America I believed in as part of the past rather than the present or the future.
“The America I believe in truly is dead.”

Let’s hope so.

The America you and most others on the right believe in is an America of ignorance, fear, bigotry, racism, and hate.


Compare and contrast Democrats and Republicans

Democrats: Klan, Nation of Islam, La Raza, Black Panthers, Muslim Brotherhood, racist Aztlán Nationalist, racist BLM separatist, racist Brown Berets, race riots, anti-American bigots, anti-Christian bigots, deranged men in the women’s restrooms, anti-wasp bigots, poverty, failed schools, cop killers, Mexican drug cartel, human traffickers, high school drop-outs, crime, corruption, drive-by shootings, mass voter fraud, MS-13, Crips, Bloods, terrorist sympathizers, Sanctuary Cities for criminals....…

Republicans: Chamber of Commerce, PTA, Rotary Club, American Legion, 4H Club, Lion’s Club, Boy Scouts, Little League, VFW, great neighborhoods, good schools, pro-business, National Honor Society, Junior League, American Legion, Patriots, law and order…………… juuuuust grilling and chilling…..
Not as good as I had hoped, that's for sure.

Not as good as you hoped but almost the worst of my fears realized. Not just with the loss of the House and the Governors races to Progressives wastes of flesh and oxygen, but with the absolutely minuscule margins of victory where Conservatives did win.

I am truly a man out of time and place. Perhaps it is time I moved on, permanently.
Up all night. Drunk for only the second time in my life. Left a resignation along with badge and keys with Security at 3am this morning.

I’m in a McD’s parking lot somewhere in western MA or eastern NY wondering about my final solution..

America is DEAD!!!! Soon I may be too.
Can somebody check on him or something?

I ended up in eastern NY. A friend in the area offered me his cabin to stay in for a couple days. My boss refused to accept my resignation and has put me on short-term disability. I still intend to quit. No reason to keep working with the rape our paychecks are going to take with Dems in control of the House.

Told my wife to contact the realtor about putting the house on the market. Will have to get rid of the dogs when we move into public housing. Gonna be a whole new life as a slacker; or I could just finish what I started last night. Still not sure which is the better option.
just do it and quit your whining...geezus...
...This sickening result is not permanent; it is merely the Battle of the Bulge and is doomed to slow down, sputter, and run out of gas.

Not sure I have the patience, time or remaining mental health to wait on that to happen.

Don't let the sonsabitches get you down. Things are going to get better even if the House is out of balance. I look for Trump to put it in overdrive if the Sessions firing is any indication. The Republicans are fired up more then I've ever seen them.
I don't understand all the doom and gloom of the OP

Winning the Senate was the main thing, and it's done! :2up:

The House was always up for grabs....meh

Cheer up man ....cheer up! All is well!
I sit here tonight watching these results come in with horror; I have to wonder if there is an America left for me.

Maybe The America I believe in truly is dead... and if so, as there is no place for me in this new America, maybe I should join the America I believed in as part of the past rather than the present or the future.
“The America I believe in truly is dead.”

Let’s hope so.

The America you and most others on the right believe in is an America of ignorance, fear, bigotry, racism, and hate.
The only hate we've seen in the past 10 years has come from the Commie Left. No ifs, ands or buts. You Commies always accuse the other side of doing everything your side is guilty of.
I don't understand all the doom and gloom of the OP

Winning the Senate was the main thing, and it's done! :2up:

The House was always up for grabs....meh

Cheer up man ....cheer up! All is well!
Some people are not as carefree and gay as you..
I sit here tonight watching these results come in with horror; I have to wonder if there is an America left for me.

Maybe The America I believe in truly is dead... and if so, as there is no place for me in this new America, maybe I should join the America I believed in as part of the past rather than the present or the future.
Well, at least we've got the house. Also picked up a number of state level races.

Not as good as I had hoped, that's for sure.

I underestimated the stupidity and hatred tRump has fostered.

You ain't seen nuthin' yet.... What just happened was stern stern rebuke of the past 2 years of total insanity flowing like the Amazon in it's flood peak straight out of Lefty Central.

The left's poor showing in the face of 45 incumbent retirements, the midterm election effect and the general disharmony that runs through the Republican party is only a precursor of the trend that is going to grow stronger and more severe over the next two years.

Of particular note is the constant drum beat for impeachment both for Kavanaugh and for Trump. The Democrats are drawn to it like hypnotized moths to a blue death bulb. They should totally walk away from it but instead you're going to see two years of rabid, frothing at the mouth bloodlust that will throw all common sense and political expediency out the window. Not only Will trump be reelected in 2020 he will come back with a crushing takeover of both Chambers once again. It is totally avoidable of course and yet somehow unavoidable at the same time.

I sit here tonight watching these results come in with horror; I have to wonder if there is an America left for me.

Maybe The America I believe in truly is dead... and if so, as there is no place for me in this new America, maybe I should join the America I believed in as part of the past rather than the present or the future.
Dude, its just an election. Win some, lose some.

Look at it this way, if the conservatives of this nation can convince the GOP to showcase the worse tendanies of Democrat abuses of power -- you know they're coming -- then the next elections shapes up to not only keep the White House but to take back the house and increase the Senate to a filibuster-proof level.

However, it must start now. A clear contrast and a positive message to the American people on the conservative (and GOP) vision for America should be crafted and presented over the next 23 months.
The Dems can't really do anything but be as postal as always.............Historically speaking they didn't really win anything. Gaining seats of the Incumbent President in a mid term hasn't happened for the GOP since 1934.

They can yell and scream........bang the gavel but can't change a thing...............Justices can go through much easier now.........and there is a chance to get another Supreme before it's all said and done.

In all reality............this was a loss for the Dems really.............

63 Congressional loses..............6 Senate Seats..............BOOM.............LOL
I sit here tonight watching these results come in with horror; I have to wonder if there is an America left for me.

Maybe The America I believe in truly is dead... and if so, as there is no place for me in this new America, maybe I should join the America I believed in as part of the past rather than the present or the future.
Well, at least we've got the house. Also picked up a number of state level races.

Not as good as I had hoped, that's for sure.

I underestimated the stupidity and hatred tRump has fostered.

Don't give yourself so much credit.
Your right, truly I did realize how fucked up tRumpkins are. I just didn't want to believe it.

I think the point is that: What you don't realize could fill a cargo ship.
That's ok, I already know more than I ever wanted about tRumpkins.

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