Is it Time to Turn Out the Lights.....?

I sit here tonight watching these results come in with horror; I have to wonder if there is an America left for me.

Maybe The America I believe in truly is dead... and if so, as there is no place for me in this new America, maybe I should join the America I believed in as part of the past rather than the present or the future.

This is so emo.
Can somebody check on him or something?

I ended up in eastern NY. A friend in the area offered me his cabin to stay in for a couple days. My boss refused to accept my resignation and has put me on short-term disability. I still intend to quit. No reason to keep working with the rape our paychecks are going to take with Dems in control of the House.

Told my wife to contact the realtor about putting the house on the market. Will have to get rid of the dogs when we move into public housing. Gonna be a whole new life as a slacker; or I could just finish what I started last night. Still not sure which is the better option.

I've seriously been pondering leaving the country. Maybe use my retirement savings to buy a beach home in Mexico, just over the border. I can live a comfortable life down there. The cost of living is a fraction of what it is here. America as it once was is dead, our liberties are eroding constantly, and our government is milking us for everything we have.

Say hi to Jesse Ventura for me!
@OP I hear ya. I was packed and ready to leave the US myself, in 2014, in 2016... We're fucked as a nation, it's just a matter of time. That's the evil of socialism and communism, that's what it does, it slowly lets the "have nots" legally steal from the "haves" until there is no protection left, no belief in ownership, no business, no money. Freedom, liberty, justice fall quickly as the entitled greed of the selfish unbalances the system. It was basically inevitable from the fucking second we let this shit into the US. Now it's a weight of 70% of the costs being carried by some 10% of the population - you had to see this coming...

It's a rough question, where do you go from the US? I'll be frank, there isn't anywhere 'good'. Get used to not having freedom, that's just the way it is. The worlds going to head back into darkness, like it has so many times before when great civilizations collapse. If you have kids to think about then you gotta think 'safety' - you need to be somewhere the locust are less likely to raid. I'd thought about France for a long time, there's a couple communities a bunch of my HS buddies fled to back in 2013, but they're getting smoked for 80% of their incomes regardless and now their facing a Muslim take over - a couple have already [fake] "converted" just to save their kids from the constant religious harassment. I've been looking at Australia. Ironic in a way maybe. But ya know, you get in the bush and it's like being in your own nation for the most part. I think that's the best one can hope for really.

Or you can stick it out here, I figure it'll be at least another 10 years before its really over. Downside is that they might catch ya before you can secure your wealth and steal it all. I got kids to think about so I can't do that myself. Of course, I've been watching this place go to shit for a decade so I've been planning ahead already. I don't think they even could steal everything I have pocketed away from their greed.

FYI it's $5k to renounce your citizenship from the US. You can remain unsettled - no country - but it makes it a bit hard to travel and the globalists will be up your butt to pay some government for your happening to be alive.
@OP I hear ya. I was packed and ready to leave the US myself, in 2014, in 2016... We're fucked as a nation, it's just a matter of time...

Yep. I keep considering Saudi Arabia. No kids for me to worry about and my wife would stay here, which is fine with me. The only problems are the citizenship issue and the fact that I loathe organized religion.
@OP I hear ya. I was packed and ready to leave the US myself, in 2014, in 2016... We're fucked as a nation, it's just a matter of time...

Yep. I keep considering Saudi Arabia. No kids for me to worry about and my wife would stay here, which is fine with me. The only problems are the citizenship issue and the fact that I loathe organized religion.

ugh SA? Couldn't pay me enough frankly, but whatever floats your boat. Either way, I'd ship out to wherever before renouncing US citizenship, it'll get you in the door to other nations a lot easier. If you have money bring it with and the nation you're going into is going to be a lot more willing to give you citizenship. I kind of think of that as part of the moving costs heh
...This sickening result is not permanent; it is merely the Battle of the Bulge and is doomed to slow down, sputter, and run out of gas.

Not sure I have the patience, time or remaining mental health to wait on that to happen.
"This Was Their Finest Hour"—Winston Churchill

Are you of French descent? You certainly have nothing in common with the people of formerly Great Britain.
"This Was Their Finest Hour"—Winston Churchill

Are you of French descent? You certainly have nothing in common with the people of formerly Great Britain.

No. Far more British, German and Norse. I’m also not a patron saint of lost causes; and America is, or is damn close to, being a lost cause at this point.
ugh SA? Couldn't pay me enough frankly, but whatever floats your boat. Either way, I'd ship out to wherever before renouncing US citizenship, it'll get you in the door to other nations a lot easier. If you have money bring it with and the nation you're going into is going to be a lot more willing to give you citizenship. I kind of think of that as part of the moving costs heh

I prefer the Law, Order and Morality of SA to the chaos of a place like Mexico. I’m trying to get in contact with a former associate of one of my cousin who works there. Thst might be my way in to living accommodations and work. We will see.
Thats a little too close to me for you to be driving drunk to McDonalds, nigga.

Turns out the McDs was in West Stockbridge, MA. I was merely hung over by the time I got into New York State
D.U.I. I'll expect you to turn yourself in today to the proper authorities..
Well. He IS very strict about following rules. Or is he?
He is when it comes down to his wife following his rules. He beats her when she doesn't, remember?
I sit here tonight watching these results come in with horror; I have to wonder if there is an America left for me.

Maybe The America I believe in truly is dead... and if so, as there is no place for me in this new America, maybe I should join the America I believed in as part of the past rather than the present or the future.

This is so emo.

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