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Is It Worth A Civil War To You?

I graduated from College with a 4.0 GPA Suma.

I doubt if there are more than 2-3 posters if any at all that could boast that.

I hold 3 degrees.

Associates of Applied Science.

Associates of History

Bachelors in Science & Technology

I plan on going back to school to pursue my Masters which would be my 4th degree.

I have to wonder how far the Dems are willing to go regain power in Government.

I've never in my life see paid protesters at Town Halls; people paid to harass and bloody innocent people, and commit violence and vandalism at Political Rallies.

I've never seen a party use the IRS and our Intelligence Community as well as Law Enforcement like The FBI and DOJ as weapons against their opposition.

And if that weren't enough outright disregard of The Law and Rebellion with Sanctuary Cities, Registering Illegals To Vote and trying to affect the outcome of an Election by using our own Government and abuses of power against a Candidate.

And to read this board and others every day and see one irrational hate filled rant after irrational hate filled rant, and to see death threats and calls for impeachment and assassination against our president? How does the Left justify that?

It's absurd. It's Divisive. It's Dangerous and it reminds me of every Dystopian Nightmare Novel I have ever read.

Are we Irving in The Age of Deception and lies? Are we living in the days of

The Left has become radicalized and fantical. There is no reasoning with them, no discussions. Just Unmasked Hatred 24-7 and with it all of the sins that hatred and lies give birth to.

Is it really worth it Dems to destroy yourselves and destroy your country just to claim you won? What do you hope to accomplish? A Civil War?

How old were you when you finally graduated from high school? Wait, I may be overestimating already.
Liberals have ONLY one recourse and that is LABELS, they label and smear the people who expose them for what they are. They have no other recourse because their entire premise is based on lies subterfuge and propaganda that is based on a small interjection of truth into a fabricated situation that does not exist and never will. The problem is they constantly try to wield a power they are not entitled to over people they do not agree with, and have NO compunction about doing ANYTHING from lies to murder to be able to control, and subjugate those people in extreme violation of those peoples rights. As other groups of people grow because of their Humanity, honor, civility, and their compassion, liberals actually profess those qualities but are completely DEVOID of them. Their entire being and lives are driven by an egotistical hunger for power and some type of proof that supports their opinion that they are somehow more deserving, somehow better, somehow more intelligent (IQ related, not education related) than those who actually KNOW about the lack of facts that liberals have behind their goals.

I rated this "Funny!" because it is such a classic example of projection. I mean, that was your intent, right? To label and smear people that you accuse of labeling and smearing the opposition?

This/these people are phony! All across this nation, people voted in the type of political leadership they wanted; republican.

These leftists who could NOT win at the ballot box, are openly conspiring publicly to break the law, and deny Americans their rights; basically a conspiracy of a soft coup.

We know the government monitors everything, including political party's, and so I think maybe the government should start looking at these subversives IPs, and monitor them spreading all over the internet how Americans should just ignore the laws of our land.

And if this is really the way to have a country, maybe we in red states should just start deciding what laws we don't like, and ignore them also!

But no, we play by the rules put forth by our forefathers that have made this country great. Even when we fail to change what we don't like legally, we stay with the status quo as it is the law of the land.

How much more of their lawlessness are we going to take? They are denying Americans there rights, and threatening us with subversion. Even their leaders in blue states are attempting to ORDER their workforces to break the law.

For everyone doing, or advocating doing this, you are denying Americans en mass their rights, and committing a soft coup, which is treason.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

What the fuck are you talking about? What rights are being denied to Americans?
No one cares about attendance at an inauguration. Please stay on topic.

We are talking about The Left's "Resist Democracy" movement.

We know for a fact that there is an orchestrated effort to bus and transport paid protestors to attend and disrupt every town hall and rally they can get in to..

Too bad Trump couldn't have done that to boost the attendance to his inauguration. Maybe then he would have been so embarassed that hardly anybody showed up. At least conpared to inaugurations like Reagan and Obama.

I think that you are confused. It is the "Resist Trump Dictatorship" movement.
Sure I'll subscribe to the denotative meaning of that movement. I voted for Trump but I will certainly join in your movement if he shows even an iota of 'dictatorial tendencies'.... manifest by his actions...
No one cares about attendance at an inauguration. Please stay on topic.

We are talking about The Left's "Resist Democracy" movement.

We know for a fact that there is an orchestrated effort to bus and transport paid protestors to attend and disrupt every town hall and rally they can get in to..

Too bad Trump couldn't have done that to boost the attendance to his inauguration. Maybe then he would have been so embarassed that hardly anybody showed up. At least conpared to inaugurations like Reagan and Obama.

I think that you are confused. It is the "Resist Trump Dictatorship" movement.
Sure I'll sign on to the denotative meaning of that movement. I voted for Trump but I will certainly join in your movement if he shows even an iota of 'dictatorial tendencies'.... manifest by his actions...

I am proud that he is making America Great Again by allowing coal companies to dump their tailings into clean streams!
New poll reveals President Trump's base is eroding as approval rating sinks to new record low

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Donald Trump

I apologize, Marion Morrison. You must have been so busy taking care of your unicorn to actually keep up with the news.

That says 40% , not 37%

https://poll.qu.edu/images/polling/us/us03222017_demos_Upt839fm.pdf/ Oversampled Democrats, higher numbers of younger people. <Breakdown of poll you cited.

You can make a poll say anything you want to, depending on who you ask the questions.
America is The Bastion of Freedom in the world.

However if you allow unfettered importation of Foreign Ideologies which are in Direct Declared Opposition to the Individual Liberties we believe in, it will no longer be so.

As far as Equality goes there is No Nation on Earth that provides that for a People but the USA.

It is written in Our Constitution, its Amendments, and Our Bill of Rights.

You are guaranteed only equal treatment under the law and equal access to Opportunity. But you are not guaranteed Equal Success.

To guarantee Equal Success means that you have to create artificial inequalities by taking from those who have succeeded and giving to those who have failed. Thereby you punish the productive and reward the slothful.

This is not Equality at all, but is the imposition of Tyranny through the false vehicle of Social Justice. Social Justice is simply another term for Communism, Socialism or Collectivism.

Globalism is an attempt to implement Social Justice on a Global Scale through Mandated redistribution of wealth and can only be accomplished if a Nation's Sovereignty and Individual Liberties are assaulted, fractured and then destroyed.

This is the ultimate goal of The Democrat Party, to Fundamentally Destroy America and Transform it into a Borderless Ward of The Globalist State through the Destruction of Individual Liberties and the Imposition of Collectivism.

More than 2/3 of Americans are people that just do their thing and aren't leftist shills such as yourself.

People are fed up with leftist antics. True story.

That must explain Trump's 37% approval rating. He's such a leftist shill.

37% of who?

What polling methods? How many people? Who did the poll?

Who trusts polls in this day and age?

Gosh a'mighty! Must be FAKE NEWS!

There's no truth anymore. The Orange One has decreed it.
The truth is that the MSM has deceived many, perhaps most, into thinking that their values, the values of big government and dependent citizenry is the universally accepted norm... Well as evidenced several mo. ago. NOT YET, we were dangerously close though with the demographics of our nation morphing before our eyes with the barely mitigated, tacitly promulgated illegal crisis foisted upon us.

No... you have never been the majority in this nation, constitutionalist, freedom loving Americans have stop-gaped your insidious advances for over a quarter of a millennia. Unfortunately I don't know that this will continue much longer than Trump is in office...

I don't think my values are the norm. But my values (of equality, humanity, and dignity for all) are the point toward which America is moving. You might not like that. That's not my concern. Be aware, however, that you are negating truth, which is a losing strategy.
Last edited:
More than 2/3 of Americans are people that just do their thing and aren't leftist shills such as yourself.

People are fed up with leftist antics. True story.

That must explain Trump's 37% approval rating. He's such a leftist shill.

37% of who?

What polling methods? How many people? Who did the poll?

Who trusts polls in this day and age?

Gosh a'mighty! Must be FAKE NEWS!

There's no truth anymore. The Orange One has decreed it.
The truth is that the MSM has deceived many, perhaps most, into thinking that their values, the values of big government and dependent citizenry is the universally accepted norm... Well as evidenced several mo. ago. NOT YET, we were dangerously close though with the demographics of our nation morphing before our eyes with the barely mitigated, tacitly promulgated illegal crisis foisted upon us.

No... you have never been the majority in this nation, constitutionalist, freedom loving Americans have stop-gaped your insidious advances for over a quarter of a millennia. Unfortunately I don't know that this will continue much longer than Trump is in office...

I don't think my values are the norm. But my values (of equality, humanity, and dignity for all) are the point toward which America is moving. You might not like that. That's not my concern. Be aware, however, that you are negating truth, which is a losing strategy.
- So an illegal (criminal) who overtly breaks our laws by his entry should be treated equal to a citizen in terms of taxpayer funding
- A MS13 gang member (here illegally) who just raped and shot a 14 year old girl should be shown dignity
- Humanity... a point in common.. there is a requisite level of humanity that must be show to every human if we ourselves are to maintain our own humanity... doesn't mean you can't kick their ass out of our country with extreme prejudice....

Obviously I'm focusing on illegals here it makes my rebuttal easier. The above tenets are universally applicable though...
I graduated from College with a 4.0 GPA Suma.

I doubt if there are more than 2-3 posters if any at all that could boast that.

I hold 3 degrees.

Associates of Applied Science.

Associates of History

Bachelors in Science & Technology

I plan on going back to school to pursue my Masters which would be my 4th degree.

I have to wonder how far the Dems are willing to go regain power in Government.

I've never in my life see paid protesters at Town Halls; people paid to harass and bloody innocent people, and commit violence and vandalism at Political Rallies.

I've never seen a party use the IRS and our Intelligence Community as well as Law Enforcement like The FBI and DOJ as weapons against their opposition.

And if that weren't enough outright disregard of The Law and Rebellion with Sanctuary Cities, Registering Illegals To Vote and trying to affect the outcome of an Election by using our own Government and abuses of power against a Candidate.

And to read this board and others every day and see one irrational hate filled rant after irrational hate filled rant, and to see death threats and calls for impeachment and assassination against our president? How does the Left justify that?

It's absurd. It's Divisive. It's Dangerous and it reminds me of every Dystopian Nightmare Novel I have ever read.

Are we Irving in The Age of Deception and lies? Are we living in the days of

The Left has become radicalized and fantical. There is no reasoning with them, no discussions. Just Unmasked Hatred 24-7 and with it all of the sins that hatred and lies give birth to.

Is it really worth it Dems to destroy yourselves and destroy your country just to claim you won? What do you hope to accomplish? A Civil War?

How old were you when you finally graduated from high school? Wait, I may be overestimating already.

It's too bad that during all of those years of study, that you learned abolutely nothing, and you have managed to keep your ignorance and bigotry so fully intact.

It is you who are posting lies in this forum - one right after the other. The alt-right self-delusion conspiracy theories lies told by Alex Jones, David Duke, Steve Bannon and the rest of the tin-foil hat brigade. Fear and paranoia is all you know. You're frothing yourself up for the inevitable impeachment of your Trumpenfuhrere.
So that's all you have is personal attacks?

I rest my case.

I graduated from College with a 4.0 GPA Suma.

I doubt if there are more than 2-3 posters if any at all that could boast that.

I hold 3 degrees.

Associates of Applied Science.

Associates of History

Bachelors in Science & Technology

I plan on going back to school to pursue my Masters which would be my 4th degree.

I have to wonder how far the Dems are willing to go regain power in Government.

I've never in my life see paid protesters at Town Halls; people paid to harass and bloody innocent people, and commit violence and vandalism at Political Rallies.

I've never seen a party use the IRS and our Intelligence Community as well as Law Enforcement like The FBI and DOJ as weapons against their opposition.

And if that weren't enough outright disregard of The Law and Rebellion with Sanctuary Cities, Registering Illegals To Vote and trying to affect the outcome of an Election by using our own Government and abuses of power against a Candidate.

And to read this board and others every day and see one irrational hate filled rant after irrational hate filled rant, and to see death threats and calls for impeachment and assassination against our president? How does the Left justify that?

It's absurd. It's Divisive. It's Dangerous and it reminds me of every Dystopian Nightmare Novel I have ever read.

Are we Irving in The Age of Deception and lies? Are we living in the days of

The Left has become radicalized and fantical. There is no reasoning with them, no discussions. Just Unmasked Hatred 24-7 and with it all of the sins that hatred and lies give birth to.

Is it really worth it Dems to destroy yourselves and destroy your country just to claim you won? What do you hope to accomplish? A Civil War?

How old were you when you finally graduated from high school? Wait, I may be overestimating already.

It's too bad that during all of those years of study, that you learned abolutely nothing, and you have managed to keep your ignorance and bigotry so fully intact.

It is you who are posting lies in this forum - one right after the other. The alt-right self-delusion conspiracy theories lies told by Alex Jones, David Duke, Steve Bannon and the rest of the tin-foil hat brigade. Fear and paranoia is all you know. You're frothing yourself up for the inevitable impeachment of your Trumpenfuhrere.
America is The Bastion of Freedom in the world.

However if you allow unfettered importation of Foreign Ideologies which are in Direct Declared Opposition to the Individual Liberties we believe in, it will no longer be so.

As far as Equality goes there is No Nation on Earth that provides that for a People but the USA.

It is written in Our Constitution, its Amendments, and Our Bill of Rights.

You are guaranteed only equal treatment under the law and equal access to Opportunity. But you are not guaranteed Equal Success.

To guarantee Equal Success means that you have to create artificial inequalities by taking from those who have succeeded and giving to those who have failed. Thereby you punish the productive and reward the slothful.

This is not Equality at all, but is the imposition of Tyranny through the false vehicle of Social Justice. Social Justice is simply another term for Communism, Socialism or Collectivism.

Globalism is an attempt to implement Social Justice on a Global Scale through Mandated redistribution of wealth and can only be accomplished if a Nation's Sovereignty and Individual Liberties are assaulted, fractured and then destroyed.

This is the ultimate goal of The Democrat Party, to Fundamentally Destroy America and Transform it into a Borderless Ward of The Globalist State through the destruction of Individual Liberties and the Imposition of Collectivism.

That must explain Trump's 37% approval rating. He's such a leftist shill.

37% of who?

What polling methods? How many people? Who did the poll?

Who trusts polls in this day and age?

Gosh a'mighty! Must be FAKE NEWS!

There's no truth anymore. The Orange One has decreed it.
The truth is that the MSM has deceived many, perhaps most, into thinking that their values, the values of big government and dependent citizenry is the universally accepted norm... Well as evidenced several mo. ago. NOT YET, we were dangerously close though with the demographics of our nation morphing before our eyes with the barely mitigated, tacitly promulgated illegal crisis foisted upon us.

No... you have never been the majority in this nation, constitutionalist, freedom loving Americans have stop-gaped your insidious advances for over a quarter of a millennia. Unfortunately I don't know that this will continue much longer than Trump is in office...

I don't think my values are the norm. But my values (of equality, humanity, and dignity for all) are the point toward which America is moving. You might not like that. That's not my concern. Be aware, however, that you are negating truth, which is a losing strategy.

I can't take you seriously after you write that "social justice" is the same as Socialism, Communism, or Collectivism.

Like I said, you not sharing my values is not my concern.
I graduated from College with a 4.0 GPA Suma.

I doubt if there are more than 2-3 posters if any at all that could boast that.

I hold 3 degrees.

Associates of Applied Science.

Associates of History

Bachelors in Science & Technology

I plan on going back to school to pursue my Masters which would be my 4th degree.

I have to wonder how far the Dems are willing to go regain power in Government.

I've never in my life see paid protesters at Town Halls; people paid to harass and bloody innocent people, and commit violence and vandalism at Political Rallies.

I've never seen a party use the IRS and our Intelligence Community as well as Law Enforcement like The FBI and DOJ as weapons against their opposition.

And if that weren't enough outright disregard of The Law and Rebellion with Sanctuary Cities, Registering Illegals To Vote and trying to affect the outcome of an Election by using our own Government and abuses of power against a Candidate.

And to read this board and others every day and see one irrational hate filled rant after irrational hate filled rant, and to see death threats and calls for impeachment and assassination against our president? How does the Left justify that?

It's absurd. It's Divisive. It's Dangerous and it reminds me of every Dystopian Nightmare Novel I have ever read.

Are we Irving in The Age of Deception and lies? Are we living in the days of

The Left has become radicalized and fantical. There is no reasoning with them, no discussions. Just Unmasked Hatred 24-7 and with it all of the sins that hatred and lies give birth to.

Is it really worth it Dems to destroy yourselves and destroy your country just to claim you won? What do you hope to accomplish? A Civil War?

How old were you when you finally graduated from high school? Wait, I may be overestimating already.

It's too bad that during all of those years of study, that you learned abolutely nothing, and you have managed to keep your ignorance and bigotry so fully intact.

It is you who are posting lies in this forum - one right after the other. The alt-right self-delusion conspiracy theories lies told by Alex Jones, David Duke, Steve Bannon and the rest of the tin-foil hat brigade. Fear and paranoia is all you know. You're frothing yourself up for the inevitable impeachment of your Trumpenfuhrere.

Another phony! Which side is advocating breaking the laws of our land to change the political direction of the country, chosen by its citizens, in massive amounts of elections?

Nobody here is suggesting that you do not have the right to change the law legally. What we are telling you is.........you have no right to ignore the laws that are in force because you disagree with them.

If everyone did it the leftist way, our country would turn into chaos.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Define Social Justice using Dictionary.com or a legitimate and Unedited Source and we shall discuss the Technical Similarities and Identical Nature of Social Justice, Climate Justice, Economic Justice, and the various Collectivist Ideologies such as Communism, Socialism, Marxism et al.

There is your homework assignment for the day.

I welcome the opportunity to deconstruct your Paradigm of Prevarications.

New poll reveals President Trump's base is eroding as approval rating sinks to new record low

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Donald Trump

I apologize, Marion Morrison. You must have been so busy taking care of your unicorn to actually keep up with the news.

That says 40% , not 37%

https://poll.qu.edu/images/polling/us/us03222017_demos_Upt839fm.pdf/ Oversampled Democrats, higher numbers of younger people. <Breakdown of poll you cited.

You can make a poll say anything you want to, depending on who you ask the questions.

America is The Bastion of Freedom in the world.

However if you allow unfettered importation of Foreign Ideologies which are in Direct Declared Opposition to the Individual Liberties we believe in, it will no longer be so.

As far as Equality goes there is No Nation on Earth that provides that for a People but the USA.

It is written in Our Constitution, its Amendments, and Our Bill of Rights.

You are guaranteed only equal treatment under the law and equal access to Opportunity. But you are not guaranteed Equal Success.

To guarantee Equal Success means that you have to create artificial inequalities by taking from those who have succeeded and giving to those who have failed. Thereby you punish the productive and reward the slothful.

This is not Equality at all, but is the imposition of Tyranny through the false vehicle of Social Justice. Social Justice is simply another term for Communism, Socialism or Collectivism.

Globalism is an attempt to implement Social Justice on a Global Scale through Mandated redistribution of wealth and can only be accomplished if a Nation's Sovereignty and Individual Liberties are assaulted, fractured and then destroyed.

This is the ultimate goal of The Democrat Party, to Fundamentally Destroy America and Transform it into a Borderless Ward of The Globalist State through the destruction of Individual Liberties and the Imposition of Collectivism.

37% of who?

What polling methods? How many people? Who did the poll?

Who trusts polls in this day and age?

Gosh a'mighty! Must be FAKE NEWS!

There's no truth anymore. The Orange One has decreed it.
The truth is that the MSM has deceived many, perhaps most, into thinking that their values, the values of big government and dependent citizenry is the universally accepted norm... Well as evidenced several mo. ago. NOT YET, we were dangerously close though with the demographics of our nation morphing before our eyes with the barely mitigated, tacitly promulgated illegal crisis foisted upon us.

No... you have never been the majority in this nation, constitutionalist, freedom loving Americans have stop-gaped your insidious advances for over a quarter of a millennia. Unfortunately I don't know that this will continue much longer than Trump is in office...

I don't think my values are the norm. But my values (of equality, humanity, and dignity for all) are the point toward which America is moving. You might not like that. That's not my concern. Be aware, however, that you are negating truth, which is a losing strategy.

I can't take you seriously after you write that "social justice" is the same as Socialism, Communism, or Collectivism.

Like I said, you not sharing my values is not my concern.
Last edited:
More than 2/3 of Americans are people that just do their thing and aren't leftist shills such as yourself.

People are fed up with leftist antics. True story.

That must explain Trump's 37% approval rating. He's such a leftist shill.

37% of who?

What polling methods? How many people? Who did the poll?

Who trusts polls in this day and age?

Gosh a'mighty! Must be FAKE NEWS!

There's no truth anymore. The Orange One has decreed it.
The truth is that the MSM has deceived many, perhaps most, into thinking that their values, the values of big government and dependent citizenry is the universally accepted norm... Well as evidenced several mo. ago. NOT YET, we were dangerously close though with the demographics of our nation morphing before our eyes with the barely mitigated, tacitly promulgated illegal crisis foisted upon us.

No... you have never been the majority in this nation, constitutionalist, freedom loving Americans have stop-gaped your insidious advances for over a quarter of a millennia. Unfortunately I don't know that this will continue much longer than Trump is in office...

I don't think my values are the norm. But my values (of equality, humanity, and dignity for all) are the point toward which America is moving. You might not like that. That's not my concern. Be aware, however, that you are negating truth, which is a losing strategy.

How very Noble you seem, define these words as you use them :"equality, humanity, and dignity".
I have to wonder how far the Dems are willing to go regain power in Government.

I've never in my life see paid protesters at Town Halls; people paid to harass and bloody innocent people, and commit violence and vandalism at Political Rallies.

I've never seen a party use the IRS and our Intelligence Community as well as Law Enforcement like The FBI and DOJ as weapons against their opposition.

And if that weren't enough outright disregard of The Law and Rebellion with Sanctuary Cities, Registering Illegals To Vote and trying to affect the outcome of an Election by using our own Government and abuses of power against a Candidate.

And to read this board and others every day and see one irrational hate filled rant after irrational hate filled rant, and to see death threats and calls for impeachment and assassination against our president? How does the Left justify that?

It's absurd. It's Divisive. It's Dangerous and it reminds me of every Dystopian Nightmare Novel I have ever read.

Are we Irving in The Age of Deception and lies? Are we living in the days of

The Left has become radicalized and fantical. There is no reasoning with them, no discussions. Just Unmasked Hatred 24-7 and with it all of the sins that hatred and lies give birth to.

Is it really worth it Dems to destroy yourselves and destroy your country just to claim you won? What do you hope to accomplish? A Civil War?
Unless there is some will to address it, and that’s highly unlikely, we now have a new normal where highly politicized intelligence agencies are used by both sides to discredit one another and discredit any attempts to reform the system. It’s no longer a game of rules. It is a zero sum game of power and that cycle only ends one way, with someone marching their army on the capital and taking control. As with Rome, whoever emerges as the dictator will not have murdered the system. The system will have murdered itself. The Political Class Murders Itself | The Z Blog Worth reading whole thing
That must explain Trump's 37% approval rating. He's such a leftist shill.

37% of who?

What polling methods? How many people? Who did the poll?

Who trusts polls in this day and age?

Gosh a'mighty! Must be FAKE NEWS!

There's no truth anymore. The Orange One has decreed it.
The truth is that the MSM has deceived many, perhaps most, into thinking that their values, the values of big government and dependent citizenry is the universally accepted norm... Well as evidenced several mo. ago. NOT YET, we were dangerously close though with the demographics of our nation morphing before our eyes with the barely mitigated, tacitly promulgated illegal crisis foisted upon us.

No... you have never been the majority in this nation, constitutionalist, freedom loving Americans have stop-gaped your insidious advances for over a quarter of a millennia. Unfortunately I don't know that this will continue much longer than Trump is in office...

I don't think my values are the norm. But my values (of equality, humanity, and dignity for all) are the point toward which America is moving. You might not like that. That's not my concern. Be aware, however, that you are negating truth, which is a losing strategy.

How very Noble you seem, define these words as you use them :"equality, humanity, and dignity".

Everyone is treated the same, regardless of religion, skin color, gender, etc. People would be treated with respect, i.e. just as well as they'd like to be treated.

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