Is McCain a traitor?

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I have no respect for him. Establishment politician, just like Graham and Ryan.

Senator John McCain is not a traitor.

He recently reminded his Senate colleagues that they are not the President's subordinates, but, rather, his Equals.

The man is a patriot of the finest kind.

As he jokes with a room full of Dims saying, "Now let's see Trump make America great again". (laughter in background)
Gotta hand it to John... he knows a bad joke when he sees one.
Um, I thought it wasn't cool to pick on brain tumor, I mean rumple stilts skin?

Just like Kennedy, it seems that they all have brain tumors.........which explains a lot.
So, John McCain voted no to a really stupid bill that would try to repeal parts of the ACA without any replacement. A bill so bad Republicans were only voting for it if the House would no pass it.

And you Trumpettes call him a traitor?

The real traitors are you fuckdumb Trumpettes who elected a business cheat, fraud, groping, lying man who uses the office to line his own pockets. And you don't care that his campaign likely colluded with the Russians. You don't care he put a white Supremacist in as a chief advisor ( Of course not). You don;t care he called POWs worthless POS. You don't care the man stays up most of the night making extremely stupid tweets. You don't care he went golfing all the time & hid out at his resorts charging the SS tens of thousands for rooms & golf carts. You don't care he is working to well of National Monuments to Corporate interests. My God, he hasn't yet signed the Russian sanctions bill - why? Do you even care?

You Trumpettes are the real traitors. You sold out America for your political party. You have to know it by now. Yet here you are, blaming everyone but the orange jackass YOU elected.

John McCain is a hero and a patriot.

/thread end.

McCain was approached by doctors at the VA about Veterans being put on secret death lists. He did nothing to help them. If not for an obscure Congressman in Florida, the scandal probably would never have seen the light of day.

McCain is a traitor to his own comrades in arms.

The doctor who launched the VA scandal
McCain was a Naval Aviator.....which holds all kinds of implications to those who have served on a aircraft carrier.

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He is a weak senator, he was a weak presidential nominee, and he is a typical politician. How does a guy who spent 20 years in the military and then over 30 years as a politician "serving" his country amass a fortune of over $20 million? I'll tell you how. He sells his influence for cash. Remember the Keating 5?

He married money. Have a nice day!
So, John McCain voted no to a really stupid bill that would try to repeal parts of the ACA without any replacement. A bill so bad Republicans were only voting for it if the House would no pass it.

And you Trumpettes call him a traitor?

The real traitors are you fuckdumb Trumpettes who elected a business cheat, fraud, groping, lying man who uses the office to line his own pockets. And you don't care that his campaign likely colluded with the Russians. You don't care he put a white Supremacist in as a chief advisor ( Of course not). You don;t care he called POWs worthless POS. You don't care the man stays up most of the night making extremely stupid tweets. You don't care he went golfing all the time & hid out at his resorts charging the SS tens of thousands for rooms & golf carts. You don't care he is working to well of National Monuments to Corporate interests. My God, he hasn't yet signed the Russian sanctions bill - why? Do you even care?

You Trumpettes are the real traitors. You sold out America for your political party. You have to know it by now. Yet here you are, blaming everyone but the orange jackass YOU elected.


John, this is about you, not Trump.

Has Trump thrown veterans under the bus like you did at the Arizona VA?

No matter if Trump was President or not, why vote to repeal the bill under Obama and then not to repeal it under Trump?

Is this a get back at Trump stunt?
Will the OP please look up the legal definition of traitor?!

'Traitor' is more like betraying your coalition allies by dropping leaflets warning ISIS an attack is coming after they perpetrated the biggest attack on France since WWII...which Barry did.
Yes and it's not even debatable!

He is a traitor to his party and Conservative Principles and himself for reneging on the promise he made to repeal Obamacare!

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