Is McCain a traitor?

McCain is the poster boy for term limits. Apparently this asshole uses his position to wield some kind of pay back( you said mean things about me ) power instead of doing his damn job.

He should have been gone years ago.

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John McCain along with Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski showed great political courage standing up to the mob mentality. It's easy going along with everyone else, it's hard to go against the grain.
Interesting the trump whores that think these three did the wrong thing not one of them can explain why a HC bill that favored the rich at the expense of the poor and knocked 22 million people off health insurance was a good thing..
Not one.
Every time I posed these questions to them they ran like the cowards they are.

Na, all three of them shit stains are progressives. Fact

I'll never understand you guys... you complain about the "Establishment" then you criticize the Senators that actually bucked the Establishment and their bullying to walk the republican line, those who chose to go against the walk of the Republican establishment???

What's up with that...??

So you think that Democrats aren't part of the establishment now?
The establishment wants Obamacare to which way did McCain and the other two vote?

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Here is John SELLOUT McAIPAC meeting with Mossad leaders, including Simon Elliott aka Al Baghdadi, leader of ISIS...

McCain's a neocon war monger. A PNAC patsy.

He is part of the "uniparty" that is slowly destroying our country.

Trump is the first non "uniparty" POTUS to be elected in a very long time.....that is why they are so anxious to destroy him.

If Trump continues to drop bombs and invade countries.....he may be allowed to keep his job. We'll have to see........

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John McCain along with Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski showed great political courage standing up to the mob mentality. It's easy going along with everyone else, it's hard to go against the grain.
Interesting the trump whores that think these three did the wrong thing not one of them can explain why a HC bill that favored the rich at the expense of the poor and knocked 22 million people off health insurance was a good thing..
Not one.
Every time I posed these questions to them they ran like the cowards they are.

Na, all three of them shit stains are progressives. Fact

I'll never understand you guys... you complain about the "Establishment" then you criticize the Senators that actually bucked the Establishment and their bullying to walk the republican line, those who chose to go against the walk of the Republican establishment???

What's up with that...??

So you think that Democrats aren't part of the establishment now?
The establishment wants Obamacare to which way did McCain and the other two vote?

No they don't. They all want a single payer system. Obamacare was just a stepping stone for that.

No, from here on out it will be government rationing of health care...........unless you are one of the fortunate few in Congress who opted out of the system. For them, the sky in the limit in terms of cost of health care.

In fact, I bet John McCain serves another 80 years on Congress even though he has brain cancer.
He is just old, senile, sick, and bitter. He should have retired with dignity 15 years ago. He is embarrassing himself, his family, and his legacy. Very sad to watch.

Maybe, you're joking; but what you're doing is giving him a pass. McCain is coherent and makes decisions to serve his own salacious interests.
McCain's a neocon war monger. A PNAC patsy.

He is part of the "uniparty" that is slowly destroying our country.

Trump is the first non "uniparty" POTUS to be elected in a very long time.....that is why they are so anxious to destroy him.

If Trump continues to drop bombs and invade countries.....he may be allowed to keep his job. We'll have to see........

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Opening Posts require more than a Copy and Paste with a Link, You need to include relevant, on topic material of your own.

John McCain along with Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski showed great political courage standing up to the mob mentality. It's easy going along with everyone else, it's hard to go against the grain.
Interesting the trump whores that think these three did the wrong thing not one of them can explain why a HC bill that favored the rich at the expense of the poor and knocked 22 million people off health insurance was a good thing..
Not one.
Every time I posed these questions to them they ran like the cowards they are.

Na, all three of them shit stains are progressives. Fact

I'll never understand you guys... you complain about the "Establishment" then you criticize the Senators that actually bucked the Establishment and their bullying to walk the republican line, those who chose to go against the walk of the Republican establishment???

What's up with that...??

Once a progressive shit stain, always a progressive shit stain. Fact

so ''the establishment'' is NEVER Republicans like Mitch McConnell or Paul Ryan and only Democratic establishment like Pelosi and Schumer??? and McCain fits in with that establishment and not the McConnell establishment???

I still don't get it...are only Democrats or liberal progressives ''the establishment''?

What makes anyone ''the establishment''... maybe that should be answered by you first???

He didn't take an oath to follow his party.....

He would have been a traitor if he had voted for the bill in support of his PARTY over his support for the people who elected him, his country's citizens, his State's citizens....

All of the Republicans who voted for the skinny bill, AGAINST the citizens of their States, are the traitors...

Man oh man is everything upside down in Trump world! He is an antiChrist, and you all are following him! :eek:
Unfortunately Democrats aren't looking out for you.
That skinny bill was an attempt to remove some of the mandates that drives up the cost of health care and imposes massive taxes on dumbasses like yourself.
Because of your support for Muslims, illegals, and men in girl's bathrooms you would rather get fucked by Obamacare.
You haven't the common-sense of a puissant.
It's like you've taken leave of your senses over a fake ideology.
No small wonder that the Dems, and Hillary in particular think you're a bunch of idiots so easily manipulated.

:rofl::rofl: Calm down Mud!

What I think... is they should go to REGULAR ORDER, and have the committees have hearings and identify the problems and come up with a solution, in a normal way of the Senate, with both Republicans and Democrat senators, working together...and then THAT be brought to the Senate floor once it is voted out of the committee, for a vote....with the ability to need 60 votes to move forward. This way the WHOLE COUNTRY has a say and a voice on what is 1/6th of our economy and what affects them all and their own health care, and health care costs.

Mccain is right...the Senate needs to go to Regular Order and this partisan shit that McConnel is trying needs to fail and did fail and will fail again...God willing!
McCain was photographed hanging out with Isis leaders in Syria and Libya.
I don't trust a thing that old fart has to say.
He and Hillary made sure that a civil war happened in Libya and Syria and close to a million people have died as a result.
I don't know if they planned it, but now hundreds of thousands of refugees have flooded Europe and spread rape and murder everywhere they go.
And you must think this is some joke or something.

I do not believe that video loop of Hillary was about Gadaffi at all....and you can't possibly either when she used ''it's'' not ''he's'' and of course because whatever the question asked of her was edited out.

I do not think McCain or Hillary believed for a nano second they were doing something that would harm millions and was evil... hindsight is 20/20... live and learn and try not to repeat your mistakes and blunders...take on your enemy's Psyche before making a move next time....

EU countries are who begged Clinton/McCain to encourage and do what they was ALL to support our allies, it was their request of us...

The EU is more to blame than we are in what is happening to them, they ARE THE ONES who pulled us in to Libya...
He still hates Ocare. He said he wouldn't vote for the "fraud".

But the real point is that people are actually congratulating him and the other two for doing the right thing. It's the rest of the Republican senate that voted to raise ALL our premiums by 20% and take insurance away from 19 million so that money could be funneled to pharma and insurance companies.

And they exempted themselves so they get to keep the Ocare the rest of the us lose.

It's a twisted damn system.

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He didn't take an oath to follow his party.....

He would have been a traitor if he had voted for the bill in support of his PARTY over his support for the people who elected him, his country's citizens, his State's citizens....

All of the Republicans who voted for the skinny bill, AGAINST the citizens of their States, are the traitors...

Man oh man is everything upside down in Trump world! He is an antiChrist, and you all are following him! :eek:
Unfortunately Democrats aren't looking out for you.
That skinny bill was an attempt to remove some of the mandates that drives up the cost of health care and imposes massive taxes on dumbasses like yourself.
Because of your support for Muslims, illegals, and men in girl's bathrooms you would rather get fucked by Obamacare.
You haven't the common-sense of a puissant.
It's like you've taken leave of your senses over a fake ideology.
No small wonder that the Dems, and Hillary in particular think you're a bunch of idiots so easily manipulated.

:rofl::rofl: Calm down Mud!

What I think... is they should go to REGULAR ORDER, and have the committees have hearings and identify the problems and come up with a solution, in a normal way of the Senate, with both Republicans and Democrat senators, working together...and then THAT be brought to the Senate floor once it is voted out of the committee, for a vote....with the ability to need 60 votes to move forward. This way the WHOLE COUNTRY has a say and a voice on what is 1/6th of our economy and what affects them all and their own health care, and health care costs.

Mccain is right...the Senate needs to go to Regular Order and this partisan shit that McConnel is trying needs to fail and did fail and will fail again...God willing!
McCain was photographed hanging out with Isis leaders in Syria and Libya.
I don't trust a thing that old fart has to say.
He and Hillary made sure that a civil war happened in Libya and Syria and close to a million people have died as a result.
I don't know if they planned it, but now hundreds of thousands of refugees have flooded Europe and spread rape and murder everywhere they go.
And you must think this is some joke or something.

I do not believe that video loop of Hillary was about Gadaffi at all....and you can't possibly either when she used ''it's'' not ''he's'' and of course because whatever the question asked of her was edited out.

I do not think McCain or Hillary believed for a nano second they were doing something that would harm millions and was evil... hindsight is 20/20... live and learn and try not to repeat your mistakes and blunders...take on your enemy's Psyche before making a move next time....

EU countries are who begged Clinton/McCain to encourage and do what they was ALL to support our allies, it was their request of us...

The EU is more to blame than we are in what is happening to them, they ARE THE ONES who pulled us in to Libya...

The EU is a socialist world order that encourages the destruction of their own help rich hedgfunders make billions on the market betting against the economies in those countries.....and in return those backstabbing leaders like Angela Merkle get money and gifts to set them up for the rest of their lives. Obama was given the use of a beachfront property in Hawaii that cost $32 million. Venezuela is going under and Brazil will be soon to follow. This is all part of the plan. Only us pee-ons will suffer.

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Opening Posts require more than a Copy and Paste with a Link, You need to include relevant, on topic material of your own.

John McCain along with Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski showed great political courage standing up to the mob mentality. It's easy going along with everyone else, it's hard to go against the grain.
Interesting the trump whores that think these three did the wrong thing not one of them can explain why a HC bill that favored the rich at the expense of the poor and knocked 22 million people off health insurance was a good thing..
Not one.
Every time I posed these questions to them they ran like the cowards they are.

Na, all three of them shit stains are progressives. Fact

I'll never understand you guys... you complain about the "Establishment" then you criticize the Senators that actually bucked the Establishment and their bullying to walk the republican line, those who chose to go against the walk of the Republican establishment???

What's up with that...??

Once a progressive shit stain, always a progressive shit stain. Fact

so ''the establishment'' is NEVER Republicans like Mitch McConnell or Paul Ryan and only Democratic establishment like Pelosi and Schumer??? and McCain fits in with that establishment and not the McConnell establishment???

I still don't get it...are only Democrats or liberal progressives ''the establishment''?

What makes anyone ''the establishment''... maybe that should be answered by you first???

All career politicians, are progressives. They own the federal government and do not work for anyone but themselves,

Single term limits would be a great start. Shit stains like McCain should be extinct for the good of the country.

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