Is McCain a traitor?

He was an excellent soldier, but a horrible politician. He is a turncoat to America. I voted for him while holding my nose because he was the only choice. He threw away his chance to win when he went and fell down at Obama's feet in the Sept before the election. His head has been so far up Obama's butt that he hasn't come out for air.
------------------------------------------------------ 'mcstain' has always been nasty and 2 faced , plus i like the guys that weren't captured GFritz .
Agreed. He sold out this country twice: Once when he collaborated with the VC, and again with his Obamacare vote.
John McCain is a hero and a patriot.

/thread end.
McCain is just another reason the voters should demand term limits. Way too many senile old fools of both parties using their political careers to further their personal wealth.
I see him as no different than Pelosi.
The voters have term's called voting someone out they don't like and voting someone new in. What YOU want is something that prevents the voters of a district or state keeping someone they might want to keep on.
Yes. His constituents voted him in to do a job. He ran on a platform of repealing Obamacare. They did NOT elect him to cast petty revenge votes at their expense. The man is an immature asshat that used the taxpayers to line his pockets. Period.
i guess you all need a refresher course on what it means to be a traitor to one's country.

and traitor trump should be made to sit at the front of the class with his dunce cap on.

He didn't take an oath to follow his party.....

He would have been a traitor if he had voted for the bill in support of his PARTY over his support for the people who elected him, his country's citizens, his State's citizens....

All of the Republicans who voted for the skinny bill, AGAINST the citizens of their States, are the traitors...

Man oh man is everything upside down in Trump world! He is an antiChrist, and you all are following him! :eek:
Unfortunately Democrats aren't looking out for you.
That skinny bill was an attempt to remove some of the mandates that drives up the cost of health care and imposes massive taxes on dumbasses like yourself.
Because of your support for Muslims, illegals, and men in girl's bathrooms you would rather get fucked by Obamacare.
You haven't the common-sense of a puissant.
It's like you've taken leave of your senses over a fake ideology.
No small wonder that the Dems, and Hillary in particular think you're a bunch of idiots so easily manipulated.

There is a reason why spineless McCain lost... he has never been conservative and glory whores like him never learn.
A maverick he is not, just an old washed up career politician and fool looking for crumbs of former glory which will never be realized. It is quite sad to see but at the same time cancer boy is realizing.
Karma is a bitch
Meanwhile had McCain NOT voted the way he did the democrat hypocrites now lauding the man would be calling for his speedy death.

True story.
Meanwhile had McCain NOT voted the way he did the democrat hypocrites now lauding the man would be calling for his speedy death.

True story.
All the worst POS on the planet need to do to gain the left's favor is cuss out Trump in public.
They don't give a shit what they've done......they're the cat's meow cuz they said or did something to screw over Trump, and thus screw over the American people.
Meanwhile had McCain NOT voted the way he did the democrat hypocrites now lauding the man would be calling for his speedy death.

True story.
All the worst POS on the planet need to do to gain the left's favor is cuss out Trump in public.
They don't give a shit what they've done......they're the cat's meow cuz they said or did something to screw over Trump, and thus screw over the American people.
Yep. Liberals are very transparent. When republicans go against party they are hero's and the parades start up. When Democrats go against party all hell breaks loose and they are run out on a rail.

See Joe Lieberman and Zell Miller.

He didn't take an oath to follow his party.....

He would have been a traitor if he had voted for the bill in support of his PARTY over his support for the people who elected him, his country's citizens, his State's citizens....

All of the Republicans who voted for the skinny bill, AGAINST the citizens of their States, are the traitors...

Man oh man is everything upside down in Trump world! He is an antiChrist, and you all are following him! :eek:
Unfortunately Democrats aren't looking out for you.
That skinny bill was an attempt to remove some of the mandates that drives up the cost of health care and imposes massive taxes on dumbasses like yourself.
Because of your support for Muslims, illegals, and men in girl's bathrooms you would rather get fucked by Obamacare.
You haven't the common-sense of a puissant.
It's like you've taken leave of your senses over a fake ideology.
No small wonder that the Dems, and Hillary in particular think you're a bunch of idiots so easily manipulated.

:rofl::rofl: Calm down Mud!

What I think... is they should go to REGULAR ORDER, and have the committees have hearings and identify the problems and come up with a solution, in a normal way of the Senate, with both Republicans and Democrat senators, working together...and then THAT be brought to the Senate floor once it is voted out of the committee, for a vote....with the ability to need 60 votes to move forward. This way the WHOLE COUNTRY has a say and a voice on what is 1/6th of our economy and what affects them all and their own health care, and health care costs.

Mccain is right...the Senate needs to go to Regular Order and this partisan shit that McConnel is trying needs to fail and did fail and will fail again...God willing!
Liberals are FAIR WEATHER FRIENDS................

McCain runs for POTUS..................he's dirt..........

McCain votes No they love him.

General BETRAY US................Media Matters........

To.........WE LOVE YOU MAN..............

To YOU TRAITOR AGAIN............and fire him..........

To COMEY .........YOUR FIRED........

To COMEY..............HE'S OUR HERO........

To Comey you didn't burn Trump YOU SUCK.......


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Opening Posts require more than a Copy and Paste with a Link, You need to include relevant, on topic material of your own.

John McCain along with Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski showed great political courage standing up to the mob mentality. It's easy going along with everyone else, it's hard to go against the grain.
Interesting the trump whores that think these three did the wrong thing not one of them can explain why a HC bill that favored the rich at the expense of the poor and knocked 22 million people off health insurance was a good thing..
Not one.
Every time I posed these questions to them they ran like the cowards they are.

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