Is McCain a traitor?

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John McCain along with Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski showed great political courage standing up to the mob mentality. It's easy going along with everyone else, it's hard to go against the grain.
Interesting the trump whores that think these three did the wrong thing not one of them can explain why a HC bill that favored the rich at the expense of the poor and knocked 22 million people off health insurance was a good thing..
Not one.
Every time I posed these questions to them they ran like the cowards they are.

Na, all three of them shit stains are progressives. Fact
McCain is worthless and his character highly questionable. One of many examples - his involvement in the failed Savings and Loan scandal known as the "Keating 5" is one such example. Thousands lost their savings in the affair but McCain was unaffected. Despite receiving significant sums of money and staying on multiple occasions in Keating's home in the Bahamas, McCain managed to avoid prosecution and claim he was simply doing what he would do for any of his constituents - incredible that he was ever re-elected.

The only person McCain has never betrayed is himself.


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John McCain along with Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski showed great political courage standing up to the mob mentality. It's easy going along with everyone else, it's hard to go against the grain.
Interesting the trump whores that think these three did the wrong thing not one of them can explain why a HC bill that favored the rich at the expense of the poor and knocked 22 million people off health insurance was a good thing..
Not one.
Every time I posed these questions to them they ran like the cowards they are.

Na, all three of them shit stains are progressives. Fact

I'll never understand you guys... you complain about the "Establishment" then you criticize the Senators that actually bucked the Establishment and their bullying to walk the republican line, those who chose to go against the walk of the Republican establishment???

What's up with that...??

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John McCain along with Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski showed great political courage standing up to the mob mentality. It's easy going along with everyone else, it's hard to go against the grain.
Interesting the trump whores that think these three did the wrong thing not one of them can explain why a HC bill that favored the rich at the expense of the poor and knocked 22 million people off health insurance was a good thing..
Not one.
Every time I posed these questions to them they ran like the cowards they are.

Na, all three of them shit stains are progressives. Fact

I'll never understand you guys... you complain about the "Establishment" then you criticize the Senators that actually bucked the Establishment and their bullying to walk the republican line, those who chose to go against the walk of the Republican establishment???

What's up with that...??

Because you assume that any group who makes a decision, and is in the majority, the establishment.

McCain is a poster boy for the establishment


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John McCain along with Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski showed great political courage standing up to the mob mentality. It's easy going along with everyone else, it's hard to go against the grain.
Interesting the trump whores that think these three did the wrong thing not one of them can explain why a HC bill that favored the rich at the expense of the poor and knocked 22 million people off health insurance was a good thing..
Not one.
Every time I posed these questions to them they ran like the cowards they are.

Na, all three of them shit stains are progressives. Fact

I'll never understand you guys... you complain about the "Establishment" then you criticize the Senators that actually bucked the Establishment and their bullying to walk the republican line, those who chose to go against the walk of the Republican establishment???

What's up with that...??

Because you assume that any group who makes a decision, and is in the majority, the establishment.

McCain is a poster boy for the establishment


Perhaps he was a poster boy for the establishment, but on his death bed, he clearly changed course! ;)

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McCain apparently wants Americans to suffer, and wants to see America fail.

Will Mr. Brain tumor live long enough to enjoy this?

Yes- McCain wants to 'see Americans suffer' by blocking the repeal of insurance coverage for millions.

Next he will try to make Americans suffer by blocking the GOP's efforts to deny Americans food.
I don't have to bash McCain, his actions tell you exactly what kind of man he is.

I don't have to bash Trump- his actions tell you exactly what kind of man he is

Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'

He takes his feud with the Arizona senator to a new level.
Fascinating- sad- and totally predictable:

Trump voters attacking McCain because McCain dared defy President Snowflake.

The Senate 'Bill' that McCain voted no on was a bill that the GOP actually asked for guarantees from the House that the House would not approve it- because the GOP knew this bill stank. The GOP were trying to push through a bill that they didn't even agree with.

Hoping that they could get it to the House for reconciliation and write it to something else- what else nobody knew- that they could agree on.

McCain voted against a bad bill- a bill even the GOP voting for it called a bad bill.

That of course makes McCain a 'traitor' to the vile Trumpsters.
I don't have to bash McCain, his actions tell you exactly what kind of man he is.

I don't have to bash Trump- his actions tell you exactly what kind of man he is

Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'

He takes his feud with the Arizona senator to a new level.

^^^ I have to do all the thinking for these libs. /sarcasm

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No, but he's no damn hero either. He's a pink assed little bitch that took the easy way out in captivity.

McCain stabbed president Bush in the back multiple times, this is nothing new from him. Maverick or douchebag, my money is on the latter.
We've been calling for the RINO's head long before Trump came on the scene.

Selective memory on these boards as usual. Rino hunt ring a bell. TEA PARTY.


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John McCain along with Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski showed great political courage standing up to the mob mentality. It's easy going along with everyone else, it's hard to go against the grain.
Interesting the trump whores that think these three did the wrong thing not one of them can explain why a HC bill that favored the rich at the expense of the poor and knocked 22 million people off health insurance was a good thing..
Not one.
Every time I posed these questions to them they ran like the cowards they are.

Na, all three of them shit stains are progressives. Fact

I'll never understand you guys... you complain about the "Establishment" then you criticize the Senators that actually bucked the Establishment and their bullying to walk the republican line, those who chose to go against the walk of the Republican establishment???

What's up with that...??

Once a progressive shit stain, always a progressive shit stain. Fact

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John McCain along with Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski showed great political courage standing up to the mob mentality. It's easy going along with everyone else, it's hard to go against the grain.
Interesting the trump whores that think these three did the wrong thing not one of them can explain why a HC bill that favored the rich at the expense of the poor and knocked 22 million people off health insurance was a good thing..
Not one.
Every time I posed these questions to them they ran like the cowards they are.

Na, all three of them shit stains are progressives. Fact

I'll never understand you guys... you complain about the "Establishment" then you criticize the Senators that actually bucked the Establishment and their bullying to walk the republican line, those who chose to go against the walk of the Republican establishment???

What's up with that...??

Because you assume that any group who makes a decision, and is in the majority, the establishment.

McCain is a poster boy for the establishment


Perhaps he was a poster boy for the establishment, but on his death bed, he clearly changed course! ;)

The fuck up has always been a spineless progressive...

He didn't take an oath to follow his party.....

He would have been a traitor if he had voted for the bill in support of his PARTY over his support for the people who elected him, his country's citizens, his State's citizens....

All of the Republicans who voted for the skinny bill, AGAINST the citizens of their States, are the traitors...

Man oh man is everything upside down in Trump world! He is an antiChrist, and you all are following him! :eek:
Unfortunately Democrats aren't looking out for you.
That skinny bill was an attempt to remove some of the mandates that drives up the cost of health care and imposes massive taxes on dumbasses like yourself.
Because of your support for Muslims, illegals, and men in girl's bathrooms you would rather get fucked by Obamacare.
You haven't the common-sense of a puissant.
It's like you've taken leave of your senses over a fake ideology.
No small wonder that the Dems, and Hillary in particular think you're a bunch of idiots so easily manipulated.

:rofl::rofl: Calm down Mud!

What I think... is they should go to REGULAR ORDER, and have the committees have hearings and identify the problems and come up with a solution, in a normal way of the Senate, with both Republicans and Democrat senators, working together...and then THAT be brought to the Senate floor once it is voted out of the committee, for a vote....with the ability to need 60 votes to move forward. This way the WHOLE COUNTRY has a say and a voice on what is 1/6th of our economy and what affects them all and their own health care, and health care costs.

Mccain is right...the Senate needs to go to Regular Order and this partisan shit that McConnel is trying needs to fail and did fail and will fail again...God willing!
McCain was photographed hanging out with Isis leaders in Syria and Libya.
I don't trust a thing that old fart has to say.
He and Hillary made sure that a civil war happened in Libya and Syria and close to a million people have died as a result.
I don't know if they planned it, but now hundreds of thousands of refugees have flooded Europe and spread rape and murder everywhere they go.
And you must think this is some joke or something.

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John McCain along with Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski showed great political courage standing up to the mob mentality. It's easy going along with everyone else, it's hard to go against the grain.
Interesting the trump whores that think these three did the wrong thing not one of them can explain why a HC bill that favored the rich at the expense of the poor and knocked 22 million people off health insurance was a good thing..
Not one.
Every time I posed these questions to them they ran like the cowards they are.

They didn't show courage.....they showed their true colors.
My guess is if their states organized a recall every one of them would lose.
Serving the best interests of Democrats.

No... McAIPAC serves AIPAC... which has disproportionate influence over the donkey, but all that Iscariot silver in McAIPAC's pockets comes from selling the US out to the cause of Greater Israel.

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