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Is Terrorism advancing NWO?

Is terrorism advancing the New World Order?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 100.0%
  • No

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  • Not sure

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Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
There are people who believe that terrorism is advancing the formation of the New World Order. If this is the case, is it possible that there are also people orchestrating and manipulating acts of terrorism for their own agenda? I believe it is. I also believe it is possible that some acts of terrorism are false flags intended to create fear and a willingness to sacrifice freedom for safety.

TERRORISM IS ADVANCING NEW WORLD ORDER - Christian Updates - New World Order.

Consider the facts of world changes which seem to put us at this final stage.

  • 1. The One World Government is, indeed, coming together quickly, before our very eyes. The One-World Government has taken huge steps to create the planned 10-Nation reorganization of the world, in very obvious fulfillment of prophecies in Daniel and Revelation of the 10 horns and 10 toes. When Western Europe became one nation economically on December 31, 1992, Nation #2 of this plan was created. When the North American Free Trade Zone Agreement is ratified by the respective congresses of America, Canada, and Mexico, Nation #1 was created. Nation #5 is planned to be comprised of "Eastern Europe, including Russia". As we have pointed out in past programs, this peculiar grouping is now possible only since the planned disintegration of the U.S.S.R. Most of the other planned regionalizations in this One-World Government are either already in place or can be created by a simple vote of the United Nation's Security Council.
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There are numerous articles about the NWO. Some of these articles are written by news sources which would be considered conspiracy theorists. The New World Order was considered a conspiracy theory by many for decades until political leaders began to use the term openly. This is one news story that covers some agendas which we have not heard of before. Considering some of the news lately perhaps it isn't too far off the mark? I suppose time will tell. The following information came from the notes of a Doctor who attended a seminar / speech given by Dr. Day in 1969.

Insider Leaks Entire New World Order Agenda! | Alternative

Here are just some of the topics covered in this video created from Dr. Dunegan’s audio tapes about the plans of the new world order.
Girls would be discouraged from playing with dolls so they wouldn’t think about babies. They would be encouraged to get out on the soccer field instead.

Guns would be eliminated almost entirely and the few that were allowed to have them for hunting would have to check them out from officials.

They already could cure over 98% of all cancers – they had the cures at the Rockefeller Institute. But they would not be released because there were too many people in the world and they had to die of something.

Homosexuality will be encouraged – anything goes.

Families will diminish in importance. People would be encouraged to live alone.

Euthanasia will be encouraged – they will use “the demise pill” to kill themselves.

Births will be strictly controlled and you could not simply have children because you wanted them.

“stupid” people would not eat correctly and exercise so they would die much earlier and that’s what they wanted.

Private doctors will be eliminated – doctors make too much money.

They will make health care so expensive that you must have insurance or be financially destroyed. Limiting access to affordable medical care will make eliminating elderly easier. They would stop hospitals from giving any charity care.

New difficult to treat and diagnose diseases will come about as a means of population control.

Running shoes and sports equipment will be made glamorous to make the “smart” people get into exercise.

Romantic music will not be put out anymore. All the old music will be brought back on certain “oldies” radio stations and the young people will have their own radio stations. Old movies will be put again for the old people.

Entertainment will be used to mainly change and program the young people. The old people are important anyway so they don’t care much about them.

Entire meals will be made and put in grocery stores. Convenience foods will be made unhealthy. They wanted people that were too lazy to fix their own meals or exercise to die early.

They would make puberty come on earlier.

Inducing heart attacks as a means of assassination.

They will blend all religions but Christianity had to go especially! Once the Roman Catholic is brought down then the rest will go next. Then they will create a new religion.

They will change the Bible over time – churches would help them!

The education system will be restructured as a tool of indoctrination. Kids will spend more time in school but won’t learn anything. Kids will have to specialize early on in their education and changing their plans will be very difficult.
This information was reported by Dr. Dunigan who attended a speech by Dr. Day in 1969 - he made these predictions about the future plans of the NWO. One of the points here leads me to believe that a highly trained Jesuit was instrumental in giving these points to Dr. Day prior to 1969. We know today that the NWO religion will be led by the Vatican and its Pope but it is interesting to note how they tied the demise of the Catholic church as the demise of Christianity. In truth, it is the reverse. the demise of Christianity would be the rise to power and establishing of the NWO religion promoted by the Vatican. Once again this provides more evidence of possible Vatican involvement from the very early stages of planning the NWO.
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More predictions from 1969 about the plans of the New World Order.........

ID will be required for all travel. They will implant IDs inside the skin so that nobody could say they lost their IDs.

They will control who has access to information. Some books will just disappear or be changed. They will even have thieves steal certain books from the library.

Drug use will be encouraged to encourage a “Jungle” atmosphere. Meanwhile police enforcement to put people in prison for drugs will be drastically increased.

Food will be strictly controlled and people would be not allowed to grow their own. They only would give you enough food to give you what you needed but hoarding food or growing food would be criminal activities. They didn’t want anybody to be able to support those outside their system.

Travel will be first made cheaper to encourage people to spread out their families but then made very expensive so few people could afford it.

Crime will be increased as a way to control society.

More jails would be made and they would even use hospitals as jails.

America would lose her manufacturing base. Other countries would be making the products America was making now.

Sports would be used as a tool for social change – Soccer was being encouraged since it was a global game. They wanted to do away with anything like football and baseball that were created in the United States. National pride of any type would be discouraged.

Sex and violence would be programmed through entertainment.

All television sets would have secret cameras that would watch everybody in the room.

They would implant IDs in everybody.

They would control what was in our food.

They already controlled the weather. They would stop rain in certain areas to bring them under their control. They would make rain during harvest to make it harder to get the food from the fields.

There were always two reasons for all their actions. The public reason they give everybody and the REAL reason.

Terrorism would be used to control the people.
Insider Leaks Entire New World Order Agenda! | Alternative
Are the people behind the formation of the New World Order manipulating nations, orchestrating and funding terrorism, even ISIS, from behind the scenes for their own purposes? Is that possible?

One more question.......

Who are the people behind the New World Order?
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Seriously? The New World Order was a term first used by Woodrow Wilson for the 14 points. The removal of some leaders and countries or boundaries in favor of another.

The concept of using a group to bring about the destruction of another has been going on for a very long time. When the US and Saudi Arabia matched funds to create a jihad using the Peshawar Seven against the Soviet Union to drive them out of Afghanistan..........wtf do you think they were doing?
Seriously? The New World Order was a term first used by Woodrow Wilson for the 14 points. The removal of some leaders and countries or boundaries in favor of another.

The concept of using a group to bring about the destruction of another has been going on for a very long time. When the US and Saudi Arabia matched funds to create a jihad using the Peshawar Seven against the Soviet Union to drive them out of Afghanistan..........wtf do you think they were doing?

Thank you, Disir. I didn't know that.

I suspect that not everything that is being called an act of "terrorism" really is. I also believe they use their own people to do some of these false flags and then blame it on terrorism to create the illusion that there is a great threat that requires people to surrender their freedom in exchange for security (global style security).
New World Order is a term that was used infrequently but when you study the changes in rulers and countries historically it isn't that ominous of a word. The change is already here. And they will remain in power until the next change (when someone comes along and wants a piece of the pie) and then it will be another New World Order. Who controls the wealth and power in the world? Multinational corporations? IMF? The financial industry? Does economic terrorism spawn the terrorism that we are familiar with?

If the US funds a small group that is disgruntled and wants to run the country as in lets say.......Venezuela to overthrow the government so that someone "elected" is more receptive to US corps then who are the terrorists? When Britain was pissed that Iran wanted to nationalize their oil because the people were not benefiting and the CIA led a coup that took down Mossedeq, which group do we call the terrorists? Did this not set the stage for the level of extremism within Iran and that which they financially support?

Suicide bombers and those that murder and maim others are nothing more than power seeking two bit thugs that think the rest of us are buying into their "Freedom Fighter" bs. They are wanna be players that use others to do their dirty work. Just like their funders are using them to do their dirty work.
New World Order is a term that was used infrequently but when you study the changes in rulers and countries historically it isn't that ominous of a word. The change is already here. And they will remain in power until the next change (when someone comes along and wants a piece of the pie) and then it will be another New World Order. Who controls the wealth and power in the world? Multinational corporations? IMF? The financial industry? Does economic terrorism spawn the terrorism that we are familiar with?

If the US funds a small group that is disgruntled and wants to run the country as in lets say.......Venezuela to overthrow the government so that someone "elected" is more receptive to US corps then who are the terrorists? When Britain was pissed that Iran wanted to nationalize their oil because the people were not benefiting and the CIA led a coup that took down Mossedeq, which group do we call the terrorists? Did this not set the stage for the level of extremism within Iran and that which they financially support?

Suicide bombers and those that murder and maim others are nothing more than power seeking two bit thugs that think the rest of us are buying into their "Freedom Fighter" bs. They are wanna be players that use others to do their dirty work. Just like their funders are using them to do their dirty work.

What you leave out of the equation is that there are very powerful people (shadow governments? How to identify them?) that manipulate these suicide bombers, provoking them to act at a certain time, place in order to invoke an outcry from the public. I believe the time will come when we will learn that much of what has happened concerning terrorism was manipulated by people who remain un-named, unknown, and therein a mystery (or conspiracy for some). While they use Arabs and Islamic terrorism as their front organization it is not Arab inspired at the core. imo.

In other words, I believe there is something else behind what is happening right now - including the mass immigration to Europe, ISIS, ISIL, the Syrian refugee situation, all of it...........
Jesus fucking Christ..... This week's full moon has been the longest ever.
New World Order is a term that was used infrequently but when you study the changes in rulers and countries historically it isn't that ominous of a word. The change is already here. And they will remain in power until the next change (when someone comes along and wants a piece of the pie) and then it will be another New World Order. Who controls the wealth and power in the world? Multinational corporations? IMF? The financial industry? Does economic terrorism spawn the terrorism that we are familiar with?

If the US funds a small group that is disgruntled and wants to run the country as in lets say.......Venezuela to overthrow the government so that someone "elected" is more receptive to US corps then who are the terrorists? When Britain was pissed that Iran wanted to nationalize their oil because the people were not benefiting and the CIA led a coup that took down Mossedeq, which group do we call the terrorists? Did this not set the stage for the level of extremism within Iran and that which they financially support?

Suicide bombers and those that murder and maim others are nothing more than power seeking two bit thugs that think the rest of us are buying into their "Freedom Fighter" bs. They are wanna be players that use others to do their dirty work. Just like their funders are using them to do their dirty work.

What you leave out of the equation is that there are very powerful people (shadow governments? How to identify them?) that manipulate these suicide bombers, provoking them to act at a certain time, place in order to invoke an outcry from the public. I believe the time will come when we will learn that much of what has happened concerning terrorism was manipulated by people who remain un-named, unknown, and therein a mystery (or conspiracy for some). While they use Arabs and Islamic terrorism as their front organization it is not Arab inspired at the core. imo.

In other words, I believe there is something else behind what is happening right now - including the mass immigration to Europe, ISIS, ISIL, the Syrian refugee situation, all of it...........

If Britain is backing the Shah...........is Britain the shadow government? Is the Soviet Union a shadow government if it backs the shah? I disagree strongly that there is a shadow government. They have names, countries, organizations, trade agreements, etc. and much of it is very much in the open. A lot of it will be confirmation some twenty five years down the road with declassified documents or when someone leaves the CIA and writes books.....whichever comes first.

When someone (and I'm not talking about you) uses a New World Order conspiracy theory to target and terrify a specific population then they are engaged in disinformation for a purpose which is to create fear. So, the questions are then what do we know about the human response to fear? How is someone else expecting you to respond to that fear?
New World Order is a term that was used infrequently but when you study the changes in rulers and countries historically it isn't that ominous of a word. The change is already here. And they will remain in power until the next change (when someone comes along and wants a piece of the pie) and then it will be another New World Order. Who controls the wealth and power in the world? Multinational corporations? IMF? The financial industry? Does economic terrorism spawn the terrorism that we are familiar with?

If the US funds a small group that is disgruntled and wants to run the country as in lets say.......Venezuela to overthrow the government so that someone "elected" is more receptive to US corps then who are the terrorists? When Britain was pissed that Iran wanted to nationalize their oil because the people were not benefiting and the CIA led a coup that took down Mossedeq, which group do we call the terrorists? Did this not set the stage for the level of extremism within Iran and that which they financially support?

Suicide bombers and those that murder and maim others are nothing more than power seeking two bit thugs that think the rest of us are buying into their "Freedom Fighter" bs. They are wanna be players that use others to do their dirty work. Just like their funders are using them to do their dirty work.

What you leave out of the equation is that there are very powerful people (shadow governments? How to identify them?) that manipulate these suicide bombers, provoking them to act at a certain time, place in order to invoke an outcry from the public. I believe the time will come when we will learn that much of what has happened concerning terrorism was manipulated by people who remain un-named, unknown, and therein a mystery (or conspiracy for some). While they use Arabs and Islamic terrorism as their front organization it is not Arab inspired at the core. imo.

In other words, I believe there is something else behind what is happening right now - including the mass immigration to Europe, ISIS, ISIL, the Syrian refugee situation, all of it...........

If Britain is backing the Shah...........is Britain the shadow government? Is the Soviet Union a shadow government if it backs the shah? I disagree strongly that there is a shadow government. They have names, countries, organizations, trade agreements, etc. and much of it is very much in the open. A lot of it will be confirmation some twenty five years down the road with declassified documents or when someone leaves the CIA and writes books.....whichever comes first.

When someone (and I'm not talking about you) uses a New World Order conspiracy theory to target and terrify a specific population then they are engaged in disinformation for a purpose which is to create fear. So, the questions are then what do we know about the human response to fear? How is someone else expecting you to respond to that fear?

Those are fair questions and I really do not know the answer, Disir. I suppose another fair question would be is there a plan for a New World Order and what exactly will it look like? Who is going to be in charge? How do you not abuse absolute power when it is well understood that absolute power leads to corruption?
I would also look to the massive waves of immigration into western countries.
It appears to be intentional,or our leaders have collectively lost their minds.
There's something else going on here.
New World Order is a term that was used infrequently but when you study the changes in rulers and countries historically it isn't that ominous of a word. The change is already here. And they will remain in power until the next change (when someone comes along and wants a piece of the pie) and then it will be another New World Order. Who controls the wealth and power in the world? Multinational corporations? IMF? The financial industry? Does economic terrorism spawn the terrorism that we are familiar with?

If the US funds a small group that is disgruntled and wants to run the country as in lets say.......Venezuela to overthrow the government so that someone "elected" is more receptive to US corps then who are the terrorists? When Britain was pissed that Iran wanted to nationalize their oil because the people were not benefiting and the CIA led a coup that took down Mossedeq, which group do we call the terrorists? Did this not set the stage for the level of extremism within Iran and that which they financially support?

Suicide bombers and those that murder and maim others are nothing more than power seeking two bit thugs that think the rest of us are buying into their "Freedom Fighter" bs. They are wanna be players that use others to do their dirty work. Just like their funders are using them to do their dirty work.

What you leave out of the equation is that there are very powerful people (shadow governments? How to identify them?) that manipulate these suicide bombers, provoking them to act at a certain time, place in order to invoke an outcry from the public. I believe the time will come when we will learn that much of what has happened concerning terrorism was manipulated by people who remain un-named, unknown, and therein a mystery (or conspiracy for some). While they use Arabs and Islamic terrorism as their front organization it is not Arab inspired at the core. imo.

In other words, I believe there is something else behind what is happening right now - including the mass immigration to Europe, ISIS, ISIL, the Syrian refugee situation, all of it...........

If Britain is backing the Shah...........is Britain the shadow government? Is the Soviet Union a shadow government if it backs the shah? I disagree strongly that there is a shadow government. They have names, countries, organizations, trade agreements, etc. and much of it is very much in the open. A lot of it will be confirmation some twenty five years down the road with declassified documents or when someone leaves the CIA and writes books.....whichever comes first.

When someone (and I'm not talking about you) uses a New World Order conspiracy theory to target and terrify a specific population then they are engaged in disinformation for a purpose which is to create fear. So, the questions are then what do we know about the human response to fear? How is someone else expecting you to respond to that fear?

Those are fair questions and I really do not know the answer, Disir. I suppose another fair question would be is there a plan for a New World Order and what exactly will it look like? Who is going to be in charge? How do you not abuse absolute power when it is well understood that absolute power leads to corruption?

The plan? All your monies belong to us. The same as it always is. This is not some big secret scheme. You find the names in the business sections of newspapers and at their little meetings.

It looks exactly like it looks like right now. You are expendable. I am expendable. We are not on the radar.
I would also look to the massive waves of immigration into western countries.
It appears to be intentional,or our leaders have collectively lost their minds.
There's something else going on here.

I agree with this. I suggest we look at trade deals and contracts. It's usually the most obvious.
I don't think New World order means so much leaders will change as earth and borders will be re-drawn. Russia takes part of the Ukraine and its part of Russia now and Russia IS taking part of Syria and it will be part of Russia.

Borders define what leadership runs that area so you don't need to change leaders you just move the lines.
I would also look to the massive waves of immigration into western countries.
It appears to be intentional,or our leaders have collectively lost their minds.
There's something else going on here.

I agree with this. I suggest we look at trade deals and contracts. It's usually the most obvious.

I think it goes deeper than that.
Terrorism advances terrorism - along with control by the terrorist. To install and spread fear and self doubt .

To advance the Islam religion and terrorist policy's.

Shadow 355

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