Is the US a democracy?

We are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC & REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY (.) How so many here skipped high school history is difficult to fathom.

The United States of America is a representative republic.... you might want to brush up on history before start critiquing others knowledge.
From Wiki:

Though a constitutional republic is not a pure democracy it necessarily has some democratic elements, such as the ability of the people to elect a president (in the U.S. the majority of the population is checked here too, as the popular vote of the people does not necessarily decide the winner). Nations where the head of state is not elected, as in a monarchy, as not elected but has a parliament with elected representatives that govern according to constitutional law protecting individual rights are called constitutional, democratic monarchies). Both are considered liberal democracies because they protect individual liberty from majority and minority forces, while retaining some democratic elements.

Also, a representative democracy may or may not be a constitutional republic. For example, "the United States relies on representative democracy, but [its] system of government is much more complex than that. [It is] not a simple representative democracy, but a constitutional republic in which majority rule is tempered by minority rights protected by law."[6]
We are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC & REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY (.) How so many here skipped high school history is difficult to fathom.

I don't know what school you went to but Article 4 Section 4 of the Constitution tell's you what from of government we are supposed to have.
From Wiki:

Though a constitutional republic is not a pure democracy it necessarily has some democratic elements, such as the ability of the people to elect a president (in the U.S. the majority of the population is checked here too, as the popular vote of the people does not necessarily decide the winner). Nations where the head of state is not elected, as in a monarchy, as not elected but has a parliament with elected representatives that govern according to constitutional law protecting individual rights are called constitutional, democratic monarchies). Both are considered liberal democracies because they protect individual liberty from majority and minority forces, while retaining some democratic elements.

Also, a representative democracy may or may not be a constitutional republic. For example, "the United States relies on representative democracy, but [its] system of government is much more complex than that. [It is] not a simple representative democracy, but a constitutional republic in which majority rule is tempered by minority rights protected by law."[6]
We are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC & REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY (.) How so many here skipped high school history is difficult to fathom.

I don't know what school you went to but Article 4 Section 4 of the Constitution tell's you what from of government we are supposed to have.

You still have democractic principles attached to that form of govt. Your house is voted in using what you guys term "pure democracy". So there are elements of your govt that fall into that category....
We are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC & REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY (.) How so many here skipped high school history is difficult to fathom.

I don't know what school you went to but Article 4 Section 4 of the Constitution tell's you what from of government we are supposed to have.

You still have democractic principles attached to that form of govt. Your house is voted in using what you guys term "pure democracy". So there are elements of your govt that fall into that category....

I can't hear you over the United States of America's Constitution

Article 4 Section 4
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.
U.S. Constitution - Article 4 Section 4 - The U.S. Constitution Online -

I realize you don't understand what it is to be an American. So don't try and tell me what we have and don't have.
I don't know what school you went to but Article 4 Section 4 of the Constitution tell's you what from of government we are supposed to have.

You still have democractic principles attached to that form of govt. Your house is voted in using what you guys term "pure democracy". So there are elements of your govt that fall into that category....

I can't hear you over the United States of America's Constitution

Article 4 Section 4
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.
U.S. Constitution - Article 4 Section 4 - The U.S. Constitution Online -

I realize you don't understand what it is to be an American. So don't try and tell me what we have and don't have.

What is your definition of democracy....

I mean there are several definitions in the dictionary - one of which fits your govt - but, hey if you want to change meanings of words, go for it.

From now on the word 'car' means 'dog'. A 'tree' is a 'movie' and the 'moon' is actually a 'house'....
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You still have democractic principles attached to that form of govt. Your house is voted in using what you guys term "pure democracy". So there are elements of your govt that fall into that category....

I can't hear you over the United States of America's Constitution

Article 4 Section 4
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.
U.S. Constitution - Article 4 Section 4 - The U.S. Constitution Online -

I realize you don't understand what it is to be an American. So don't try and tell me what we have and don't have.

What is your definition of democracy....

I mean there are several definitions in the dictionary - one of which fits your govt - but, hey if you want to change meanings of words, go for it.

From now on the word 'car' means 'dog'. A 'tree' is a 'movie' and the 'moon' is actual actually a 'house'....
What does Article 4 section 4 say?
If it's not a democracy then what is it?

Damn. You ARE kinda dense.

Here, let me share something with you: <--- it's a hyperlink to the post after yours. Don't be afraid to click and read.
ONE more time, note the Constitution which has "WE THE PEOPLE" is an actual part of our historical foundation; the Pledge was written in 1892, not part of the foundation of this nation:

In coming to a conclusion in reference to the question of this article we are a combination of both a republic and a democracy. The manner in which republics and democracies function have basic elements which can be seen embodied in our form of government. We are basically a representative type of government which fits the definition of a constitutional republic and a representative democracy.

"We the People" means that WE are the SOURCE of the authority of government. That doesn't change the FACT one iota that our form of government is STILL a Federal Constitutional REPUBLIC. IT is not now and never was a democracy.

This is true even though there are some elements of a democracy inherent in the concept of a Republic.

A democracy was deemed unworkable in the long run -- for damn good reason.

We provide checks on the darker sides. We explicitly warn against the tyranny of a majority.

There are reasons for all of that.
tell us why you believe it is or is not.

The United States of America was never ever intended to be a democracy, per se. It was not to be socialist in any way. The United States was framed as a Constitutional Federal Republic, minus nothing, plus nothing. The whole intent of the myriads fleeing to here between the Earth's Oceans was to be everything the "old world" wasn't.

In that pursuit, if democratic principles were embraced or incorporated, so be it. The last thing it was ever intended to be was another full blown, flaming, raging, socialist oligarchy. Thus, democracy it was not.

It was an experiment in self governed the likes of which the world had never seen up to that time. Once underway, there has never been anything quite like it. And that remains true to this day, regardless of trendy fads and cultural burps as we continue to establish for posterity what we are, really.

Just some factual input from the grand abyss, which also gazes back at us, at times hauntingly.......

Go For Throttle Up!!!

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I can't hear you over the United States of America's Constitution

Article 4 Section 4
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.
U.S. Constitution - Article 4 Section 4 - The U.S. Constitution Online -

I realize you don't understand what it is to be an American. So don't try and tell me what we have and don't have.

What is your definition of democracy....

I mean there are several definitions in the dictionary - one of which fits your govt - but, hey if you want to change meanings of words, go for it.

From now on the word 'car' means 'dog'. A 'tree' is a 'movie' and the 'moon' is actual actually a 'house'....
What does Article 4 section 4 say?

I've read what it says. I know the very idea of having anything to do with a democracy sends shivers up your spine. Whether you like it or not, if the show fits etc....
Damn. You ARE kinda dense.

Here, let me share something with you: <--- it's a hyperlink to the post after yours. Don't be afraid to click and read.
ONE more time, note the Constitution which has "WE THE PEOPLE" is an actual part of our historical foundation; the Pledge was written in 1892, not part of the foundation of this nation:

In coming to a conclusion in reference to the question of this article we are a combination of both a republic and a democracy. The manner in which republics and democracies function have basic elements which can be seen embodied in our form of government. We are basically a representative type of government which fits the definition of a constitutional republic and a representative democracy.

"We the People" means that WE are the SOURCE of the authority of government. That doesn't change the FACT one iota that our form of government is STILL a Federal Constitutional REPUBLIC. IT is not now and never was a democracy.

This is true even though there are some elements of a democracy inherent in the concept of a Republic.

A democracy was deemed unworkable in the long run -- for damn good reason.

We provide checks on the darker sides. We explicitly warn against the tyranny of a majority.

There are reasons for all of that.

Define democracy in the terms you are using it above....
Progressives hate that we're a Republic, they hate the electoral college and they hate our economic system...what do they like about America?
ONE more time, note the Constitution which has "WE THE PEOPLE" is an actual part of our historical foundation; the Pledge was written in 1892, not part of the foundation of this nation:

In coming to a conclusion in reference to the question of this article we are a combination of both a republic and a democracy. The manner in which republics and democracies function have basic elements which can be seen embodied in our form of government. We are basically a representative type of government which fits the definition of a constitutional republic and a representative democracy.

"We the People" means that WE are the SOURCE of the authority of government. That doesn't change the FACT one iota that our form of government is STILL a Federal Constitutional REPUBLIC. IT is not now and never was a democracy.

This is true even though there are some elements of a democracy inherent in the concept of a Republic.

A democracy was deemed unworkable in the long run -- for damn good reason.

We provide checks on the darker sides. We explicitly warn against the tyranny of a majority.

There are reasons for all of that.

Define democracy in the terms you are using it above....

Are you seriously asking me to define "democracy?"

* * * a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.
-- Democracy | Define Democracy at

Obviously, I emphasized the part of the definition I was alluding to. I EXPECT you to jump on the next phrase "or by their elected agents under a free electoral system." But the thing is, that portion does NOT fit the United States.

Why not? Because here, the power is not exercised EITHER directly by the people OR by the elected representatives. And the reason for the latter is because we have instituted a Constitutional LIMITATION on the ability of either the People (i.e., directly) or their representatives (i.e., the People INDIRECTLY) to do certain things.
"We the People" means that WE are the SOURCE of the authority of government. That doesn't change the FACT one iota that our form of government is STILL a Federal Constitutional REPUBLIC. IT is not now and never was a democracy.

This is true even though there are some elements of a democracy inherent in the concept of a Republic.

A democracy was deemed unworkable in the long run -- for damn good reason.

We provide checks on the darker sides. We explicitly warn against the tyranny of a majority.

There are reasons for all of that.

Define democracy in the terms you are using it above....

Are you seriously asking me to define "democracy?"

* * * a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.
-- Democracy | Define Democracy at

Obviously, I emphasized the part of the definition I was alluding to. I EXPECT you to jump on the next phrase "or by their elected agents under a free electoral system." But the thing is, that portion does NOT fit the United States.

Why not? Because here, the power is not exercised EITHER directly by the people OR by the elected representatives. And the reason for the latter is because we have instituted a Constitutional LIMITATION on the ability of either the People (i.e., directly) or their representatives (i.e., the People INDIRECTLY) to do certain things.

Which is why I say you are a form of democracy.

The likes of Big Reb hate the term because they think it is two wolves and sheep sitting down to decide what is for dinner. There is no definitive meaning of democracy - there are several meanings.

For example NZ is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy while Aussie is a federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy.

Note there is no use of the word democracy in either description, but rest assured both systems are a form of democracy....
Define democracy in the terms you are using it above....

Are you seriously asking me to define "democracy?"

* * * a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.
-- Democracy | Define Democracy at

Obviously, I emphasized the part of the definition I was alluding to. I EXPECT you to jump on the next phrase "or by their elected agents under a free electoral system." But the thing is, that portion does NOT fit the United States.

Why not? Because here, the power is not exercised EITHER directly by the people OR by the elected representatives. And the reason for the latter is because we have instituted a Constitutional LIMITATION on the ability of either the People (i.e., directly) or their representatives (i.e., the People INDIRECTLY) to do certain things.

Which is why I say you are a form of democracy.

The likes of Big Reb hate the term because they think it is two wolves and sheep sitting down to decide what is for dinner. There is no definitive meaning of democracy - there are several meanings.

For example NZ is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy while Aussie is a federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy.

Note there is no use of the word democracy in either description, but rest assured both systems are a form of democracy....

I have already conceded that there is a valid connection between democracy and republic. But that does not make a republic a democracy. And the United States is a republic, not a democracy.
With some grins I always tell my classes, the US is a republic, with democratic tendencies, also federated. Of course, presented with models of each. Thus get ready for a very complex system.

It's simple and complex.

3 branches, 2 of those elected; one of which is done by a system to balance big and small states.

The 3rd branch is appointed by another branch; but must be confirmed by a part of the 3rd branch.

Repeat on multiple levels.
Liability, you are correct. The US was framed as a Constitutional Federal Republic, as I so stated elsewhere here today.

I also invite you to go to the introduction thread and see and read part 2, if that is helpful for you.

Are you seriously asking me to define "democracy?"

-- Democracy | Define Democracy at

Obviously, I emphasized the part of the definition I was alluding to. I EXPECT you to jump on the next phrase "or by their elected agents under a free electoral system." But the thing is, that portion does NOT fit the United States.

Why not? Because here, the power is not exercised EITHER directly by the people OR by the elected representatives. And the reason for the latter is because we have instituted a Constitutional LIMITATION on the ability of either the People (i.e., directly) or their representatives (i.e., the People INDIRECTLY) to do certain things.

Which is why I say you are a form of democracy.

The likes of Big Reb hate the term because they think it is two wolves and sheep sitting down to decide what is for dinner. There is no definitive meaning of democracy - there are several meanings.

For example NZ is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy while Aussie is a federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy.

Note there is no use of the word democracy in either description, but rest assured both systems are a form of democracy....

I have already conceded that there is a valid connection between democracy and republic. But that does not make a republic a democracy. And the United States is a republic, not a democracy.

In that case there are only two democracies in the western world...
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