Is there a leftist on this forum that believes in Jesus?

Doesn’t the 10th commandment say that thou shalt not covet thy neighbors slaves? So in your mind is slavery a God sanctioned thing?

The term "slavery" actually means "servant". People would sell themselves and become indentured servants for a period of time.

Exodus 20:17

"You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor."

LOLOL.. Most slaves were NOT indentured.. They were lifers, taken in battle.
LOLOL.. and you don't know enough about Ukraine or US foreign policy to know the difference.

I know that Obama sent blankets to Ukraine and that Trump sent them anti-tank missiles. I know that Biden threatened to withhold a billion dollars to Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor that was investigating his son's employer. Why was that ok with you? Wait! I know. It's because your love, loyalty, and devotion are to the party and, in particular, its elites! For you, nothing else matters.
Doesn’t the 10th commandment say that thou shalt not covet thy neighbors slaves? So in your mind is slavery a God sanctioned thing?

The term "slavery" actually means "servant". People would sell themselves and become indentured servants for a period of time.

Exodus 20:17

"You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor."
You think slavery means the same thing as servant?? You think it’s like a maid or housekeeper or something ? Who told you that?
Who told you that?

Bible scholars. I'm not saying that true slavery didn't exist as it obviously did. I'm saying that FAITHFUL Jews did not have such "slaves".
I don’t buy that. It said slaves and means slaves because it was written by MEN during a time when that was socially accepted and prevalent. That should tell you something
LOLOL.. and you don't know enough about Ukraine or US foreign policy to know the difference.

I know that Obama sent blankets to Ukraine and that Trump sent them anti-tank missiles. I know that Biden threatened to withhold a billion dollars to Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor that was investigating his son's employer. Why was that ok with you? Wait! I know. It's because your love, loyalty, and devotion are to the party and, in particular, its elites! For you, nothing else matters.

You're a real dope.
Nothing makes me sicker than some holier than thou rightie who believes that command the moral high ground by being against abortion.

Thou shall not kill.

Be fruitful and multiply.

Abortion violates both of those commandments. Therefore, it is a sin.

Why should followers of Christ support committing sin?
Are people who remain single and never have children sinners?
Hey mamooth
Did Obama tell the truth when he said that he learned about Hillary's private, secret, server "when it came out in the news"?

If you have a point to make, then act like a liberal, and state it clearly and directly, and back it up with evidence. Don't pull the stupid evasive question routine. That just confirms your butthurt and cowardly nature.

For instance, my point is that Republicans, under Trump, controlled all 3 branches of government, all of the law enforcement agencies and they charged Clinton with _nothing_, despite desperately trying to find anything to charge her with. That points out that your conspiracy theory defies reality, and is thus hilariously stupid.
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I know that Obama sent blankets to Ukraine and that Trump sent them anti-tank missiles. I know that Biden threatened to withhold a billion dollars to Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor that was investigating his son's employer.

And we know you're just lying. It seems to be a consistent pattern with you.

At this stage, the only open question is _why_ you're lying. It's possible you're just a particularly mindless authoritarian follower who simply bleats what the cult tells him to bleat. Or it's possible that you're actively malicious, that you lie out of fascist fanaticism, and because you get a pervy thrill from lying and hating.

However, whatever the particular reason, butthurt Trump cult liars are dreadfully common these days, and that makes you kind of boring.
Who told you that?

Bible scholars. I'm not saying that true slavery didn't exist as it obviously did. I'm saying that FAITHFUL Jews did not have such "slaves".

That is just stupid. Read Exodus 21
Exactly the type of passage that should make the true authors painfully obvious. Those are not the words of a loving God, they are the words of corrupt men. Yet millions of ignorant souls think this is the word of the lord.

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