Is there a leftist on this forum that believes in Jesus?

Pretty damn easy to say, "I am opposed to abortion". Yet it has no impact on your life.

Pretty damn easy to say that you don't care about abortion when it's someone else that's getting aborted.

Who cares about the Holocaust? Not me, after all, none of my family were shot and buried in mass graves or gassed and cremated at Auschwitz.
What "lie" is that?

That we excuse the crimes of Democrats. I've seen you telling that lie twice now, both times with no evidence to back it up. The evidence indicates that you're making it up, because you want an excuse to hate.

Is that really how you want to spend your life, looking for excuses to hate?
That we excuse the crimes of Democrats.

It's largely true. Hillary blatantly broke the law. You or I would have been sent to prison but she skated. She's just one of many. Elite Democrats do not get charged.

Trump was impeached for something that Biden actually admitted to doing.

Republicans that lie to the FBI are prosecuted. Prominent leftists that lie to the FBI get a pass.
Pretty damn easy to say, "I am opposed to abortion". Yet it has no impact on your life.

Pretty damn easy to say that you don't care about abortion when it's someone else that's getting aborted.

Who cares about the Holocaust? Not me, after all, none of my family were shot and buried in mass graves or gassed and cremated at Auschwitz.

How many children have you adopted? You best read this thread. Pretty sure I have done more to prevent abortion than you will ever do.
How many children have you adopted? You best read this thread. Pretty sure I have done more to prevent abortion than you will ever do.

So, if I haven't adopted any children, then I lose the argument on the morality of abortion?

Your story about getting a judge to stop your wife from getting an abortion was pretty cool! Got any more?
And support tax cuts to the wealthy while cutting benefits to the poor.

Your Marxism is showing. Coveting the "wealth" of others is a sin. It is the foundation of Marxism and class warfare expressed by every Democrat, like you.
NAME WHEN "benefits to the poor" were cut. Cite the specific laws.

The real tragedy for the poor include:
1. Democrats support for "clean energy" which subsidizes inefficiency and raises the costs for the poor everywhere,
2. Pretending that minimum wage hikes benefits "the poor" many of whom can't find work at higher scales,
3. Subsidizing women who have children out of wedlock and won't marry the fathers because it would cut their benefits. There are legions of black women who boast of their kids providing them with welfare income,
4. Gasoline prices going up and up thanks to Joe Biden's stupid antics, and so much more.

To deny citizenship to children born here simply because of who their parents are.
So for you it's just fine to illegally cross the border and have a child at the expense of Americans and call it a citizen which keeps the illegal in America so as not to "separate" her from her citizen child.

Truly brilliant.

To cut Social Security, and of course there is capital punishment. Yeah, killing is wrong. Oh wait, only certain types of killing.

WHO "cut social security" and when? Stop lying.

When people commit heinous crimes, you think they should get free room and board for life? At taxpayer expense? That's YOUR kind of "justice"? Suppose they slaughtered your entire family and then laughed in prison, claiming they get everything they need there, including sex. That's what vipers have done. Laughing at our stupidity. Executing a viper is not murder. Stop lying. God hates liars.

Sorry, but there is no consistency in the Republican position in regards to Christianity. The bible specifically warns against giving preference to the wealthy, it states we should stand up in the presence of the elderly, and Jesus was quite clear, we will be judged by how we treat the least among us.

You lie and then lie to cover up your previous lies. Your covetousness is deep and wide. "Thou shalt not covet anything that is thy neighbors." You Leftists are the cheapest, least generous to the poor as documented in Who Really Cares by Arthur C. Brooks, a former Leftist.
Pretty damn easy to say, "I am opposed to abortion". Yet it has no impact on your life.

Pretty damn easy to say that you don't care about abortion when it's someone else that's getting aborted.

Who cares about the Holocaust? Not me, after all, none of my family were shot and buried in mass graves or gassed and cremated at Auschwitz.

Did you care enough about the Holocaust to let Jewish refugee ships land in the US?
And support tax cuts to the wealthy while cutting benefits to the poor.

Your Marxism is showing. Coveting the "wealth" of others is a sin. It is the foundation of Marxism and class warfare expressed by every Democrat, like you.
NAME WHEN "benefits to the poor" were cut. Cite the specific laws.

The real tragedy for the poor include:
1. Democrats support for "clean energy" which subsidizes inefficiency and raises the costs for the poor everywhere,
2. Pretending that minimum wage hikes benefits "the poor" many of whom can't find work at higher scales,
3. Subsidizing women who have children out of wedlock and won't marry the fathers because it would cut their benefits. There are legions of black women who boast of their kids providing them with welfare income,
4. Gasoline prices going up and up thanks to Joe Biden's stupid antics, and so much more.

To deny citizenship to children born here simply because of who their parents are.
So for you it's just fine to illegally cross the border and have a child at the expense of Americans and call it a citizen which keeps the illegal in America so as not to "separate" her from her citizen child.

Truly brilliant.

To cut Social Security, and of course there is capital punishment. Yeah, killing is wrong. Oh wait, only certain types of killing.

WHO "cut social security" and when? Stop lying.

When people commit heinous crimes, you think they should get free room and board for life? At taxpayer expense? That's YOUR kind of "justice"? Suppose they slaughtered your entire family and then laughed in prison, claiming they get everything they need there, including sex. That's what vipers have done. Laughing at our stupidity. Executing a viper is not murder. Stop lying. God hates liars.

Sorry, but there is no consistency in the Republican position in regards to Christianity. The bible specifically warns against giving preference to the wealthy, it states we should stand up in the presence of the elderly, and Jesus was quite clear, we will be judged by how we treat the least among us.

You lie and then lie to cover up your previous lies. Your covetousness is deep and wide. "Thou shalt not covet anything that is thy neighbors." You Leftists are the cheapest, least generous to the poor as documented in Who Really Cares by Arthur C. Brooks, a former Leftist.

You have fun with that strawman there hoss. Nobody "coveted" anything.

Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment: thou shalt not respect the person of the poor, nor honour the person of the mighty: but in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbour. Leviticus 19:15.

Basically, one should treat the poor and the wealthy the same. There should be no deference to the wealthy. Every single state in this nation has a regressive tax code, which means they are deferring, or honoring, the wealthy. And with the cap on Social Security income as well as a lower capital gains rate, many wealthy individuals have a lower total marginal tax rate than the middle class or poor.

To me, it is simple. Treat the poor and the wealthy the same. The poor pay Social Security tax on every dime of their income, so should the wealthy. Capital gains are taxed at a lower rate than earned income, which is helluva stupid to start with, but it is not fair. Treat the income the same.

And capital punishment. Your argument there seems to be about vengeance. Vengeance belongs to the Lord, do I need to quote multiple bible verses that attest to that reality?

And your use of Arthur C Brooks is laughable. An economics major that plays the French horn. I am sure the irony will escape you. My former economics professor now plays the French horn, his theories disproven, not in a small way due to my own rabid arguments against them as his TA. Reagan administration, long time ago, water under the bridge. But here is the thing, most of that "charity" is driven by church donations. And the sad truth is most churches donate very little money outside of their own congregation. Like the "building fund", used to build basketball courts and dining halls for who, the church members. So I ain't going to call that charity. Country club dues fall in the same category. The state with the highest percentage of charitable contributions is Mississippi, which is also the poorest state. In fact, charitable contribution percentage of income is inversely related to total income, that has been proven time and time again by various economic studies.

I mean I could go on. Your rant about clean energy is comical. The Republican agenda on energy is simple, allow energy producers to externalize their costs. Do you even know what that means. Asthma rates at inner city schools are far higher than other places due to the toxic fumes generated by old ass diesel tractor trailers. Companies save money running old ass inefficient trucks and the cost is placed on the backs, or should I say in the lungs, of children in the inner city. That is an abomination.

And yes, Social Security has been cut. The retirement age was increased and the annual inflation increase is now tied to the "chained" CPI. Which is a joke. For instance, when the price of milk goes up consumers replace milk with what? BEER. Yeah, that is how the "chained" CPI works. It is a damn joke and it was specifically created to lower that inflation increase, a cut, no matter how you want to spin it.

Look, you barking up the wrong tree hoss. From the OP, I am a man of Christ, I am a member of the left, and I have forgot more about economics than you will ever know. You are going to have to come up with something better than Brooks, who ran the Heritage Foundation for a decade. I am pretty sure Satan is a member of the board there.
You have fun with that strawman there hoss. Nobody "coveted" anything.

You're lying again. You Leftists covet wealth and condemn the "rich" as taught by Karl Marx.

Every single state in this nation has a regressive tax code, which means they are deferring, or honoring, the wealthy. And with the cap on Social Security income as well as a lower capital gains rate, many wealthy individuals have a lower total marginal tax rate than the middle class or poor.

1. Tax rates are progressive, not regressive.
2. People in the top 10% of annual income pay approximately 90% of federal income taxes.
I won't bother to provide any references because they mean nothing to you. You'll lie around them as you do everything else.

To me, it is simple. Treat the poor and the wealthy the same. The poor pay Social Security tax on every dime of their income, so should the wealthy. Capital gains are taxed at a lower rate than earned income, which is helluva stupid to start with, but it is not fair. Treat the income the same.

Top tier rates for federal income taxes are 37%. The "poor" you pretend to care so much about pay 10 to 12%. You call this "regressive"? And feign brilliance and sophistication? Then giggle?

And capital punishment. Your argument there seems to be about vengeance. Vengeance belongs to the Lord, do I need to quote multiple bible verses that attest to that reality?

You put words in my mouth as you lie relentlessly. Murderers have gone on to murder again and again WHILE IN PRISON! They have killed other prisoners, and guards. Many sentenced to life have been set free to murder again. You couldn't care less.

And your use of Arthur C Brooks is laughable. An economics major that plays the French horn. I am sure the irony will escape you. My former economics professor now plays the French horn, his theories disproven, not in a small way due to my own rabid arguments against them as his TA.

We agree. Your arguments are indeed "rabid."

I mean I could go on. Your rant about clean energy is comical. The Republican agenda on energy is simple, allow energy producers to externalize their costs. Do you even know what that means.

I earned an MBA degree after completing chemical engineering. Your condescension is childish and your pretensions of brilliance are contradicted by what you say. Republicans bad, you Leftists are simply wonderful. Karl Marx stuff.

Look, you barking up the wrong tree hoss. From the OP, I am a man of Christ,

No you aren't. You're a liar, through and through. Now some Scriptures for you.

"Go from the presence of a foolish man."

ciao brutto
You are the newest Leftist to be added to my Ignore List, and for good reason.

You have fun with that strawman there hoss. Nobody "coveted" anything.

You're lying again. You Leftists covet wealth and condemn the "rich" as taught by Karl Marx.

Every single state in this nation has a regressive tax code, which means they are deferring, or honoring, the wealthy. And with the cap on Social Security income as well as a lower capital gains rate, many wealthy individuals have a lower total marginal tax rate than the middle class or poor.

1. Tax rates are progressive, not regressive.
2. People in the top 10% of annual income pay approximately 90% of federal income taxes.
I won't bother to provide any references because they mean nothing to you. You'll lie around them as you do everything else.

To me, it is simple. Treat the poor and the wealthy the same. The poor pay Social Security tax on every dime of their income, so should the wealthy. Capital gains are taxed at a lower rate than earned income, which is helluva stupid to start with, but it is not fair. Treat the income the same.

Top tier rates for federal income taxes are 37%. The "poor" you pretend to care so much about pay 10 to 12%. You call this "regressive"? And feign brilliance and sophistication? Then giggle?

And capital punishment. Your argument there seems to be about vengeance. Vengeance belongs to the Lord, do I need to quote multiple bible verses that attest to that reality?

You put words in my mouth as you lie relentlessly. Murderers have gone on to murder again and again WHILE IN PRISON! They have killed other prisoners, and guards. Many sentenced to life have been set free to murder again. You couldn't care less.

And your use of Arthur C Brooks is laughable. An economics major that plays the French horn. I am sure the irony will escape you. My former economics professor now plays the French horn, his theories disproven, not in a small way due to my own rabid arguments against them as his TA.

We agree. Your arguments are indeed "rabid."

I mean I could go on. Your rant about clean energy is comical. The Republican agenda on energy is simple, allow energy producers to externalize their costs. Do you even know what that means.

I earned an MBA degree after completing chemical engineering. Your condescension is childish and your pretensions of brilliance are contradicted by what you say. Republicans bad, you Leftists are simply wonderful. Karl Marx stuff.

Look, you barking up the wrong tree hoss. From the OP, I am a man of Christ,

No you aren't. You're a liar, through and through. Now some Scriptures for you.

"Go from the presence of a foolish man."

ciao brutto
You are the newest Leftist to be added to my Ignore List, and for good reason.

1. Tax rates are progressive, not regressive.
2. People in the top 10% of annual income pay approximately 90% of federal income taxes.

I said state taxes hoss. There is not a single state in the nation that has a progressive tax system.

For all of the combined state and local income, property, sales and excise taxes state residents pay, the average overall effective tax rates by income group nationwide are 11.1% for the bottom 20%, 9.4% for the middle 20% and 5.6% for the top 1%, the study found.

There are the results for an overall analysis. Be happy to point out the worst offenders if you like. Now in reference to the top ten percent paying 90%. That hardly shows a progressive tax system, especially when that same top ten percent makes most of the income. I mean I agree, they pay a higher share of the total tax burden than they should. So why don't we increase their marginal tax rates back to the levels they were in the 1960's and 1970's, they paid less of the total burden then. Don't be a tool and realize they are more than happy to pay a greater share at a lower rate. When people throw out those type of numbers they are just showing what a tool they are.

And your inability to grasp there are other taxes besides the income tax seems to make one wonder about your so-called MBA. Local and state taxes are inherently regressive. The capital gains rate is about the same as the lowest income tax rate. Social Security taxes exceed seven percent, and that is just the employee's share. So let me lay it out there for you. A poor person spends every dime they take in, so it is not only income taxes and social security taxes, but it is sales taxes, on every single dime. Meanwhile, the wealthy derive most of their income from capital gains. They pay a low rate, don't pay the full Social Security tax rate on those capital gains, and they don't spend all their money so that lowers the effective marginal sales tax rate. Even better, they don't pay any Social Security tax on income above a certain level, further lowering their marginal effective tax rate.

And that is a good topic, "marginal effective tax rate". I mean if you really do have an MBA perhaps you understand what a marginal effective tax rate really is. And if you do, then I am here to tell you some poor people have effective marginal tax rates that are more than double the highest income tax rate, seventy-five to eighty percent. Yahoos like you want to scream about how those single mothers need to get off their ass and take a second job if they don't make enough money and in so doing they face that eighty percent marginal tax rate. So why is it so catastrophic if a wealthy person making millions of dollars a year is asked to do the same thing?

But yeah, you go ahead and put me on ignore. You can't provide a rebuttal, other than attacking my character. So obviously, you are a waste of my time. I will add you to the long list of righties who put me on ignore because they don't have the intellectual capacity or moral ability to construct even a cursory rebuttal.
It's largely true. Hillary blatantly broke the law.

Since you can't show how, and nobody in your cult can show how, the obvious conclusion is that you're making up that story.

The only question is why you and your cult lie. And I think there are several reasons. Primarily, it's because you're authoritarian followers, You crave a daddy-figure to tell you what to think and do, so you all just mindlessly parrot what you're told. Plus, it gives you reasons to hate, and hating gives you a sick pervy thrill.

You or I would have been sent to prison but she skated.

The exact opposite is true. Anyone who is _not_ Hillary Clinton who did what she did would have received no punishment. At absolute worse, they would have gotten a reprimand in the employment file.

So who exactly feeds you these lies, and why do you always fall for them?
Nothing makes me sicker than some holier than thou rightie who believes that command the moral high ground by being against abortion.

Thou shall not kill.

Be fruitful and multiply.

Abortion violates both of those commandments. Therefore, it is a sin.

Why should followers of Christ support committing sin?
Doesn’t the 10th commandment say that thou shalt not covet thy neighbors slaves? So in your mind is slavery a God sanctioned thing?
Doesn’t the 10th commandment say that thou shalt not covet thy neighbors slaves? So in your mind is slavery a God sanctioned thing?

The term "slavery" actually means "servant". People would sell themselves and become indentured servants for a period of time.

Exodus 20:17

"You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor."
That we excuse the crimes of Democrats.

It's largely true. Hillary blatantly broke the law. You or I would have been sent to prison but she skated. She's just one of many. Elite Democrats do not get charged.

Trump was impeached for something that Biden actually admitted to doing.

Republicans that lie to the FBI are prosecuted. Prominent leftists that lie to the FBI get a pass.

LOLOL.. and you don't know enough about Ukraine or US foreign policy to know the difference. Trump didn't either.

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