Is there a leftist on this forum that believes in Jesus?

Hey I don't believe in gods.

I'm just looking at what the bible says about when life starts.

And technically a fetus doesn't really breathe in the womb.
If you're looking at what the Bible says, then why wouldn't you look at it in its own contexts? The Bible isn't about your twenty-first century, Gentile, atheist worldview.

In the Bible, flesh and blood is is not all that life is. In fact, in the Bible, life is in the spirit and not in the flesh at.
Hey I don't believe in gods.

I'm just looking at what the bible says about when life starts.

And technically a fetus doesn't really breathe in the womb.
If you're looking at what the Bible says, then why wouldn't you look at it in its own contexts? The Bible isn't about your twenty-first century, Gentile, atheist worldview.

In the Bible, flesh and blood is is not all that life is. In fact, in the Bible, life is in the spirit, not in the flesh.

And when does this hypothetical spirit enter a body?
Hey I don't believe in gods.

I'm just looking at what the bible says about when life starts.

And technically a fetus doesn't really breathe in the womb.
If you're looking at what the Bible says, then why wouldn't you look at it in its own contexts? The Bible isn't about your twenty-first century, Gentile, atheist worldview.

In the Bible, flesh and blood is is not all that life is. In fact, in the Bible, life is in the spirit, not in the flesh.

And when does this hypothetical spirit enter a body?
Did you forget the Genesis passage already that you quoted? God breathed the breath of life into Adam in the Garden.
Hey I don't believe in gods.

I'm just looking at what the bible says about when life starts.

And technically a fetus doesn't really breathe in the womb.
If you're looking at what the Bible says, then why wouldn't you look at it in its own contexts? The Bible isn't about your twenty-first century, Gentile, atheist worldview.

In the Bible, flesh and blood is is not all that life is. In fact, in the Bible, life is in the spirit, not in the flesh.

And when does this hypothetical spirit enter a body?
Did you forget the Genesis passage already that you quoted? God breathed the breath of life into Adam in the Garden.

OK so life starts at the first breath
Hey I don't believe in gods.

I'm just looking at what the bible says about when life starts.

And technically a fetus doesn't really breathe in the womb.
If you're looking at what the Bible says, then why wouldn't you look at it in its own contexts? The Bible isn't about your twenty-first century, Gentile, atheist worldview.

In the Bible, flesh and blood is is not all that life is. In fact, in the Bible, life is in the spirit, not in the flesh.

And when does this hypothetical spirit enter a body?
Did you forget the Genesis passage already that you quoted? God breathed the breath of life into Adam in the Garden.

OK so life starts at the first breath
Man was formed. Animals were also formed. Then God breathed the breath of life into man (or Adam, specifically; Nod did not receive that breath).

That's life. Life is in the Spirit. It's not in the flesh (John 6:63). Life started then, when God began to walk with Adam.
Hey I don't believe in gods.

I'm just looking at what the bible says about when life starts.

And technically a fetus doesn't really breathe in the womb.
If you're looking at what the Bible says, then why wouldn't you look at it in its own contexts? The Bible isn't about your twenty-first century, Gentile, atheist worldview.

In the Bible, flesh and blood is is not all that life is. In fact, in the Bible, life is in the spirit, not in the flesh.

And when does this hypothetical spirit enter a body?
Did you forget the Genesis passage already that you quoted? God breathed the breath of life into Adam in the Garden.

OK so life starts at the first breath
Man was formed. Animals were also formed. Then God breathed the breath of life into man (or Adam, specifically; Nod did not receive that breath).

That's life. Life is in the Spirit. It's not in the flesh (John 6:63). Life started then, when God began to walk with Adam.
If you believe the bible I guess.
So again, is there any Republican that follows the path of Jesus?

So you believe in Jesus yet you support the party of Satan and despise the conservative right.

To answer your question, there is no one that perfectly follows the path of Jesus. Living in habitual, unrepentant sin is, to a degree, a rejection of Jesus. Alleged believers such as Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are going to learn that the hard way when they stand in judgment. They WILL PAY for their serial-lying and compulsive theft, not to mention all the blood on their hands from MILLIONS of abortions that they helped to make happen.
This is a lie, there is no party of "Satan."

It's perfectly consistent to be a Christian, oppose abortion, and defend a woman's right to privacy.

And support tax cuts to the wealthy while cutting benefits to the poor. To deny citizenship to children born here simply because of who their parents are. To cut Social Security, and of course there is capital punishment. Yeah, killing is wrong. Oh wait, only certain types of killing.

Sorry, but there is no consistency in the Republican position in regards to Christianity. The bible specifically warns against giving preference to the wealthy, it states we should stand up in the presence of the elderly, and Jesus was quite clear, we will be judged by how we treat the least among us.
Tell me, how does legal abortion affect you?

Raping migrant children doesn't affect me but I'm still opposed to it.

Great, but you get no credit for that come judgement day. Which is kind of my point. Pretty damn easy to say, "I am opposed to abortion". Yet it has no impact on your life. In a sense, it is the very judgement that Jesus spoke against. In no small way, that is the problem with American today. Everyone seems consumed with the behavior of everyone else, when the reality is the only thing you really can control is your own behavior. I can guarantee, come judgement day the father is not going to give two shits about how you feel about other people's behavior. You will be judged by how you treated the least among us, by your own behavior, your own actions. And I got to be honest, condemning the behavior of others without making an effort to change the circumstances that spawned that behavior, is going to fall in the negative column. It ain't going to help you.
Pastor McArthur preaches the rapture so he's not much on education.

I don't pay too much attention to end-times preaching. In any event, can you show me a preacher that perfectly explains what happens in the end?
If I may . . .

Pretty much the entire New Testament is about the "end times" (or rather, about the time of the end). If you don't pay attention to this preaching, then you either don't pay attention to the New Testament or you don't understand it.

To a few pastors, the Bible is not a mystery - it has no cryptic messages, and from ten thousand feet, has no contradictions; it is what we purport it to be: the revealed Word of God. Tony Denton, William Bell, and Michael Miano, to name three, understand it. Perhaps the go-to guy currently is Don Preston. Here he is with a very fundamental introduction to Covenant Eschatology.

Pastor McArthur preaches the rapture so he's not much on education.

I don't pay too much attention to end-times preaching. In any event, can you show me a preacher that perfectly explains what happens in the end?
If I may . . .

Pretty much the entire New Testament is about the "end times" (or rather, about the time of the end). If you don't pay attention to this preaching, then you either don't pay attention to the New Testament or you don't understand it.

To a few pastors, the Bible is not a mystery - it has no cryptic messages, and from ten thousand feet, has no contradictions; it is what we purport it to be: the revealed Word of God. Tony Denton, William Bell, and Michael Miano, to name three, understand it. Perhaps the go-to guy currently is Don Preston. Here he is with a very fundamental introduction to Covenant Eschatology.

Good video.. Breaking it down to little steps.
End times? I always thought it was about living the right way.
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Hey I don't believe in gods.

I'm just looking at what the bible says about when life starts.

And technically a fetus doesn't really breathe in the womb.
If you're looking at what the Bible says, then why wouldn't you look at it in its own contexts? The Bible isn't about your twenty-first century, Gentile, atheist worldview.

In the Bible, flesh and blood is is not all that life is. In fact, in the Bible, life is in the spirit, not in the flesh.

And when does this hypothetical spirit enter a body?
Did you forget the Genesis passage already that you quoted? God breathed the breath of life into Adam in the Garden.
This fails as an appeal to authority fallacy.

The bible was written by men, imbued with man’s fear, ignorance, stupidity, hate, faults, and failings; consequently, the bible is devoid of authority both with regard to secular matters and religious dogma.

There is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists, no ‘spirit’ as perceived by theists, no ‘Satan’ as perceived by theists.
Why don't you apply that law to your Democratic masters?

Why do you tell that lie about every Democrat? Remember, there's no "It's okay to lie if you're lying about liberals" subclause in the Ten Commandments. You seem to be pulling your morality from some sort of PC Satanic Bible

So, you're a creature of relative morality. You think lying is justified if you're attacking someone. Unlike you, liberals are people of absolute morality. We think lying is wrong, no matter who is lied about.

And we know that's why you hate us. The pure shining light of liberal absolute morality causes you physical pain, much like sunlight burning a vampire. That causes you to lash out in fear and rage at the source of your pain, the liberals.

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