Is there a leftist on this forum that believes in Jesus?

Poverty and ignorance force these shitty choices on people all the time.

So it's ok to kill poor people? Are poor people ok with it? Would a child about to be born into poverty agree with being killed?
Who can say? Moral choices are easy when you have options. For options it seems we need cash. It's easy to judge but until you have faced an impossible choice with no good outcomes you will never know how your beliefs will actually inform your decisions. Wealth insulates us from impossible choices more than any single factor. When you alleviate poverty you are doing more than easing misery you are affording people the means to live an upright life.

In the bible, God says that he knew us before we were in the womb. It seems that God wants humans, at least some of them, to experience some time here on Earth. To violate God's will be KILLING one's offspring is a sin and a grave sin at that.

Jeremiah 1:5....
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You've been raving about homosexuals, same sex marriage and transgenders.

I haven't been "raving". Be honest.

I believe free people should be free to engage in same-sex marriage and pretend to be a member of the opposite gender. God may despise such lifestyles but that's not my problem.
Poverty and ignorance force these shitty choices on people all the time.

So it's ok to kill poor people? Are poor people ok with it? Would a child about to be born into poverty agree with being killed?
Who can say? Moral choices are easy when you have options. For options it seems we need cash. It's easy to judge but until you have faced an impossible choice with no good outcomes you will never know how your beliefs will actually inform your decisions. Wealth insulates us from impossible choices more than any single factor. When you alleviate poverty you are doing more than easing misery you are affording people the means to live an upright life.

In the bible, God says that he knew us before we were in the womb. It seems that God wants humans, at least some of them, to experience some time here on Earth. To violate God's will be KILLING one's offspring is a sin and a grave sin at that.
That may very well be the case but it's not for you or the law to decide. You can't get rid of poverty by criminalizing it. When you accept that abortion is mainly a symptom of poverty what does it say about those who don't want to help the impoverished? It is not unusual to find "Christians" who are deeply concerned for fetuses and yet don't care who starves. Change that. Less grinding poverty means less abortions. Women who can afford children will keep them or manage their fertility better so that they don't have to choose.
You can't get rid of poverty by criminalizing it.

You just said that it's ok to kill the preborn if they were going to be born into poverty. I certainly never said anything about criminalizing poverty.
Women who can afford children will keep them

It's not about money; it's about selfishness. Killing one's own child is the epitome of selfishness but it pleases Satan immensely and he appreciates that you advocate for murder.
Women who can afford children will keep them

It's not about money; it's about selfishness. Killing one's own child is the epitome of selfishness but it pleases Satan immensely and he appreciates that you advocate for murder.
It's all so simple for you isn't it? You asked a question but you apparently do not want to know anyone's answer. Use the bible for something other than a blunt object to hit people with. Use it to seek understanding or you have missed the entire point. The plight of your fellow humans is your business only as much as you are willing to lend them a hand. Attend to the maintenance of your own soul and have the grace to allow your fellow humans to find heaven or hell on their own terms.
Women who can afford children will keep them

It's not about money; it's about selfishness. Killing one's own child is the epitome of selfishness but it pleases Satan immensely and he appreciates that you advocate for murder.
It's all so simple for you isn't it? You asked a question but you apparently do not want to know anyone's answer. Use the bible for something other than a blunt object to hit people with. Use it to seek understanding or you have missed the entire point. The plight of your fellow humans is your business only as much as you are willing to lend them a hand. Attend to the maintenance of your own soul and have the grace to allow your fellow humans to find heaven or hell on their own terms.

I condemn no one. I am only telling the truth, which you reject. That's not my problem.
I consider myself fairly liberal and I believe in Jesus.

This is a bit dated (2014) but might be of interest considering the question:


Link: U.S. religious groups and their political leanings | Pew Research Center

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