Is there a leftist on this forum that believes in Jesus?

So again, is there any Republican that follows the path of Jesus?

So you believe in Jesus yet you support the party of Satan and despise the conservative right.

To answer your question, there is no one that perfectly follows the path of Jesus. Living in habitual, unrepentant sin is, to a degree, a rejection of Jesus. Alleged believers such as Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are going to learn that the hard way when they stand in judgment. They WILL PAY for their serial-lying and compulsive theft, not to mention all the blood on their hands from MILLIONS of abortions that they helped to make happen.

FIrst, I know it is not our place to judge. But second, I don't thing God is going to hold Biden and Pelosi accountable for abortion, unless they were party to one themselves. Just like I don't thing those that are opposed to abortion are going to get any credit. I mean it is the Trolley Car philosophy question. Biden and Pelosi are merely riding in the trolley car, they have not conducted any action that resulted in an abortion.

Yes, I believe in Jesus. I start every morning, hours before the sun even thinks about coming up, spending time studying his word. And every day I do my best to walk in his path. Granted, I have not always been this way. I have my share of sins to atone, and take responsibility for. But I relish walking in that path. I don't want to do things publicly. I do them privately, and anonymously. For to do otherwise is against the teachings of Christ. I pray, often, and vocally, not this silent prayer stuff many people do. And with faith, those prayers are answered, sometimes within moments.

I do alright. I am not wealthy, not by any stretch of the imagination. But I don't go hungry, and my blessings are immense. In no small way, I feel I am the wealthiest man in the world. Tonight, God gave me another blessing. Another grandchild is on the way. But it is the first from my set of three sons. I have three daughters from my first wife, and six grandkids.

And here is the thing. Unlike most Republicans, I have done something to stop abortion. My first wife left me, we had two daughters. She got pregnant while we were separated. She was going to get an abortion. I got a court order, prevented her from getting an abortion, and then took custody of my two daughters AND the child she had. Raised them alone for years until I met my second wife, who was a gift from God, to all of us.

So yes, to answer the OP, this "lefty" believes in Jesus. Follows his path and relishes in his blessings.

Great post! I'm glad to hear that you believe in and follow Jesus.
Biden and Pelosi are merely riding in the trolley car, they have not conducted any action that resulted in an abortion.

They legalized murder.

Do you believe that the Nazis that herded Jews into gas chambers paid or are paying a price for their horrific sins or was it ok because it was "legal"?

Yes, I believe those Nazi's will pay a price. But again, Trolley Car problem. Look it up. Those Nazi's "herded" as you say. Biden and Pelosi have not herded women up to have abortions. What is hard to understand about taking an active action. And no, passing a law, or supporting a law, or even being opposed to a law, is not an active action. You can stand by the side of the road holding up a sign proclaiming abortion is murder till the cows come home, you ain't getting any credit come judgement day. But if you take action, help support a single mom with two kids and a third on the way, provide her with food, clothing, maybe even shelter, then you will be rewarded in this life, and on judgement day.
A great majority of liberals are Christian; an even larger majority are persons of faith.

That used to be true, but not anymore. Besides, folks like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are as much a follower of Christ as was Al Capone.
Yes, I believe those Nazi's will pay a price.

I too believe that they either paid a price or are paying it.

There is a verse in the bible that says that those who steal from the poor to enrich themselves will find themselves poor. What that means, I believe, is that folks like Biden, Pelosi, etc., will eventually make it to Heaven but they will pay a BIG price for their crimes against the poor.
...but he had a lot to say about not being an asshole.

LOL that's true!

Let me ask you this. Is it "tolerant", "inclusive", and "loving" to abort one's offspring?
Since you asked directly I will tell you my thoughts on abortion as it applies to Christian belief. They did not have abortion in Jesus' era so he didn't have anything to say about it. What they did have was the common occurrence of women abandoning their infants at the edge of the village in the middle of the night to be disposed of by wild beasts. Jesus certainly knew this was a thing and yet he he stil had nothing to say about it. He knew a deformed or fatherless child was garbage in his society. Since we must guess his thoughts on this issue perhaps even he knew that bringing forth a child who will never know anything but want and suffering was itself the greater of two evils.
Biden and Pelosi have not herded women up to have abortions.

They have provided a legal vehicle for mass-murder. Pelosi and Biden do NOT serve God; they serve Satan.

Look, I do have my doubts about Pelosi. But I have no doubt that Biden at least attempts to follow the path of Christ. If anything, far more than Trump could ever proclaim. I say that because I empathize with him, I know what it is like to be a single father. And the losses he has faced in his life would have destroyed a lesser man.
Because they support civil rights?

Republicans support civil rights, much more so than Democrats. It's the left that's constantly trying to limit the rights of the people.
But I have no doubt that Biden at least attempts to follow the path of Christ.

Really? Wow. Biden is super corrupt and has been selling out the American people for his entire career. He's a serial liar and a thief. He is certainly NOT a "follower" of Christ.
bringing forth a child who will never know anything but want and suffering was itself the greater of two evils.

By that "logic" everyone should be killed.
All moral dilemmas lead to a rationalization if they are to be resolved. Often there is no way to get out of a bad situation without having to make an impossible choice. Poverty and ignorance force these shitty choices on people all the time. Perhaps that is why Jesus talked about poverty and want more than anything.
Poverty and ignorance force these shitty choices on people all the time.

So it's ok to kill poor people? Are poor people ok with it? Would a child about to be born into poverty agree with being killed?
Poverty and ignorance force these shitty choices on people all the time.

So it's ok to kill poor people? Are poor people ok with it? Would a child about to be born into poverty agree with being killed?
Who can say? Moral choices are easy when you have options. For options it seems we need cash. It's easy to judge but until you have faced an impossible choice with no good outcomes you will never know how your beliefs will actually inform your decisions. Wealth insulates us from impossible choices more than any single factor. When you alleviate poverty you are doing more than easing misery you are affording people the means to live an upright life.
I very much believe in Jesus the man and what he taught concerning how we should treat each other. It is the basis of my political beliefs and how I treat my fellow humans. Jesus the God is another matter.

You don't get to decide who Jesus is.
As near as I can tell he didn't give us that option. He either is who he said he was or he was mad man.
Poverty and ignorance force these shitty choices on people all the time.

So it's ok to kill poor people? Are poor people ok with it? Would a child about to be born into poverty agree with being killed?
Who can say? Moral choices are easy when you have options. For options it seems we need cash. It's easy to judge but until you have faced an impossible choice with no good outcomes you will never know how your beliefs will actually inform your decisions. Wealth insulates us from impossible choices more than any single factor. When you alleviate poverty you are doing more than easing misery you are affording people the means to live an upright life.

In the bible, God says that he knew us before we were in the womb. It seems that God wants humans, at least some of them, to experience some time here on Earth. To violate God's will be KILLING one's offspring is a sin and a grave sin at that.

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