Is there a leftist on this forum that believes in Jesus?

The problem with the left is that most of them have been blinded by Satan and his demons. If they believed in Jesus Christ then most of them would be political conservatives. But since they're under great demonic influence, they support abortion, transgender lifestyles and everything else that Satan supports.

2 Corinthians 4:4
The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

You believe in demons and Satan?
Just curious. Thanks.

Nothing makes me sicker than some holier than thou rightie who believes that command the moral high ground by being against abortion. It takes no action, it takes no sacrifice, to proclaim someone else should or should not do something. I got news for you, when judgement day comes no one is going to ask you what your position on abortion was.

Jesus was pretty clear, we will be judged by how we treat the least among us. In that regard the Republican party and its supporters are going to have some explaining to do come judgement day. But to answer your question, yes, there are many believers in Jesus that are among the members of the left. There is a whole organization called Red Letter Christians, and they got kicked off the campus of Liberty University. The real question is are there any followers of Jesus among the right.
Nothing makes me sicker than some holier than thou rightie who believes that command the moral high ground by being against abortion.

Thou shall not kill.

Be fruitful and multiply.

Abortion violates both of those commandments. Therefore, it is a sin.

Why should followers of Christ support committing sin?
Right wing Christianity is almost entirely a moral escape hatch that allows one to pass by on the other side and still feel blessed somehow.

You serve your master, Satan, well.
The problem with the left is that most of them have been blinded by Satan and his demons. If they believed in Jesus Christ then most of them would be political conservatives. But since they're under great demonic influence, they support abortion, transgender lifestyles and everything else that Satan supports.

2 Corinthians 4:4
The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

Did you just post Second Corinthians 4:4? I mean do you know what the "light of the gospel" is?
Nothing makes me sicker than some holier than thou rightie who believes that command the moral high ground by being against abortion.

Thou shall not kill.

Be fruitful and multiply.

Abortion violates both of those commandments. Therefore, it is a sin.

Why should followers of Christ support committing sin?

The Bible has many, many death penalty sins.
Cyrus Scofield

Never heard of him.

In any event, you follow Satan.

The Dallas Theological Seminary was founded by Scofield. It was taught during the Dust Bowl and Depression at tent revivals and was considered heresy by mainstream Protestants. If you are Baptist or Evangelical you were taught Scofield. It was promoted in the 1970s by the Late Great Planet Earth.. Its responsible for the false teachings of the rapture.

Scofield was a convicted felon and defrocked lawyer who was hired by Samuel Untermyer to write an annotated Bible. Scofield is considered the father of Christian Zionism. Falwell, Hagee, Pat Robertson and many others follow the Scofield heresy.
Cyrus Scofield

Never heard of him.

In any event, you follow Satan.

The Dallas Theological Seminary was founded by Scofield. It was taught during the Dust Bowl and Depression at tent revivals and was considered heresy by mainstream Protestants. If you are Baptist or Evangelical you were taught Scofield. It was promoted in the 1970s by the Late Great Planet Earth.. Its responsible for the false teachings of the rapture.

Scofield was a convicted felon and defrocked lawyer who was hired by Samuel Untermyer to write an annotated Bible. Scofield is considered the father of Christian Zionism. Falwell, Hagee, Pat Robertson and many others follow the Scofield heresy.

Thanks. I enjoy listening to Pastor John MacArthur, although I don't share his "fire and brimstone" beliefs. I don't belong to any church nor do I ascribe to any human preacher.
Nothing makes me sicker than some holier than thou rightie who believes that command the moral high ground by being against abortion.

Thou shall not kill.

Be fruitful and multiply.

Abortion violates both of those commandments. Therefore, it is a sin.

Why should followers of Christ support committing sin?

What do YOU do? I agree, abortion is wrong. But I want to know what YOU have done personally to prevent abortion? Voting Republican, if anything, increases abortions, it does not decrease them. Most abortions are done for financial reasons, increasing the support of the poor, especially poor women, would go a long ways to preventing abortion. Even this early in the Biden administration, his expansion of the child tax credit will do more to prevent abortion than all the conservative judges Trump appointed. And then there is sex education, the rights refusal to support even minimal sex education results in countless pregnancies, many of which end in abortions.

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