Is there a leftist on this forum that believes in Jesus?

The Bible notes in many places that if you divorce your wife and or marry someone who has been divorced you are committing adultery.
Oddly many have no problem with that.

On the degree of sin, that doesn't compare to killing one's offspring.
The Bible notes in many places that if you divorce your wife and or marry someone who has been divorced you are committing adultery.
Oddly many have no problem with that.

On the degree of sin, that doesn't compare to killing one's offspring.

That's not what the Bible teaches (besides I'm pro-life). The Bible teaches a sin is a sin.
Jesus take my entire family and everyone I love for no good reason. My faith was ruined by a cruel uncaring world

The world is ruled by Satan. The Democratic Party serves Satan.

Are you saying that you believe in Jesus Christ but are angry with him? Or are you saying that you don't believe in him at all?
Why do you talk about Satan more than Jesus? My beliefs are complicated by unimaginable loss but my morals are as simple as the golden rule. I have deep respect for grace, humility, charity and gentleness but everyday I see so called Christians spit on all that. If there is a Satan his greatest victory is lead Right wing Christians off the path and make Christianity itself look like a club for uncaring assholes.

Satan and his demons, who are probably in the TRILLIONS, work diligently to temp and to lead all people astray. They have taught you to reject Jesus and to hate those that believe in him. In the end, however, I am confident that you will meet Jesus and be reunited with your passed, loved ones and never again to be separated. I don't believe, as many Christians do, that Jesus will permit you to be lost. You're right that this existence pretty much sucks. Everyone you ever loved will die in your lifetime or you in theirs. We're here for a short time and then we enter into eternity. While we are here, we are commanded to do the will of Jesus and NOT our own.
Party of Satan?

Absolutely. The corruption of the Democratic Party far exceeds that of the GOP. They support abortion, transgender lifestyles, framing their political opponents and then prosecuting them and same-sex marriage and they LIE constantly. There are plenty of Republicans that are equally as corrupt but not nearly on the level of the Democratic Party.

My guess is that the bulk of the party either doesn't believe in Jesus or has a warped view of Jesus. Folks like Nancy and Joe have totally rejected Jesus, in spite of their claims of belief.
I very much believe in Jesus the man and what he taught concerning how we should treat each other. It is the basis of my political beliefs and how I treat my fellow humans. Jesus the God is another matter.

Ok, so you don't believe in Jesus the Messiah. In other words, you're a leftist and an atheist.
Yeah, and then these prog slaves wonder why they just cant find happiness.....
That's not what the Bible teaches

You're wrong.

Is the sin of theft on the same level as blaspheming the Holy Spirit?

If you're "pro-life", why do you vote Democrat?

I rarely do. If you are pro-life how do you support either party? Both have killed tens of thousands of innocent people over the last 20 years.
Jesus take my entire family and everyone I love for no good reason. My faith was ruined by a cruel uncaring world

The world is ruled by Satan. The Democratic Party serves Satan.

Are you saying that you believe in Jesus Christ but are angry with him? Or are you saying that you don't believe in him at all?
Why do you talk about Satan more than Jesus? My beliefs are complicated by unimaginable loss but my morals are as simple as the golden rule. I have deep respect for grace, humility, charity and gentleness but everyday I see so called Christians spit on all that. If there is a Satan his greatest victory is lead Right wing Christians off the path and make Christianity itself look like a club for uncaring assholes.

Satan and his demons, who are probably in the TRILLIONS, work diligently to temp and to lead all people astray. They have taught you to reject Jesus and to hate those that believe in him. In the end, however, I am confident that you will meet Jesus and be reunited with your passed, loved ones and never again to be separated. I don't believe, as many Christians do, that Jesus will permit you to be lost. You're right that this existence pretty much sucks. Everyone you ever loved will die in your lifetime or you in theirs. We're here for a short time and then we enter into eternity. While we are here, we are commanded to do the will of Jesus and NOT our own.
This life was never meant to be easy. It is the trial to get you to achieve the ultimate goal, and that is to be in the Kingdom of God.
Party of Satan?

Absolutely. The corruption of the Democratic Party far exceeds that of the GOP. They support abortion, transgender lifestyles, framing their political opponents and then prosecuting them and same-sex marriage and they LIE constantly. There are plenty of Republicans that are equally as corrupt but not nearly on the level of the Democratic Party.

My guess is that the bulk of the party either doesn't believe in Jesus or has a warped view of Jesus. Folks like Nancy and Joe have totally rejected Jesus, in spite of their claims of belief.

Al right.. You don't belong to a church or go to church, Sunday school or Bible Study and you have no religious education, but you're here ranting and raving about who is a Christian and who isn't??
Jesus take my entire family and everyone I love for no good reason. My faith was ruined by a cruel uncaring world

The world is ruled by Satan. The Democratic Party serves Satan.

Are you saying that you believe in Jesus Christ but are angry with him? Or are you saying that you don't believe in him at all?
Why do you talk about Satan more than Jesus? My beliefs are complicated by unimaginable loss but my morals are as simple as the golden rule. I have deep respect for grace, humility, charity and gentleness but everyday I see so called Christians spit on all that. If there is a Satan his greatest victory is lead Right wing Christians off the path and make Christianity itself look like a club for uncaring assholes.

Satan and his demons, who are probably in the TRILLIONS, work diligently to temp and to lead all people astray. They have taught you to reject Jesus and to hate those that believe in him. In the end, however, I am confident that you will meet Jesus and be reunited with your passed, loved ones and never again to be separated. I don't believe, as many Christians do, that Jesus will permit you to be lost. You're right that this existence pretty much sucks. Everyone you ever loved will die in your lifetime or you in theirs. We're here for a short time and then we enter into eternity. While we are here, we are commanded to do the will of Jesus and NOT our own.
The will of Jesus is written in a book and printed in red. I follow that and not what preachers say. Jesus did not say much of anything about Satan and Hell but he had a lot to say about not being an asshole.
That's not what the Bible teaches

You're wrong.

Is the sin of theft on the same level as blaspheming the Holy Spirit?

If you're "pro-life", why do you vote Democrat?

I rarely do. If you are pro-life how do you support either party? Both have killed tens of thousands of innocent people over the last 20 years.
Once you're out of the womb you're on your own.
So again, is there any Republican that follows the path of Jesus?

So you believe in Jesus yet you support the party of Satan and despise the conservative right.

To answer your question, there is no one that perfectly follows the path of Jesus. Living in habitual, unrepentant sin is, to a degree, a rejection of Jesus. Alleged believers such as Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are going to learn that the hard way when they stand in judgment. They WILL PAY for their serial-lying and compulsive theft, not to mention all the blood on their hands from MILLIONS of abortions that they helped to make happen.

FIrst, I know it is not our place to judge. But second, I don't thing God is going to hold Biden and Pelosi accountable for abortion, unless they were party to one themselves. Just like I don't thing those that are opposed to abortion are going to get any credit. I mean it is the Trolley Car philosophy question. Biden and Pelosi are merely riding in the trolley car, they have not conducted any action that resulted in an abortion.

Yes, I believe in Jesus. I start every morning, hours before the sun even thinks about coming up, spending time studying his word. And every day I do my best to walk in his path. Granted, I have not always been this way. I have my share of sins to atone, and take responsibility for. But I relish walking in that path. I don't want to do things publicly. I do them privately, and anonymously. For to do otherwise is against the teachings of Christ. I pray, often, and vocally, not this silent prayer stuff many people do. And with faith, those prayers are answered, sometimes within moments.

I do alright. I am not wealthy, not by any stretch of the imagination. But I don't go hungry, and my blessings are immense. In no small way, I feel I am the wealthiest man in the world. Tonight, God gave me another blessing. Another grandchild is on the way. But it is the first from my set of three sons. I have three daughters from my first wife, and six grandkids.

And here is the thing. Unlike most Republicans, I have done something to stop abortion. My first wife left me, we had two daughters. She got pregnant while we were separated. She was going to get an abortion. I got a court order, prevented her from getting an abortion, and then took custody of my two daughters AND the child she had. Raised them alone for years until I met my second wife, who was a gift from God, to all of us.

So yes, to answer the OP, this "lefty" believes in Jesus. Follows his path and relishes in his blessings.
I rarely do. If you are pro-life how do you support either party? Both have killed tens of thousands of innocent people over the last 20 years.

The GOP has gotten really corrupt but not on the level of the Democratic Party. I'm a registered independent but have never voted for a Democrat. Sadly, our choices are "bad" or "really bad".
That's not what the Bible teaches

You're wrong.

Is the sin of theft on the same level as blaspheming the Holy Spirit?

If you're "pro-life", why do you vote Democrat?

I rarely do. If you are pro-life how do you support either party? Both have killed tens of thousands of innocent people over the last 20 years.
Once you're out of the womb you're on your own.
I'll say and get ready to pay.
This life was never meant to be easy.

That's true. Jesus' life was certainly not easy and he died a horrible death. We're called to serve Jesus just as Jesus served the father and us by coming here to tell the truth.

I can understand how a believer can become angry at God due to personal loss. I won't condemn them for their hurt and anger. They deserve sympathy and comfort. A good friend of mine had a son that killed himself when he was 18. He was her only child. I can't imagine the torment that she experienced. I do know that she is a believer and that she has forgiven her son and looks forward to seeing him in Heaven.
Biden and Pelosi are merely riding in the trolley car, they have not conducted any action that resulted in an abortion.

They legalized murder.

Do you believe that the Nazis that herded Jews into gas chambers paid or are paying a price for their horrific sins or was it ok because it was "legal"?

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