Is there anyone else besides me who now feels uncomfortable in the company of Democrats?

If an adult reads Ashley Biden's diary and doesn't think Joe is creepy, that person is dangerous around children.
So is it fair to say then that because you are critical of one side doesn't mean you support the established "other" side?

I am critical of both sides. This thread is about one of them, that is the one I commented on.

Hope that helps
I think most Trump voters (of which I am one) had to do some real research before voting for him. That's because it is much easier to find anti-Trump rhetoric in the ubiquitous, legacy, MSM. This allows us to see both sides more clearly and not through the lens of hatred. Democrats are more likely to look at their world through the eyes of the leftist, insular media and therefore just assume any 'logical' person would agree that Trump is "Orange Man Bad."

I encountered this with a group of old friends who have inexplicably become alt-lefties but have no idea how radical and insulting they have become. They were talking trash about Trump and said anyone voting for him must have lost their mind. I said "I voted for Trump because I like his policies." You could have heard a pin drop. I then said, it's too bad SOME folks let politics overwhelm a good time with friends. To his credit, one of them said, "Yeah, let's not talk politics."
I DOUBT that.
It's very true. Back when Dobson was still alive. They've tried to scrub it but here's a quote:

...the boy's father has to do his part. He needs to mirror and affirm his son's maleness. He can play rough-and-tumble games with his son, in ways that are decidedly different from the games he would play with a little girl. He can help his son learn to throw and catch a ball. He can teach him to pound a square wooden peg into a square hole in a pegboard. He can even take his son with him into the shower, where the boy cannot help but notice that Dad has a penis, just like his, only bigger.
Then maybe, just maybe, my being critical of social media DOES NOT MEAN I support big government.

Maybe you need to stop doing to others what you hate done to you.

Supporting the Govt forcing social media to be "fair" or "nice" or whatever word you would like to use does mean you
support big government.
Yes it feels like being in the company of a brainwashed Manchurian. They seem normal until you hit a key word or event. Like you say "those leftists did way more damage than the Jan. 6 people" and right away the spirals sort of come into their eyes and they say "Peaceful protesters." If you say 2020 election fraud they snap to and repeat the buzzwords "no evidence." Even if they know nothing about it but what they see on CNN. I have no respect for the intelligence of any Democrat now, even if they make big bucks and are high up in a company, or are a college professor. They may be good at what they do, but their brain shuts down and they snap to their programming when politics is mentioned.

If you give them evidence or try to show them something they get angry and stomp away. It is like a threat to them. They must attack anything that upsets their programming and may require them to rethink everything they think they know.
I think most Trump voters (of which I am one) had to do some real research before voting for him. That's because it is much easier to find anti-Trump rhetoric in the ubiquitous, legacy, MSM. This allows us to see both sides more clearly and not through the lens of hatred. Democrats are more likely to look at their world through the eyes of the leftist, insular media and therefore just assume any 'logical' person would agree that Trump is "Orange Man Bad."

I encountered this with a group of old friends who have inexplicably become alt-lefties but have no idea how radical and insulting they have become. They were talking trash about Trump and said anyone voting for him must have lost their mind. I said "I voted for Trump because I like his policies." You could have heard a pin drop. I then said, it's too bad SOME folks let politics overwhelm a good time with friends. To his credit, one of them said, "Yeah, let's not talk politics."
Why would you vote for a serial sexual assaulter?

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