Is there anyone else besides me who now feels uncomfortable in the company of Democrats?

Supporting the Govt forcing social media to be "fair" or "nice" or whatever word you would like to use does mean you
support big government.
See. Now we are back to one or the total opposite.

Man, and after we established it doesn't have to be that way.

You assigning other people views does not mean they have those views. It just means you find giving them that viewpoint convenient to your arrogance.

Have a day.
See. Now we are back to one or the total opposite.

Man, and after we established it doesn't have to be that way.

You assigning other people views does not mean they have those views. It just means you find giving them that viewpoint convenient to your arrogance.

Have a day.

Are you saying you do not support the Govt forcing the big social media companies to be fair/nice etc?
They cheered, and still cheer, and adored, and still adore, a vulgar man-child who has spent the last six years insulting and name-calling anyone who dared to cross him.

And they say they're nice people.

Sometimes all you can do is shake your head.
Don't forget 'good Christian people'. They love to trot out that crock O' shit consistently.
Are you saying you do not support the Govt forcing the big social media companies to be fair/nice etc?
I support social media playing by the rules.

Problem is they don't want to do that. Being a private company doesn't mean you are shielded from responsibility.

If the power company didn't like your politics, can they turn off your power?

Private company can do what they want man. Now if you choose to put boundaries around that, then allow others to do the same.

If you don't like that example then I can find a ton more.

You are advocating zero rules for social media. I call bullshit.

Doesn't mean I support big gov. Well, until you have nothing left so this is your go to power play. Assign views and mock the stereotype.
I am fine with anyone. I don't discuss politics in person. If someone can't keep from ranting about anything (other than food);then I'll just wander off.
So your advice when those women started in about how Trump voters are racists and antisemites would have been to get up from the table and leave?

That might actually be a good idea, if it were toward the end of the dinner. We had just sat down and ordered.

But I did once walk out of a class - one of those “for retired people’s” courses - when at the opening of the first class, the teacher started in about how relieved he was that Biden won and that the racists weren’t able to defeat him.
My problem is that I’m both a nice person and sometimes (often) too sensitive for my own good. Because of the first, leftists who have been convinced Trump voters are awful people assume I did not vote for him, and because of the second, I am insulted and angry when they start their demeaning remarks about Trump voters In front of me, or even directed at me (not knowing).
So ypu are a nice and sensitive person ? Good for you. But it takes more to be a good person and I do not see anyone who supports Trump as a "good person" because Trump is not a good person by ant streach of the imagination. You don't agree? Then let me ask, what is a "good person"?

A good person tells the Truth...Trump just makes shit up as he goes. He has no sense of, or regard for the truth. In fact he is clearly out of touch with reality as evidenced by remarks such as calling Democrats Fascists who hate America and want to destroy it.

A good person cares about others, not just those who are in a position to further his own interests, like well to do straight , white men. He has turned his back and shit on every other demographic and was not and would not be a President for all of the people .

A good person has core values and intergrety. Trump is an empty shell of a sub human being who has no soul, not heart and is willing say and do whatever is expedient ,and what will benefit him at any given time. It is all about Trump. All interactions are transactional. If another can't or wont do something for him, he will turn on them like a rabid dog in heat.

A good person understands loyalty. Trump will attack without mercy, anyone who, despite their fealty to him, tthe second that they draw the line and refuse to continue to do his bidding. Two glaring examples are Bill Barr and Mike Pence.

A good person understands that regardless of their rank or position, they are not above the law. Trump clearly believes that the rule of law does not apply to him.

So Lisa, stop whining about being uncomfortable around Democrates. You deserve all of the blowback that you get.
I support social media playing by the rules.

Problem is they don't want to do that. Being a private company doesn't mean you are shielded from responsibility.

We disagree that they are not playing by the rules.

Then again I doubt we even agree on what the rules are.

If the power company didn't like your politics, can they turn off your power?

Comparing appeals to hand grenades. The politics of someone getting power does not reflect upon the power company. What is posted on social media does so for that company.

If you don't like that example then I can find a ton more.

Feel free
We disagree that they are not playing by the rules.

Then again I doubt we even agree on what the rules are.

Comparing appeals to hand grenades. The politics of someone getting power does not reflect upon the power company. What is posted on social media does so for that company.

Feel free
They are simply a platform. By definition they have no politics.

Or are you saying the largest media "platform" in the world has the right to tell you what to say?

So, what are the rules they must follow and where are they spelled out?
Or are you saying the largest media "platform" in the world has the right to tell you what to say?

No, I am saying they have the right to say what is on their platform and what is not. They have no control over what I or anyone else says.

There are tens of thousands of site to say things on. Not to mention all the other way to "say" things.
Part of the problem is people put too much stock in politics. Most politicians cannot relate to average working people. Carry on despite what a POTUS does as it makes little difference. I'm 91 and somehow, despite not admiring one politician I've ever voted for, survived them all quite well. I would never protest on behalf of any politician, but I would always side with and join a picket line in support of working people.
And as Biden has ramped up his attack on Republicans, leading poorly informed people to believe that all Trump voters are threats to democracy, traitors to the nation, white supremacists, and so forth, the freely expressed contempt has ramped up as well. It was particularly bad at a dinner I attended last night.
Biden's attack was well deserved and long over due. Trump is a threat to Democracy and therefor all of those who support him are as well. They may not consider themselves white supremacists but they, and you support one, you give him a pass and that is no better. Trumps has been on the attack with over the top rhetoric for a long time, and now he is rightfully getting a tast of his own medacin. Get over it. Time to deal with the DARK BRANDON that you people created
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No, I am saying they have the right to say what is on their platform and what is not. They have no control over what I or anyone else says.

There are tens of thousands of site to say things on. Not to mention all the other way to "say" things.
And where is this spelled out for a "platform"? From a legal/accountabity standpoint.

Give me an example of Facebook being held accountable.
And where is this spelled out for a "platform"? From a legal/accountabity standpoint.

Give me an example of Facebook being held accountable.

Held accountable for what? What have they done wrong from a legal standpoint?
When I ordered the spaghetti and meatballs, I inquired as to whether they were all-beef or made with pork. (I eat kosher-style out.) The waiter said he wasn’t sure, and I asked if he could find out because my religion doesn’t allow for pork.

After he left, one of the Democrats said that when I go to a mountain resort in WV next week (she was aware of my plans), I should be careful not to do what I just did and that I should absolutely not say anything that would lead people to suspect I am Jewish. When I asked why not, she said that West Virginia is full of Trump voters - and that they not only hate blacks, they hate Jews too.

Then the person sitting to her side bobbed her head in agreement. She then asked why I would want to go into “Trump country” at all and have to associate with “those people”.

My meek answer was that the resort looked very appealing online, and I just wanted a relaxing break. Both she and the original Democrat just shrugged, and the first one said, “well, it’s up to you, but I’d pick somewhere more civilized.”

The entire encounter lasted two minutes, but left me uncomfortable for the rest of the meal.
Yep, you live in a bubble of your own confirmation biases. I find your support of MAGA totally illogical, but you do you. :113:
Held accountable for what? What have they done wrong from a legal standpoint?
That is what I am asking you and we are dancing, not answering.

What IS Facebook classified and what rules must they adhere to?

$5 says you won't simply answer this but keep dancing.

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