Is there anything in the democrat party that isn't a crisis?

Josh Duggar (played with his own sisters)
Gym Jordan (looked the other way)
Denny Hastert (groomed and raped boys)
George Nader (possession of child porn and served time in prison for diddling boys)
Ruben Verastigui (traded child porn online)
Tim Nolan (paying minors for sex)
Ralph Shorty (convicted of child sex trafficking)
Ben Gibson (arrested for possessing child pornagraphy)
Adam Hageman (suspected of trading child porn)
Anton Lazzaro (arrested for sex trafficking of minors)

That's literally just a quick list and you'll notice that the bottom half of that list are people who directly worked for Trump.

Now, that's a lot of pedos without having to look too far. Do I think the Republican party is full of them? No, that would be insane to make any accusation like that. Do I think the GOP needs to clean up house a little? Probably.

As for you, you're an idiot.

So, even if we take your hate list at face value, that excuses your pedophile party for grooming 4 year olds TODAY?

Try again, Groomer.
Was he a Republican? I probably missed quite a few.

Can you show me where the Republican party has ENDORSED or PROMOTED pedophilia the way you democrats are doing at this moment?

Of course not, you're just spewing shit from the Nazi hate sites in hopes of obfuscating the bad acts by the pedophile party - the democrats.
no they weren't. Russia hoax,
initiated by you dems made it impossible for Trump to deal with Russis on a meaningful level that might have prevented biden's war
Even Russia was a Trump production

With his staff pumping Russia for dirt on Hillary and questionable financial transactions
Whole time Trump was a president there was a crisis
Now with the dems in power we've gone from crisis, to crisis, to crisis.



^ Is on Fox News everyday. So I don't know what the flying Rat's Ass you are talking about saying "Democrats have a crisis everyday".
Wait and see.
actually i fear that there is a very painful reason his polls are tanking .. and i'm afraid its going to get much much worse for us all ! and by all i mean America and the world !:(
the vast majority of the unvaxed are young people ...

And we continue with the dumb ass replies from winguts on USMB.

I'm not the one who brought up senior citizens, I was replying to your post about them. This one:

are you saying that the majority of white senior citizens that are vacced arent republicans ? lol ! whatever clown !
So, I pointed out that senior Democrats were almost 20% more likely to be vaccinated than senior Republicans.

Can you follow along now?
actually i fear that there is a very painful reason his polls are tanking .. and i'm afraid its going to get much much worse for us all ! and by all i mean America and the world !:(
Biden is meeting the challenges. He's old and fragile, but not stupid.
Democrats need to find a candidate named "Lurch". Make it much easier to move from crisis-to-crisis.


OMG, they already HAVE Lurchden!


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