Is Trump planning a nuclear war?

Obama starts a nuclear arms race in the Middle east, starts 2 UN-Authorized / Un-Constitutional Wars, and threatens to order a Cyber ATTACK - an act of war - against Russia BEFORE ordering an investigation to find out what happened with hacking, and he has put US troops on the Russian Border while Liberals are criticizing Trump for wanting better relations with Russia rather than push harder for more conflict ... and you actually start ANOTHER thread claiming to be worried about Trump. :p
I hope he does and he destroys the planet. That's only way to be rid of all the stain sons of bitches.

A great time to have a Narcissist with the nuclear code. Enjoy your trip to Hell...
HE won't start it; his fiddling around with foreign states' balance of power may piss off someone or other and THEY might start it. Narcissists aren't crazy, just annoying.
Wait you think some other country might start a nuclear war with the United States?

Which country might that be? SuicideAStan?
He is the first president since Reagan to advocate increasing our nuclear stockpile and the ONLY president to advocate providing nuclear weapons to other countries. Mental instability is a YUGE danger in the oval office.

A great time to have a Narcissist with the nuclear code. Enjoy your trip to Hell...
HE won't start it; his fiddling around with foreign states' balance of power may piss off someone or other and THEY might start it. Narcissists aren't crazy, just annoying.
HE won't start it; his fiddling around with foreign states' balance of power may piss off someone or other and THEY might start it.
Trump's first action should go the Middle East and push a stick into the hornets nest and call it the Arab Spring.

Oh wait, Obama already did that.
What are all you snowflakes whining about? Japan has endured 2 nuke strikes and a nuclear reactor melt down.

They eat and drink radiation everyday and you don't hear them complaining, do you?
He is the first president since Reagan to advocate increasing our nuclear stockpile and the ONLY president to advocate providing nuclear weapons to other countries. Mental instability is a YUGE danger in the oval office.

Ummm.. yeah.. it was actually the Obama Administration that signed off on a trillion dollars to update our nuclear weapons stockpile & infrastructure, it's definitely needed.

When did Donald Duck advocate providing nuclear weapons to other countries?
What are all you snowflakes whining about? Japan has endured 2 nuke strikes and a nuclear reactor melt down.

They eat and drink radiation everyday and you don't hear them complaining, do you?

...but on the downside, they have to deal with Godzilla, Rodan and a slew of other radiation enhanced, gargantuan monsters always tearing down their cities. :D
He is the first president since Reagan to advocate increasing our nuclear stockpile and the ONLY president to advocate providing nuclear weapons to other countries. Mental instability is a YUGE danger in the oval office.

You are indeed the board's authority concerning mental instability.
Bill Clinton sold ICBM technology to China and nuclear hardware to North Korea. He bombed a defenseless country in freaking Europe when he was literally caught with his pants down. Frankly he should have scared the crap out of every American. Barry Hussein just finished the worst "treaty" in history when he authorized nuclear hardware to Iran and then dumped a billion dollars in cash on the country. Hussein should have scared the crap out of every American and he and Bill's wife apparently did.

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