Zone1 Is Trump really a threat to democracy?


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
The democrats want us to believe Trump is still a threat to democracy, but I don't think so. What could he possibly do now? So what if he thinks he and we got screwed in 2020? If elected, what can he really accomplish to threaten democracy? Even if the GOP gets a majority in the Senate and the House, they won't have the numbers or the inclination to blindly do whatever he wants. And his executive actions and orders will surely be scrutinized to the nth degree and I believe the current SCOTUS will not rubber stamp his decisions as automatically constitutional. So, I'm asking, what will Trump be able to do that threatens democracy?
The democrats want us to believe Trump is still a threat to democracy, but I don't think so. What could he possibly do now? So what if he thinks he and we got screwed in 2020? If elected, what can he really accomplish to threaten democracy? Even if the GOP gets a majority in the Senate and the House, they won't have the numbers or the inclination to blindly do whatever he wants. And his executive actions and orders will surely be scrutinized to the nth degree and I believe the current SCOTUS will not rubber stamp his decisions as automatically constitutional. So, I'm asking, what will Trump be able to do that threatens democracy?
sounds like you "have faith in the system.?"

the system held, barely during trump's l;ast administration. it can not hold for ampther.

even after the blessed loss in november, maga still owns the supreme court for a generation, and my install trump anyway.

maga is not a "democratic" movement is it? maga is about the glorification of !Q man .
The democrats want us to believe Trump is still a threat to democracy, but I don't think so. What could he possibly do now? So what if he thinks he and we got screwed in 2020? If elected, what can he really accomplish to threaten democracy? Even if the GOP gets a majority in the Senate and the House, they won't have the numbers or the inclination to blindly do whatever he wants. And his executive actions and orders will surely be scrutinized to the nth degree and I believe the current SCOTUS will not rubber stamp his decisions as automatically constitutional. So, I'm asking, what will Trump be able to do that threatens democracy?
I hope so,,
a democracy is he worst and always ends in oppression and death of millions,,
If Trump was trying to imprison his opponent or drag him into court so he couldn't campaign or sicking the FBI goons on him or trying to keep him off the ballot and working to deny him Secret service protection then yes I would say he is a threat to democracy.....
The democrats want us to believe Trump is still a threat to democracy, but I don't think so. What could he possibly do now? So what if he thinks he and we got screwed in 2020? If elected, what can he really accomplish to threaten democracy? Even if the GOP gets a majority in the Senate and the House, they won't have the numbers or the inclination to blindly do whatever he wants. And his executive actions and orders will surely be scrutinized to the nth degree and I believe the current SCOTUS will not rubber stamp his decisions as automatically constitutional. So, I'm asking, what will Trump be able to do that threatens democracy?
A threat? I believe so. Though I do not believe he would succeed in what many claim he desires to do. We all saw the checks and balances work out on Jan 6 and still working in elections and courts across the land. Mr. Trump tried to stay in office after knowingly losing an reelection bid. He failed.

The threats are very real. They feed into the disintegration of trust and faith in to democracy itself. It is an existential threat. Trump didn't start the trouble, but: "There go my people. I must find out where they are going so I can lead them"

The world wide web has allowed misfits and misanthropic troglodytes to connect. Years ago I remember seeing many on streets corners and in letters to the editors spewing their warped theories. But their audiences were limited. Technological progress has some very real threatening downsides if left alone.
The democrats want us to believe Trump is still a threat to democracy, but I don't think so. What could he possibly do now? So what if he thinks he and we got screwed in 2020? If elected, what can he really accomplish to threaten democracy? Even if the GOP gets a majority in the Senate and the House, they won't have the numbers or the inclination to blindly do whatever he wants. And his executive actions and orders will surely be scrutinized to the nth degree and I believe the current SCOTUS will not rubber stamp his decisions as automatically constitutional. So, I'm asking, what will Trump be able to do that threatens democracy?
sounds like you "have faith in the system.?"

It worked, didn't it?

the system held, barely during trump's last administration. it cannot hold for another.

I see no reason to believe the system barely held, nor do I see any reason to doubt that it won't hold for a 2nd Trump term. Your opinion is noted, but you offered nothing to support it.

even after the blessed loss in november, maga still owns the supreme court for a generation, and my install trump anyway.

MAGA does not own the SCOTUS, and that court is not going to overturn the 2024 election results unless sufficient proof exists of fraud that will stand up in court. They didn't do that in 2020 and the Court is largely the same as it was then. One liberal left and another came in, BFD.

Plenty of accusations but no evidence or logic. This isn't about 2020, this is about now. If he ain't elected then he's got no power at all to do anything that threatens democracy. So, my question is, what if he does get elected? What do you think he could possibly do? Where's the threat?
A threat? I believe so. Though I do not believe he would succeed in what many claim he desires to do. We all saw the checks and balances work out on Jan 6 and still working in elections and courts across the land. Mr. Trump tried to stay in office after knowingly losing an reelection bid. He failed.

The threats are very real. They feed into the disintegration of trust and faith in to democracy itself. It is an existential threat. Trump didn't start the trouble, but: "There go my people. I must find out where they are going so I can lead them"

The world wide web has allowed misfits and misanthropic troglodytes to connect. Years ago I remember seeing many on streets corners and in letters to the editors spewing their warped theories. But their audiences were limited. Technological progress has some very real threatening downsides if left alone.

A threat? I believe so. Though I do not believe he would succeed in what many claim he desires to do. We all saw the checks and balances work out on Jan 6 and still working in elections and courts across the land. Mr. Trump tried to stay in office after knowingly losing an reelection bid. He failed.

The threats are very real. They feed into the disintegration of trust and faith in to democracy itself. It is an existential threat. Trump didn't start the trouble, but: "There go my people. I must find out where they are going so I can lead them"

The world wide web has allowed misfits and misanthropic troglodytes to connect. Years ago I remember seeing many on streets corners and in letters to the editors spewing their warped theories. But their audiences were limited. Technological progress has some very real threatening downsides if left alone.
He's going to start an investigation into which Dante is the real Dante, and then he is going to take away your right to post on USMB. :eek:
The democrats want us to believe Trump is still a threat to democracy, but I don't think so. What could he possibly do now? So what if he thinks he and we got screwed in 2020? If elected, what can he really accomplish to threaten democracy? Even if the GOP gets a majority in the Senate and the House, they won't have the numbers or the inclination to blindly do whatever he wants. And his executive actions and orders will surely be scrutinized to the nth degree and I believe the current SCOTUS will not rubber stamp his decisions as automatically constitutional. So, I'm asking, what will Trump be able to do that threatens democracy?
The Democrats have taken a wrecking ball to the Constitution, the DOJ and our border. They demonize all aspects of law enforcement and promote hatred and division amongst the American people. THAT is the true threat to Democracy.
He always has been

How ?

Creating unfounded mistrust of the free press that keeps government in check
Creating unfounded mistrust in our free elections
By trying to invalidate the 2020 election and have himself named President
The threats are very real. They feed into the disintegration of trust and faith in to democracy itself. It is an existential threat.

Here's where we part company. I lost a lot of faith and trust in gov't a long time before Trump came along, and in fact a lot of people support Trump precisely because they believe he will actually restore that faith and trust rather than reduce it. I see Trump as an empty threat rather than a real one, but no more so than the democratic party. Our system of gov't with the checks and balances we have in place makes it very difficult for Trump to accomplish anything dangerous. I'm still asking, what could he possibly do? And as far as I can tell, the answer is nothing. He's not the one trying to abolish the filibuster, a much-needed check on legislative power. He's not the one trying to eliminate anybody from the ballots or using lawfare to tie up a candidate who is running for office. He's not the one who ignored a Supreme Court ruling on student loans; isn't that actually a real threat to democracy when a president ignores the justice system and does what he pleases?
sounds like you "have faith in the system.?"

the system held, barely during trump's l;ast administration. it can not hold for ampther.

even after the blessed loss in november, maga still owns the supreme court for a generation, and my install trump anyway.

maga is not a "democratic" movement is it? maga is about the glorification of !Q man .
Your poor spelling and grammar aside, here's the thing about the MAGA movement and Trump.
Trump: He already had one term of office thus he can only hold one more, period. He's what is termed, "a lame-duck" president. Executive Orders are only effective as long as the incumbent president is in office. Whoever enters into office in the next presidency, has the option of leaving them stand, or eliminating any one or all of them, as Biden did, and Biden eliminated some really decent ones. While Trump was in office (and if you're not a total leftist lapdog, you can look up and see his actual accomplishments while in office and they were pretty good ones), the economy really took off and people had more money in their wallets, including the minorities. What tore up the economy was COVID, thanks to China. He was the first nation leader to place a travel ban on people coming from China, so he saw the threat.
As for the Supreme Court, of course it currently has a majority of Justices that are adherents to the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights. They're supposed to determine cases in relation to our Supreme Law document. Sadly, the left continually pushes to get judges into the courts, including the Supreme Court, that have more loose interpretations of the Constitution and the rights given to the people.
The important thing is that it is extremely important that this nation remain a multi-party system and that it "never" becomes a one-party only system, as there has never been a one-party only government that was not authoritarian, oppressive, persecutory, tyrannical and outright murderous to masses of its own people.
Based upon your comment about the current state of the Supreme Court, you would prefer a one-party only government, which would make you the enemy of our multi-party system.
The important thing is that it is extremely important that this nation remain a multi-party system and that it "never" becomes a one-party only system

If that is the case, Republicans need to change their message and run better candidates

Simple question, if the US a becomes a one party system….Who do you blame?

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