ISIS In "Retreat" As Russia Destroys 32 Targets While Putin Trolls Obama As "Weak With No Strategy"

It's the advantage of a dictatorship.
Putin can wake up one morning and decide to bomb Syrian rebels.
Maybe America wants a dictator that will ignore due process and Constitutional constraints (cue hilarious quips about Obama/tyranny/etc).

I am pretty sure that Obama is a dictator on paper, as he has given himself the power to do just about anything to include forcing Americans to work for the government without pay.

Given the complete inability of the GOP to find their testicles, Obama is unopposed.

Obama is not a dictator on paper or in reality.

He gave himself wartime powers during peacetime nonemergency conditions across the whole country, anytime anywhere.

He is changing the laws of this nation without going through Congress and he is instituting new procedures without Congressional authorization.

THAT is dictatorial power, dear. and just cause you so no its not doesnt make it not true.

Its nothing different than any other President has done in recent memory. We didn't declare war in the Middle East; some how both Bushes were able to send troops over there. We didn't declare war on Grenada or Vietnam, Presidents of all parties have sent troops over there.

We have been victims of unreasonable searches at airports for 14 years now; everytime I fly my constitutional right to not experience unreasonable searches is violated (along with millions of others).

Other presidents have expanded programs without having them re-passed by congress. Social Security comes to mind. Medicare also comes to mind.

You're outrage is not only selective, its funny.
It sucks having to admit Russia is doing better than the US.. Maybe one day we will have a leader again..
Either get out or fuckin do something. You look foolish.
I don't feel this need to pull out our National Dick and measure it against Russia's Johnson.....perhaps some do, but that's really immature.
We became the ME police decades ago. A lot of this is from our miserable foreign policy. You can be ignorant if you want. The fact is, Obama has diminished our standing. I don't really have a problem with the premise, just the way he went about it. Like a fuckin loser..
Its nothing different than any other President has done in recent memory. .

Lol, it is funny how you libtards just ignore inconvenient facts. Even Snopes says the allegation is false, but then admits in this tidbit "Obama has added to Section 201(b) the phrase "under both emergency and non-emergency conditions." thus admitting the change, then the commenter they quote immediately tries to downplay the significance of the EO.

The commenter Snopes quotes states in full the following:
Update III: One commenter notes that Obama has added to Section 201(b) the phrase “under both emergency and non-emergency conditions.” In 12919, though, the duties of the Cabinet Secretaries were not limited to emergency situations in Section 201(b), either. And in both EOs, section 102 specifically notes that the EO is intended to ensure defense preparedness “in peacetime and in times of national emergency.”

So both the old EO and Obama's updated EO say these powers are for pecetime nationa emergencies, but Obama specifies that his EO applies to both emergency and non emergency conditions, thus nullifying the general statement that these authorities were given to national emergency conditions.

Obama has removed both the requirement for war time to invoke these powers and also for peacetime emergency. Essentially he has these powers now whenever he wants to call for them. any time any place. This authority includes the authority to force people to work for the government without compensation, i.e. slave labor.

Read it for yourself
Executive Order -- National Defense Resources Preparedness
Sec. 502. Consultants. The head of each agency otherwise delegated functions under this order is delegated the authority of the President under sections 710(b) and (c) of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2160(b), (c), to employ persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation and to employ experts, consultants, or organizations.
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O'Husseinbama and strategy?? his strategy is to destroy the United States of America, we see proof of it every time that son-of-a-bitch (and she was!) opens his cock holster.

fuck him and every one of his lying supporters..., many of them reside right here in USMB !!!!!

:up_yours: ... O'Husseinbama. :up:
It's the advantage of a dictatorship.
Putin can wake up one morning and decide to bomb Syrian rebels.
Maybe America wants a dictator that will ignore due process and Constitutional constraints (cue hilarious quips about Obama/tyranny/etc).

The same people praising Putin would be calling for President Obama's impeachment for waging an illegal war without Congress.

But something's just not right with the collateral damage? It's all good.

And then they went.....

Conservatives, I hate to break it to you but no president picks and chooses targets and then executes attacks. The US military does that.

So every single time you think you are degrading this president on these things, you are really just trash talking the US military and calling THEM incompetent.

Perhaps the most amusing thing about Russia’s intervention in Syria is the degree to which it made the world wake up and question the West’s “anti-ISIS” strategy.

While everyone has been quick to characterize Moscow’s actions as the latest and perhaps greatest example of Vladimir Putin calling Washington’s bluff, it’s important to understand exactly why that’s an accurate characterization here. That is, this is more than just Moscow betting it could support Assad and Washington would simply move out of the way.

This was Russia and Iran realizing that the only reason the US and its regional allies have been able to keep up appearances in the eyes of the public with regard to the “campaign” against ISIS, is because the public has never seen what happens when someone powerful makes a serious effort to eradicate the group. Once Russia moved in, gave the superpower greenlight for Iran to abandon all pretense that it isn’t also directly involved, and began racking up gains in a matter of days, the Western public was left to wonder why the US couldn’t accomplish in 13 months what Russia appeared to have accomplish in a matter of (literally) 72 hours.

Then, just in case anyone was tempted to write off the discrepancy as a lack of US resolve or (gasp) diminishing American military capability, Moscow very publicly asked the US to join Russia in striking terrorist targets. Putin effectively said this: “You’re obviously no good at this, but that’s ok because we’re all in this together, so come help us.”

Of course that’s not what The Kremlin really meant - that was just the line fed to the public. What Moscow was really saying was this: “Checkmate, Washington. Either i) admit to the public you’re more concerned about ousting Assad than you are about eliminating the group who you’ve held up to the media as the scourge of humanity that must be eliminated at all costs, or ii) tell us you’re sorry and help us bomb the very same groups you helped create on the way to restoring the very same regime you created those groups to oust, or iii) pack up, turn tail, and get the hell out of the way.”

This put Washington into panic mode.
ISIS In "Retreat" As Russia Destroys 32 Targets While Putin Trolls Obama As "Weak With No Strategy" | Zero Hedge

This is what international leadership looks like in case anyone has forgotten these past 6 years.

Said like a true American!
It's the advantage of a dictatorship.
Putin can wake up one morning and decide to bomb Syrian rebels.
Maybe America wants a dictator that will ignore due process and Constitutional constraints (cue hilarious quips about Obama/tyranny/etc).

I am pretty sure that Obama is a dictator on paper, as he has given himself the power to do just about anything to include forcing Americans to work for the government without pay.

Given the complete inability of the GOP to find their testicles, Obama is unopposed.

Weeeeeeeeeeee! There's the crazy! Well done.
Conservatives, I hate to break it to you but no president picks and chooses targets and then executes attacks. The US military does that.

So every single time you think you are degrading this president on these things, you are really just trash talking the US military and calling THEM incompetent.

Being a dupe is disgusting. American intelligence knows exactly where and what the targets are and the military has the means to attack, but then they have to wait for the commander-in-chief to give them permission to take them out.
Its nothing different than any other President has done in recent memory. .

Lol, it is funny how you libtards just ignore inconvenient facts. Even Snopes says the allegation is false, but then admits in this tidbit "Obama has added to Section 201(b) the phrase "under both emergency and non-emergency conditions." thus admitting the change, then the commenter they quote immediately tries to downplay the significance of the EO.

The commenter Snopes quotes states in full the following:
Update III: One commenter notes that Obama has added to Section 201(b) the phrase “under both emergency and non-emergency conditions.” In 12919, though, the duties of the Cabinet Secretaries were not limited to emergency situations in Section 201(b), either. And in both EOs, section 102 specifically notes that the EO is intended to ensure defense preparedness “in peacetime and in times of national emergency.”

So both the old EO and Obama's updated EO say these powers are for pecetime nationa emergencies, but Obama specifies that his EO applies to both emergency and non emergency conditions, thus nullifying the general statement that these authorities were given to national emergency conditions.

Obama has removed both the requirement for war time to invoke these powers and also for peacetime emergency. Essentially he has these powers now whenever he wants to call for them. any time any place. This authority includes the authority to force people to work for the government without compensation, i.e. slave labor.

Read it for yourself
Executive Order -- National Defense Resources Preparedness
Sec. 502. Consultants. The head of each agency otherwise delegated functions under this order is delegated the authority of the President under sections 710(b) and (c) of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2160(b), (c), to employ persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation and to employ experts, consultants, or organizations.
Its nothing different than any other President has done in recent memory. .

Lol, it is funny how you libtards just ignore inconvenient facts. Even Snopes says the allegation is false, but then admits in this tidbit "Obama has added to Section 201(b) the phrase "under both emergency and non-emergency conditions." thus admitting the change, then the commenter they quote immediately tries to downplay the significance of the EO.

The commenter Snopes quotes states in full the following:
Update III: One commenter notes that Obama has added to Section 201(b) the phrase “under both emergency and non-emergency conditions.” In 12919, though, the duties of the Cabinet Secretaries were not limited to emergency situations in Section 201(b), either. And in both EOs, section 102 specifically notes that the EO is intended to ensure defense preparedness “in peacetime and in times of national emergency.”

So both the old EO and Obama's updated EO say these powers are for pecetime nationa emergencies, but Obama specifies that his EO applies to both emergency and non emergency conditions, thus nullifying the general statement that these authorities were given to national emergency conditions.

Obama has removed both the requirement for war time to invoke these powers and also for peacetime emergency. Essentially he has these powers now whenever he wants to call for them. any time any place. This authority includes the authority to force people to work for the government without compensation, i.e. slave labor.

Read it for yourself
Executive Order -- National Defense Resources Preparedness
Sec. 502. Consultants. The head of each agency otherwise delegated functions under this order is delegated the authority of the President under sections 710(b) and (c) of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2160(b), (c), to employ persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation and to employ experts, consultants, or organizations.

Ever heard of stop loss? Define it please
It sucks having to admit Russia is doing better than the US.. Maybe one day we will have a leader again..
Either get out or fuckin do something. You look foolish.

How is it within our interest to spend trillions of bucks on people that hate us in the middle east? A real leader would focus on America and say fuck the middle east.
Why? Conservatives spend trillions on liberals on welfare like yourself. That hate us. I feel your pain.
People are only affected by taunts if they're true. Putin's taunts are bothering conservatives a lot. Liberals just laugh.

Meanwhile, people might note the claims of stunning Russian success are coming from ... Russia Times, a Russian government mouthpiece.
I know the feeling, the left leaning media tells us Obama's economy is booming. While a record number of people are on welfare. Obama's mouth piece.

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