Islam forbids

Many muslims like to say "Islam forbids the killing of innocent people", I'm asking for someone to prove unequivocally using Islamic scripture that non muslims are innocent, Thanks for reading my post.
Many muslims like to say "Islam forbids the killing of innocent people", I'm asking for someone to prove unequivocally using Islamic scripture that non muslims are innocent, Thanks for reading my post.
Questions for kalam:

Are you for the jihad against israel?
Were you happy deep down when you found out that it was for jihad that the planes were crashed into the world trade towers?
Do you follow sharia law?
Questions for kalam:

Are you for the jihad against israel?
Civilians? Never. If the people of Palestine are being attacked and oppressed, though, they have the right and the duty to retaliate against their oppressors (ie: not children and other civilians.) I'm not opposed to the existence of Israel per se, but Israel as it exists currently is an illegitimate oppressor-state. If you are wondering, no, I don't support Hamas.

Were you happy deep down when you found out that it was for jihad that the planes were crashed into the world trade towers?
No, I was livid - I had some family and friends in NYC that I figured were dead. Luckily, they weren't killed, but about 3,000 others were who had no connection whatsoever to America's blunders in the Middle East.

Do you follow sharia law?
I try to follow the Qur'an and a few ahadith that I believe to be authentic. I certainly don't abide by the convoluted mess of a system that is called sharia today.
The kufr of one who rules according to other than what Allaah revealed
Is ruling with rules other than sharee‘ah “kufr akbar” or “kufr asghar”?

Praise be to Allaah.

Allaah has commanded us to refer matters to His judgement and to establish Sharee‘ah, and He has forbidden us to rule with anything else, as is clear from a number of aayaat in the Qur’aan, such as the aayaat in Soorat al-Maa’idah (5) which discuss ruling according to what Allaah has revealed, and mention the following topics:

The command to rule according to what Allaah has revealed: “And so judge between them by what Allaah has revealed . . .” [aayah 49]

Warning against ruling by other than what Allaah has revealed: “. . . and follow not their vain desires . . .” [aayah 49]

Warning against compromising on any detail of Sharee‘ah, no matter how small: “. . . but beware of them lest they turn you far away from some of that which Allaah has sent down to you . . .” [aayah 49]

Forbidding seeking the ruling of jaahiliyyah, as is expressed in the rhetorical question “Do they then seek the judgement of (the Days of) Ignorance?” [aayah 50]

The statement that nobody is better than Allaah to judge: “. . . and who is better in judgement than Allaah for a people who have firm Faith?” [aayah 50]

The statement that whoever does not judge according to what Allaah revealed is a kaafir, a zaalim (oppressor or wrongdoer) and a faasiq (sinner), as Allaah says: “. . . And whoever does not judge by what Allaah has revealed, such are the kaafiroon.” [aayah 44]; “. . . And whoever does not judge by that which Allaah has revealed, such are the zaalimoon (polytheists and wrongdoers)” [aayah 45]; “. . . And whoever does not judge by what Allaah has revealed (then) such (people) are the faasiqoon (rebellious or disobedient).” [aayah 47].

The statement that it is obligatory for the Muslims to judge according to what Allaah has revealed, even if those who seek their judgement are not Muslim, as Allaah says: “. . . And if you judge, judge with justice between them. . .” [aayah 42]

Judging or ruling according to other than what Allaah has revealed is contrary to faith and Tawheed, which are Allaah’s rights. It may be counted as kufr akbar (greater kufr) or kufr asghar (lesser kufr) according to circumstances. Kufr akbar will make a person no longer a Muslim in cases such as the following:

Islam Question and Answer - The kufr of one who rules according to other than what Allaah revealed
Snip from link

If he thinks that it is permissible to rule by something that contradicts the rule of Allaah and His Messenger, or he believes that it is not obligatory to rule according to what Allaah has revealed, or that the matter is optional. This is kufr which is contradictory to faith. Allaah revealed: “O Messenger! Let not those who hurry to fall into disbelief grieve you, of such who say: ‘We believe’ with their mouths but their hearts have no faith. And of the Jews are men who listen much and eagerly to lies - listen to others who have not come to you; they say, ‘If you are given this, take it, but if you are not given this, then beware!’ . . .” [al-Maa’idah 5:41]. He says: “Go to Muhammad (peace be upon him), and if he tells you that the ruling is lashes, accept it, but if he commands stoning, ignore what he says. Then Allaah revealed “. . . And whoever does not judge by what Allaah has revealed, such are the kaafiroon (disbelievers)” [al-Maa’idah 5:44].

If he does not rule according to what Allah has revealed out of stubbornness and arrogance, he is a kaafir and has left Islaam, even if he does not deny the rule of Allaah. Stubbornness and arrogance may mean negligence and turning away, as Allaah says: “Have you seen those (hypocrites) who claim that they believe in that which has been sent down to you, and that which was sent down before you, and they wish to go for judgement (in their disputes) to the Taaghoot (false judges, etc.) while they have been ordered to reject them. But Shaytaan wishes to lead them astray. And when it is said to them: ‘Come to what Allaah has sent down and to the Messenger,’ see they hypocrites turn away from you (Muhammad) with aversion.” [al-Nisaa’ 4:60-61]
We all are aware that the opinions posted on the website founded and run by the foundation created by the grand mufti of suadi arabia mean nothing.
Questions for kalam:

Are you for the jihad against israel?
Civilians? Never. If the people of Palestine are being attacked and oppressed, though, they have the right and the duty to retaliate against their oppressors (ie: not children and other civilians.) I'm not opposed to the existence of Israel per se, but Israel as it exists currently is an illegitimate oppressor-state. If you are wondering, no, I don't support Hamas.

Were you happy deep down when you found out that it was for jihad that the planes were crashed into the world trade towers?
No, I was livid - I had some family and friends in NYC that I figured were dead. Luckily, they weren't killed, but about 3,000 others were who had no connection whatsoever to America's blunders in the Middle East.

Do you follow sharia law?
I try to follow the Qur'an and a few ahadith that I believe to be authentic. I certainly don't abide by the convoluted mess of a system that is called sharia today.

So you're not a real muslim, just a pretender. Ok, just so I know.
Questions for kalam:

Are you for the jihad against israel?
Civilians? Never. If the people of Palestine are being attacked and oppressed, though, they have the right and the duty to retaliate against their oppressors (ie: not children and other civilians.) I'm not opposed to the existence of Israel per se, but Israel as it exists currently is an illegitimate oppressor-state. If you are wondering, no, I don't support Hamas.

No, I was livid - I had some family and friends in NYC that I figured were dead. Luckily, they weren't killed, but about 3,000 others were who had no connection whatsoever to America's blunders in the Middle East.

Do you follow sharia law?
I try to follow the Qur'an and a few ahadith that I believe to be authentic. I certainly don't abide by the convoluted mess of a system that is called sharia today.

So you're not a real muslim, just a pretender. Ok, just so I know.

Wrong, douchebag. :lol:

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