Islam forbids

Clearly Islam does not support free speech.

You'll notice that no earthly punishment is mentioned for those who mock Islam. Promises of chastisement in the hereafter can hardly be considered suppression of free speech - mock as much as you'd like.

...Go on mocking, surely Allah will bring to light what you fear. - 9:64​

Free speech in Islam as encouraged by the Caliph Ma'mun's cousin Hashimi:

... bring forward all the arguments you wish and say whatever you please and speak your mind freely. Now that you are safe and free to say whatever you please appoint some arbitrator who will impartially judge between us and lean only towards the truth and be free from the empery of passion, and that arbitrator shall be Reason, whereby God makes us responsible for our own rewards and punishments. Herein I have dealt justly with you and have given you full security and am ready to accept whatever decision Reason may give for me or against me. For "There is no compulsion in religion" (Qur'an 2:256) and I have only invited you to accept our faith willingly and of your own accord and have pointed out the hideousness of your present belief. Peace be with you and the blessings of God!

Why not consider answering from Conscience and reason, then backing it it with quotes. Exercise the brain a bit. Use Your words. :)
for kalam
[ame=]YouTube - Be pithy with your comments![/ame]
she has no vail so keep your eyes closed or allah will throw your dirty ass into his hell.
Many muslims like to say " Islam forbids the killing of innocent people"
Please provide Islamic scripture to prove unequivocally non muslims are innocent.
Mr. Fitnah

The reason no one is responding to your posts.

Is because it is not clear as to what you are saying or what exactly your point is?
Many muslims like to say "Islam forbids the killing of innocent people", I'm asking for some one to proves unequivocally using Islamic scripture that none muslims are innocent, Thanks for reading my post.

Why would non-mulisms care about what is written in the Qu'ran? It was written by a warmongering pedophile. Anyone who considers such text as the word of a god cannot be reasoned with.
Mr. Fitnah

The reason no one is responding to your posts.

Is because it is not clear as to what you are saying or what exactly your point is?
Many muslims like to say "Islam forbids the killing of innocent people", I'm asking for some one to proves unequivocally using Islamic scripture that none muslims are innocent, Thanks for reading my post.

Why would non-mulisms care about what is written in the Qu'ran? It was written by a warmongering pedophile. Anyone who considers such text as the word of a god cannot be reasoned with.

Since Islam calls for my death and the eradication of liberty and freedom, I believe it is a valid topic for the future of America and western values .
Since Islam calls for my death and the eradication of liberty and freedom, I believe it is a valid topic for the future of America and western values .

Sure Islam and its followers are valid topic for all of us, they are our biggest threat. My point is what would it matter if there is a passage in the Qu'ran that shows what you are asking for? We have to consider the source.
Since Islam calls for my death and the eradication of liberty and freedom, I believe it is a valid topic for the future of America and western values .

Sure Islam and its followers are valid topic for all of us, they are our biggest threat. My point is what would it matter if there is a passage in the Qu'ran that shows what you are asking for? We have to consider the source.
If such a passage were to prove unequvocally that non muslims were innocent ,then Islam would not be the threat you perceive it to be.
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If such a passage were to prove unequvocally that non muslims were innocent ,then Islam would not be the threat you perceive it to be.

I beg to differ, Islam has already proven to be a threat. Even if there is such text within the Pedophile Prophet's writings, its obviously being ignored by his followers.
If such a passage were to prove unequvocally that non muslims were innocent ,then Islam would not be the threat you perceive it to be.

I beg to differ, Islam has already proven to be a threat. Even if there is such text within the Pedophile Prophet's writings, its obviously being ignored by his followers.
We would need proof of the existence, before we can confirm it is being ignored.
We would need proof of the existence, before we can confirm it is being ignored.

I haven't read through the 65+ pages of this thread.

I'll assume you haven't found it. Which doesn't surprise me :tongue:

You're basically asking Muslims to back up their own lies. Don't hold your breath :lol:
Many muslims like to say "Islam forbids the killing of innocent people", I'm asking for some one to proves unequivocally using Islamic scripture that non muslims are innocent.
Satanic islamic shall be elimination totally,their evil temple which worship satan allah shall be destory,for mother Church's mercyful,those muslim can be tired on the stick and burn alive,so when the pain is enough,the demons which send by satan allah living in their body will be pushed out,so their soul can go purgatory but not eternal hell.Amen.
Satanic islamic shall be elimination totally,their evil temple which worship satan allah shall be destory,for mother Church's mercyful,those muslim can be tired on the stick and burn alive,so when the pain is enough,the demons which send by satan allah living in their body will be pushed out,so their soul can go purgatory but not eternal hell.Amen.

Looks like theHawk and Mr Fitnuts have a new friend!!! :lol:
Chop, Chop!, Chop! ... Next 3 in line, move ahead! Head, get it, move it out of the way and bend over! ...
Chop! Chop!, Chop! ... Next 3 in line, move ahead! Head, get it, move it out of the way and bend over! ...
Chop! Chop!, Chop! ... Next 3 in line, move ahead! Head, get it, move it out of the way and bend over! ...

Praise Mohammed! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
We execute criminals here in America, but just use a different method.

I personally support capital punishment.

That other countries also have capital punishment is just fine with me. :eusa_angel:

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