Isn't Jesus a democrat?

Nothing funnier than godless left tards preaching about Jesus

And what can you prove Jesus EVER said? Or believed in?

What can you prove he didn't say or didn't believe in? I know what the Bible says and he would follow God's law. That's good enough for me

I can't prove you don't have sex with donkeys. Does that make it a fact? The Bible is an ancient storybook.

I'd bet you have sex with donkeys and your opinion means little to me, progtard
Jesus is dead.

And even if he weren't, and if he were the man described in the scriptures, I doubt seriously he'd choose any political ideology.

What a bullshit thread...
The difference is that Jesus wanted us to help the poor with out OWN money, not somebody else's.

Where did you find this information? I am sure you didn't find it in the Bible, but in a twisted man made up one I am sure.

Or furthermore Just Man Made Up!

"Give to ceasar what is ceasar's..."

do you not understand that? The stuff you give the state isn't counted as money given to God.


Jesus had nothing to do with Ceasar and his crony tax collectors ~

Jesus would give the shirt off his back, and I am sure if he was in power of the country there would be no poor and people would have to make a honest living.
The poor would have the opportunity of getting on their feet ( except the lazy ones ) God knows ever thing so he would know who is lazy.

And the sick and old would be taken care of instead of loosing ever thing to the crooked money hounds for health care.


You're calling Jesus a liar, Liberal?

"For the poor you always have with you, but you do not always have me.”

~ Jesus
The difference is that Jesus wanted us to help the poor with out OWN money, not somebody else's.

Where did you find this information? I am sure you didn't find it in the Bible, but in a twisted man made up one I am sure.

Or furthermore Just Man Made Up!

"Give to ceasar what is ceasar's..."

do you not understand that? The stuff you give the state isn't counted as money given to God.

If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.

That's Jesus forcing other people to give their money to the poor.
Reread that line you just quoted.

Liberals do know the Scriptures, don't they? They don't just blow smoke, do they?

Rolls Eyes:

Why do you feel that only Republicans know the scriptures.. Another Right Wing Brainwashed Pat Robertson crony
Pat Robertson started this crap back in 1990. <<<<--------In case you don't have a clue~

When's bedtime? After milk and cookies?
The Bible is an ancient storybook.

right- a story book that instantly changed the previous 100,000 years of human history in an instant by attacking and destroying the liberal state. Odd how just 2000 years later we had space travel, the iphone, and the planet had resources to support 7 billion people. Sadly the liberal satan was not 100% vanquished.
The difference is that Jesus wanted us to help the poor with out OWN money, not somebody else's.

Really? So if Jesus were alive today he would oppose government legislation to help the poor, even if that meant many would, for example, go without healthcare?
Hey stupid, if Jesus were here today HE would be the government and there would be no need for healthcare.
Jesus was a 'communist' - someone who favored individual poverty and communal living and goods held in common.

What distinguishes him from a modern-day 'communist' is the latter's insistence upon secularism and forcible communal living and effort, rather than a voluntary choice.
This is....

actually the most accurate post on this pathetic thread.

The one thing you can be damn sure of - Jesus would not be a party to any political party or process in this nation.
The difference is that Jesus wanted us to help the poor with out OWN money, not somebody else's.

Really? So if Jesus were alive today he would oppose government legislation to help the poor, even if that meant many would, for example, go without healthcare?
Hey stupid, if Jesus were here today HE would be the government and there would be no need for healthcare.

He had no interest in being Caesar.
The difference is that Jesus wanted us to help the poor with out OWN money, not somebody else's.
Jesus was not a capitalist, or a greedy little troll.

But he was against GIVING a man a fish instead of showing him how to fish, right?
No, he gave thousands fish, and loaves, and that Give a man a fish, not Jesus.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
Chinese Proverb
Jesus was a 'communist' - someone who favored individual poverty and communal living and goods held in common.

What distinguishes him from a modern-day 'communist' is the latter's insistence upon secularism and forcible communal living and effort, rather than a voluntary choice.
This is....

actually the most accurate post on this pathetic thread.

The one thing you can be damn sure of - Jesus would not be a party to any political party or process in this nation.
That's true but according biblical accounts he was not apolitical, far from it. He directly challenged the authority of the temple, the plutocracy and the roman empire. He was anti-authoritarian in every way. Conservatives would crucify him again if he returned with the same message that religious, economic and secular power was to be resisted even at the cost of your life.
The difference is that Jesus wanted us to help the poor with out OWN money, not somebody else's.

BINGO! Republicans give more to Charity than Democrats.
Let us know when they do as Jesus commanded, and give it all away to the poor.

If everyone gave all their money to the poor, all would be poor, except the poor. Those that became disciples gave away what they had and joined him.
The difference is that Jesus wanted us to help the poor with out OWN money, not somebody else's.

BINGO! Republicans give more to Charity than Democrats.
Let us know when they do as Jesus commanded, and give it all away to the poor.

If everyone gave all their money to the poor, all would be poor, except the poor. Those that became disciples gave away what they had and joined him.
If you have faith, God will provide. But you don't have that kind of faith now do you?
The difference is that Jesus wanted us to help the poor with out OWN money, not somebody else's.

BINGO! Republicans give more to Charity than Democrats.
Let us know when they do as Jesus commanded, and give it all away to the poor.

If everyone gave all their money to the poor, all would be poor, except the poor. Those that became disciples gave away what they had and joined him.
If you have faith, God will provide. But you don't have that kind of faith now do you?
The Lord has blessed me time and time again.
The difference is that Jesus wanted us to help the poor with out OWN money, not somebody else's.

BINGO! Republicans give more to Charity than Democrats.
Let us know when they do as Jesus commanded, and give it all away to the poor.

If everyone gave all their money to the poor, all would be poor, except the poor. Those that became disciples gave away what they had and joined him.
If you have faith, God will provide. But you don't have that kind of faith now do you?
The Lord has blessed me time and time again.
What was your faith when you weren't blessed? You treat God like a slot machine.
BINGO! Republicans give more to Charity than Democrats.
Let us know when they do as Jesus commanded, and give it all away to the poor.

If everyone gave all their money to the poor, all would be poor, except the poor. Those that became disciples gave away what they had and joined him.
If you have faith, God will provide. But you don't have that kind of faith now do you?
The Lord has blessed me time and time again.
What was your faith when you weren't blessed? You treat God like a slot machine.
???? Don't you understand blessings? Have you been blessed?
Let us know when they do as Jesus commanded, and give it all away to the poor.

If everyone gave all their money to the poor, all would be poor, except the poor. Those that became disciples gave away what they had and joined him.
If you have faith, God will provide. But you don't have that kind of faith now do you?
The Lord has blessed me time and time again.
What was your faith when you weren't blessed? You treat God like a slot machine.
???? Don't you understand blessings? Have you been blessed?
Christianity is a faith for fools, slaves, and children. I don't believe in blessings any more than I believe angels.

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