Israeli Defense Minister HAMMERS obama

Anti Zionist Retards: Re writing and distorting history since 1948.

Even when George is presented with evidence that disproves his lie that Israel was not threatened prior to the 6 day war, he still continues his Arab horseshit.

You lost George. Move on. Nothing you say will change anything. You're just making a fool out of yourself (as usual).
What about the evidence he presented?

Doesn't that make you an even bigger fool?

Especially, since your entire argument rests merely on conjecture...

..."what Egypt would've done"...

...not what they did. You keep saying they would've attacked, but they didn't.............ISRAEL DID!

So who's the one trying to "re-write" history here?
Billyboy, when a country declares war on another, the game is afoot. Can't you understand a damn thing?
It's a good think Bobo the DUFUS isn't in charge of any nation's defense. He'll wait till they get attacked or nuked before he reacted. :cuckoo:
That's because I'm an American who believes that no one should be punished for a crime they didn't commit.

Egypt didn't attack Israel; Israel attacked Egypt.
Egypt merely established hostile and intolerable conditions which made continued peace between Egypt and Israel impossible, and Israel retaliated against those preliminary moves by hitting at the Egyptians after they'd amassed troops along Israel's borders.

And, by that same logic...

You need to punish the Egyptians for attacking the Jews in 1948, and...

You need to punish the Egyptians for attacking Israel, in 1973...
Anti Zionist Retards: Re writing and distorting history since 1948.

Even when George is presented with evidence that disproves his lie that Israel was not threatened prior to the 6 day war, he still continues his Arab horseshit.

You lost George. Move on. Nothing you say will change anything. You're just making a fool out of yourself (as usual).
What about the evidence he presented?

Doesn't that make you an even bigger fool?

Especially, since your entire argument rests merely on conjecture...

..."what Egypt would've done"...

...not what they did. You keep saying they would've attacked, but they didn't.............ISRAEL DID!

So who's the one trying to "re-write" history here?

I said the 'evidence he was presented with'

And yes, Egypt DID do shit, we've already explained that to you.

I know it's hard for you to comprehend but, just because Israel attacked first, doesn't mean they started the war.

I got to say, you have done a terrible job at proving your lies.
Anti Zionist Retards: Re writing and distorting history since 1948.

Even when George is presented with evidence that disproves his lie that Israel was not threatened prior to the 6 day war, he still continues his Arab horseshit.

You lost George. Move on. Nothing you say will change anything. You're just making a fool out of yourself (as usual).
What about the evidence he presented?

Doesn't that make you an even bigger fool?

Especially, since your entire argument rests merely on conjecture...

..."what Egypt would've done"...

...not what they did. You keep saying they would've attacked, but they didn't.............ISRAEL DID!

So who's the one trying to "re-write" history here?

I said the 'evidence he was presented with'

And yes, Egypt DID do shit, we've already explained that to you.

I know it's hard for you to comprehend but, just because Israel attacked first, doesn't mean they started the war.

I got to say, you have done a terrible job at proving your lies.
Oh, he understand that the Arabs provoked the war, well enough...

He simply cannot admit that it was sufficient as a casus belli...

Because, to do so, would be to abandon his Arab clients, and to take sides with the Jews, in this context...

And we can't have that, now, can we?
You can insult me all you want , but everyone saw it and said the same thing.
Argumentum ad populum, is not a valid rebuttal.

So no, it's not just my deal.
Have it your way!

It's all your deals and you're all wrong.

The fact that you keep denying it shows that eve you realize the stupidity of what you posted.
I'm not denying what I posted, just what "you're" saying it meant.
And yes, Egypt DID do shit, we've already explained that to you.
Except that none of the "shit" they did, was an attack on Israel.

I know it's hard for you to comprehend but, just because Israel attacked first, doesn't mean they started the war.
Have you ever heard the expression, "Who fired the first shot?"

Well, the answer to that in this case, was Israel, that's who!

I got to say, you have done a terrible job at proving your lies.
What lies?
Israel was outnumbered 4 to 1 not just personnel but equipment as well. Israel was still using pipers and egypt had vampires and migs.
Israel may have had the training, heart and determination, but it was on paper never supposed to have gone Israel's way. Israel learned to playing chess while the arabs were playing candyland. Israel might have been outnumbers and gunned but Israel outwitted the arabs on all fronts. Israel did not have a choice, for them it was life or death.
That's what you're trying to spin it in to 50 years later.

The fact is, it was your choice and you chose to send your tanks into Egypt.

The biggest thing I hate about you fuckers, is how irresponsible you are.

You simply refuse to take ownership over the things you do.

That's why if I was President, I'd say, "Enough of this shit!" and send in the fucking marines and force your country to be held accountable, whether you liked it or not.

Gonna find my baby, gonna hold her tight
Gonna grab some Afternoon Delight
My motto's always been "When it's right, it's right."
Why wait until the middle of a cold, dark night?

Skyrockets in flight!
Afternoon Delight!
Afternoon Delight!
Afternoon Delight!
Geezus, it appears your hallucinations are getting more and more intense. A US president calling in the marines on our only ally in the a Middle East. Sounds like you need a change in your meds.
And yes, Egypt DID do shit, we've already explained that to you.
Except that none of the "shit" they did, was an attack on Israel.

I know it's hard for you to comprehend but, just because Israel attacked first, doesn't mean they started the war.
Have you ever heard the expression, "Who fired the first shot?"

Well, the answer to that in this case, was Israel, that's who!

I got to say, you have done a terrible job at proving your lies.
What lies?

What was the point of this post?? You still can't refute all the facts that were presented to you and you STILL have now shown us how Israel started the war. All you can say is that Israel fired the first shot, which happened AFTER everything else Egypt did.
Not too bright, are you?
Israel was outnumbered 4 to 1 not just personnel but equipment as well. Israel was still using pipers and egypt had vampires and migs.
Israel may have had the training, heart and determination, but it was on paper never supposed to have gone Israel's way. Israel learned to playing chess while the arabs were playing candyland. Israel might have been outnumbers and gunned but Israel outwitted the arabs on all fronts. Israel did not have a choice, for them it was life or death.
That's what you're trying to spin it in to 50 years later.

The fact is, it was your choice and you chose to send your tanks into Egypt.

The biggest thing I hate about you fuckers, is how irresponsible you are.

You simply refuse to take ownership over the things you do.

That's why if I was President, I'd say, "Enough of this shit!" and send in the fucking marines and force your country to be held accountable, whether you liked it or not.

Gonna find my baby, gonna hold her tight
Gonna grab some Afternoon Delight
My motto's always been "When it's right, it's right."
Why wait until the middle of a cold, dark night?

Skyrockets in flight!
Afternoon Delight!
Afternoon Delight!
Afternoon Delight!
Geezus, it appears your hallucinations are getting more and more intense. A US president calling in the marines on our only ally in the a Middle East. Sounds like you need a change in your meds.

It's probably the tenth tine he suggested this. It just shows hows frustrated he is.
Some people simply can't handle losing debates.
You can insult me all you want , but everyone saw it and said the same thing.
Argumentum ad populum, is not a valid rebuttal.

So no, it's not just my deal.
Have it your way!

It's all your deals and you're all wrong.
The fact that you keep denying it shows that eve you realize the stupidity of what you posted.
I'm not denying what I posted, just what "you're" saying it meant.
In summary, Billo, everybody in the world is out of step except you. <giggle>
In summary, Billo, everybody in the world is out of step except you. <giggle>
That's not it.

I simply won't allow others, to tell me, what "my" intentions were.

I don't blame you for lying about your intentions with that video. It was pretty damn embarrassing LOL!

But like I said, the fact that you keep denying it shows that you regret it and agree that it was a stupid comparison.
It's probably the tenth tine he suggested this. It just shows hows frustrated he is.
Some people simply can't handle losing debates.
I wouldn't know about that, I haven't lost one yet.

We were debating over who started the 6 day war. You've done a brutal job so far in proving it was Israel. So unless you have anything more to add to the debate, it's safe to say you lost the debate.

Now go hang your head in shame.
It's probably the tenth tine he suggested this. It just shows hows frustrated he is.
Some people simply can't handle losing debates.
I wouldn't know about that, I haven't lost one yet.
Oh yes you have. The folderol about attacking a country that's declared war on your country is a loss for you. Ya know, if you were half as smart as you think you are, you wouldn't be half as smart as I think you are. Chew on that, Bunky.
Oh yes you have. The folderol about attacking a country that's declared war on your country is a loss for you. Ya know, if you were half as smart as you think you are, you wouldn't be half as smart as I think you are. Chew on that, Bunky.
You don't win arguments by simply claiming shit, you win them by proving shit.

And no one has shown any evidence regarding the "declaration of war" and no one can show any evidence of Egypt firing the first shot.
We were debating over who started the 6 day war. You've done a brutal job so far in proving it was Israel. So unless you have anything more to add to the debate, it's safe to say you lost the debate.

Now go hang your head in shame.
The only thing brutal about it, is that I made a statement you can't refute.

Israel invaded Egypt.
I don't blame you for lying about your intentions with that video. It was pretty damn embarrassing LOL!

But like I said, the fact that you keep denying it shows that you regret it and agree that it was a stupid comparison.
And just how would you know what my intentions were?
Oh yes you have. The folderol about attacking a country that's declared war on your country is a loss for you. Ya know, if you were half as smart as you think you are, you wouldn't be half as smart as I think you are. Chew on that, Bunky.
You don't win arguments by simply claiming shit, you win them by proving shit.

And no one has shown any evidence regarding the "declaration of war" and no one can show any evidence of Egypt firing the first shot.
O.K. Prove you're not delusional.

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