Israeli Defense Minister HAMMERS obama

What was the point of this post??
That you come off looking like a rodeo clown thinking you can win a debate without addressing a single point I've made.

You still can't refute all the facts that were presented to you and you STILL have now shown us how Israel started the war.
"...STILL have now shown..."

WTF is that?

"...STILL have now shown..."

Christ, I feel sorry for the ones that must endure your plethora of bad grammar posts!

All you can say is that Israel fired the first shot,
And you can't say they didn't!

which happened AFTER everything else Egypt did.
But none of that included firing a weapon.

Not too bright, are you?
This is not about me.
I don't blame you for lying about your intentions with that video. It was pretty damn embarrassing LOL!

But like I said, the fact that you keep denying it shows that you regret it and agree that it was a stupid comparison.
And just how would you know what my intentions were?

Because it's not just what you posted, but the fact that it was in response to my statement: let me know when Israel gasses Palestinians to death' followed by your statement' you were saying'

A 10 year old could understand what your intentions were
Geezus, it appears your hallucinations are getting more and more intense. A US president calling in the marines on our only ally in the a Middle East. Sounds like you need a change in your meds.
I don't support criminals.

I don't protect them, either.

When someone breaks the law, they should be held accountable.
What was the point of this post??
That you come off looking like a rodeo clown thinking you can win a debate without addressing a single point I've made.

You still can't refute all the facts that were presented to you and you STILL have now shown us how Israel started the war.
"...STILL have now shown..."

WTF is that?

"...STILL have now shown..."

Christ, I feel sorry for the ones that must endure your plethora of bad grammar posts!

And you can't say they didn't!

which happened AFTER everything else Egypt did.
But none of that included firing a weapon.

Not too bright, are you?
This is not about me.

Obviously I meant still have NOT shown . It's pretty sad that you couldn't figure that out, dummie.
And yes, I have acknowledged that Israel fired the first shot, but your small brain can't comprehend the reasons as to why they went through with their pre emptive strike.

' but none of that included firing a weapon'
So??? Have you not been paying attention?? You don't need to fire a weapon to start a war. Damn, how many times does this have to be explained to you.
What was the point of this post??
That you come off looking like a rodeo clown thinking you can win a debate without addressing a single point I've made.

You still can't refute all the facts that were presented to you and you STILL have now shown us how Israel started the war.
"...STILL have now shown..."

WTF is that?

"...STILL have now shown..."

Christ, I feel sorry for the ones that must endure your plethora of bad grammar posts!

And you can't say they didn't!

which happened AFTER everything else Egypt did.
But none of that included firing a weapon.

Not too bright, are you?
This is not about me.

What plethora of bad posts are you talking about??
When have you won one?
I win them all.

I'm one of the few posters around here who consistently address the specific things you say and present valid arguments that are contrary to those specific things.

Most people around here just pontificate their views onto others.

And still even more do it with things that are completely irrelevant to someone's post.

Like Hossfly asking me to prove I'm not delusional, when were debating who started the '67 war.
Geezus, it appears your hallucinations are getting more and more intense. A US president calling in the marines on our only ally in the a Middle East. Sounds like you need a change in your meds.
I don't support criminals.

I don't protect them, either.

When someone breaks the law, they should be held accountable.

Refusing passage through the canal was against the law. Egypt was obligated to allow passage.
Declaring war in the UN, throwing peacekeepers out of egypt, a massing troops, issuing attack orders to their troops....... they were all the same as firing the first shot at Israel. all were against the "law" of their agreement.

An attack does not have to be the first shot of a gun. An attack does not have to be a direct hit on a school house, it can fall short in a field, the intent was still there. It can be a violation of open transport or the dangerous movement of troops.

Egypt made a declaration of war before the first shot, but they made the first move of war. They had orders for the attack and scheduled the previous month. Egypt's words and actions were the first shot of war. Israel was responding to egypt's actions.
When have you won one?
I win them all.

I'm one of the few posters around here who consistently address the specific things you say and present valid arguments that are contrary to those specific things.

Most people around here just pontificate their views onto others.

And still even more do it with things that are completely irrelevant to someone's post.

Like Hossfly asking me to prove I'm not delusional, when were debating who started the '67 war.
But you advance your opinions and demand they be accepted as facts. You produce no facts that are documented. When documented facts are presented to you, you pooh-pooh those facts. So stop grunting or get off the pot.
When have you won one?
I win them all.

I'm one of the few posters around here who consistently address the specific things you say and present valid arguments that are contrary to those specific things.

Most people around here just pontificate their views onto others.

And still even more do it with things that are completely irrelevant to someone's post.

Like Hossfly asking me to prove I'm not delusional, when were debating who started the '67 war.

Wow, you must be so proud of yourself . Your superior online debating skills (LOL!!!) must have gotten you far in life :clap2:

As for this debate, you did a terrible job in proving your points.

You get a bug fat F !
When have you won one?
I win them all.


I'm sure you see it that way.

I'm one of the few posters around here who consistently address the specific things you say and present valid arguments that are contrary to those specific things.

Most people around here just pontificate their views onto others.

And still even more do it with things that are completely irrelevant to someone's post.

Like Hossfly asking me to prove I'm not delusional, when were debating who started the '67 war.
Your childish hyper-reliance upon Literalism and your automatic gainsay, in connection with who committed the first Act of War, in the 1967 Six Day War, has, once again, come back to haunt you, and to bite you in the ass, to the further detriment of the Palestinian and Arab cause, for which you strive so ardently and persistently.

You failed the common-sense and manhood tests, months ago, when you opined that you would wait until the Egyptian Air Force had crossed into your airspace before pulling the trigger, even though it risked thousands of civilian casualties and the destruction of irreplaceable war-assets at a time of heightened threat of invasion and being overrun, just so that you could say that you were abiding by the letter of international law.

With damaged credibility like that, so deep into negative territory, none of the rest matters much.

Not even your persistent ignoring of enemy troop mobilizations and forward deployments, closure of maritime passageways, and public declarations of intent to attack and destroy, by the leadership of multiple enemy-allied nations, as casus belli.

Despite your protestations of neutrality and goodwill, and inconsistent and juvenile attempts to mask your prejudices using strict and literal adherence to international law, your viciousness and extreme bias and intentions are clear enough for anyone with even a modicum of understanding, concerning the Israeli-Palestinian 'Troubles' and their complexity and the extent to which the Palestinians and the Arabs at-large are historically responsible for their own present condition and state of affairs.

Your affirmation - of the assessment of you by others - (skills, intellect, biases, or character and nature) - is not required, in order for those assessments to become operative, and to hold sway.

Then again, to illustrate your high-order debating skills, you could always post another picture of a (retired) US Navy battleship firing its large guns, and telling us how you would send one of those, and a bunch of US Marines, to stomp on the Israelis, and calling everyone 'fuckers' and 'whores', who doesn't agree with you.

Yeah... yeah... that's the ticket... that's addressing the main points in a credible and mature fashion.

Once you start down that road, and become recognized for that sort of name-calling and abuse of your colleagues, it's a little difficult to make a comeback; your debating skills become less important than the fact that it is you doing it.

A state of affairs for which you are solely responsible.

You have a mighty high opinion of yourself - one largely divorced from Reality.

People like you do far more good on behalf of the Israeli cause than you can possibly imagine at your present stage of development and maturity.
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That's what you're trying to spin it in to 50 years later.

The fact is, it was your choice and you chose to send your tanks into Egypt.

The biggest thing I hate about you fuckers, is how irresponsible you are.

You simply refuse to take ownership over the things you do.

That's why if I was President, I'd say, "Enough of this shit!" and send in the fucking marines and force your country to be held accountable, whether you liked it or not.

Gonna find my baby, gonna hold her tight
Gonna grab some Afternoon Delight
My motto's always been "When it's right, it's right."
Why wait until the middle of a cold, dark night?

Skyrockets in flight!
Afternoon Delight!
Afternoon Delight!
Afternoon Delight!
Geezus, it appears your hallucinations are getting more and more intense. A US president calling in the marines on our only ally in the a Middle East. Sounds like you need a change in your meds.

It's probably the tenth tine he suggested this. It just shows hows frustrated he is.
Some people simply can't handle losing debates.
Anti semites often engage in these kinds of futile mental masturbations. It's all they got.
When have you won one?
I win them all.


I'm sure you see it that way.

I'm one of the few posters around here who consistently address the specific things you say and present valid arguments that are contrary to those specific things.

Most people around here just pontificate their views onto others.

And still even more do it with things that are completely irrelevant to someone's post.

Like Hossfly asking me to prove I'm not delusional, when were debating who started the '67 war.
Your childish hyper-reliance upon Literalism and your automatic gainsay, in connection with who committed the first Act of War, in the 1967 Six Day War, has, once again, come back to haunt you, and to bite you in the ass, to the further detriment of the Palestinian and Arab cause, for which you strive so ardently and persistently.

You failed the common-sense and manhood tests, months ago, when you opined that you would wait until the Egyptian Air Force had crossed into your airspace before pulling the trigger, even though it risked thousands of civilian casualties and the destruction of irreplaceable war-assets at a time of heightened threat of invasion and being overrun, just so that you could say that you were abiding by the letter of international law.

With damaged credibility like that, so deep into negative territory, none of the rest matters much.

Not even your persistent ignoring of enemy troop mobilizations and forward deployments, closure of maritime passageways, and public declarations of intent to attack and destroy, by the leadership of multiple enemy-allied nations, as casus belli.

Despite your protestations of neutrality and goodwill, and inconsistent and juvenile attempts to mask your prejudices using strict and literal adherence to international law, your viciousness and extreme bias and intentions are clear enough for anyone with even a modicum of understanding, concerning the Israeli-Palestinian 'Troubles' and their complexity and the extent to which the Palestinians and the Arabs at-large are historically responsible for their own present condition and state of affairs.

Your affirmation - of the assessment of you by others - (skills, intellect, biases, or character and nature) - is not required, in order for those assessments to become operative, and to hold sway.

Then again, to illustrate your high-order debating skills, you could always post another picture of a (retired) US Navy battleship firing its large guns, and telling us how you would send one of those, and a bunch of US Marines, to stomp on the Israelis, and calling everyone 'fuckers' and 'whores', who doesn't agree with you.

Yeah... yeah... that's the ticket... that's addressing the main points in a credible and mature fashion.

Once you start down that road, and become recognized for that sort of name-calling and abuse of your colleagues, it's a little difficult to make a comeback; your debating skills become less important than the fact that it is you doing it.

A state of affairs for which you are solely responsible.

You have a mighty high opinion of yourself - one largely divorced from Reality.

People like you do far more good on behalf of the Israeli cause than you can possibly imagine at your present stage of development and maturity.
Yep, he's a legend in his own mind. Ha ha ha.

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