Israeli Defense Minister HAMMERS obama

Refusing passage through the canal was against the law.
That's true.

Egypt was obligated to allow passage.
I agree.

Declaring war in the UN, throwing peacekeepers out of egypt, a massing troops, issuing attack orders to their troops....... they were all the same as firing the first shot at Israel. all were against the "law" of their agreement.
I don't recall the official declaration of war; throwing peacekeepers out of Egypt was none of Israel's god-damn business; all army's give "attack orders" in case they are invaded; and they are certainly NOT the same as firing the first shot.

An attack does not have to be the first shot of a gun.
That's right. It could be tanks crossing the border of a sovereign nation.

An attack does not have to be a direct hit on a school house, it can fall short in a field, the intent was still there.
Because a shot "was" fired and fell short in a field.

Egypt did not fire any shots. There was no ordinance of theirs that fell in a field.

It can be a violation of open transport or the dangerous movement of troops.
What if they're conducting war games?

Would you consider that a dangerous movement of troops?

Egypt made a declaration of war before the first shot,
That's the 3rd time you've said that without providing any evidence to back it up.

but they made the first move of war.
Wrong. The first move was the tanks rolling into Egypt.

They had orders for the attack and scheduled the previous month.
See above.

Egypt's words and actions were the first shot of war.
Only because you're not a responsible adult.

Israel was responding to egypt's actions.
That's what you claim, which is a result of your responsibility issues.
Your childish hyper-reliance upon Literalism and your automatic gainsay, in connection with who committed the first Act of War, in the 1967 Six Day War, has, once again, come back to haunt you, and to bite you in the ass, to the further detriment of the Palestinian and Arab cause, for which you strive so ardently and persistently.
My what?

"...childish hyper-reliance upon Literalism..."​

Care to explain that one in a little more detail?

Can you give me 3 examples of my....

"...childish hyper-reliance upon Literalism..."​

I'll bet the farm you can't!

You failed the common-sense and manhood tests, months ago, when you opined that you would wait until the Egyptian Air Force had crossed into your airspace before pulling the trigger, even though it risked thousands of civilian casualties and the destruction of irreplaceable war-assets at a time of heightened threat of invasion and being overrun, just so that you could say that you were abiding by the letter of international law.
"...even though it risked..."

The problem with that argument is that a "risk" is not a fact; nor is it an event; or an incident; or anything that actually happened. It's just a risk. But you treat it as something that actually occurred.

With damaged credibility like that, so deep into negative territory, none of the rest matters much.
O' contraire, junior, it does matter.

Not even your persistent ignoring of enemy troop mobilizations and forward deployments, closure of maritime passageways, and public declarations of intent to attack and destroy, by the leadership of multiple enemy-allied nations, as casus belli.
I never said I ignored that.

Despite your protestations of neutrality and goodwill, and inconsistent and juvenile attempts to mask your prejudices using strict and literal adherence to international law, your viciousness and extreme bias and intentions are clear enough for anyone with even a modicum of understanding, concerning the Israeli-Palestinian 'Troubles' and their complexity and the extent to which the Palestinians and the Arabs at-large are historically responsible for their own present condition and state of affairs.
If you are using "...strict and literal adherence to international law...", any personal prejudice, becomes a moot point. It doesn't even play into the equation. So that statement makes no sense at all.

Your affirmation - of the assessment of you by others - (skills, intellect, biases, or character and nature) - is not required, in order for those assessments to become operative, and to hold sway.
They can hold your tiny little boy balls in their collective mouths and it still wouldn't make their assessments right.

Then again, to illustrate your high-order debating skills, you could always post another picture of a (retired) US Navy battleship firing its large guns, and telling us how you would send one of those, and a bunch of US Marines, to stomp on the Israelis, and calling everyone 'fuckers' and 'whores', who doesn't agree with you.
That was just one solution to the problem of Israel boarding ships in international waters.

Send a ship they can't board! Problem solved.

Yeah... yeah... that's the ticket... that's addressing the main points in a credible and mature fashion.
I never claimed I do things in a "mature fashion", but I should get credit for at least addressing the "main points".

Once you start down that road, and become recognized for that sort of name-calling and abuse of your colleagues, it's a little difficult to make a comeback; your debating skills become less important than the fact that it is you doing it.
What do you know about debating skills? All you and your ilk do, is attack other posters who criticize Israel. You attack them personally. That's not debating.

A state of affairs for which you are solely responsible.
I'm responsible for the things I say and do.

You and the rest of your Israeli kiss-ass, butt-buddy's, are arguing Israel is not responsible for the things it said (and does).

You have a mighty high opinion of yourself - one largely divorced from Reality.
How is that?

People like you do far more good on behalf of the Israeli cause than you can possibly imagine at your present stage of development and maturity.
WTF does that mean?
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The chickens have come home to roost, kiddies.

Israel 'cannot depend on U.S. in fight against Iran's nuclear program' | Mail Online

Watch and see. Israel will attack Iran. Watch. Iran will try to retaliate and the spam is gonna hit the fan. Big time. In a Big Big Way. Maybe Nuclear War in that Region but..... I doubt it. It will however be VERY messy.

China is gonna take those Islands from Japan. Japan will then re-militarize. Japan has been getting its people ready psychologically to re-arm. The new Japanese leadership is getting tougher and tougher and for the first since the end of WWII, Japan's leader made a trip to some War Shrine, which is a VERY symbolic gesture, to honor thw Japanese WWII dead. China's pretty upset about it.

North Korea just launched several missiles in a VERY provocative manner the other day. South Korea is not happy about it.

These are just a couple of the bigger events that are either happening now or will happen...

Why? Because we have THE worst president in our history in office.

People.... You're gonna pay for electing this guy.

You're gonna pay.

And I think it's too late. I don't believe there's anything anybody can do to put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

Oh.... And Putin IS gonna invade and annex Eastern Ukraine. I'm thinking after September when the G7 meets

Putin OWNS obama.

Oh, one other thing....

It's personal.

Remember when I said that obama was making a mistake by sending all those openly gay butt rangers to Sochi? remember? Of course not.

I said it. I was right... As usual. All the Western powers (except Germany, I think) were thrilled that obama the community organizer in chief was giving Putin the old 'What For' and showing him up.

Putin is pissed. It's personal. He wants personal revenge and he's gonna get it.

obama is a retarded child compared to Putin. Putin is gonna bend him over

I have news for all of you, Israel will never allow Iran to go nuclear. They know what this will mean for their nation if Iran gets the bomb. Problem is, Obama is so damned stupid he has totally blown it in trying to deter this from happening. Israel has nukes and they will use them if it comes down to it. Then my friend, turn out the lights the party is over.
Your childish hyper-reliance upon Literalism and your automatic gainsay, in connection with who committed the first Act of War, in the 1967 Six Day War, has, once again, come back to haunt you, and to bite you in the ass, to the further detriment of the Palestinian and Arab cause, for which you strive so ardently and persistently.
My what?

"...childish hyper-reliance upon Literalism..."​

Care to explain that one in a little more detail?

Can you give me 3 examples of my....

"...childish hyper-reliance upon Literalism..."​

I'll bet the farm you can't!

You failed the common-sense and manhood tests, months ago, when you opined that you would wait until the Egyptian Air Force had crossed into your airspace before pulling the trigger, even though it risked thousands of civilian casualties and the destruction of irreplaceable war-assets at a time of heightened threat of invasion and being overrun, just so that you could say that you were abiding by the letter of international law.
"...even though it risked..."

The problem with that argument is that a "risk" is not a fact; nor is it an event; or an incident; or anything that actually happened. It's just a risk. But you treat it as something that actually occurred.

O' contraire, junior, it does matter.

I never said I ignored that.

If you are using "...strict and literal adherence to international law...", any personal prejudice, becomes a moot point. It doesn't even play into the equation. So that statement makes no sense at all.

They can hold your tiny little boy balls in their collective mouths and it still wouldn't make their assessments right.

That was just one solution to the problem of Israel boarding ships in international waters.

Send a ship they can't board! Problem solved.

I never claimed I do things in a "mature fashion", but I should get credit for at least addressing the "main points".

What do you know about debating skills? All you and your ilk do, is attack other posters who criticize Israel. You attack them personally. That's not debating.

I'm responsible for the things I say and do.

You and the rest of your Israeli kiss-ass, butt-buddy's, are arguing Israel is not responsible for the things it said (and does).

You have a mighty high opinion of yourself - one largely divorced from Reality.
How is that?

People like you do far more good on behalf of the Israeli cause than you can possibly imagine at your present stage of development and maturity.
WTF does that mean?
There ya go winning another debate. Wadda we gonna dooo? LOL
Geezus, it appears your hallucinations are getting more and more intense. A US president calling in the marines on our only ally in the a Middle East. Sounds like you need a change in your meds.
I don't support criminals.

I don't protect them, either.

When someone breaks the law, they should be held accountable.
Palestinians are ruled by Hamas, a terrorist organization according to US dept. of state and most of the civilized world. How about we send in the marines to take those Islamic terrorist out of business. :lmao:
When have you won one?
I win them all.

I'm one of the few posters around here who consistently address the specific things you say and present valid arguments that are contrary to those specific things.

Most people around here just pontificate their views onto others.

And still even more do it with things that are completely irrelevant to someone's post.

Like Hossfly asking me to prove I'm not delusional, when were debating who started the '67 war.
Bobo seems to suffer from the same psychosis as Arabs and Muslims. All the wars they lost they have declared victory and held parades. I wonder why.
>> On 27 May the President of Egypt, Abdel Nasser, declared: "Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight."

Egypt signed a pact with Jordan at the end of May declaring an attack on one was an attack on both. This was seen by Israel as a clear sign of preparation for all-out war. <<
Doesn't matter.

The Israelis were either (a) truly threatened or (b) able to spin it that way.

And if they were able to spin it that way, it was because the Arabs had (1) closed down the Straits in an attempt to strangle Israeli commerce and (2) made Existence-caliber threats, such as those served-up by the Egyptian and Iraqi leaders.

Had the Arabs (1) not closed the Straits and (2) not made such threats, then the Israelis would not have been able to spin it in the way they did.


Whether or not a Survival Threat truly existed, the Arabs were the idiots who brought about the whole thing, with their Straits closure and threats, thereby giving the Israelis the excuse they needed, on a silver platter, to kick the shit out of the Arabs again and to pull off a fabulous Land-Grab.

Dumbass Arabs.

Next time, be sure you can back up your big mouths with actions.

Anyone stupid enough to think Egypt posed an existential threat to Israel in 1967 would probably benefit from having camel-shit for brains

"Major General Mattityahu Peled, the Chief of Logistics for the Armed Forces during the war, said the survival argument was "a bluff which was born and developed only after the war ... When we spoke of the war in the General Staff, we talked of the political ramifications if we didn't go to war — what would happen to Israel in the next 25 years. Never of survival today.'[162]

"Peled also stated that 'To pretend that the Egyptian forces massed on our frontiers were in a position to threaten the existence of Israel constitutes an insult not only to the intelligence of anyone capable of analyzing this sort of situation, but above all an insult to Zahal (Israeli military)'"

Origins of the Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In fact, Jews lied to the world about an existential threat to their state in order to launch a war they knew they would win 11 years before it started:

"In a 30 March 1968 Ma’ariv interview Defense Minister Moshe Dayan explained: 'What do you mean, [the war was] unavoidable? It was, of course, possible to avoid the war if the Straits [of Tiran] had stayed closed to Israeli shipping.'[164]

"Menachem Begin also stated that 'The Egyptian army concentrations in the Sinai approaches did not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him.'[165]

"According to Martin van Creveld, the IDF pressed for war: '...the concept of 'defensible borders' was not even part of the IDFs own vocabulary. Anyone who will look for it in the military literature of the time will do so in vain. Instead, Israel's commanders based their thought on the 1948 war and, especially, their 1956 triumph over the Egyptians in which, from then Chief of Staff Dayan down, they had gained their spurs. When the 1967 crisis broke they felt certain of their ability to win a "decisive, quick and elegant" victory, as one of their number, General Haim Bar Lev, put it, and pressed the government to start the war as soon as possible'"

Origins of the Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Once again we're reminded the consequences of allowing 650,000 Jews to get away with inflicting their state upon twice as many non-Jews in 1948, and it does matter to those whose land and water has been stolen from them ever since

Sieg Heil, Haim!
Doesn't matter.

The Israelis were either (a) truly threatened or (b) able to spin it that way.

And if they were able to spin it that way, it was because the Arabs had (1) closed down the Straits in an attempt to strangle Israeli commerce and (2) made Existence-caliber threats, such as those served-up by the Egyptian and Iraqi leaders.

Had the Arabs (1) not closed the Straits and (2) not made such threats, then the Israelis would not have been able to spin it in the way they did.


Whether or not a Survival Threat truly existed, the Arabs were the idiots who brought about the whole thing, with their Straits closure and threats, thereby giving the Israelis the excuse they needed, on a silver platter, to kick the shit out of the Arabs again and to pull off a fabulous Land-Grab.

Dumbass Arabs.

Next time, be sure you can back up your big mouths with actions.

Anyone stupid enough to think Egypt posed an existential threat to Israel in 1967 would probably benefit from having camel-shit for brains

"Major General Mattityahu Peled, the Chief of Logistics for the Armed Forces during the war, said the survival argument was "a bluff which was born and developed only after the war ... When we spoke of the war in the General Staff, we talked of the political ramifications if we didn't go to war — what would happen to Israel in the next 25 years. Never of survival today.'[162]

"Peled also stated that 'To pretend that the Egyptian forces massed on our frontiers were in a position to threaten the existence of Israel constitutes an insult not only to the intelligence of anyone capable of analyzing this sort of situation, but above all an insult to Zahal (Israeli military)'"

Origins of the Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In fact, Jews lied to the world about an existential threat to their state in order to launch a war they knew they would win 11 years before it started:

"In a 30 March 1968 Ma’ariv interview Defense Minister Moshe Dayan explained: 'What do you mean, [the war was] unavoidable? It was, of course, possible to avoid the war if the Straits [of Tiran] had stayed closed to Israeli shipping.'[164]

"Menachem Begin also stated that 'The Egyptian army concentrations in the Sinai approaches did not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him.'[165]

"According to Martin van Creveld, the IDF pressed for war: '...the concept of 'defensible borders' was not even part of the IDFs own vocabulary. Anyone who will look for it in the military literature of the time will do so in vain. Instead, Israel's commanders based their thought on the 1948 war and, especially, their 1956 triumph over the Egyptians in which, from then Chief of Staff Dayan down, they had gained their spurs. When the 1967 crisis broke they felt certain of their ability to win a "decisive, quick and elegant" victory, as one of their number, General Haim Bar Lev, put it, and pressed the government to start the war as soon as possible'"

Origins of the Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Once again we're reminded the consequences of allowing 650,000 Jews to get away with inflicting their state upon twice as many non-Jews in 1948, and it does matter to those whose land and water has been stolen from them ever since

Sieg Heil, Haim!

First of all Nazi, Jews didn't inflict their nation upon twice as many Arabs, you lying propagandist. How many Arabs were there in the land that Israel declared independence on?
Also, you once again failed to prove that Israel started the 6 day war. Chalk up another fail for Georgie!
You did however prove that you are an anti Semitic scumbag.
Doesn't matter.

The Israelis were either (a) truly threatened or (b) able to spin it that way.

And if they were able to spin it that way, it was because the Arabs had (1) closed down the Straits in an attempt to strangle Israeli commerce and (2) made Existence-caliber threats, such as those served-up by the Egyptian and Iraqi leaders.

Had the Arabs (1) not closed the Straits and (2) not made such threats, then the Israelis would not have been able to spin it in the way they did.


Whether or not a Survival Threat truly existed, the Arabs were the idiots who brought about the whole thing, with their Straits closure and threats, thereby giving the Israelis the excuse they needed, on a silver platter, to kick the shit out of the Arabs again and to pull off a fabulous Land-Grab.

Dumbass Arabs.

Next time, be sure you can back up your big mouths with actions.

Anyone stupid enough to think Egypt posed an existential threat to Israel in 1967 would probably benefit from having camel-shit for brains

"Major General Mattityahu Peled, the Chief of Logistics for the Armed Forces during the war, said the survival argument was "a bluff which was born and developed only after the war ... When we spoke of the war in the General Staff, we talked of the political ramifications if we didn't go to war — what would happen to Israel in the next 25 years. Never of survival today.'[162]

"Peled also stated that 'To pretend that the Egyptian forces massed on our frontiers were in a position to threaten the existence of Israel constitutes an insult not only to the intelligence of anyone capable of analyzing this sort of situation, but above all an insult to Zahal (Israeli military)'"

Origins of the Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In fact, Jews lied to the world about an existential threat to their state in order to launch a war they knew they would win 11 years before it started:

"In a 30 March 1968 Ma’ariv interview Defense Minister Moshe Dayan explained: 'What do you mean, [the war was] unavoidable? It was, of course, possible to avoid the war if the Straits [of Tiran] had stayed closed to Israeli shipping.'[164]

"Menachem Begin also stated that 'The Egyptian army concentrations in the Sinai approaches did not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him.'[165]

"According to Martin van Creveld, the IDF pressed for war: '...the concept of 'defensible borders' was not even part of the IDFs own vocabulary. Anyone who will look for it in the military literature of the time will do so in vain. Instead, Israel's commanders based their thought on the 1948 war and, especially, their 1956 triumph over the Egyptians in which, from then Chief of Staff Dayan down, they had gained their spurs. When the 1967 crisis broke they felt certain of their ability to win a "decisive, quick and elegant" victory, as one of their number, General Haim Bar Lev, put it, and pressed the government to start the war as soon as possible'"

Origins of the Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Once again we're reminded the consequences of allowing 650,000 Jews to get away with inflicting their state upon twice as many non-Jews in 1948, and it does matter to those whose land and water has been stolen from them ever since

Sieg Heil, Haim!

Actually, we're reminded about the consequences if what happens when you start a war with Israel. You lose territory and 5 times as many soldiers/tanks/aircraft.
Hey, how 'bout that, I won a farm!
And he wins another one! Using sheer intellect or lack of.
Indeed. His overpowering intellect and debating skills are a credit to the Palestinian Cause, are they not?

Not to mention his superior understanding of - and perspective on - the cause-and-effect of the 1967 Six Day War - gawdawful impressive and un-assailable, are they not?

I especially love the part where he attempts to portray the immediate pre-war conditions (closure of vital maritime passageways, the sudden and atypical mobilization and deployment of multiple large-scale military formations right up against the borders, and the publicly broadcast statements of two enemy-nation leaders to make war and to destroy the Israelis) - as insufficient to justify a preemptive strike, to ensure that the enemy could not overrun Israel.

As to 'winning' something, well... I, too, can say: "Here is a hoop that I want you to jump through. If you fail to jump through that hoop, then I win."

Keeping in mind that the other prospective gamester must (a) be willing to jump through the hoop and (b) perceive that it is worth the effort, to jump through the hoop.

Criteria which I perceived as not having been satisfied, in pursuing the matter further, in the middle of the night - especially in juxtaposition to an Automatic Gainsayer.

He leaves behind dozens - probably scores - of examples of a 'hyper-reliance upon Literalism' - it's just that he - and it - are not worth my time, to range backwards in time, in order to compile such a list, in order to jump through his faux hoop.

Let him declare himself a 'winner' in this narrow context... doesn't faze me in the slightest.

Someone who reacts the way he did to the hypothetical 'What would you do if you were the Israeli Prime Minister in the runup to the 1967 Six Day War?' - failing tests for common sense and manhood in the process - needs all the delusional 'wins' that he can lay his hands on.

Give him a cookie, and an "I'm a Winner" button, and a glass of warm milk, and a pat on the head, and say: "Yes, Junior, rest easy, you're a Winner".

Ya know... there are times when I'm ready to believe, that a real Palestinian, reading some of his so-called 'contributions' would sigh, shake his head, and say...

"Hey, thanks, and all that, but... do us a favor, and stay off our side, OK?"
Doesn't matter.

The Israelis were either (a) truly threatened or (b) able to spin it that way.

And if they were able to spin it that way, it was because the Arabs had (1) closed down the Straits in an attempt to strangle Israeli commerce and (2) made Existence-caliber threats, such as those served-up by the Egyptian and Iraqi leaders.

Had the Arabs (1) not closed the Straits and (2) not made such threats, then the Israelis would not have been able to spin it in the way they did.


Whether or not a Survival Threat truly existed, the Arabs were the idiots who brought about the whole thing, with their Straits closure and threats, thereby giving the Israelis the excuse they needed, on a silver platter, to kick the shit out of the Arabs again and to pull off a fabulous Land-Grab.

Dumbass Arabs.

Next time, be sure you can back up your big mouths with actions.
In fact, Jews lied to the world about an existential threat to their state in order to launch a war they knew they would win 11 years before it started:

"In a 30 March 1968 Ma’ariv interview Defense Minister Moshe Dayan explained: 'What do you mean, [the war was] unavoidable? It was, of course, possible to avoid the war if the Straits [of Tiran] had stayed closed to Israeli shipping.'[164]

"Menachem Begin also stated that 'The Egyptian army concentrations in the Sinai approaches did not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him.'[165]

"According to Martin van Creveld, the IDF pressed for war: '...the concept of 'defensible borders' was not even part of the IDFs own vocabulary. Anyone who will look for it in the military literature of the time will do so in vain. Instead, Israel's commanders based their thought on the 1948 war and, especially, their 1956 triumph over the Egyptians in which, from then Chief of Staff Dayan down, they had gained their spurs. When the 1967 crisis broke they felt certain of their ability to win a "decisive, quick and elegant" victory, as one of their number, General Haim Bar Lev, put it, and pressed the government to start the war as soon as possible'"

Origins of the Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Once again we're reminded the consequences of allowing 650,000 Jews to get away with inflicting their state upon twice as many non-Jews in 1948, and it does matter to those whose land and water has been stolen from them ever since

Sieg Heil, Haim!

First of all Nazi, Jews didn't inflict their nation upon twice as many Arabs, you lying propagandist. How many Arabs were there in the land that Israel declared independence on?
Also, you once again failed to prove that Israel started the 6 day war. Chalk up another fail for Georgie!
You did however prove that you are an anti Semitic scumbag.
So tell me the demographics of Mandate Palestine in 1948?
>>Israel has always insisted that it went to war in 1967 over the fundamental issue of survival. To bolster that argument, Premier Golda Meir last week declassified for the first time the brief five-paragraph resolution of that year that approved pre-emptive strikes against neighboring Arab states.<<June 1972
>>Israel has always insisted that it went to war in 1967 over the fundamental issue of survival. To bolster that argument, Premier Golda Meir last week declassified for the first time the brief five-paragraph resolution of that year that approved pre-emptive strikes against neighboring Arab states.<<June 1972
"Menachem Begin also stated that 'The Egyptian army concentrations in the Sinai approaches did not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him.'"

Origins of the Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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