Israeli Defense Minister HAMMERS obama

>>Israel has always insisted that it went to war in 1967 over the fundamental issue of survival. To bolster that argument, Premier Golda Meir last week declassified for the first time the brief five-paragraph resolution of that year that approved pre-emptive strikes against neighboring Arab states.<<June 1972
"Menachem Begin also stated that 'The Egyptian army concentrations in the Sinai approaches did not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him.'"

Origins of the Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Missiles in Cuba, US takes action.
Rocket in Lebanon or Syria that threaten Israel, Israel takes action.
Threat of missile shield, Russia will take action.
Chinese fears of the US could have them launch a preemptive strike.
In the case of national security a preemptive strike is legal.
Egypt and Jordan had already issued orders to strike Israel, Israel was protecting itself when it took action.

Israel did not create the situation of war. Israel did what it had to being outnumbered and out gunned, to protect itself and reduce the massacre of innocent Israelis.

You are just upset that Israel won and was not wiped off the map by the arabs.
Israel did nothing wrong.
>>Israel has always insisted that it went to war in 1967 over the fundamental issue of survival. To bolster that argument, Premier Golda Meir last week declassified for the first time the brief five-paragraph resolution of that year that approved pre-emptive strikes against neighboring Arab states.<<June 1972
Pre-emptive strikes are illegal, according to international law.
>>Israel has always insisted that it went to war in 1967 over the fundamental issue of survival. To bolster that argument, Premier Golda Meir last week declassified for the first time the brief five-paragraph resolution of that year that approved pre-emptive strikes against neighboring Arab states.<<June 1972
"Menachem Begin also stated that 'The Egyptian army concentrations in the Sinai approaches did not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him.'"

Origins of the Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Missiles in Cuba, US takes action.
Rocket in Lebanon or Syria that threaten Israel, Israel takes action.
Threat of missile shield, Russia will take action.
Chinese fears of the US could have them launch a preemptive strike.
In the case of national security a preemptive strike is legal.
Egypt and Jordan had already issued orders to strike Israel, Israel was protecting itself when it took action.

Israel did not create the situation of war. Israel did what it had to being outnumbered and out gunned, to protect itself and reduce the massacre of innocent Israelis.

You are just upset that Israel won and was not wiped off the map by the arabs.
Israel did nothing wrong.
I'm more upset at the fact that Israel began its latest incarnation by ethnically cleansing over 700,000 indigenous Palestinians, about 100,000 of whom went into Lebanon and thousands more into Syria. A minority Jewish state within Palestine was just another cold war tool employed by the US as a means of subverting Arab nationalism. Just like the US stationing nuclear weapons and delivery systems inside Turkey pushed the Soviets to return the favor in Cuba. Israel was conceived as a little, loyal Jewish Ulster and that is almost exactly the role its played since '48. You are simply putting lipstick on a racist, kosher pig without first covering its bloody fangs.
>>Israel has always insisted that it went to war in 1967 over the fundamental issue of survival. To bolster that argument, Premier Golda Meir last week declassified for the first time the brief five-paragraph resolution of that year that approved pre-emptive strikes against neighboring Arab states.<<June 1972
Pre-emptive strikes are illegal, according to international law.

Quote the part that says it's illegal.
>> On 27 May the President of Egypt, Abdel Nasser, declared: "Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight."

Egypt signed a pact with Jordan at the end of May declaring an attack on one was an attack on both. This was seen by Israel as a clear sign of preparation for all-out war. <<

Yeah...waiting for the enemy to launch their attack based on what they consider the best time for them makes a lot more military sense than a preemptive attack.

This isn't directed toward you.
"Menachem Begin also stated that 'The Egyptian army concentrations in the Sinai approaches did not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him.'"

Origins of the Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Missiles in Cuba, US takes action.
Rocket in Lebanon or Syria that threaten Israel, Israel takes action.
Threat of missile shield, Russia will take action.
Chinese fears of the US could have them launch a preemptive strike.
In the case of national security a preemptive strike is legal.
Egypt and Jordan had already issued orders to strike Israel, Israel was protecting itself when it took action.

Israel did not create the situation of war. Israel did what it had to being outnumbered and out gunned, to protect itself and reduce the massacre of innocent Israelis.

You are just upset that Israel won and was not wiped off the map by the arabs.
Israel did nothing wrong.

I'm more upset at the fact that Israel began its latest incarnation by ethnically cleansing over 700,000 indigenous Palestinians, about 100,000 of whom went into Lebanon and thousands more into Syria. A minority Jewish state within Palestine was just another cold war tool employed by the US as a means of subverting Arab nationalism. Just like the US stationing nuclear weapons and delivery systems inside Turkey pushed the Soviets to return the favor in Cuba. Israel was conceived as a little, loyal Jewish Ulster and that is almost exactly the role its played since '48. You are simply putting lipstick on a racist, kosher pig without first covering its bloody fangs.

Just whom do you feel you are fooling Herr George? You have no use yourself for the Arabs, but are just using them as pawns in your trying to demonize your scapegoats, the Jews. If you actually cared about the Arabs, on this Middle East forum you would be condemning what is happening to innocent Arabs all over the Middle East. You only want to concentrate on one tiny area of the Middle East because the Jews are involved, but the hundreds of thousands Arabs dead and hundreds of thousands wounded in the other Middle East countries mean nothing to you. Actually what is happening here is that you are trying to put a lipstick on the pig that you are, but it just wouldn't work. Imagine blabbering and blabbering about the six-day war when it was years ago and innocent Arabs are being murdered in Iraq, Syria and Yemen right now.
"Menachem Begin also stated that 'The Egyptian army concentrations in the Sinai approaches did not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him.'"

Origins of the Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Missiles in Cuba, US takes action.
Rocket in Lebanon or Syria that threaten Israel, Israel takes action.
Threat of missile shield, Russia will take action.
Chinese fears of the US could have them launch a preemptive strike.
In the case of national security a preemptive strike is legal.
Egypt and Jordan had already issued orders to strike Israel, Israel was protecting itself when it took action.

Israel did not create the situation of war. Israel did what it had to being outnumbered and out gunned, to protect itself and reduce the massacre of innocent Israelis.

You are just upset that Israel won and was not wiped off the map by the arabs.
Israel did nothing wrong.
I'm more upset at the fact that Israel began its latest incarnation by ethnically cleansing over 700,000 indigenous Palestinians, about 100,000 of whom went into Lebanon and thousands more into Syria. A minority Jewish state within Palestine was just another cold war tool employed by the US as a means of subverting Arab nationalism. Just like the US stationing nuclear weapons and delivery systems inside Turkey pushed the Soviets to return the favor in Cuba. Israel was conceived as a little, loyal Jewish Ulster and that is almost exactly the role its played since '48. You are simply putting lipstick on a racist, kosher pig without first covering its bloody fangs.

It makes me feel warm inside that Israel's existence angers you so much.

BTW Georgie, how many Palestinians would NOT have become refugees after the 1948 war if 5 Arab countries didn't attack Israel??
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In the case of national security a preemptive strike is legal.
No it is not!

There are only 2 ways a country can legally attack another country.

Go read Article 51 of the UN Charter.

There was no way to prevent the attack on Israel by the arab state, so yes a peemptive strike was legal to shift the control away from the arabs in favor of the smaller Israeli forces. If the arabs had succeeded there would have been higher casualties and the likely massacre of innocent jews. As it was the actions of Israel saved lives by minimizing civilian losses of Israelis and palestinians.

Six Day War - 6 Days in June
>> On 27 May the President of Egypt, Abdel Nasser, declared: "Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight."

Egypt signed a pact with Jordan at the end of May declaring an attack on one was an attack on both. This was seen by Israel as a clear sign of preparation for all-out war. <<

Yeah...waiting for the enemy to launch their attack based on what they consider the best time for them makes a lot more military sense than a preemptive attack.

This isn't directed toward you.

Israel was out maned and out gun. If the arabs had control there would have been a blood bath of Israeli civilians. Israeli actions saved lives.
I suppose a case could be made for the Legality of a preemptive strike by Israel in 1967, under the conditions in which she found herself.

But, in the final analysis, when Safety and Legality are at swords'-point... Safety wins every time.

The Israelis were far safer, by launching a preemptive strike, than they would have been without one.

That's the only test that counts, in the end.

Staying 'legal' is a nice thing to do, under the circumstances.

Staying 'safe' is far more important, as the Israelis so sensibly concluded, in 1967.

Audentes fortuna juvat.
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Do you love your fellow Americans, Billo?
I love my country (and some American's).
That's a good start. America was founded on equal treatment, and many who signed the Declaration including a couple who authored, revised, and rewrote its language to fit the Continental Congress that sent it to the British overlords, went home crestfallen because they couldn't immediately talk others into including all human beings, including indigenous tribal people, black slaves from Africa, and anyone else experiencing the smothering effects of slavery or sexism.

Since the very first, men and women have agreed to disagree in politics, and someone staring at freedom from polar opposites are kind of like someone seeing a building in its shadow side having a different description than someone who sees the same building in the bright daylight side.

When we deal in politics, we need to keep that brotherly love for our fellow man alive and eschew the rut of always demanding that things go only our way 100% of the time.

I recommend the development of a respect of those who see liberty from sunshine and shadow. Leaders who want to serve the nation need to remember that. When they don't, their vision for all who dwell here becomes as jaded as a slaver's.

The American people need to be treated as equals no matter what their party, no matter what their skin color, no matter what their education level.
I suppose a case could be made for the Legality of a preemptive strike by Israel in 1967, under the conditions in which she found herself.

But, in the final analysis, when Safety and Legality are at swords'-point... Safety wins every time.

The Israelis were far safer, by launching a preemptive strike, than they would have been without one.

That's the only test that counts, in the end.

Staying 'legal' is a nice thing to do, under the circumstances.

Staying 'safe' is far more important, as the Israelis so sensibly concluded, in 1967.

Audentes fortuna juvat.
Correct, end of the day Israel decides when and how it needs to act, and won't ask or wait for anybody to give it "permission".
I suppose a case could be made for the Legality of a preemptive strike by Israel in 1967, under the conditions in which she found herself.

But, in the final analysis, when Safety and Legality are at swords'-point... Safety wins every time.

The Israelis were far safer, by launching a preemptive strike, than they would have been without one.

That's the only test that counts, in the end.

Staying 'legal' is a nice thing to do, under the circumstances.

Staying 'safe' is far more important, as the Israelis so sensibly concluded, in 1967.

Audentes fortuna juvat.
Correct, end of the day Israel decides when and how it needs to act, and won't ask or wait for anybody to give it "permission".

Certainly not Herr George's permission. :D
Missiles in Cuba, US takes action.
Rocket in Lebanon or Syria that threaten Israel, Israel takes action.
Threat of missile shield, Russia will take action.
Chinese fears of the US could have them launch a preemptive strike.
In the case of national security a preemptive strike is legal.
Egypt and Jordan had already issued orders to strike Israel, Israel was protecting itself when it took action.

Israel did not create the situation of war. Israel did what it had to being outnumbered and out gunned, to protect itself and reduce the massacre of innocent Israelis.

You are just upset that Israel won and was not wiped off the map by the arabs.
Israel did nothing wrong.
I'm more upset at the fact that Israel began its latest incarnation by ethnically cleansing over 700,000 indigenous Palestinians, about 100,000 of whom went into Lebanon and thousands more into Syria. A minority Jewish state within Palestine was just another cold war tool employed by the US as a means of subverting Arab nationalism. Just like the US stationing nuclear weapons and delivery systems inside Turkey pushed the Soviets to return the favor in Cuba. Israel was conceived as a little, loyal Jewish Ulster and that is almost exactly the role its played since '48. You are simply putting lipstick on a racist, kosher pig without first covering its bloody fangs.

It makes me feel warm inside that Israel's existence angers you so much.

BTW Georgie, how many Palestinians would NOT have become refugees after the 1948 war if 5 Arab countries didn't attack Israel??
Zero Palestinians would NOT have become refugees in 1948 if five Arab armies hadn't prevented the "chosen people" from stealing all the land between the River and the sea. I'm happy that fact gags bigots (like you, Toastie)
I'm more upset at the fact that Israel began its latest incarnation by ethnically cleansing over 700,000 indigenous Palestinians, about 100,000 of whom went into Lebanon and thousands more into Syria. A minority Jewish state within Palestine was just another cold war tool employed by the US as a means of subverting Arab nationalism. Just like the US stationing nuclear weapons and delivery systems inside Turkey pushed the Soviets to return the favor in Cuba. Israel was conceived as a little, loyal Jewish Ulster and that is almost exactly the role its played since '48. You are simply putting lipstick on a racist, kosher pig without first covering its bloody fangs.

It makes me feel warm inside that Israel's existence angers you so much.

BTW Georgie, how many Palestinians would NOT have become refugees after the 1948 war if 5 Arab countries didn't attack Israel??
Zero Palestinians would NOT have become refugees in 1948 if five Arab armies hadn't prevented the "chosen people" from stealing all the land between the River and the sea. I'm happy that fact gags bigots (like you, Toastie)

Bigot?? I think you should go learn what that means before you use it on other people.

You didn't answer my question bigot. If 5 Arab armies didn't attack Israel, how many of those refugees would not have become refugees??
Learn to read and comprehend, Nazi Shill
I'm more upset at the fact that Israel began its latest incarnation by ethnically cleansing over 700,000 indigenous Palestinians, about 100,000 of whom went into Lebanon and thousands more into Syria. A minority Jewish state within Palestine was just another cold war tool employed by the US as a means of subverting Arab nationalism. Just like the US stationing nuclear weapons and delivery systems inside Turkey pushed the Soviets to return the favor in Cuba. Israel was conceived as a little, loyal Jewish Ulster and that is almost exactly the role its played since '48. You are simply putting lipstick on a racist, kosher pig without first covering its bloody fangs.

It makes me feel warm inside that Israel's existence angers you so much.

BTW Georgie, how many Palestinians would NOT have become refugees after the 1948 war if 5 Arab countries didn't attack Israel??
Zero Palestinians would NOT have become refugees in 1948 if five Arab armies hadn't prevented the "chosen people" from stealing all the land between the River and the sea. I'm happy that fact gags bigots (like you, Toastie)

It's really hilarious to see Herr George call someone a bigot. Anyone with any brains realizes that Herr George could care less about these Arabs and is just using them as a means in his war with his favorite scapegoat, the Jews. Has anyone seen Herr George report on any happening in the other Middle East country, especially when thousands and thousands and thousands of innocent people are being killed? After all, this is the Middle East forum, and Herr George should have a little bit to say about what is happening in these other countries.

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