Israeli Defense Minister HAMMERS obama

There is little doubt that Israel was prepared for war in 1967. They had little choice.
But had they not taken out the Arab's air power in a brilliantly successful preemptive strike the war would have had a vastly different outcome.
Exactly. There would've been no war and no Occupied Territories today.
Israel as a Jewish state was created to ensure eternal conflict in the Middle East.
There is little doubt that Israel was prepared for war in 1967. They had little choice.
But had they not taken out the Arab's air power in a brilliantly successful preemptive strike the war would have had a vastly different outcome.
Exactly. There would've been no war and no Occupied Territories today.
Israel as a Jewish state was created to ensure eternal conflict in the Middle East.
The occupied territories were occupied by Jordan and Egypt for 20 years when five Arab nations attacked the newly formed state of Israel in 1948. During their so called occupation nobody asked for or talked about this mythical Palestine, and the Egyptian and Jordanian "occupation" of their land. Ha ha ha.

You see Mohammad, no such thing as Palestine, this was all about destroying the a Jewish state.
'Preemptive Strike vs. Annihilation.
Annihilation was not an option in '67, as even prominent IDF aggressors fully admitted:

"Major General Mattityahu Peled, the Chief of Logistics for the Armed Forces during the war, said the survival argument was 'a bluff which was born and developed only after the war ... When we spoke of the war in the General Staff, we talked of the political ramifications if we didn't go to war — what would happen to Israel in the next 25 years. Never of survival today.'[162]

"Peled also stated that 'To pretend that the Egyptian forces massed on our frontiers were in a position to threaten the existence of Israel constitutes an insult not only to the intelligence of anyone capable of analyzing this sort of situation, but above all an insult to Zahal (Israeli military).'"

Origins of the Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hindsight is 20/20. According to the Arabs annihilation was not only the goal, but imminent:
In the weeks leading up to the Six Day War:

President Abdul Rahman Arif of Iraq said that "the existence of Israel is an error which must be rectified. This is an opportunity to wipe out the ignominy which has been with us since 1948".[92] The Iraqi Prime Minister predicted that "there will be practically no Jewish survivors".

In May 1967, Hafez al-Assad, then Syria's Defense Minister declared: "Our forces are now entirely ready not only to repulse the aggression, but to initiate the act of liberation itself, and to explode the Zionist presence in the Arab homeland. The Syrian Army, with its finger on the trigger, is united... I, as a military man, believe that the time has come to enter into a battle of annihilation."[93]

Unfortunately extermination was always the goal. To finish what Hitler started.
If Egypt, Syria and Jordan had succeeded, there would have been no palestine. Each would have occupied and annexed, officially or not. It was never the intent to create a palestine. It was never about the palestinian people. Syria, Egypt, even Jordan would have preferred a greater arab state. They would have kept the spoils of war on Israel, not shared them with the refugees.
Thank God Israel took initiative and destroyed the Egyptian air force in 1967!
And how pathetic that the other Arab states, who were not only wayyy bigger than Israel, but ATTACKED ISRAEL FROM ALL SIDES, could 't beat one little country. Then AGAIN in 1973. Hahahaha


What they did to Israel on Yom Kipper, 1973 validated Israel's actions of June, 1967.
Given the opportunity the Arabs would have attacked 6 years earlier and 1973 proved it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Control of the air has always been vital to Israel. In '82 Israel decimated syria air force wiping out the missiles and all their planes in the larges air battle since WWII.

This was motivation for getting rid of Israel, the President-to-be and to take Lebanon.
Annihilation was not an option in '67, as even prominent IDF aggressors fully admitted:

"Major General Mattityahu Peled, the Chief of Logistics for the Armed Forces during the war, said the survival argument was 'a bluff which was born and developed only after the war ... When we spoke of the war in the General Staff, we talked of the political ramifications if we didn't go to war — what would happen to Israel in the next 25 years. Never of survival today.'[162]

"Peled also stated that 'To pretend that the Egyptian forces massed on our frontiers were in a position to threaten the existence of Israel constitutes an insult not only to the intelligence of anyone capable of analyzing this sort of situation, but above all an insult to Zahal (Israeli military).'"

Origins of the Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hindsight is 20/20. According to the Arabs annihilation was not only the goal, but imminent:
In the weeks leading up to the Six Day War:

President Abdul Rahman Arif of Iraq said that "the existence of Israel is an error which must be rectified. This is an opportunity to wipe out the ignominy which has been with us since 1948".[92] The Iraqi Prime Minister predicted that "there will be practically no Jewish survivors".

In May 1967, Hafez al-Assad, then Syria's Defense Minister declared: "Our forces are now entirely ready not only to repulse the aggression, but to initiate the act of liberation itself, and to explode the Zionist presence in the Arab homeland. The Syrian Army, with its finger on the trigger, is united... I, as a military man, believe that the time has come to enter into a battle of annihilation."[93]

Unfortunately extermination was always the goal. To finish what Hitler started.
If Egypt, Syria and Jordan had succeeded, there would have been no palestine. Each would have occupied and annexed, officially or not. It was never the intent to create a palestine. It was never about the palestinian people. Syria, Egypt, even Jordan would have preferred a greater arab state. They would have kept the spoils of war on Israel, not shared them with the refugees.
The aggressor in 1967 had a goal to finish what Herzl, not Hitler, started

"According to Martin van Creveld, the IDF pressed for war: '...the concept of 'defensible borders' was not even part of the IDFs own vocabulary. Anyone who will look for it in the military literature of the time will do so in vain. Instead, Israel's commanders based their thought on the 1948 war and, especially, their 1956 triumph over the Egyptians in which, from then Chief of Staff Dayan down, they had gained their spurs. When the 1967 crisis broke they felt certain of their ability to win a "decisive, quick and elegant" victory, as one of their number, General Haim Bar Lev, put it, and pressed the government to start the war as soon as possible'".

Origins of the Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hindsight is 20/20. According to the Arabs annihilation was not only the goal, but imminent:
In the weeks leading up to the Six Day War:

President Abdul Rahman Arif of Iraq said that "the existence of Israel is an error which must be rectified. This is an opportunity to wipe out the ignominy which has been with us since 1948".[92] The Iraqi Prime Minister predicted that "there will be practically no Jewish survivors".

In May 1967, Hafez al-Assad, then Syria's Defense Minister declared: "Our forces are now entirely ready not only to repulse the aggression, but to initiate the act of liberation itself, and to explode the Zionist presence in the Arab homeland. The Syrian Army, with its finger on the trigger, is united... I, as a military man, believe that the time has come to enter into a battle of annihilation."[93]

Unfortunately extermination was always the goal. To finish what Hitler started.
If Egypt, Syria and Jordan had succeeded, there would have been no palestine. Each would have occupied and annexed, officially or not. It was never the intent to create a palestine. It was never about the palestinian people. Syria, Egypt, even Jordan would have preferred a greater arab state. They would have kept the spoils of war on Israel, not shared them with the refugees.
The aggressor in 1967 had a goal to finish what Herzl, not Hitler, started

"According to Martin van Creveld, the IDF pressed for war: '...the concept of 'defensible borders' was not even part of the IDFs own vocabulary. Anyone who will look for it in the military literature of the time will do so in vain. Instead, Israel's commanders based their thought on the 1948 war and, especially, their 1956 triumph over the Egyptians in which, from then Chief of Staff Dayan down, they had gained their spurs. When the 1967 crisis broke they felt certain of their ability to win a "decisive, quick and elegant" victory, as one of their number, General Haim Bar Lev, put it, and pressed the government to start the war as soon as possible'".

Origins of the Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The aggressor is the whoever commits acts of war, and presents a clear and imminent danger to a nation's survival.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
There is little doubt that Israel was prepared for war in 1967. They had little choice.
But had they not taken out the Arab's air power in a brilliantly successful preemptive strike the war would have had a vastly different outcome.
Exactly. There would've been no war and no Occupied Territories today.
Israel as a Jewish state was created to ensure eternal conflict in the Middle East.

Such anti Jewish drivel Georgie boy.

How much conflict would there be if Arabs didn't bother Israel?? Lets see if you can give an honest answer
>> The committee, headed by former Supreme Court Justice Edmond Levy, claims that Israel&#8217;s control over the West Bank cannot be seen as &#8220;occupation&#8221; since no country has recognized sovereignty over the territory. Therefore, the Fourth Geneva Convention, which prevents the transfer of a civilian population by an occupying force into the occupied territory, does not apply to the West Bank. Justice Levy recommends that the Israeli government end the temporary status of the settlements and register the settlers&#8217; control over the territory.<<
There is little doubt that Israel was prepared for war in 1967. They had little choice.
But had they not taken out the Arab's air power in a brilliantly successful preemptive strike the war would have had a vastly different outcome.
Exactly. There would've been no war and no Occupied Territories today.
Israel as a Jewish state was created to ensure eternal conflict in the Middle East.

Such anti Jewish drivel Georgie boy.

How much conflict would there be if Arabs didn't bother Israel?? Lets see if you can give an honest answer
Arabs / Muslims have always been slaughtering each other and others, and will continue to do so. Their religion demands blood.
There is little doubt that Israel was prepared for war in 1967. They had little choice.
But had they not taken out the Arab's air power in a brilliantly successful preemptive strike the war would have had a vastly different outcome.
Exactly. There would've been no war and no Occupied Territories today.
Israel as a Jewish state was created to ensure eternal conflict in the Middle East.
You mean like Muslim countries fighting one another? That's good!
There is little doubt that Israel was prepared for war in 1967. They had little choice.
But had they not taken out the Arab's air power in a brilliantly successful preemptive strike the war would have had a vastly different outcome.
Exactly. There would've been no war and no Occupied Territories today.
Israel as a Jewish state was created to ensure eternal conflict in the Middle East.
You mean like Muslim countries fighting one another? That's good!
Maybe this would be a good time to dissolve the Arab League?

"In fact; Arab League summits are increasingly becoming some sort of a ceremonial manifestation of this desolate state of paralysis.

"Instead of serving as a dynamic springboard for proactive initiatives to counter the various challenges facing the Arab world today; the only function these meetings seem to serve is to give some sort of an Arab caveat to American dictates; thus what best suits America’s interests in our region is prioritized while Palestine, the alleged 'central cause' of the Arab World, will always remain on the back-burner till it’s swallowed whole by Israeli settlements and colonies; nothing is too much to make sure Israeli occupation is comfortable and unencumbered in its pursuit of a 'Jewish State' on Arab Palestinian lands."

Or subject the Jewish state to the same sanctions as Iran?

Time to Dissolve the Arab League? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Exactly. There would've been no war and no Occupied Territories today.
Israel as a Jewish state was created to ensure eternal conflict in the Middle East.
You mean like Muslim countries fighting one another? That's good!
Maybe this would be a good time to dissolve the Arab League?

"In fact; Arab League summits are increasingly becoming some sort of a ceremonial manifestation of this desolate state of paralysis.

"Instead of serving as a dynamic springboard for proactive initiatives to counter the various challenges facing the Arab world today; the only function these meetings seem to serve is to give some sort of an Arab caveat to American dictates; thus what best suits America’s interests in our region is prioritized while Palestine, the alleged 'central cause' of the Arab World, will always remain on the back-burner till it’s swallowed whole by Israeli settlements and colonies; nothing is too much to make sure Israeli occupation is comfortable and unencumbered in its pursuit of a 'Jewish State' on Arab Palestinian lands."

Or subject the Jewish state to the same sanctions as Iran?

Time to Dissolve the Arab League? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

The committee, headed by former Supreme Court Justice Edmond Levy, claims that Israel’s control over the West Bank cannot be seen as “occupation” since no country has recognized sovereignty over the territory. Therefore, the Fourth Geneva Convention, which prevents the transfer of a civilian population by an occupying force into the occupied territory, does not apply to the West Bank.
Exactly. There would've been no war and no Occupied Territories today.
Israel as a Jewish state was created to ensure eternal conflict in the Middle East.
You mean like Muslim countries fighting one another? That's good!
Maybe this would be a good time to dissolve the Arab League?

"In fact; Arab League summits are increasingly becoming some sort of a ceremonial manifestation of this desolate state of paralysis.

"Instead of serving as a dynamic springboard for proactive initiatives to counter the various challenges facing the Arab world today; the only function these meetings seem to serve is to give some sort of an Arab caveat to American dictates; thus what best suits America’s interests in our region is prioritized while Palestine, the alleged 'central cause' of the Arab World, will always remain on the back-burner till it’s swallowed whole by Israeli settlements and colonies; nothing is too much to make sure Israeli occupation is comfortable and unencumbered in its pursuit of a 'Jewish State' on Arab Palestinian lands."

Or subject the Jewish state to the same sanctions as Iran?

Time to Dissolve the Arab League? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Yes dissolve the Arab League but why sanction Israel? They don't bother anybody.
Georgie, I think you need to get out of your apartment and get some fresh air.
It's Saturday night and you live in Los Angeles. There's got to be something better to do then stay at home and read anti Israel articles.
Egypt declared war on Israel.
Where's your proof of that?

I realize Nassar was a big-mouth asshole, but still, you made a claim, you need to back it up. Where's the proof?

It still doesn't change the fact that the war didn't start until Israel rolled it's tanks into Egypt. And in international circles, that's called an "invasion".

BTW, I find it funny Israel went to war with Egypt, so it could keep receiving oil from Iran.

From George's link:
Israel viewed the Straits of Tiran as a vital interest as it's where Israel received vital imports, mainly oil from Iran, and it threatened Israels ability to develop the Negev.
Georgie, I think you need to get out of your apartment and get some fresh air.
It's Saturday night and you live in Los Angeles. There's got to be something better to do then stay at home and read anti Israel articles.
I need to trash something you said earlier.

More on that later...
Annihilation was not an option in '67, as even prominent IDF aggressors fully admitted:

"Major General Mattityahu Peled, the Chief of Logistics for the Armed Forces during the war, said the survival argument was 'a bluff which was born and developed only after the war ... When we spoke of the war in the General Staff, we talked of the political ramifications if we didn't go to war — what would happen to Israel in the next 25 years. Never of survival today.'[162]

"Peled also stated that 'To pretend that the Egyptian forces massed on our frontiers were in a position to threaten the existence of Israel constitutes an insult not only to the intelligence of anyone capable of analyzing this sort of situation, but above all an insult to Zahal (Israeli military).'"

Origins of the Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hindsight is 20/20. According to the Arabs annihilation was not only the goal, but imminent:
In the weeks leading up to the Six Day War:

President Abdul Rahman Arif of Iraq said that "the existence of Israel is an error which must be rectified. This is an opportunity to wipe out the ignominy which has been with us since 1948".[92] The Iraqi Prime Minister predicted that "there will be practically no Jewish survivors".

In May 1967, Hafez al-Assad, then Syria's Defense Minister declared: "Our forces are now entirely ready not only to repulse the aggression, but to initiate the act of liberation itself, and to explode the Zionist presence in the Arab homeland. The Syrian Army, with its finger on the trigger, is united... I, as a military man, believe that the time has come to enter into a battle of annihilation."[93]

Unfortunately extermination was always the goal. To finish what Hitler started.
If Egypt, Syria and Jordan had succeeded, there would have been no palestine. Each would have occupied and annexed, officially or not. It was never the intent to create a palestine. It was never about the palestinian people. Syria, Egypt, even Jordan would have preferred a greater arab state. They would have kept the spoils of war on Israel, not shared them with the refugees.

Georgie, I think you need to get out of your apartment and get some fresh air.
It's Saturday night and you live in Los Angeles. There's got to be something better to do then stay at home and read anti Israel articles.

Maybe keep the computer monitor from falling over in the earthquakes?
Egypt declared war on Israel.
Where's your proof of that?

I realize Nassar was a big-mouth asshole, but still, you made a claim, you need to back it up. Where's the proof?

It still doesn't change the fact that the war didn't start until Israel rolled it's tanks into Egypt. And in international circles, that's called an "invasion".

BTW, I find it funny Israel went to war with Egypt, so it could keep receiving oil from Iran.

From George's link:
Israel viewed the Straits of Tiran as a vital interest as it's where Israel received vital imports, mainly oil from Iran, and it threatened Israels ability to develop the Negev.
It's a good think Bobo the DUFUS isn't in charge of any nation's defense. He'll wait till they get attacked or nuked before he reacted. :cuckoo:
The Muslims made the mistake of threatening and provoking Israel in a half-dozen ways in the weeks leading up to the 1967 War.

If you cannot back up your threats (such as Nassar's, speaking in a pan-Arab context), you should not make the threats in the first place.

You cannot piss and moan afterwards, and say that you were not actually powerful enough at the time to carry out your threat, and thereby should be considered by History as having posed none.


Don't want to get your ass kicked?

Then don't be stupid enough to make Extermination Threats that you cannot carry out, in the first place.


Otherwise, don't come back like whiny little bitches, 30 or 40 years later, pissing and moaning about not really being serious in your threats or not having enough muscle to carry them out - therefore making you the victim rather than the aggressor - or complaining about how the Winners kept what they took from you by force of arms, in a war you provoked.

Honest-to-God... anybody stupid enough to do that and to let that happen to them must have camel shit for brains... Idiotic, Excuse-making, Under-performing Losers.
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