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Hamas puts out claimed death tolls among Palestinians in three categories: total, children and women. The U.S. government disputes the figures, and for good reason, since Hamas has a long history of lying about casualties.

But even if their figures were accurate, they hide the relevant truth: how many of the dead were active Hamas terrorists? How many were directly complicit in terrorism? How many were vocal supporters of Hamas terrorism? How many 14-, 15-, 16- and 17-year olds, who Hamas counts as “children,” were in fact combatants or accessories? How many women were Hamas accessories?

How many were killed by misfiring terrorist rockets, as in the hospital parking lot? How many of those killed by Israeli fire are really totally innocent civilians, such as the very young children whose bodies Hamas eagerly displays on television? What are the actual percentages?

There is often no sharp line between combatants and civilians when it comes to Hamas terrorists and their facilitators, since Hamas does not have a regular army with uniforms and other criteria for distinguishing between the two. It is a continuum, with young children at the civilian end and complicit “civilians” at the combatant end, with many categories somewhere along the spectrum.

Hamas’s medical data deliberately denies the public the information necessary to honestly determine who and how many are closest to the civilian end as compared to the combatant end.

Recall the Hamas videos showing bloodthirsty crowds chanting “Allahu Akbar” as bleeding Israeli women were driven and displayed through the streets? Most of the cheering “civilians” in those crowds may be civilians as a matter of the law of war, but do they deserve the same sympathy as the dead babies that Hamas eagerly poses in front of TV cameras? No, it is a matter of degree.

What about members of the Hamas political wing? Where are they on the continuum? What about those who build, operate or service the Hamas terror tunnels?

A common mantra is that Israel is at war only with Hamas, not with the Palestinian people of Gaza. That ignores the reality that many, perhaps most, of the Palestinian people of Gaza support the brutal tactics of Hamas. Even their young children are taught that killing Jews is good. This does not make the children complicit, but what about the teachers? Even if it doesn’t make them combatants, it surely makes them less sympathetic victims, especially if they follow Hamas’s orders not to try to move away from areas of combat.

Not only did Hamas know its attack would lead to the death of Palestinians, it intended and desired that result as part of its “dead baby” playbook. Hamas knows that Israel never deliberately targets innocent babies. Why would it? It loses every time a dead Palestinian is displayed on TV cameras, as it is losing now in public opinion. Hamas also knows that despite every effort to avoid and reduce civilian casualties, some will occur, especially because Hamas uses them as human shields to protect its terrorists.

This tactic is well illustrated by the famous political cartoon showing an Israeli soldier shooting from in front of a baby carriage to protect the baby, while a Hamas terrorist fires from behind a carriage, using the baby to protect him.

So, when you hear the number of Palestinians that Hamas claims were killed, ask hard questions. The number of totally innocent civilians may be far lower than the misleading totals released by Hamas’s partisans as parts of its public relations war against Israel.

(full article online)

Israeli inspectors earlier this week uncovered several oxygen concentrators meant to aerate the tunnels operated by terror groups in Gaza, two senior Israeli officials tell The Times of Israel.

“These weren’t for use in the hospitals, but below them. That’s why they were smuggled among boxes of cookies,” one of the senior Israeli officials says, adding that the entire truck in which the oxygen concentrators were found was barred from entering Gaza.

Neither official provided a photo of the oxygen concentrators in question and they did not disclose which organization was responsible for sending the truck.

Since Egypt opened its Rafah crossing into Gaza 11 days ago, several hundred trucks filled with humanitarian aid have been able to enter Gaza following inspections by both Egyptian and Israeli authorities.

The trucks first enter Egypt where they undergo an initial round of inspections. They then are driven into Israel through the Nitzana crossing where they are inspected by Israel’s COGAT military liaison before being sent back to Egypt and driven into Gaza through the Rafah crossing, a second Israeli official tells The Times of Israel, saying the format was agreed upon after extensive talks between Israel, Egypt and the United States.

It’s a war, not a meet and greet. Combatants carry guns and either charge or run away from their enemy combatants. That’s how combatants identify friend vs foe.

And there is no universal database where every ambulance is registered and every medics team is certified and taken an oath not to transport combatants.

Hamas can paint any car as ambulance and there is no way we can know which is actual ambulance and which is not. What can you do in such a case? File a complaint with Hamas’s “Health Ministry?”

[ Keeping all Palestinians hostages to the ideology of destroying Israel at the cost of countless Muslim lives. For Allah]

A family member told me that I "should raise the Palestinian flag if I care about the innocent children and civilians who are bombed in Gaza

."I will NOT raise the Palestinian flag specifically because I care about the innocent children and civilians who are bombed in Gaza.

I will NOT raise the Palestinian flag because innocent children are bombed in Gaza because of Hamas.

I will NOT raise the Palestinian flag because this flag is weaponized to exacerbate an antisemitic agenda that I will not stand by.

I will NOT raise the Palestinian flag because most people who raise the Palestinian flag scream, "From the river to the sea, the Jews will be eradicated.”

I will NOT raise the Palestinian flag because I care for innocent Palestinian lives, but I do not care for terrorism.

I will NOT raise the Palestinian flag until the majority of Palestinians collectively condemn and ex-communicate Hamas.

I will NOT raise the Palestinian flag until Palestinians wish to live in peace side by side with the Jews.

I will NOT raise the Palestinian flag because I do not have to prove my humanity and empathy to those who do not seek peace.

I will NOT raise the Palestinian flag until Palestine is free from Hamas.


Jews are 'fleeing the West to go to the war zone for safety': Avi Yemini on rising antisemitism​


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