It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard

For one thing, it's clear that Trump is not a devotee of reading, whether it's newspapers, books or memos. Instead, he is most moved by what he sees and hears in a most fundamental sense. When Trump began receiving intelligence briefings in January, his aides asked the briefers to reduce the number of words in their daily briefing book and instead use more pictures and other graphics. Trump, the aides explained, is a "visual and auditory learner," according to the Washington Post. After Trump took office in January, his staff assessed President Barack Obama's contingency plans for Syria and trimmed them into small pieces, illustrated by photos, the Post said, so Trump could get a better grasp on what was going on in his own way and so he could best improve the situation.

Critics are hardly reassured by these tendencies, which strike them as puerile and superficial. But this visual focus should not be surprising given that Trump achieved fame as the host of a reality-television show where appearances and impressions were everything

No wonder he constantly changes his mind....he has the attention span of a goldfish

Donald Trump's Governing Styles Has Critics Up in Arms


After the last few presidents the Republicans have put forth they have shown an increasing propensity to nominate less and less intelligent people as time goes by. They came close to absolute batshit whackjobbery with Palin and at the time you couldn't imagine anyone more ignorant or clueless than the non-reading Palin.

Enter drumpf who finds it hard to spell words correctly in a tweet. Who likely has never read and never intends to read the Constitution and now is shown to not be able to read normal intelligence briefings that all the presidents before have read. He needs 'pictures', like that ape that learned sign language. It could read but could communicate with pictures.

Republicans reached the bottom of the barrel with Shrub, but that wasn't enough. They have turned the barrel over and scraped the scum off the bottom and elected that president. Devolution in process. Going from human to brainless amoeba.
Republicans have established illiteracy as a virtue

They look for leaders who are not bogged down with pesky things like facts. You are always better when you trust your gut

Even the leaders of rightwing media never finished college.....Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck
Education is elitist
Education is not merely elitist but subversive. The Right sees campuses as places of "Leftist indoctrination", not higher learning.

Science particularly is a sticky wicket for Right Wingers. Science tells them that yes indeed, humans effect the planet and often times adversely effect it. Science tells them that the potential of genetics and stem cells could unlock the puzzles that chronic disease poses. Science tells Right Wingers that mankind was not conjured up as a cmpleted animal and put on earth like a potted geranium. Mankind, like all animals evolved over the ages. Yes sir! Science is tough on a lot of Conservative dogma.

'Smart ass', 'smarty pants', smart alec'. Smarts are not a virtue, they are a Vice to be demeaned and demonized. And now they have selected a petulant game show host as commander-in-Chief. A wholly incurious man who tends to listen to the last person talking at the table. Mara Largo's own Charles Foster Kane but without all that "genius baggage".

Yet liberals insist a baby is not a fetus, to justify murder go figure...

Only in the liberal mind do they think they have all the answers, yet propagate the media with junk science to promote their admitted social justice.

"Junk Science". That's another epithet Conservatives apply to knowledge. Gut instinct serves them poorly as a substitute for intellectual curiosity.

Some of us graduated from the 2nd grade when they were talking about you know Ice ages, dinosaurs and stuff.. And know the world is a lot older then around 140 years old when they started to keep temperature records.

For one thing, it's clear that Trump is not a devotee of reading, whether it's newspapers, books or memos. Instead, he is most moved by what he sees and hears in a most fundamental sense. When Trump began receiving intelligence briefings in January, his aides asked the briefers to reduce the number of words in their daily briefing book and instead use more pictures and other graphics. Trump, the aides explained, is a "visual and auditory learner," according to the Washington Post. After Trump took office in January, his staff assessed President Barack Obama's contingency plans for Syria and trimmed them into small pieces, illustrated by photos, the Post said, so Trump could get a better grasp on what was going on in his own way and so he could best improve the situation.

Critics are hardly reassured by these tendencies, which strike them as puerile and superficial. But this visual focus should not be surprising given that Trump achieved fame as the host of a reality-television show where appearances and impressions were everything

No wonder he constantly changes his mind....he has the attention span of a goldfish

Donald Trump's Governing Styles Has Critics Up in Arms


After the last few presidents the Republicans have put forth they have shown an increasing propensity to nominate less and less intelligent people as time goes by. They came close to absolute batshit whackjobbery with Palin and at the time you couldn't imagine anyone more ignorant or clueless than the non-reading Palin.

Enter drumpf who finds it hard to spell words correctly in a tweet. Who likely has never read and never intends to read the Constitution and now is shown to not be able to read normal intelligence briefings that all the presidents before have read. He needs 'pictures', like that ape that learned sign language. It could read but could communicate with pictures.

Republicans reached the bottom of the barrel with Shrub, but that wasn't enough. They have turned the barrel over and scraped the scum off the bottom and elected that president. Devolution in process. Going from human to brainless amoeba.
Republicans have established illiteracy as a virtue

They look for leaders who are not bogged down with pesky things like facts. You are always better when you trust your gut

Even the leaders of rightwing media never finished college.....Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck
Education is elitist
Education is not merely elitist but subversive. The Right sees campuses as places of "Leftist indoctrination", not higher learning.

Science particularly is a sticky wicket for Right Wingers. Science tells them that yes indeed, humans effect the planet and often times adversely effect it. Science tells them that the potential of genetics and stem cells could unlock the puzzles that chronic disease poses. Science tells Right Wingers that mankind was not conjured up as a cmpleted animal and put on earth like a potted geranium. Mankind, like all animals evolved over the ages. Yes sir! Science is tough on a lot of Conservative dogma.

'Smart ass', 'smarty pants', smart alec'. Smarts are not a virtue, they are a Vice to be demeaned and demonized. And now they have selected a petulant game show host as commander-in-Chief. A wholly incurious man who tends to listen to the last person talking at the table. Mara Largo's own Charles Foster Kane but without all that "genius baggage".

And here it is... today's "conservatives hate education/we're so much smarter than you" thread.
I don't claim to be smarter than anyone. But I treasure my education and wish at least the same if not better experience for everyone. I value curiosity and a lust, yes lust, for learning.

I see that as virtuous and would require that lust for learning from a President. Don't you?

Trump has a Wharton MBA. Those don't grow on trees.

And yes, I treasure my education. But I don't beat people about the head with it as many here do.
For one thing, it's clear that Trump is not a devotee of reading, whether it's newspapers, books or memos. Instead, he is most moved by what he sees and hears in a most fundamental sense. When Trump began receiving intelligence briefings in January, his aides asked the briefers to reduce the number of words in their daily briefing book and instead use more pictures and other graphics. Trump, the aides explained, is a "visual and auditory learner," according to the Washington Post. After Trump took office in January, his staff assessed President Barack Obama's contingency plans for Syria and trimmed them into small pieces, illustrated by photos, the Post said, so Trump could get a better grasp on what was going on in his own way and so he could best improve the situation.

Critics are hardly reassured by these tendencies, which strike them as puerile and superficial. But this visual focus should not be surprising given that Trump achieved fame as the host of a reality-television show where appearances and impressions were everything

No wonder he constantly changes his mind....he has the attention span of a goldfish

Donald Trump's Governing Styles Has Critics Up in Arms


After the last few presidents the Republicans have put forth they have shown an increasing propensity to nominate less and less intelligent people as time goes by. They came close to absolute batshit whackjobbery with Palin and at the time you couldn't imagine anyone more ignorant or clueless than the non-reading Palin.

Enter drumpf who finds it hard to spell words correctly in a tweet. Who likely has never read and never intends to read the Constitution and now is shown to not be able to read normal intelligence briefings that all the presidents before have read. He needs 'pictures', like that ape that learned sign language. It could read but could communicate with pictures.

Republicans reached the bottom of the barrel with Shrub, but that wasn't enough. They have turned the barrel over and scraped the scum off the bottom and elected that president. Devolution in process. Going from human to brainless amoeba.
Republicans have established illiteracy as a virtue

They look for leaders who are not bogged down with pesky things like facts. You are always better when you trust your gut

Even the leaders of rightwing media never finished college.....Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck
Education is elitist
Education is not merely elitist but subversive. The Right sees campuses as places of "Leftist indoctrination", not higher learning.

Science particularly is a sticky wicket for Right Wingers. Science tells them that yes indeed, humans effect the planet and often times adversely effect it. Science tells them that the potential of genetics and stem cells could unlock the puzzles that chronic disease poses. Science tells Right Wingers that mankind was not conjured up as a cmpleted animal and put on earth like a potted geranium. Mankind, like all animals evolved over the ages. Yes sir! Science is tough on a lot of Conservative dogma.

'Smart ass', 'smarty pants', smart alec'. Smarts are not a virtue, they are a Vice to be demeaned and demonized. And now they have selected a petulant game show host as commander-in-Chief. A wholly incurious man who tends to listen to the last person talking at the table. Mara Largo's own Charles Foster Kane but without all that "genius baggage".

And here it is... today's "conservatives hate education/we're so much smarter than you" thread.

Go for it

Provide evidence to the contrary that Trump is a voracious reader who amazes his aides with his amount of independent research
After the last few presidents the Republicans have put forth they have shown an increasing propensity to nominate less and less intelligent people as time goes by. They came close to absolute batshit whackjobbery with Palin and at the time you couldn't imagine anyone more ignorant or clueless than the non-reading Palin.

Enter drumpf who finds it hard to spell words correctly in a tweet. Who likely has never read and never intends to read the Constitution and now is shown to not be able to read normal intelligence briefings that all the presidents before have read. He needs 'pictures', like that ape that learned sign language. It could read but could communicate with pictures.

Republicans reached the bottom of the barrel with Shrub, but that wasn't enough. They have turned the barrel over and scraped the scum off the bottom and elected that president. Devolution in process. Going from human to brainless amoeba.
Republicans have established illiteracy as a virtue

They look for leaders who are not bogged down with pesky things like facts. You are always better when you trust your gut

Even the leaders of rightwing media never finished college.....Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck
Education is elitist
Education is not merely elitist but subversive. The Right sees campuses as places of "Leftist indoctrination", not higher learning.

Science particularly is a sticky wicket for Right Wingers. Science tells them that yes indeed, humans effect the planet and often times adversely effect it. Science tells them that the potential of genetics and stem cells could unlock the puzzles that chronic disease poses. Science tells Right Wingers that mankind was not conjured up as a cmpleted animal and put on earth like a potted geranium. Mankind, like all animals evolved over the ages. Yes sir! Science is tough on a lot of Conservative dogma.

'Smart ass', 'smarty pants', smart alec'. Smarts are not a virtue, they are a Vice to be demeaned and demonized. And now they have selected a petulant game show host as commander-in-Chief. A wholly incurious man who tends to listen to the last person talking at the table. Mara Largo's own Charles Foster Kane but without all that "genius baggage".

Yet liberals insist a baby is not a fetus, to justify murder go figure...

Only in the liberal mind do they think they have all the answers, yet propagate the media with junk science to promote their admitted social justice.

"Junk Science". That's another epithet Conservatives apply to knowledge. Gut instinct serves them poorly as a substitute for intellectual curiosity.

Some of us graduated from the 2nd grade when they were talking about you know Ice ages, dinosaurs and stuff.. And know the world is a lot older then around 140 years old when they started to keep temperature records.


What kind of scientist sees a 10 year period out of 4,500,000,000 years as a trend?
After the last few presidents the Republicans have put forth they have shown an increasing propensity to nominate less and less intelligent people as time goes by. They came close to absolute batshit whackjobbery with Palin and at the time you couldn't imagine anyone more ignorant or clueless than the non-reading Palin.

Enter drumpf who finds it hard to spell words correctly in a tweet. Who likely has never read and never intends to read the Constitution and now is shown to not be able to read normal intelligence briefings that all the presidents before have read. He needs 'pictures', like that ape that learned sign language. It could read but could communicate with pictures.

Republicans reached the bottom of the barrel with Shrub, but that wasn't enough. They have turned the barrel over and scraped the scum off the bottom and elected that president. Devolution in process. Going from human to brainless amoeba.
Republicans have established illiteracy as a virtue

They look for leaders who are not bogged down with pesky things like facts. You are always better when you trust your gut

Even the leaders of rightwing media never finished college.....Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck
Education is elitist
Education is not merely elitist but subversive. The Right sees campuses as places of "Leftist indoctrination", not higher learning.

Science particularly is a sticky wicket for Right Wingers. Science tells them that yes indeed, humans effect the planet and often times adversely effect it. Science tells them that the potential of genetics and stem cells could unlock the puzzles that chronic disease poses. Science tells Right Wingers that mankind was not conjured up as a cmpleted animal and put on earth like a potted geranium. Mankind, like all animals evolved over the ages. Yes sir! Science is tough on a lot of Conservative dogma.

'Smart ass', 'smarty pants', smart alec'. Smarts are not a virtue, they are a Vice to be demeaned and demonized. And now they have selected a petulant game show host as commander-in-Chief. A wholly incurious man who tends to listen to the last person talking at the table. Mara Largo's own Charles Foster Kane but without all that "genius baggage".

And here it is... today's "conservatives hate education/we're so much smarter than you" thread.
I don't claim to be smarter than anyone. But I treasure my education and wish at least the same if not better experience for everyone. I value curiosity and a lust, yes lust, for learning.

I see that as virtuous and would require that lust for learning from a President. Don't you?

Trump has a Wharton MBA. Those don't grow on trees.

And yes, I treasure my education. But I don't beat people about the head with it as many here do.

Wharton is world renowned for its MBA program
Trump does not have one

Trump only received a Bachelors Degree in Business yet he implies he has an MBA
For one thing, it's clear that Trump is not a devotee of reading, whether it's newspapers, books or memos. Instead, he is most moved by what he sees and hears in a most fundamental sense. When Trump began receiving intelligence briefings in January, his aides asked the briefers to reduce the number of words in their daily briefing book and instead use more pictures and other graphics. Trump, the aides explained, is a "visual and auditory learner," according to the Washington Post. After Trump took office in January, his staff assessed President Barack Obama's contingency plans for Syria and trimmed them into small pieces, illustrated by photos, the Post said, so Trump could get a better grasp on what was going on in his own way and so he could best improve the situation.

Critics are hardly reassured by these tendencies, which strike them as puerile and superficial. But this visual focus should not be surprising given that Trump achieved fame as the host of a reality-television show where appearances and impressions were everything

No wonder he constantly changes his mind....he has the attention span of a goldfish

Donald Trump's Governing Styles Has Critics Up in Arms


After the last few presidents the Republicans have put forth they have shown an increasing propensity to nominate less and less intelligent people as time goes by. They came close to absolute batshit whackjobbery with Palin and at the time you couldn't imagine anyone more ignorant or clueless than the non-reading Palin.

Enter drumpf who finds it hard to spell words correctly in a tweet. Who likely has never read and never intends to read the Constitution and now is shown to not be able to read normal intelligence briefings that all the presidents before have read. He needs 'pictures', like that ape that learned sign language. It could read but could communicate with pictures.

Republicans reached the bottom of the barrel with Shrub, but that wasn't enough. They have turned the barrel over and scraped the scum off the bottom and elected that president. Devolution in process. Going from human to brainless amoeba.
Republicans have established illiteracy as a virtue

They look for leaders who are not bogged down with pesky things like facts. You are always better when you trust your gut

Even the leaders of rightwing media never finished college.....Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck
Education is elitist
Education is not merely elitist but subversive. The Right sees campuses as places of "Leftist indoctrination", not higher learning.

Science particularly is a sticky wicket for Right Wingers. Science tells them that yes indeed, humans effect the planet and often times adversely effect it. Science tells them that the potential of genetics and stem cells could unlock the puzzles that chronic disease poses. Science tells Right Wingers that mankind was not conjured up as a cmpleted animal and put on earth like a potted geranium. Mankind, like all animals evolved over the ages. Yes sir! Science is tough on a lot of Conservative dogma.

'Smart ass', 'smarty pants', smart alec'. Smarts are not a virtue, they are a Vice to be demeaned and demonized. And now they have selected a petulant game show host as commander-in-Chief. A wholly incurious man who tends to listen to the last person talking at the table. Mara Largo's own Charles Foster Kane but without all that "genius baggage".

And here it is... today's "conservatives hate education/we're so much smarter than you" thread.

Go for it

Provide evidence to the contrary that Trump is a voracious reader who amazes his aides with his amount of independent research

I have no Earthly clue that he is or isn't a voracious reader. Nor do you. Anyway, did you even read my comment? It had nothing to do with Trump's reading habits.
After the last few presidents the Republicans have put forth they have shown an increasing propensity to nominate less and less intelligent people as time goes by. They came close to absolute batshit whackjobbery with Palin and at the time you couldn't imagine anyone more ignorant or clueless than the non-reading Palin.

Enter drumpf who finds it hard to spell words correctly in a tweet. Who likely has never read and never intends to read the Constitution and now is shown to not be able to read normal intelligence briefings that all the presidents before have read. He needs 'pictures', like that ape that learned sign language. It could read but could communicate with pictures.

Republicans reached the bottom of the barrel with Shrub, but that wasn't enough. They have turned the barrel over and scraped the scum off the bottom and elected that president. Devolution in process. Going from human to brainless amoeba.
Republicans have established illiteracy as a virtue

They look for leaders who are not bogged down with pesky things like facts. You are always better when you trust your gut

Even the leaders of rightwing media never finished college.....Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck
Education is elitist
Education is not merely elitist but subversive. The Right sees campuses as places of "Leftist indoctrination", not higher learning.

Science particularly is a sticky wicket for Right Wingers. Science tells them that yes indeed, humans effect the planet and often times adversely effect it. Science tells them that the potential of genetics and stem cells could unlock the puzzles that chronic disease poses. Science tells Right Wingers that mankind was not conjured up as a cmpleted animal and put on earth like a potted geranium. Mankind, like all animals evolved over the ages. Yes sir! Science is tough on a lot of Conservative dogma.

'Smart ass', 'smarty pants', smart alec'. Smarts are not a virtue, they are a Vice to be demeaned and demonized. And now they have selected a petulant game show host as commander-in-Chief. A wholly incurious man who tends to listen to the last person talking at the table. Mara Largo's own Charles Foster Kane but without all that "genius baggage".

And here it is... today's "conservatives hate education/we're so much smarter than you" thread.

Go for it

Provide evidence to the contrary that Trump is a voracious reader who amazes his aides with his amount of independent research

I have no Earthly clue that he is or isn't a voracious reader. Nor do you. Anyway, did you even read my comment? It had nothing to do with Trump's reading habits.

Easy to find out
Find any reference about Trump that indicates he is a prolific reader on ANY subject
Republicans have established illiteracy as a virtue

They look for leaders who are not bogged down with pesky things like facts. You are always better when you trust your gut

Even the leaders of rightwing media never finished college.....Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck
Education is elitist
Education is not merely elitist but subversive. The Right sees campuses as places of "Leftist indoctrination", not higher learning.

Science particularly is a sticky wicket for Right Wingers. Science tells them that yes indeed, humans effect the planet and often times adversely effect it. Science tells them that the potential of genetics and stem cells could unlock the puzzles that chronic disease poses. Science tells Right Wingers that mankind was not conjured up as a cmpleted animal and put on earth like a potted geranium. Mankind, like all animals evolved over the ages. Yes sir! Science is tough on a lot of Conservative dogma.

'Smart ass', 'smarty pants', smart alec'. Smarts are not a virtue, they are a Vice to be demeaned and demonized. And now they have selected a petulant game show host as commander-in-Chief. A wholly incurious man who tends to listen to the last person talking at the table. Mara Largo's own Charles Foster Kane but without all that "genius baggage".

And here it is... today's "conservatives hate education/we're so much smarter than you" thread.
I don't claim to be smarter than anyone. But I treasure my education and wish at least the same if not better experience for everyone. I value curiosity and a lust, yes lust, for learning.

I see that as virtuous and would require that lust for learning from a President. Don't you?

Trump has a Wharton MBA. Those don't grow on trees.

And yes, I treasure my education. But I don't beat people about the head with it as many here do.

Wharton is world renowned for its MBA program
Trump does not have one

Trump only received a Bachelors Degree in Business yet he implies he has an MBA

Yes, you are partially correct... he only holds a Bachelors in Economics.

My bad.
Republicans have established illiteracy as a virtue

They look for leaders who are not bogged down with pesky things like facts. You are always better when you trust your gut

Even the leaders of rightwing media never finished college.....Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck
Education is elitist
Education is not merely elitist but subversive. The Right sees campuses as places of "Leftist indoctrination", not higher learning.

Science particularly is a sticky wicket for Right Wingers. Science tells them that yes indeed, humans effect the planet and often times adversely effect it. Science tells them that the potential of genetics and stem cells could unlock the puzzles that chronic disease poses. Science tells Right Wingers that mankind was not conjured up as a cmpleted animal and put on earth like a potted geranium. Mankind, like all animals evolved over the ages. Yes sir! Science is tough on a lot of Conservative dogma.

'Smart ass', 'smarty pants', smart alec'. Smarts are not a virtue, they are a Vice to be demeaned and demonized. And now they have selected a petulant game show host as commander-in-Chief. A wholly incurious man who tends to listen to the last person talking at the table. Mara Largo's own Charles Foster Kane but without all that "genius baggage".

And here it is... today's "conservatives hate education/we're so much smarter than you" thread.

Go for it

Provide evidence to the contrary that Trump is a voracious reader who amazes his aides with his amount of independent research

I have no Earthly clue that he is or isn't a voracious reader. Nor do you. Anyway, did you even read my comment? It had nothing to do with Trump's reading habits.

Easy to find out
Find any reference about Trump that indicates he is a prolific reader on ANY subject

I've never known a successful business man who didn't read a lot. You almost have to. Most read multiple newspapers a day, foreign and domestic.
Education is not merely elitist but subversive. The Right sees campuses as places of "Leftist indoctrination", not higher learning.

Science particularly is a sticky wicket for Right Wingers. Science tells them that yes indeed, humans effect the planet and often times adversely effect it. Science tells them that the potential of genetics and stem cells could unlock the puzzles that chronic disease poses. Science tells Right Wingers that mankind was not conjured up as a cmpleted animal and put on earth like a potted geranium. Mankind, like all animals evolved over the ages. Yes sir! Science is tough on a lot of Conservative dogma.

'Smart ass', 'smarty pants', smart alec'. Smarts are not a virtue, they are a Vice to be demeaned and demonized. And now they have selected a petulant game show host as commander-in-Chief. A wholly incurious man who tends to listen to the last person talking at the table. Mara Largo's own Charles Foster Kane but without all that "genius baggage".

And here it is... today's "conservatives hate education/we're so much smarter than you" thread.

Go for it

Provide evidence to the contrary that Trump is a voracious reader who amazes his aides with his amount of independent research

I have no Earthly clue that he is or isn't a voracious reader. Nor do you. Anyway, did you even read my comment? It had nothing to do with Trump's reading habits.

Easy to find out
Find any reference about Trump that indicates he is a prolific reader on ANY subject

I've never known a successful business man who didn't read a lot. You almost have to. Most read multiple newspapers a day, foreign and domestic.

Seems Trump is not one of them

He can't name a book he has read. He does not study up on key issues and does not ask questions that indicate he is very knowledgeable about the subject at hand

I have worked with many executives and they are amazingly hard workers. They do not know everything about every subject, but the executives I have worked with will identify five crucial subject areas needed for success and will amaze you with what they have picked up on those subjects.
On non-critical subjects, they will asked to be briefed on the three major things they need to know about that subject

Trump seems disinterested in all that.....too much work
And here it is... today's "conservatives hate education/we're so much smarter than you" thread.

Go for it

Provide evidence to the contrary that Trump is a voracious reader who amazes his aides with his amount of independent research

I have no Earthly clue that he is or isn't a voracious reader. Nor do you. Anyway, did you even read my comment? It had nothing to do with Trump's reading habits.

Easy to find out
Find any reference about Trump that indicates he is a prolific reader on ANY subject

I've never known a successful business man who didn't read a lot. You almost have to. Most read multiple newspapers a day, foreign and domestic.

Seems Trump is not one of them

He can't name a book he has read. He does not study up on key issues and does not ask questions that indicate he is very knowledgeable about the subject at hand

I have worked with many executives and they are amazingly hard workers. They do not know everything about every subject, but the executives I have worked with will identify five crucial subject areas needed for success and will amaze you with what they have picked up on those subjects.
On non-critical subjects, they will asked to be briefed on the three major things they need to know about that subject

Trump seems disinterested in all that.....too much work

I just read an article on the WAPO where he stated: He has no time to read, he said: “I never have. I’m always busy doing a lot. Now I’m more busy, I guess, than ever before.”
For one thing, it's clear that Trump is not a devotee of reading, whether it's newspapers, books or memos. Instead, he is most moved by what he sees and hears in a most fundamental sense. When Trump began receiving intelligence briefings in January, his aides asked the briefers to reduce the number of words in their daily briefing book and instead use more pictures and other graphics. Trump, the aides explained, is a "visual and auditory learner," according to the Washington Post. After Trump took office in January, his staff assessed President Barack Obama's contingency plans for Syria and trimmed them into small pieces, illustrated by photos, the Post said, so Trump could get a better grasp on what was going on in his own way and so he could best improve the situation.

Critics are hardly reassured by these tendencies, which strike them as puerile and superficial. But this visual focus should not be surprising given that Trump achieved fame as the host of a reality-television show where appearances and impressions were everything

No wonder he constantly changes his mind....he has the attention span of a goldfish

Donald Trump's Governing Styles Has Critics Up in Arms


Yep. He's a retard, there is no doubt about that. Amazing that a retard could dethrone the "most qualified evah"...

The Electoral College is anything but "amazing". It's an archaic holdover that slave rapers wanted.
The Troubling Reason the Electoral College Exists
Go for it

Provide evidence to the contrary that Trump is a voracious reader who amazes his aides with his amount of independent research

I have no Earthly clue that he is or isn't a voracious reader. Nor do you. Anyway, did you even read my comment? It had nothing to do with Trump's reading habits.

Easy to find out
Find any reference about Trump that indicates he is a prolific reader on ANY subject

I've never known a successful business man who didn't read a lot. You almost have to. Most read multiple newspapers a day, foreign and domestic.

Seems Trump is not one of them

He can't name a book he has read. He does not study up on key issues and does not ask questions that indicate he is very knowledgeable about the subject at hand

I have worked with many executives and they are amazingly hard workers. They do not know everything about every subject, but the executives I have worked with will identify five crucial subject areas needed for success and will amaze you with what they have picked up on those subjects.
On non-critical subjects, they will asked to be briefed on the three major things they need to know about that subject

Trump seems disinterested in all that.....too much work

I just read an article on the WAPO where he stated: He has no time to read, he said: “I never have. I’m always busy doing a lot. Now I’m more busy, I guess, than ever before.”

I'm too busy to know what I am doing?

Every President before him made time for reading, most were voracious readers
Republicans have established illiteracy as a virtue

They look for leaders who are not bogged down with pesky things like facts. You are always better when you trust your gut

Even the leaders of rightwing media never finished college.....Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck
Education is elitist
Education is not merely elitist but subversive. The Right sees campuses as places of "Leftist indoctrination", not higher learning.

Science particularly is a sticky wicket for Right Wingers. Science tells them that yes indeed, humans effect the planet and often times adversely effect it. Science tells them that the potential of genetics and stem cells could unlock the puzzles that chronic disease poses. Science tells Right Wingers that mankind was not conjured up as a cmpleted animal and put on earth like a potted geranium. Mankind, like all animals evolved over the ages. Yes sir! Science is tough on a lot of Conservative dogma.

'Smart ass', 'smarty pants', smart alec'. Smarts are not a virtue, they are a Vice to be demeaned and demonized. And now they have selected a petulant game show host as commander-in-Chief. A wholly incurious man who tends to listen to the last person talking at the table. Mara Largo's own Charles Foster Kane but without all that "genius baggage".

Yet liberals insist a baby is not a fetus, to justify murder go figure...

Only in the liberal mind do they think they have all the answers, yet propagate the media with junk science to promote their admitted social justice.

"Junk Science". That's another epithet Conservatives apply to knowledge. Gut instinct serves them poorly as a substitute for intellectual curiosity.

Some of us graduated from the 2nd grade when they were talking about you know Ice ages, dinosaurs and stuff.. And know the world is a lot older then around 140 years old when they started to keep temperature records.


What kind of scientist sees a 10 year period out of 4,500,000,000 years as a trend?

What kind of cognitive dissonance does it take to claim to be proud of their education and then deny climate change within two minutes?
And here it is... today's "conservatives hate education/we're so much smarter than you" thread.

Go for it

Provide evidence to the contrary that Trump is a voracious reader who amazes his aides with his amount of independent research

I have no Earthly clue that he is or isn't a voracious reader. Nor do you. Anyway, did you even read my comment? It had nothing to do with Trump's reading habits.

Easy to find out
Find any reference about Trump that indicates he is a prolific reader on ANY subject

I've never known a successful business man who didn't read a lot. You almost have to. Most read multiple newspapers a day, foreign and domestic.

Seems Trump is not one of them

He can't name a book he has read. He does not study up on key issues and does not ask questions that indicate he is very knowledgeable about the subject at hand

I have worked with many executives and they are amazingly hard workers. They do not know everything about every subject, but the executives I have worked with will identify five crucial subject areas needed for success and will amaze you with what they have picked up on those subjects.
On non-critical subjects, they will asked to be briefed on the three major things they need to know about that subject

Trump seems disinterested in all that.....too much work

Lucky you, I worked with an idiot owner in Chicago one time for a few months who loved to micro manage shit, he would come in on Saturday's to read the paper and stare out on the shop floor.

That guy was the epitome of spending a few 100 bucks to save a few pennies.. I used to tell him how come he is not out playing golf or something?

Go for it

Provide evidence to the contrary that Trump is a voracious reader who amazes his aides with his amount of independent research

I have no Earthly clue that he is or isn't a voracious reader. Nor do you. Anyway, did you even read my comment? It had nothing to do with Trump's reading habits.

Easy to find out
Find any reference about Trump that indicates he is a prolific reader on ANY subject

I've never known a successful business man who didn't read a lot. You almost have to. Most read multiple newspapers a day, foreign and domestic.

Seems Trump is not one of them

He can't name a book he has read. He does not study up on key issues and does not ask questions that indicate he is very knowledgeable about the subject at hand

I have worked with many executives and they are amazingly hard workers. They do not know everything about every subject, but the executives I have worked with will identify five crucial subject areas needed for success and will amaze you with what they have picked up on those subjects.
On non-critical subjects, they will asked to be briefed on the three major things they need to know about that subject

Trump seems disinterested in all that.....too much work

I just read an article on the WAPO where he stated: He has no time to read, he said: “I never have. I’m always busy doing a lot. Now I’m more busy, I guess, than ever before.”

Not too busy that he doesn't have time to keep jetting down to Florida to golf. He could read on the plane. He's not interested.
Education is not merely elitist but subversive. The Right sees campuses as places of "Leftist indoctrination", not higher learning.

Science particularly is a sticky wicket for Right Wingers. Science tells them that yes indeed, humans effect the planet and often times adversely effect it. Science tells them that the potential of genetics and stem cells could unlock the puzzles that chronic disease poses. Science tells Right Wingers that mankind was not conjured up as a cmpleted animal and put on earth like a potted geranium. Mankind, like all animals evolved over the ages. Yes sir! Science is tough on a lot of Conservative dogma.

'Smart ass', 'smarty pants', smart alec'. Smarts are not a virtue, they are a Vice to be demeaned and demonized. And now they have selected a petulant game show host as commander-in-Chief. A wholly incurious man who tends to listen to the last person talking at the table. Mara Largo's own Charles Foster Kane but without all that "genius baggage".

Yet liberals insist a baby is not a fetus, to justify murder go figure...

Only in the liberal mind do they think they have all the answers, yet propagate the media with junk science to promote their admitted social justice.

"Junk Science". That's another epithet Conservatives apply to knowledge. Gut instinct serves them poorly as a substitute for intellectual curiosity.

Some of us graduated from the 2nd grade when they were talking about you know Ice ages, dinosaurs and stuff.. And know the world is a lot older then around 140 years old when they started to keep temperature records.


What kind of scientist sees a 10 year period out of 4,500,000,000 years as a trend?

What kind of cognitive dissonance does it take to claim to be proud of their education and then deny climate change within two minutes?

When was he denying climate change? Hell listen to Bill Bye he is now upset because we are not in a Ice Age because humans stopped it

(I swear to god he must have stock in some snow blower company)

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