It looks as though Miami will be unaffected...

. Cat 4 now... Anything else you want to be wrong about ?? LOL
Shame on the national hurricane center... lol

As a Canadian, I know a thing or two about snow and blizzards. I've also been through a hurricane. I'll take the worst blizzard any day of the week.

You stock up on food, get a generator, and pick up some good books from the library and hunker down.

With a hurricane, you pray to God that the storm won't take the shelter you're in, and the flood waters rising in the yard don't get higher. It was the most frightening thing ever, and the hurricane I endured was a category 1 - nothing like this monster.

I agree. I'd be hard pressed to feel the need to evacuate for a blizzard. So long as the construction and pitch of the roof is enough to keep the roof from caving under the weight of the snow, I'm good.
Agreed...we've had a few in the Buffalo area when I was a kid....hunker down...have food and water, blankets....maybe a generator.....fireplace and wood.....Of course, later on....we had snowmobiles and my father and I resupplied our road with food stuffs.

Our neighbours had snowmobiles. They'd ride over to the local general store and get supplies for the neighbourhood - about 4 farms, including theirs. The store owners lived on the property so the store was always kept open even in the roads weren't. They'd run accounts for all of us until the roads were plowed.

We'd play cards, and socialize until the roads were cleared. If the power went out, well just throw another log in the fireplace. It was like a mini-vacation.

We had dairy farmers on our road. Those roads get plowed first. There's only so much the farm storage tanks can hold and once they're full, the milk goes down the drain. If you're buying a house in the country, look for the dairy farms.
Snowstorms very vastly depending on where they are at, in high population areas you don't have to worry that much.
The mainstream media? It was the NOAA's predictions and the Governor who made those calls; the MSM just reported it, as it should.
You're missing my point, people watch networks like CNN. And the silly fucker on CNN over the last few days Has been telling people to evacuate their house in the Miami area.
So a bunch of disabled and elderly people have been leaving for shelters then sitting out in the heat and humidity for a whole day waiting for shelter… Unnecessarily

Then there is those who evacuated to the wrong side of Florida… That should've stayed where they were.

And like I said over and over again I would be pissed if I Lived in the Miami area and I evacuated, especially if I evacuated to the wrong side of Florida. Lol
No, I DID understand your point. As a matter of fact, early this a.m. when I first saw the updates on what is predicted for Miami, I did think to myself, a lot of people are going to pissed that they evacuated. They will ignore future warnings that might mean the difference between life and death the next time around. However, from what is happening right now, I'm pretty sure most people will be happy they got out. Unless they went to Tampa, that is.
My point exactly, The so called "news" should present the facts and No opinion on these sort of things.
The freedom of individuality has been lost in this country... unfortunately
I don't think the disabled and elderly will be very happy on their evacuation... and those that evacuated to the wrong side of Florida should be fucking pissed. But then again I guess they can always catch up on Game of Thrones in a shelter according to little Rubio. :lmao:
Here's a message from CNN to those they told to evacuate...
The so called "news" should present the facts and No opinion on these sort of things.
Rustic, Rustic, Rustic. There is no hope, is there, of you grasping the difference between fact and opinion?
I can't help you. I've tried before.
Most people in high population areas take the news as gospel, which the mainstream media is all about opinion and no facts.
The mainstream media lost their shit prematurely… Like I said if I lived there I'd be fucking pissed if I evacuated

You're the same asscrack who thinks the fucking weather is "political", so --- so much for what you'd be pissed about. :eusa_hand:


Oh by the way --- that guy ^^ got the hell out, the fucking hypocrite.
The mainstream media? It was the NOAA's predictions and the Governor who made those calls; the MSM just reported it, as it should.
You're missing my point, people watch networks like CNN. And the silly fucker on CNN over the last few days Has been telling people to evacuate their house in the Miami area.
So a bunch of disabled and elderly people have been leaving for shelters then sitting out in the heat and humidity for a whole day waiting for shelter… Unnecessarily

Then there is those who evacuated to the wrong side of Florida… That should've stayed where they were.

And like I said over and over again I would be pissed if I Lived in the Miami area and I evacuated, especially if I evacuated to the wrong side of Florida. Lol
. What you got to say today ? LOL.. Please stop.
People need to quit thinking the mainstream media has the best interests of the people in mind...

Word of the day… Groupthink


Actually morons like YOU need to stop thinking getting your tinfoil on is all that matters especially on shit you know less than zero about.

Quick check just now tells me there's already a million Floridans without power, and she's only over the keys so far, with 130mph winds. And as expected she strengthened over the water upon leaving Cuba, and downtown Miami is already described as "completely underwater".

But you go ahead and sit on your ass preaching to those people about how it ain't real, asshole.

Word of the day: Tinfoil.
STORM SURGE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FOR MIAMI ... Forecast: 50-65 mph with gusts to 100 mph - Window for Tropical Storm force winds: until ...

Where the fucknut clipped that warning off:

- The wind threat has increased from the previous assessment.
- Remain braced against the reasonable threat for hurricane
force wind of 74 to 110 mph of equivalent Category 1 to 2

- To be safe, efforts should fully focus on protecting life.
Properties remain subject to extensive wind impacts.
- Now is the time to urgently hide from the wind. Failure to
adequately shelter may result in serious injury or loss of
life. Remain sheltered until the hazardous wind subsides.
- Potential impacts from the main wind event are unfolding.

- LATEST LOCAL FORECAST: Life-threatening storm surge possible
- Peak Storm Surge Inundation: The potential for 3-5 feet
above ground somewhere within surge prone areas
- Window of concern: through Monday morning
- The storm surge threat has remained nearly steady from the
previous assessment.
- Emergency considerations should posture for a reasonable
threat for dangerous storm surge flooding of greater than 3
feet above ground.
- To be safe, evacuees should be located within prescribed
shelters and well away from storm surge flooding capable of
significant impacts.
- Life-threatening inundation is possible. Those who failed
to take protective action risk serious injury or loss of
- Potential impacts from the main surge event are unfolding.

- LATEST LOCAL FORECAST: Flood Watch is in effect
- Peak Rainfall Amounts: Additional 4-8 inches, with locally
higher amounts
- The flooding rain threat has remained nearly steady from
the previous assessment.
- Emergency considerations should include a threat of
- Be safe and remain ready to protect against flooding rain
- If flood related watches and warnings are in effect, heed
recommended actions.
- POTENTIAL IMPACTS: Devastating to Catastrophic
- Extreme rainfall flooding may prompt numerous evacuations
and rescues.
- Ditches and canals may overwhelmingly overflow their banks
in many places with deep moving water. Flood control
systems and barriers may become stressed.
- Flood waters can enter numerous structures within multiple
communities, some structures becoming uninhabitable or
washed away. Numerous places where flood waters may cover
escape routes with streets, parking lots and underpasses
submerged. Driving conditions become very dangerous.
Numerous road and bridge closures with some weakened or
washed out.

- LATEST LOCAL FORECAST: Tornado Watch is in effect
- Situation is favorable for tornadoes
- The tornado threat has remained nearly steady from the
previous assessment.
- Emergency considerations should include a reasonable threat
for tornadoes.
- Be safe and remain ready to protect against tornado
impacts. Stay informed.
- Listen for tornado watches and warnings. If a tornado
approaches, quickly move to the safest place within your
- The occurrence of scattered tornadoes can hinder the
execution of emergency plans during tropical events.
- Several places may experience tornado damage with a few
spots of considerable damage, power loss, and
communications failures.
- Locations could realize roofs torn off frame houses, mobile
homes demolished, boxcars overturned, large trees snapped
or uprooted, vehicles tumbled, and small boats tossed
about. Dangerous projectiles can add to the toll.

- Miami - South Florida
No, I DID understand your point. As a matter of fact, early this a.m. when I first saw the updates on what is predicted for Miami, I did think to myself, a lot of people are going to pissed that they evacuated. They will ignore future warnings that might mean the difference between life and death the next time around. However, from what is happening right now, I'm pretty sure most people will be happy they got out. Unless they went to Tampa, that is.

I'm pretty sure most people will be happy they got out. Unless they went to Tampa, that is.

Given the forecasts were clear that Irma would strike FL, why would people "evacuate" to some other place in FL? I'd be thinking, well, maybe this'd be a good time to take a vacation and go to Nashville, Biloxi or New Orleans, or perhaps to visit with family who live somewhere other than FL, particularly seeing as Irma was cited as being bigger than FL.

Maybe I watched too many horror movies with my black friends...They always teased about white folks in horror movies.

"See. That's white folks. That's what y'all do. The damn house is telling y'all to get the hell out, and what do you white folks do? Get indignant about being told what to do, 'I'm staying right here. I'm not going anywhere.'"​


We don’t need a stretcher in there. We need a mop!
-- Nightmare on Elm Street
You're missing my point, people watch networks like CNN. And the silly fucker on CNN over the last few days Has been telling people to evacuate their house in the Miami area.
So a bunch of disabled and elderly people have been leaving for shelters then sitting out in the heat and humidity for a whole day waiting for shelter… Unnecessarily

Then there is those who evacuated to the wrong side of Florida… That should've stayed where they were.

And like I said over and over again I would be pissed if I Lived in the Miami area and I evacuated, especially if I evacuated to the wrong side of Florida. Lol
No, I DID understand your point. As a matter of fact, early this a.m. when I first saw the updates on what is predicted for Miami, I did think to myself, a lot of people are going to pissed that they evacuated. They will ignore future warnings that might mean the difference between life and death the next time around. However, from what is happening right now, I'm pretty sure most people will be happy they got out. Unless they went to Tampa, that is.
My point exactly, The so called "news" should present the facts and No opinion on these sort of things.
The freedom of individuality has been lost in this country... unfortunately
I don't think the disabled and elderly will be very happy on their evacuation... and those that evacuated to the wrong side of Florida should be fucking pissed. But then again I guess they can always catch up on Game of Thrones in a shelter according to little Rubio. :lmao:
Here's a message from CNN to those they told to evacuate...
The so called "news" should present the facts and No opinion on these sort of things.
Rustic, Rustic, Rustic. There is no hope, is there, of you grasping the difference between fact and opinion?
I can't help you. I've tried before.
Most people in high population areas take the news as gospel, which the mainstream media is all about opinion and no facts.
The mainstream media lost their shit prematurely… Like I said if I lived there I'd be fucking pissed if I evacuated

You're the same asscrack who thinks the fucking weather is "political", so --- so much for what you'd be pissed about. :eusa_hand:


Oh by the way --- that guy ^^ got the hell out, the fucking hypocrite.
Like I said the freedom of individuality is lost in this country... there can be no freedom with political correctness as the rule of law.
No, I DID understand your point. As a matter of fact, early this a.m. when I first saw the updates on what is predicted for Miami, I did think to myself, a lot of people are going to pissed that they evacuated. They will ignore future warnings that might mean the difference between life and death the next time around. However, from what is happening right now, I'm pretty sure most people will be happy they got out. Unless they went to Tampa, that is.

I'm pretty sure most people will be happy they got out. Unless they went to Tampa, that is.

Given the forecasts were clear that Irma would strike FL, why would people "evacuate" to some other place in FL? I'd be thinking, well, maybe this'd be a good time to take a vacation and go to Nashville, Biloxi or New Orleans, or perhaps to visit with family who live somewhere other than FL, particularly seeing as Irma was cited as being bigger than FL.

Maybe I watched too many horror movies with my black friends...They always teased about white folks in horror movies.

"See. That's white folks. That's what y'all do. The damn house is telling y'all to get the hell out, and what do you white folks do? Get indignant about being told what to do, 'I'm staying right here. I'm not going anywhere.'"​


We don’t need a stretcher in there. We need a mop!
-- Nightmare on Elm Street
No doubt, being responsible for one's self is a lost art in the collective of political correctness… LOL
No, I DID understand your point. As a matter of fact, early this a.m. when I first saw the updates on what is predicted for Miami, I did think to myself, a lot of people are going to pissed that they evacuated. They will ignore future warnings that might mean the difference between life and death the next time around. However, from what is happening right now, I'm pretty sure most people will be happy they got out. Unless they went to Tampa, that is.
My point exactly, The so called "news" should present the facts and No opinion on these sort of things.
The freedom of individuality has been lost in this country... unfortunately
I don't think the disabled and elderly will be very happy on their evacuation... and those that evacuated to the wrong side of Florida should be fucking pissed. But then again I guess they can always catch up on Game of Thrones in a shelter according to little Rubio. :lmao:
Here's a message from CNN to those they told to evacuate...
The so called "news" should present the facts and No opinion on these sort of things.
Rustic, Rustic, Rustic. There is no hope, is there, of you grasping the difference between fact and opinion?
I can't help you. I've tried before.
Most people in high population areas take the news as gospel, which the mainstream media is all about opinion and no facts.
The mainstream media lost their shit prematurely… Like I said if I lived there I'd be fucking pissed if I evacuated

You're the same asscrack who thinks the fucking weather is "political", so --- so much for what you'd be pissed about. :eusa_hand:


Oh by the way --- that guy ^^ got the hell out, the fucking hypocrite.
Like I said the freedom of individuality is lost in this country... there can be no freedom with political correctness as the rule of law.
. Going off topic in your own OP ?? LOL :cuckoo:
No, I DID understand your point. As a matter of fact, early this a.m. when I first saw the updates on what is predicted for Miami, I did think to myself, a lot of people are going to pissed that they evacuated. They will ignore future warnings that might mean the difference between life and death the next time around. However, from what is happening right now, I'm pretty sure most people will be happy they got out. Unless they went to Tampa, that is.

I'm pretty sure most people will be happy they got out. Unless they went to Tampa, that is.

Given the forecasts were clear that Irma would strike FL, why would people "evacuate" to some other place in FL? I'd be thinking, well, maybe this'd be a good time to take a vacation and go to Nashville, Biloxi or New Orleans, or perhaps to visit with family who live somewhere other than FL, particularly seeing as Irma was cited as being bigger than FL.

Maybe I watched too many horror movies with my black friends...They always teased about white folks in horror movies.

"See. That's white folks. That's what y'all do. The damn house is telling y'all to get the hell out, and what do you white folks do? Get indignant about being told what to do, 'I'm staying right here. I'm not going anywhere.'"​


We don’t need a stretcher in there. We need a mop!
-- Nightmare on Elm Street

Given the predicted track, staying in the state doesn't make sense. Hurricane paths are notoriously unpredictable so monitoring the latest predictions while you drive is essential. The practical exit would have been to inch to the east and head toward Savannah. Unless you evacuated a week ago when the storm was supposed to point AT Savannah.

When a storm approaches New Orleans it seems people gravitate to Baton Rouge. I don't get that idea. You're not going any further inland, you're only going west. If the storm goes east it makes sense but that's a gamble. The idea is to go inland where the storm will be starved of its fuel (water).
My point exactly, The so called "news" should present the facts and No opinion on these sort of things.
The freedom of individuality has been lost in this country... unfortunately
I don't think the disabled and elderly will be very happy on their evacuation... and those that evacuated to the wrong side of Florida should be fucking pissed. But then again I guess they can always catch up on Game of Thrones in a shelter according to little Rubio. :lmao:
Here's a message from CNN to those they told to evacuate...
The so called "news" should present the facts and No opinion on these sort of things.
Rustic, Rustic, Rustic. There is no hope, is there, of you grasping the difference between fact and opinion?
I can't help you. I've tried before.
Most people in high population areas take the news as gospel, which the mainstream media is all about opinion and no facts.
The mainstream media lost their shit prematurely… Like I said if I lived there I'd be fucking pissed if I evacuated

You're the same asscrack who thinks the fucking weather is "political", so --- so much for what you'd be pissed about. :eusa_hand:


Oh by the way --- that guy ^^ got the hell out, the fucking hypocrite.
Like I said the freedom of individuality is lost in this country... there can be no freedom with political correctness as the rule of law.
. Going off topic in your own OP ?? LOL :cuckoo:

Easy to do since he has no legitimate topic in the first place.
The so called "news" should present the facts and No opinion on these sort of things.
Rustic, Rustic, Rustic. There is no hope, is there, of you grasping the difference between fact and opinion?
I can't help you. I've tried before.
Most people in high population areas take the news as gospel, which the mainstream media is all about opinion and no facts.
The mainstream media lost their shit prematurely… Like I said if I lived there I'd be fucking pissed if I evacuated

You're the same asscrack who thinks the fucking weather is "political", so --- so much for what you'd be pissed about. :eusa_hand:


Oh by the way --- that guy ^^ got the hell out, the fucking hypocrite.
Like I said the freedom of individuality is lost in this country... there can be no freedom with political correctness as the rule of law.
. Going off topic in your own OP ?? LOL :cuckoo:

Easy to do since he has no legitimate topic in the first place.
Easy for him to say to ignore the warnings since he's not anywhere near Florida too.
The so called "news" should present the facts and No opinion on these sort of things.
Rustic, Rustic, Rustic. There is no hope, is there, of you grasping the difference between fact and opinion?
I can't help you. I've tried before.
Most people in high population areas take the news as gospel, which the mainstream media is all about opinion and no facts.
The mainstream media lost their shit prematurely… Like I said if I lived there I'd be fucking pissed if I evacuated

You're the same asscrack who thinks the fucking weather is "political", so --- so much for what you'd be pissed about. :eusa_hand:


Oh by the way --- that guy ^^ got the hell out, the fucking hypocrite.
Like I said the freedom of individuality is lost in this country... there can be no freedom with political correctness as the rule of law.
. Going off topic in your own OP ?? LOL :cuckoo:

Easy to do since he has no legitimate topic in the first place.
And as each hour goes by Rustic looks more and more stupid. Considering the stupidity level he started with, that's saying a lot.
Here's a nice map of Miami being "unaffected"
Broken down by county lines, it shows various levels of "unaffectedness". Apparently bright red means "nothing to see here, move along".

And oh yes South Florida is under tornado watch too, which are already being unaffectedly spawned by this nonexistent storm.

Nothing protects like self-delusion.
Most people in high population areas take the news as gospel, which the mainstream media is all about opinion and no facts.
The mainstream media lost their shit prematurely… Like I said if I lived there I'd be fucking pissed if I evacuated

You're the same asscrack who thinks the fucking weather is "political", so --- so much for what you'd be pissed about. :eusa_hand:


Oh by the way --- that guy ^^ got the hell out, the fucking hypocrite.
Like I said the freedom of individuality is lost in this country... there can be no freedom with political correctness as the rule of law.
. Going off topic in your own OP ?? LOL :cuckoo:

Easy to do since he has no legitimate topic in the first place.
And as each hour goes by Rustic looks more and more stupid. Considering the stupidity level he started with, that's saying a lot.

He's already a longstanding member of my Ignore list exactly for this vapid insipidity, but this particular thread was so irresponsible it prolly deserved the rebuke.

This place is crawling with sociopaths.
. Cat 4 now... Anything else you want to be wrong about ?? LOL
Shame on the national hurricane center... lol

As a Canadian, I know a thing or two about snow and blizzards. I've also been through a hurricane. I'll take the worst blizzard any day of the week.

You stock up on food, get a generator, and pick up some good books from the library and hunker down.

With a hurricane, you pray to God that the storm won't take the shelter you're in, and the flood waters rising in the yard don't get higher. It was the most frightening thing ever, and the hurricane I endured was a category 1 - nothing like this monster.

I agree. I'd be hard pressed to feel the need to evacuate for a blizzard. So long as the construction and pitch of the roof is enough to keep the roof from caving under the weight of the snow, I'm good.
Agreed...we've had a few in the Buffalo area when I was a kid....hunker down...have food and water, blankets....maybe a generator.....fireplace and wood.....Of course, later on....we had snowmobiles and my father and I resupplied our road with food stuffs.

Our neighbours had snowmobiles. They'd ride over to the local general store and get supplies for the neighbourhood - about 4 farms, including theirs. The store owners lived on the property so the store was always kept open even in the roads weren't. They'd run accounts for all of us until the roads were plowed.

We'd play cards, and socialize until the roads were cleared. If the power went out, well just throw another log in the fireplace. It was like a mini-vacation.

We had dairy farmers on our road. Those roads get plowed first. There's only so much the farm storage tanks can hold and once they're full, the milk goes down the drain. If you're buying a house in the country, look for the dairy farms.
We'd play cards, and socialize until the roads were cleared. If the power went out, well just throw another log in the fireplace. It was like a mini-vacation.

Yep. That's about what a blizzard is. In D.C. where I live, it's more like a two or three day party -- that's about the limit before bars and restaurants run out of booze -- than a vacation, but the idea is the same. No two ways about it. D.C. people love a good blizzard.
We downtown city dwellers have the time honored tradition of impromptu snowball fights. There's a snowball fight group that organizes them, but anybody and everyone can show up and join in the fun.

And with grand architecture and large sweeping expanses and vista like we have in D.C., how can one not go out and take advantage of it in the snow? D.C. is small enough that if one lives in the center of the city, the Capitol, The Mall, and some gorgeous parks are but a 25 or 30 minute' walk with plenty of bars along the way.




I won't lie. Clobbering one's friends with a barrage of snowballs is fun, but doing it to total stranger with a snowball is great fun! LOL And a carefully lobbed one that hits the woman who's caught your eye is among the best "pickup lines" I've come by. <winks>

The one in 2010 reportedly had some 2000 people.


This is another one that's at a park a few blocks north of the one shown above.


The snowball fight is the the thing in my part of town.

Over on Capitol Hill, sledding is the thing. Of course. It's not called Capitol HILL for nothing. LOL




"Back in the day," ice skating on the reflecting pool was a thing.




It's since closed but there used to also be skating at the National Gallery


Uptown where my family lived when I was a kid, outdoors and snow was pretty much a kids' thing.
Last edited:
Im just north and west to MIami
Let me say :
1 . The Hurricane Center could not have had it more wrong on both the track and the strength of Irma regarding Dade and Broward counties.
2, Most of the electrical outages are due to fallen trees, which means the Florida Power and Light were no doing their jobs since they are responsible for clearing tree limbs from the power lines. The had the whole summer to do this, and they failed in their jobs.
3, Hurricane Reporters are brain damaged.

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