It looks as though Miami will be unaffected...

Shame on the national hurricane center... lol

As a Canadian, I know a thing or two about snow and blizzards. I've also been through a hurricane. I'll take the worst blizzard any day of the week.

You stock up on food, get a generator, and pick up some good books from the library and hunker down.

With a hurricane, you pray to God that the storm won't take the shelter you're in, and the flood waters rising in the yard don't get higher. It was the most frightening thing ever, and the hurricane I endured was a category 1 - nothing like this monster.

I agree. I'd be hard pressed to feel the need to evacuate for a blizzard. So long as the construction and pitch of the roof is enough to keep the roof from caving under the weight of the snow, I'm good.
Agreed...we've had a few in the Buffalo area when I was a kid....hunker down...have food and water, blankets....maybe a generator.....fireplace and wood.....Of course, later on....we had snowmobiles and my father and I resupplied our road with food stuffs.

Our neighbours had snowmobiles. They'd ride over to the local general store and get supplies for the neighbourhood - about 4 farms, including theirs. The store owners lived on the property so the store was always kept open even in the roads weren't. They'd run accounts for all of us until the roads were plowed.

We'd play cards, and socialize until the roads were cleared. If the power went out, well just throw another log in the fireplace. It was like a mini-vacation.

We had dairy farmers on our road. Those roads get plowed first. There's only so much the farm storage tanks can hold and once they're full, the milk goes down the drain. If you're buying a house in the country, look for the dairy farms.
We'd play cards, and socialize until the roads were cleared. If the power went out, well just throw another log in the fireplace. It was like a mini-vacation.

Yep. That's about what a blizzard is. In D.C. where I live, it's more like a two or three day party -- that's about the limit before bars and restaurants run out of booze -- than a vacation, but the idea is the same. No two ways about it. D.C. people love a good blizzard.
We downtown city dwellers have the time honored tradition of impromptu snowball fights. There's a snowball fight group that organizes them, but anybody and everyone can show up and join in the fun.

And with grand architecture and large sweeping expanses and vista like we have in D.C., how can one not go out and take advantage of it in the snow? D.C. is small enough that if one lives in the center of the city, the Capitol, The Mall, and some gorgeous parks are but a 25 or 30 minute' walk with plenty of bars along the way.




I won't lie. Clobbering one's friends with a barrage of snowballs is fun, but doing it to total stranger with a snowball is great fun! LOL And a carefully lobbed one that hits the woman who's caught your eye is among the best "pickup lines" I've come by. <winks>

The one in 2010 reportedly had some 2000 people.


This is another one that's at a park a few blocks north of the one shown above.


The snowball fight is the the thing in my part of town.

Over on Capitol Hill, sledding is the thing. Of course. It's not called Capitol HILL for nothing. LOL




"Back in the day," ice skating on the reflecting pool was a thing.




It's since closed but there used to also be skating at the National Gallery


Uptown where my family lived when I was a kid, outdoors and snow was pretty much a kids' thing.


The result of northern plains snowstorms…
Im just north and west to MIami
Let me say :
1 . The Hurricane Center could not have had it more wrong on both the track and the strength of Irma regarding Dade and Broward counties.
2, Most of the electrical outages are due to fallen trees, which means the Florida Power and Light were no doing their jobs since they are responsible for clearing tree limbs from the power lines. The had the whole summer to do this, and they failed in their jobs.
3, Hurricane Reporters are brain damaged.

Even power companies can't predict which trees are going to blow which direction sideways in 130mph of wind. You're another idiot.

FPL and Trees

FPL | Trees | Frequently Asked Questions
FPL | Trees | Trees and Power Lines
Except for Miami did/do not have 130 mph winds… Dip shit
I'd be pissed if I evacuated...

So if you were in a coffee shop, and you saw some nutter enter with a machine gun, and you ran into the bathroom to hide, would you be upset that he didn't come into the bathroom to shoot you?
. He'd be mad because he didn't get the proper information on the shooter from the media in which he hates. LOL
And unarmed person is a victim… fact
Im just north and west to MIami
Let me say :
1 . The Hurricane Center could not have had it more wrong on both the track and the strength of Irma regarding Dade and Broward counties.
2, Most of the electrical outages are due to fallen trees, which means the Florida Power and Light were no doing their jobs since they are responsible for clearing tree limbs from the power lines. The had the whole summer to do this, and they failed in their jobs.
3, Hurricane Reporters are brain damaged.
Most of the electrical outages are due to fallen trees, which means the Florida Power and Light were no doing their jobs since they are responsible for clearing tree limbs from the power lines. The had the whole summer to do this, and they failed in their jobs.

Seriously? From the Miami Herald:
  • 8:00 a.m. -- "Trees and power lines are down, and transformers blew."
  • 9:25 a.m. -- "The city tweeted that most of the city had lost power, not a surprise as transformers blew like popcorn from late Saturday night until past Sunday dawn."
  • The eastern Venetian Causeway lights have been out since a transformer blew at around 11 p.m. Saturday.
  • Watch a transformer blow

Maybe falling trees are the cause where you are. Has it not occurred to you, however, that what happens where you are may not be indicative of what's happened across the whole of Miami?

Every time we have a snowstorm up here we lose all transformers, its part of the game
What the pressttitutes are really hoping for is a few of these. ,,,,,,

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What the pressttitutes are really hoping for is a few of these. ,,,,,,

You are one sick motherfucker.

No, "the media" is a sick motherfucker.

The higher the body count, the more human suffering the better!!

The media wants to control what everybody thinks, the more Mayham the better for the ratings.
Waiting for shit to happen is their very job description.... fact
Oh no!! The storm is rapidly decreasing in power......ratings will decline......


But the storm surge!! It could KILL millions!!! Millions i tell ya!!!

OH NO!!!!

Breaking news from CNN the Clinton news network…
Christopher Charles Cuomo Just said he was built to stand in wind, he does not get moved easily he says…

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