It really bugs me the rightwing thinks Americans are "exceptional"

What makes America "exceptional" are the "exceptional" people that have come from countries that wouldn't allow them to benefit from their
exceptionalism. America is the ONLY country in the world that is made up of people from around the world...that were/are exceptional.
That's why America is "exceptional" has been the freedom to be "exceptional"!
Almost all the major advancements in the past 150 years have been because America rewards people that are exceptional and those exceptional people took their OWN chances,energy lives to advance themselves. All because these exceptional people recognized one simple common fact.
The United States rewards exceptionalism! Math,science,building things, running things, i.e. all the activities that a country needs to advance their society was achieved by these "exceptional" people.
And all you critics of American exceptionalism are seen as idiots by these "exceptional" people that have come from countries where women HAVE to walk behind a man! Where a member of a "caste" will never get ahead... but in America CAN. From countries that practice barbaric acts on their people and the "exceptional" ones have escaped!
YES... America is exceptional because Americans are comprised of people from other countries THAT ARE EXCEPTIONAL and ONLY in America can they become what their exceptionalism provides... the freedom to be exceptional!!!

Horseshit. You'll find as much if not more people-diversity in, say, Canada. Or Brasil. Less racism too.
Get your head out of the sand mirror. You and I are no 'better' than a random Swede, Indian or Japanese.

This elitism crap belongs in the crapper.

What other Nation in the world has a Government by the People with unalienable rights that men's laws can't touch?

I don't happen to have the Constitutions of every nation strapped to my wrist but that's not what his post was about anyway. It was about (1) pretending nobody has the melting pot we do and (2) naked jingoist elitism. He didn't post anything about governments or rights.

But since those nasty Liberals founded this one, it's been copied and adapted --- a lot.

I think you misread that Pogo.
What he said is not about other countries having the diversity of people from different countries.
He is talking about any person who comes to America has the freedom to be what they want to be and the freedom to use their skills to advance our society.
They came to America for that freedom.
Of course, the democrats do all they can, to punish us for our Exceptionalism.
What makes America "exceptional" are the "exceptional" people that have come from countries that wouldn't allow them to benefit from their
exceptionalism. America is the ONLY country in the world that is made up of people from around the world...that were/are exceptional.
That's why America is "exceptional" has been the freedom to be "exceptional"!
Almost all the major advancements in the past 150 years have been because America rewards people that are exceptional and those exceptional people took their OWN chances,energy lives to advance themselves. All because these exceptional people recognized one simple common fact.
The United States rewards exceptionalism! Math,science,building things, running things, i.e. all the activities that a country needs to advance their society was achieved by these "exceptional" people.
And all you critics of American exceptionalism are seen as idiots by these "exceptional" people that have come from countries where women HAVE to walk behind a man! Where a member of a "caste" will never get ahead... but in America CAN. From countries that practice barbaric acts on their people and the "exceptional" ones have escaped!
YES... America is exceptional because Americans are comprised of people from other countries THAT ARE EXCEPTIONAL and ONLY in America can they become what their exceptionalism provides... the freedom to be exceptional!!!

Horseshit. You'll find as much if not more people-diversity in, say, Canada. Or Brasil. Less racism too.
Get your head out of the sand mirror. You and I are no 'better' than a random Swede, Indian or Japanese.

This elitism crap belongs in the crapper.

What other Nation in the world has a Government by the People with unalienable rights that men's laws can't touch?

I don't happen to have the Constitutions of every nation strapped to my wrist but that's not what his post was about anyway. It was about (1) pretending nobody has the melting pot we do and (2) naked jingoist elitism. He didn't post anything about governments or rights.

But since those nasty Liberals founded this one, it's been copied and adapted --- a lot.

I think you misread that Pogo.
What he said is not about other countries having the diversity of people from different countries.
He is talking about any person who comes to America has the freedom to be what they want to be and the freedom to use their skills to advance our society.
They came to America for that freedom.

They go a lot of places for that freedom, including staying where they came from. What I read him saying is "America" ... "rewards" people doing exceptional things -- he gives as examples "Math,science,building things, running things".

Well no shit. Everybody rewards that. Everybody except maybe North Korea.

The way I read it all of this is geared to try to set us up as some kind of -- as somebody else posted earlier--- "master race", to set us apart as some kind of superior entity. I think that's narcissistic bullshit. We've got no right to look down on some other society/country on the basis that "they're not one of us". That's a big can of worms.

And I don't see how you can say what he said is not about other countries having the diversity of people from different countries. The sheer myopia of this post is perhaps best encapsulated in this line --

" America is the ONLY country in the world that is made up of people from around the world ..that were/are exceptional."

--- and that is absolute crap. You'd have to have literally never left this country to believe shit like that.
I don't deny the fact that exceptional people built this nation. That is without question. I'm proud of that. However, this idea that Americans of today are more exceptional than other people in this world is such non sense. Stupid, entitled, materialistic, and arrogant is what Americans are.

My god, just look at the Tea Party. There are foreigners who admire America, but when they look at the Tea Party, they just scoff or laugh. Tea baggers, in terms of intelligence, are much stupider than the average person the world over. They are also selfish, arrogant and racist. I mean this is the movement who bitches about government spending but also insists on ridiculous tax cuts. How can you respect people who don't understand the concept of revenue?

And yes, I do think there are some great Americans living today. I just don't think being American has anything to do with it.

In terms of citizens, America is not at all superior to the rest of the world. Let's stop pretending that it is.
The liberal Blue part of America IS exceptional. They've created the best colleges, the best technology, they are the best in Science and so on. America IS exceptional, just not the conservative part, which, by very definition could never be exceptional.
Yet it was the church that built the first university in the usa.
How many years ago was that?

You don't think that Harvard or any of our Ivy league schools are great?
One-hundred-six of the first one-hundred-eight colleges formed in America were formed by Christians and built upon Christian principles.
What makes America "exceptional" are the "exceptional" people that have come from countries that wouldn't allow them to benefit from their
exceptionalism. America is the ONLY country in the world that is made up of people from around the world...that were/are exceptional.
That's why America is "exceptional" has been the freedom to be "exceptional"!
Almost all the major advancements in the past 150 years have been because America rewards people that are exceptional and those exceptional people took their OWN chances,energy lives to advance themselves. All because these exceptional people recognized one simple common fact.
The United States rewards exceptionalism! Math,science,building things, running things, i.e. all the activities that a country needs to advance their society was achieved by these "exceptional" people.
And all you critics of American exceptionalism are seen as idiots by these "exceptional" people that have come from countries where women HAVE to walk behind a man! Where a member of a "caste" will never get ahead... but in America CAN. From countries that practice barbaric acts on their people and the "exceptional" ones have escaped!
YES... America is exceptional because Americans are comprised of people from other countries THAT ARE EXCEPTIONAL and ONLY in America can they become what their exceptionalism provides... the freedom to be exceptional!!!

Horseshit. You'll find as much if not more people-diversity in, say, Canada. Or Brasil. Less racism too.
Get your head out of the sand mirror. You and I are no 'better' than a random Swede, Indian or Japanese.

This elitism crap belongs in the crapper.

What other Nation in the world has a Government by the People with unalienable rights that men's laws can't touch?

I don't happen to have the Constitutions of every nation strapped to my wrist but that's not what his post was about anyway. It was about (1) pretending nobody has the melting pot we do and (2) naked jingoist elitism. He didn't post anything about governments or rights.

But since those nasty Liberals founded this one, it's been copied and adapted --- a lot.

I think you misread that Pogo.
What he said is not about other countries having the diversity of people from different countries.
He is talking about any person who comes to America has the freedom to be what they want to be and the freedom to use their skills to advance our society.
They came to America for that freedom.

They go a lot of places for that freedom, including staying where they came from. What I read him saying is "America" ... "rewards" people doing exceptional things -- he gives as examples "Math,science,building things, running things".

Well no shit. Everybody rewards that. Everybody except maybe North Korea.

The way I read it all of this is geared to try to set us up as some kind of -- as somebody else posted earlier--- "master race", to set us apart as some kind of superior entity. I think that's narcissistic bullshit. We've got no right to look down on some other society/country on the basis that "they're not one of us". That's a big can of worms.

And I don't see how you can say what he said is not about other countries having the diversity of people from different countries. The sheer myopia of this post is perhaps best encapsulated in this line --

" America is the ONLY country in the world that is made up of people from around the world ..that were/are exceptional."

--- and that is absolute crap. You'd have to have literally never left this country to believe shit like that.


Tell that to these "exceptional" people and while you are at it ask them WHY they want to immigrate to the USA!!!
Screen Shot 2015-02-02 at 5.08.03 PM.png

150 Million Adults Worldwide Would Migrate to the U.S.
Potential migrants most likely to be Chinese, Nigerian, and Indian
150 Million Adults Worldwide Would Migrate to the U.S.
Horseshit. You'll find as much if not more people-diversity in, say, Canada. Or Brasil. Less racism too.
Get your head out of the sand mirror. You and I are no 'better' than a random Swede, Indian or Japanese.

This elitism crap belongs in the crapper.

What other Nation in the world has a Government by the People with unalienable rights that men's laws can't touch?

I don't happen to have the Constitutions of every nation strapped to my wrist but that's not what his post was about anyway. It was about (1) pretending nobody has the melting pot we do and (2) naked jingoist elitism. He didn't post anything about governments or rights.

But since those nasty Liberals founded this one, it's been copied and adapted --- a lot.

I think you misread that Pogo.
What he said is not about other countries having the diversity of people from different countries.
He is talking about any person who comes to America has the freedom to be what they want to be and the freedom to use their skills to advance our society.
They came to America for that freedom.

They go a lot of places for that freedom, including staying where they came from. What I read him saying is "America" ... "rewards" people doing exceptional things -- he gives as examples "Math,science,building things, running things".

Well no shit. Everybody rewards that. Everybody except maybe North Korea.

The way I read it all of this is geared to try to set us up as some kind of -- as somebody else posted earlier--- "master race", to set us apart as some kind of superior entity. I think that's narcissistic bullshit. We've got no right to look down on some other society/country on the basis that "they're not one of us". That's a big can of worms.

And I don't see how you can say what he said is not about other countries having the diversity of people from different countries. The sheer myopia of this post is perhaps best encapsulated in this line --

" America is the ONLY country in the world that is made up of people from around the world ..that were/are exceptional."

--- and that is absolute crap. You'd have to have literally never left this country to believe shit like that.


Tell that to these "exceptional" people and while you are at it ask them WHY they want to immigrate to the USA!!!
View attachment 36451
150 Million Adults Worldwide Would Migrate to the U.S.
Potential migrants most likely to be Chinese, Nigerian, and Indian
150 Million Adults Worldwide Would Migrate to the U.S.

Crap, indeed.

You just shot your own point in the foot. Obliterated it in fact.
Ten countries on your graph, nine of which are not the United States. And then of course all the ones not listed.

So much for "the ONLY" .....


See, this is the whole problem -- Superiorists think you're all that and a bag of chips. Pure hubris. More like just a bag.
What makes America "exceptional" are the "exceptional" people that have come from countries that wouldn't allow them to benefit from their
exceptional ism. America is the ONLY country in the world that is made up of people from around the world...that were/are exceptional.
That's why America is "exceptional" has been the freedom to be "exceptional"!
Almost all the major advancements in the past 150 years have been because America rewards people that are exceptional and those exceptional people took their OWN chances,energy lives to advance themselves. All because these exceptional people recognized one simple common fact.
The United States rewards exceptional ism! Math,science,building things, running things, i.e. all the activities that a country needs to advance their society was achieved by these "exceptional" people.
And all you critics of American exceptional ism are seen as idiots by these "exceptional" people that have come from countries where women HAVE to walk behind a man! Where a member of a "caste" will never get ahead... but in America CAN. From countries that practice barbaric acts on their people and the "exceptional" ones have escaped!
YES... America is exceptional because Americans are comprised of people from other countries THAT ARE EXCEPTIONAL and ONLY in America can they become what their exceptional ism provides... the freedom to be exceptional!!!

Horseshit. You'll find as much if not more people-diversity in, say, Canada. Or Brasil. Less racism too.
Get your head out of the sand mirror. You and I are no 'better' than a random Swede, Indian or Japanese.

This elitism crap belongs in the crapper.

What other Nation in the world has a Government by the People with unalienable rights that men's laws can't touch?

I don't happen to have the Constitutions of every nation strapped to my wrist but that's not what his post was about anyway. It was about (1) pretending nobody has the melting pot we do and (2) naked jingoist elitism. He didn't post anything about governments or rights.

But since those nasty Liberals founded this one, it's been copied and adapted --- a lot.

I think you misread that Pogo.
What he said is not about other countries having the diversity of people from different countries.
He is talking about any person who comes to America has the freedom to be what they want to be and the freedom to use their skills to advance our society.
They came to America for that freedom.

They go a lot of places for that freedom, including staying where they came from. What I read him saying is "America" ... "rewards" people doing exceptional things -- he gives as examples "Math,science,building things, running things".

Well no shit. Everybody rewards that. Everybody except maybe North Korea.

The way I read it all of this is geared to try to set us up as some kind of -- as somebody else posted earlier--- "master race", to set us apart as some kind of superior entity. I think that's narcissistic bullshit. We've got no right to look down on some other society/country on the basis that "they're not one of us". That's a big can of worms.

And I don't see how you can say what he said is not about other countries having the diversity of people from different countries. The sheer myopia of this post is perhaps best encapsulated in this line --

" America is the ONLY country in the world that is made up of people from around the world ..that were/are exceptional."

--- and that is absolute crap. You'd have to have literally never left this country to believe shit like that.

Yes you misread it.
What he is saying is people have the freedom in America to advance American society and in turn helps many other countries with our inventions.
No one has said that American exceptionalism looks down on other countries. That is what you are misreading.
Our Exceptionalism is for helping other countries.
Which it did, it helped to get rid of the monarchies, dictators and tyrants around the world. Our inventions helped advance many nations.
We are the only country in the world that brings in Trillions in taxes and because of the way our government is set up we became a new country that was equal with any other country within 50 years of out start. That in and of itself makes us exceptional.
We think are children re exceptional, even though they may be utter failures...I see no difference in having that same support and love for one's country.
PaintMyHouse Check out my latest sig, Commie.
I block all sigs, they annoy me, so post it.
I posted it on my signature space, Dweeb.
Sorry, can't see it and I'm not concerned. I hate sigs, they annoy me.
YOU absolutely ignorant provincial lover of

What other Nation in the world has a Government by the People with unalienable rights that men's laws can't touch?

I don't happen to have the Constitutions of every nation strapped to my wrist but that's not what his post was about anyway. It was about (1) pretending nobody has the melting pot we do and (2) naked jingoist elitism. He didn't post anything about governments or rights.

But since those nasty Liberals founded this one, it's been copied and adapted --- a lot.

I think you misread that Pogo.
What he said is not about other countries having the diversity of people from different countries.
He is talking about any person who comes to America has the freedom to be what they want to be and the freedom to use their skills to advance our society.
They came to America for that freedom.

They go a lot of places for that freedom, including staying where they came from. What I read him saying is "America" ... "rewards" people doing exceptional things -- he gives as examples "Math,science,building things, running things".

Well no shit. Everybody rewards that. Everybody except maybe North Korea.

The way I read it all of this is geared to try to set us up as some kind of -- as somebody else posted earlier--- "master race", to set us apart as some kind of superior entity. I think that's narcissistic bullshit. We've got no right to look down on some other society/country on the basis that "they're not one of us". That's a big can of worms.

And I don't see how you can say what he said is not about other countries having the diversity of people from different countries. The sheer myopia of this post is perhaps best encapsulated in this line --

" America is the ONLY country in the world that is made up of people from around the world ..that were/are exceptional."

--- and that is absolute crap. You'd have to have literally never left this country to believe shit like that.


Tell that to these "exceptional" people and while you are at it ask them WHY they want to immigrate to the USA!!!
View attachment 36451
150 Million Adults Worldwide Would Migrate to the U.S.
Potential migrants most likely to be Chinese, Nigerian, and Indian
150 Million Adults Worldwide Would Migrate to the U.S.

Crap, indeed.

You just shot your own point in the foot. Obliterated it in fact.
Ten countries on your graph, nine of which are not the United States. And then of course all the ones not listed.

So much for "the ONLY" .....


See, this is the whole problem -- Superiorists think you're all that and a bag of chips. Pure hubris. More like just a bag.

" America is the ONLY country in the world that is made up of people from around the world ..that were/are exceptional."

I SAID the ONLY country made up of people from around the world!
THAT is what I was stating was the ONLY country made up of "EXCEPTIONAL people from around the world!
NONE of those NINE countries were formed and existed from people that migrated to those countries!
Germany made up Germans! Spain all spanish little if ANY migrantion!

The point is you coprophagist that subsists from the output of dogs, that people WANT to come to the USA because they know they
can have a chance to be exceptional. YOU can crap all over yourself and you still won't get it because YOU are definitely NOT an exceptional person!
PaintMyHouse Check out my latest sig, Commie.
I block all sigs, they annoy me, so post it.
I posted it on my signature space, Dweeb.
Sorry, can't see it and I'm not concerned. I hate sigs, they annoy me.

YOU absolutely ignorant provincial lover of



I don't happen to have the Constitutions of every nation strapped to my wrist but that's not what his post was about anyway. It was about (1) pretending nobody has the melting pot we do and (2) naked jingoist elitism. He didn't post anything about governments or rights.

But since those nasty Liberals founded this one, it's been copied and adapted --- a lot.

I think you misread that Pogo.
What he said is not about other countries having the diversity of people from different countries.
He is talking about any person who comes to America has the freedom to be what they want to be and the freedom to use their skills to advance our society.
They came to America for that freedom.

They go a lot of places for that freedom, including staying where they came from. What I read him saying is "America" ... "rewards" people doing exceptional things -- he gives as examples "Math,science,building things, running things".

Well no shit. Everybody rewards that. Everybody except maybe North Korea.

The way I read it all of this is geared to try to set us up as some kind of -- as somebody else posted earlier--- "master race", to set us apart as some kind of superior entity. I think that's narcissistic bullshit. We've got no right to look down on some other society/country on the basis that "they're not one of us". That's a big can of worms.

And I don't see how you can say what he said is not about other countries having the diversity of people from different countries. The sheer myopia of this post is perhaps best encapsulated in this line --

" America is the ONLY country in the world that is made up of people from around the world ..that were/are exceptional."

--- and that is absolute crap. You'd have to have literally never left this country to believe shit like that.


Tell that to these "exceptional" people and while you are at it ask them WHY they want to immigrate to the USA!!!
View attachment 36451
150 Million Adults Worldwide Would Migrate to the U.S.
Potential migrants most likely to be Chinese, Nigerian, and Indian
150 Million Adults Worldwide Would Migrate to the U.S.

Crap, indeed.

You just shot your own point in the foot. Obliterated it in fact.
Ten countries on your graph, nine of which are not the United States. And then of course all the ones not listed.

So much for "the ONLY" .....


See, this is the whole problem -- Superiorists think you're all that and a bag of chips. Pure hubris. More like just a bag.

" America is the ONLY country in the world that is made up of people from around the world ..that were/are exceptional."

I SAID the ONLY country made up of people from around the world!
THAT is what I was stating was the ONLY country made up of "EXCEPTIONAL people from around the world!
NONE of those NINE countries were formed and existed from people that migrated to those countries!
Germany made up Germans! Spain all spanish little if ANY migrantion!

The point is you coprophagist that subsists from the output of dogs, that people WANT to come to the USA because they know they
can have a chance to be exceptional. YOU can crap all over yourself and you still won't get it because YOU are definitely NOT an exceptional person!

See what I mean, Peach? I didn't misread it at all. He just reaffirmed that he said what I said he said, and then melted down into "coprophagia".

That's exceptional.
I don't deny the fact that exceptional people built this nation. That is without question. I'm proud of that. However, this idea that Americans of today are more exceptional than other people in this world is such non sense. Stupid, entitled, materialistic, and arrogant is what Americans are.

My god, just look at the Tea Party. There are foreigners who admire America, but when they look at the Tea Party, they just scoff or laugh. Tea baggers, in terms of intelligence, are much stupider than the average person the world over. They are also selfish, arrogant and racist. I mean this is the movement who bitches about government spending but also insists on ridiculous tax cuts. How can you respect people who don't understand the concept of revenue?

And yes, I do think there are some great Americans living today. I just don't think being American has anything to do with it.

In terms of citizens, America is not at all superior to the rest of the world. Let's stop pretending that it is.

You obviously haven't spent much time investigating what the Tea Party represents. Instead, you rely on libzot talking points. Advocating for a reduction in both spending and tax cuts are not mutually exclusive. The waste in DC is beyond ridiculous. As for Tea Party members being "much stupider" than the average person, you provided a classic example of irony. "Much stupider"???? Lol... before you throw rocks you'd better move out of your glass house.
Horseshit. You'll find as much if not more people-diversity in, say, Canada. Or Brasil. Less racism too.
Get your head out of the sand mirror. You and I are no 'better' than a random Swede, Indian or Japanese.

This elitism crap belongs in the crapper.

What other Nation in the world has a Government by the People with unalienable rights that men's laws can't touch?

I don't happen to have the Constitutions of every nation strapped to my wrist but that's not what his post was about anyway. It was about (1) pretending nobody has the melting pot we do and (2) naked jingoist elitism. He didn't post anything about governments or rights.

But since those nasty Liberals founded this one, it's been copied and adapted --- a lot.

I think you misread that Pogo.
What he said is not about other countries having the diversity of people from different countries.
He is talking about any person who comes to America has the freedom to be what they want to be and the freedom to use their skills to advance our society.
They came to America for that freedom.

They go a lot of places for that freedom, including staying where they came from. What I read him saying is "America" ... "rewards" people doing exceptional things -- he gives as examples "Math,science,building things, running things".

Well no shit. Everybody rewards that. Everybody except maybe North Korea.

The way I read it all of this is geared to try to set us up as some kind of -- as somebody else posted earlier--- "master race", to set us apart as some kind of superior entity. I think that's narcissistic bullshit. We've got no right to look down on some other society/country on the basis that "they're not one of us". That's a big can of worms.

And I don't see how you can say what he said is not about other countries having the diversity of people from different countries. The sheer myopia of this post is perhaps best encapsulated in this line --

" America is the ONLY country in the world that is made up of people from around the world ..that were/are exceptional."

--- and that is absolute crap. You'd have to have literally never left this country to believe shit like that.

Yes you misread it.
What he is saying is people have the freedom in America to advance American society and in turn helps many other countries with our inventions.
No one has said that American exceptionalism looks down on other countries. That is what you are misreading.
Our Exceptionalism is for helping other countries.
Which it did, it helped to get rid of the monarchies, dictators and tyrants around the world. Our inventions helped advance many nations.
We are the only country in the world that brings in Trillions in taxes and because of the way our government is set up we became a new country that was equal with any other country within 50 years of out start. That in and of itself makes us exceptional.

What makes us exceptional is that we draw our rights from the authority of God...

And that means that we don't ask someone else, and we don't depend upon someone else to allow us to exercise our rights. WE, AMERICANS, JUST DO IT!

Now, to the Left, THAT is "EXTREMISM" and they're CORRECT... and it is that EXTREMISM which is EXCEPTIONAL.

(In case ya missed it... the Left literally 'feels' that the Ideological Right, OKA: AMERICANS, are exceptional, and they prove it, by their chronic referral to us, THE AMERICANS, as EXTREMISTS.)

See how that works?

Again, the reader probably recognizes by now that for an American to defeat a Leftist in debate, there is required two fundamental elements:

1- Find a Leftist.
2- Get them to Speak.
What other Nation in the world has a Government by the People with unalienable rights that men's laws can't touch?

I don't happen to have the Constitutions of every nation strapped to my wrist but that's not what his post was about anyway. It was about (1) pretending nobody has the melting pot we do and (2) naked jingoist elitism. He didn't post anything about governments or rights.

But since those nasty Liberals founded this one, it's been copied and adapted --- a lot.

I think you misread that Pogo.
What he said is not about other countries having the diversity of people from different countries.
He is talking about any person who comes to America has the freedom to be what they want to be and the freedom to use their skills to advance our society.
They came to America for that freedom.

They go a lot of places for that freedom, including staying where they came from. What I read him saying is "America" ... "rewards" people doing exceptional things -- he gives as examples "Math,science,building things, running things".

Well no shit. Everybody rewards that. Everybody except maybe North Korea.

The way I read it all of this is geared to try to set us up as some kind of -- as somebody else posted earlier--- "master race", to set us apart as some kind of superior entity. I think that's narcissistic bullshit. We've got no right to look down on some other society/country on the basis that "they're not one of us". That's a big can of worms.

And I don't see how you can say what he said is not about other countries having the diversity of people from different countries. The sheer myopia of this post is perhaps best encapsulated in this line --

" America is the ONLY country in the world that is made up of people from around the world ..that were/are exceptional."

--- and that is absolute crap. You'd have to have literally never left this country to believe shit like that.

Yes you misread it.
What he is saying is people have the freedom in America to advance American society and in turn helps many other countries with our inventions.
No one has said that American exceptionalism looks down on other countries. That is what you are misreading.
Our Exceptionalism is for helping other countries.
Which it did, it helped to get rid of the monarchies, dictators and tyrants around the world. Our inventions helped advance many nations.
We are the only country in the world that brings in Trillions in taxes and because of the way our government is set up we became a new country that was equal with any other country within 50 years of out start. That in and of itself makes us exceptional.

What makes us exceptional is that we draw our rights from the authority of God...

Like... Sharia?

And that means that we don't ask someone else, and we don't depend upon someone else to allow us to exercise our rights. WE, AMERICANS, JUST DO IT!

Wow. One sentence... "God" didn't last long, did She?

Now, to the Left, THAT is "EXTREMISM" and they're CORRECT... and it is that EXTREMISM which is EXCEPTIONAL.

(In case ya missed it... the Left literally 'feels' that the Ideological Right, OKA: AMERICANS, are exceptional, and they prove it, by their chronic referral to us, THE AMERICANS, as EXTREMISTS.)

See how that works?

Who said that, bold faced liar?

Still waiting for your acknowledgement about "Canada bans Fox News" btw ..... Liar.
Make shit up much?

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